21 research outputs found

    URI, URN e URL, una questione di definizioni : universal versus uniform

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    This article deals with the concepts of “Uniform Resource Indicator” (URI), “Uniform Resource Names” (URN), “Uniform Resource Characteristics” (URC) and “Uniform Resource Locator” (URL). Although it is not exhaustive because of the vastness of the topic, this article aims to offer a view on the topic to anyone who works and manages with remote electronic resources (RER) in their different aspects and different points of view. The analysed documents are: RFC Request for Comments (available in the IETF Internet Engineering Task Force’s website)and some drafts drawn up by the working groups within W3C The World Wide Web Consortium

    Dezentrale Identifikatoren (DIDs): Die nächste PID-Evolution: selbstsouverän, datenschutzfreundlich, dezentral

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    Dieser Beitrag behandelt den zuletzt vom W3C hervorgebrachten Standard für dezentrale Identifikatoren (Decentralized Identifiers, kurz: DIDs) in Bezug auf den Bereich des Forschungsdatenmanagements. Es wird dargelegt, dass die aktuell im wissenschaftlichen Publikationswesen häufig verwendeten persistenten Identifikatorensysteme (Persistent Identifiers, PIDs) wie Handle, DOI, ORCID und ROR aufgrund ihrer Zentralisierung fundamentale Probleme hinsichtlich der Datensicherheit, dem Datenschutz und bei der Sicherstellung der Datenintegrität aufweisen. Dem werden als mögliche Lösung das System der DIDs gegenübergestellt: eine neuartige Form von weltweit ein- deutigen Identifikatoren, die durch jedes Individuum oder jede Organisation selbst generiert und auf jeder als vertrauenswürdig erachteten Plattform betrieben werden können. Blockchains oder andere Distributed-Legder-Technologien können dabei als vertrauenswürdige Datenregister fungieren, aber auch direkte Peer-to-Peer-Verbindungen, auf bestehende Internetprotokolle aufsetzende Methoden oder statische DIDs sind möglich. Neben dem Schema wird die technische Spezifikation im Sinne von Datenmodell und die Anwendung von DIDs erläutert sowie im Vergleich die Unterschiede zu zentralisierten PID-Systemen herausgestellt. Zuletzt wird der Zusammenhang mit dem zugrundeliegenden neuen Paradigma einer dezentralen Identität, der Self-Sovereign Identity, hergestellt. SSI repräsentiert ein gesamtes Ökosystem, in dem Entitäten ein kryptografisch gesichertes Vertrauensnetzwerk auf der Basis von DIDs und digitalen Identitätsnachweisen bilden, um dezentral manipulationsgesichert und datenschutzgerecht identitätsbezogene Daten auszutauschen. Zum Schluss der Abhandlung stellt der Autor fünf zuvor herausgearbeitete Anforderungen in Bezug auf eine zeitgemäße Umsetzung von persistenten Identifikatoren vor.This paper discusses the latest W3C standard for decentralized identifiers (DIDs) with respect to research data management. It is shown that due to their centralization, persistent identifier systems (PIDs) currently used in scientific publishing, such as Handle, DOI, ORCID, and ROR, involve fundamental problems with regard to data security, data privacy and data integrity. This is contrasted with DIDs as a possible solution, a new form of globally unique identifiers that can be generated by any individual or organization and operated on any platform deemed trustworthy. Blockchains or other distributed ledger technologies can act as verifiable data registries, but direct peer-to-peer connections, methods built on existing Internet protocols, or static DIDs are also possible. In addition to the scheme, the technical specification in terms of the data model and the usage of DIDs are explained. The differences in comparison to centralized PID systems are outlined as well. Finally, the connection to the underlying new paradigm of a decentralized identity, called Self-Sovereign Identity, is shown. SSI represents an entire ecosystem in which entities form a cryptographically secured trust network based on DIDs and digital proofs of identity to exchange identity-related data in a decentralized, tamper-proof, and privacy-preserving manner. The author concludes by presenting five requirements derived from the discussion related to a state-of-the-art approach to the implementation of persistent identifiers

