9 research outputs found

    Open source repositories: Implications for libraries

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    Software that is accepted as “Open source” should comply with 10 conditions which are itinerated in the paper. The paper subsequently describes the application of open source initiatives in the digital library context. Three open source digital library initiatives developed by the Digital Library Research Group at the Faculty of Computer Science and information Technology, University of Malaya are highlighted. These are; (a) MyManuskrip: digital library of Malay manuscripts; (b) MyAIS : Digital library of Malaysian scholarly journals and conference proceedings; and (d) DSpace@Um: a digital library of dissertations, theses and final year project reports. Other “free” systems such as EJUM: electronic journal of university of Malaya is also described to highlight the slight difference between open source and being free. The paper also describes the libraries involved in the initiatives and the changing eco-system which libraries must accept to embrace the open source culture

    Development of an Environment for Virtual Information Retrieval in UPMNET

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    In this study, the development of an environment for virtual information retrieval in UPMNET that uses Internet tools such as email, USENET, BITNET, Gopher, WAIS, FTP, Telnet, Archie, Hytelnet, IRe, WWW etc is proposed. The purpose of this project is to gather all these tools to access or retrieve the information at any time. The methodology for this project is based on the concept of hypertext and hypermedia including HTTP, browser, HTML and URL. In this project, Internet tools have been categorised into three groups; online discussion, remote on-line database and real-time discussion. On-line discussion has been used for sharing ideas continuously, for instance using email while remote on-line database can be used for searching information in other various databases. Real-time discussion allows for academicians to have real life conversations as though they are in a 'face to face' situation. Another feature of this project is the development of a prototype of an electronic version for PERTANIKA Journal of Science and Technology. This prototype will consist of information on author, title, year of publishing, abstract of article and email of the author. This will enable academicians to share the ideas and disseminate their knowledge. It also represents one of the steps towards the implementation of an environment for virtual information retrieval in UPMNET. The study concludes with recommendations for further research on enhancing UPMNET applications particularly in the realms of office automation, research and dissemination of scholarly information

    FAIR data: componenti chiave e procedure

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    Presentazione nell'ambito del Workshop "Open Science and FAIR Data for Neuroscience, Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Università di Torino, Italia, 6-7-9-15 giugno 2022, Focus on Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, Computational Phenotyping ("phenomics"), Rare Diseases". I dati stanno acquistando ogni giorno sempre più importanza. Diventa centrale in questo contesto una corretta gestione e condivisione del dato e delle procedure adottate, ai fini del riuso, dell’interoperabilità e riproducibilità dell’esperimento (FAIR). Vedremo i componenti chiave di questo processo: dati, metadati, dataset, standard e procedure insieme ad alcuni esempi di utilizzo su Repositories online. Nella versione V1.1 sono stati introdotti alcuni concetti relativi a alla definizione di "Identificatore" e "DOI"

    Análise e proposta gráfica ao jornal impresso e o futuro do seu formato (redesign do jornal i)

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    O jornal impresso actual distancia-se do jornal de há décadas atrás. Evoluiu, modificou-se, tanto no seu aspecto gráfico, na selecção de conteúdo e o que ressalta mais num primeiro impacto, o seu formato. Na última década em específico são notórias as suas mudanças, diversos são os fatores que contribuem para tal. A presente dissertação aborda o formato do jornal e qual o futuro deste. A investigação pretende entender a evolução do jornal até aos dias actuais, com maior incidência na última década. Como a dissertação tem um cariz teórico- -prático (com recolha de dados, investigação e análise), esta é dividida por três partes: o enquadramento histórico, enquadramento teórico e enquadramento prático. Na primeira, pretende-se entender de forma breve todo o percuso do jornal ao longo dos anos, com maior incidência no formato. A segunda parte aborda específicamente a última década, bem como a actualidade. O formato e o design editorial são explanados, as suas componentes, tanto o formato impresso como o digital são importantes ser referidos para se compreender não só a alteração do formato impresso, mas também as características digitais incutidas nele, visualmente. A parte prática, terceira e última desta dissertação, inicia-se com estudo de casos e análise de seis jornais de referência (continente Europeu e América do Norte, especificamente). Também a realização de entrevistas vem acrescentar informação importante para a fundamentação da proposta gráfica do formato de jornal proposto. Todo o percurso efectuado na dissertação leva na procura de respostas e entender as causas para as mudanças de formato e o modo como estas alterações influenciam o conteúdo gráfico e o modo como o leitor encara a publicação

    Laporan tahunan

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    Laporan tahunan

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    Pienineliömassaisen uusiopaperin ajettavuuden testaaminen kuivaoffsetpainokoneessa

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tehdä koeajoja UPM Kymmene Oy Kaipolan paperitehtaan Botnia Printiä varten modifioidulla 40 g/m2 Eco X -paperilla, joka on suunnattu käytettäväksi suoramarkkinointituotteille. Opinnäytetyön taustalla ovat aikaisemmin ilmenneet ongelmat painettaessa vastaaville ohuille papereille Botnia Printin KBA Cortina -painokoneella. Paperin ajettavuutta ja painettavuutta tutkittiin tekemällä koeajoja. Eco X:n testausajot suunniteltiin hyvin, ja sen verrokkipaperina toimi UPM News 45 g/m eli Botnia Printillä päivittäisessä käytössä oleva sanomalehtipaperi. Koeajo osoitti, että UPM Kaipolan tehtaan arvio muutostarpeen suunnasta eli huokoistamisesta oli oikea ja UPM Eco X osoittautui potentiaaliseksi tuotantopaperiksi Botnia Printin painamille suoramarkkinointituotteille, joiden painosmäärät ovat suuria. Näin säästetään materiaali- ja kuljetuskustannuksissa, mikä on oleellista suoramarkkinointituotteille.The purpose of this thesis was to conduct test drives at the Botnia Print plant for the 40 g/m Eco X-paper produced by UPM Kymmene Kaipola papermills. The Eco X-paper is intended for direct-marketing products. This thesis project was needed because of the problems encountered with printing onto the same kind of thin papers with the KBA Cortina printing press in Botnia Print. The runnability and printability of the paper were studied by conducting test runs which were designed precisely by going through all the related factors affecting. For benchmarking purposes, the UPM News 45 g/m paper was used. UPM News 45 g/m -paper is in a daily use in Botnia Print. The UPM Kaipola papermills decided to aerate the surface of the paper. The test drive showed that UPM Kaipola papermill estimated right the need for changes in the paper structure. The UPM Eco X is a potential production paper when printing direct-marketing products. It saves materials and transportation costs which is important for direct marketing-products