    Recursively invoking Linnaeus: A Taxonomy for Naming Systems

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    Naming is a central element of a distributed or network system design. Appropriate design choices are central. This paper explores a taxonomy of naming systems, and engineering tradeoffs as an aid to the namespace designer. The three orthogonal components of the taxonomy are the characteristics of the namespace itself, name assignment, and name resolution. Within each of these, we explore a number of distinct characteristics. The position of this paper is that engineering design of naming systems should be informed by the possibilities and tradeoffs that those possibilities represent. The paper includes a review of a sampling of naming system designs that reflect different choices within the taxonomy and discussion about why those choices were made.This effort was sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Air Force Research Laboratory, Air Force Materiel Command, USAF, under agreement number F30602-00-2-0553

    Semantic-free referencing in linked systems

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 43-45).The Web relies on the Domain Name System (DNS) to resolve the hostname portion of URLs into IP addresses. This marriage-of-convenience enabled the Web's meteoric rise, but the resulting entanglement is now hindering both infrastructures--the Web is overly constrained by the limitations of DNS, and DNS is unduly burdened by the demands of the Web. There has been much commentary on this sad state-of-affairs, but dissolving the ill-fated union between DNS and the Web requires a new way to resolve Web references. To this end, this thesis describes the design and implementation of Semantic Free Referencing (SFR), a reference resolution infrastructure based on distributed hash tables (DHTs).by Michael Walfish.S.M

    Kortlægning af standardiseringsmæssige tiltag og behov for samme

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    Automation of Cooperating Modules for e-Business

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    Tato práce pojednává o návrhu a implementaci API rozhraní pro aplikace společnosti IT STUDIO s.r.o. a následně návrhu a realizaci e-commerce kalendáře využívajícího API. V práci je popsán systém World Wide Web a jeho nejdůležitější části včetně možných protokolů pro realizaci rozhraní. Další část práce pojednává o specifkaci, analýze, návrhu rozhraní a návrhu aplikace. V části implementace jsou popsány použité knihovny a zvolená řešení včetně uvedení možných alternativ.This thesis discusses the design of API interface for applications for IT STUDIO s.r.o. and of the e-commerce calendar, using the API. In the introduction, there is described the system of the World Wide Web and its most important parts, including the possible protocols for implementing interfaces. The next part deals with the specifcation, analysis, interface design and application design. The implementation section describes used libraries and chosen solutions, including the description of possible alternatives.

    Governance in Namespaces

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    PRIDE Surveillance Projects Data Packaging Project Information Package Specification Version 1.1

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    A Framework for the Organization and Discovery of Information Resources in a WWW Environment Using Association, Classification and Deduction

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    The Semantic Web is envisioned as a next-generation WWW environment in which information is given well-defined meaning. Although the standards for the Semantic Web are being established, it is as yet unclear how the Semantic Web will allow information resources to be effectively organized and discovered in an automated fashion. This dissertation research explores the organization and discovery of resources for the Semantic Web. It assumes that resources on the Semantic Web will be retrieved based on metadata and ontologies that will provide an effective basis for automated deduction. An integrated deduction system based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF), the DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML) and description logic (DL) was built. A case study was conducted to study the system effectiveness in retrieving resources in a large Web resource collection. The results showed that deduction has an overall positive impact on the retrieval of the collection over the defined queries. The greatest positive impact occurred when precision was perfect with no decrease in recall. The sensitivity analysis was conducted over properties of resources, subject categories, query expressions and relevance judgment in observing their relationships with the retrieval performance. The results highlight both the potentials and various issues in applying deduction over metadata and ontologies. Further investigation will be required for additional improvement. The factors that can contribute to degraded performance were identified and addressed. Some guidelines were developed based on the lessons learned from the case study for the development of Semantic Web data and systems