681 research outputs found

    8th Annual Student Academic Conference

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    Minnesota State University Moorhead Student Academic Conference abstract book.https://red.mnstate.edu/sac-book/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Building and evaluating an inconspicuous smartphone authentication method

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    Tese de mestrado em Engenharia Informática, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2013Os smartphones que trazemos connosco estão cada vez mais entranhados nas nossas vidas intimas. Estes dispositivos possibilitam novas formas de trabalhar, de socializar, e ate de nos divertirmos. No entanto, também criaram novos riscos a nossa privacidade. Uma forma comum de mitigar estes riscos e configurar o dispositivo para bloquear apos um período de inatividade. Para voltar a utiliza-lo, e então necessário superar uma barreira de autenticação. Desta forma, se o aparelho cair das mãos de outra pessoa, esta não poderá utiliza-lo de forma a que tal constitua uma ameaça. O desbloqueio com autenticação e, assim, o mecanismo que comummente guarda a privacidade dos utilizadores de smartphones. Porem, os métodos de autenticação atualmente utilizados são maioritariamente um legado dos computadores de mesa. As palavras-passe e códigos de identificação pessoal são tornados menos seguros pelo facto de as pessoas criarem mecanismos para os memorizarem mais facilmente. Alem disso, introduzir estes códigos e inconveniente, especialmente no contexto móvel, em que as interações tendem a ser curtas e a necessidade de autenticação atrapalha a prossecução de outras tarefas. Recentemente, os smartphones Android passaram a oferecer outro método de autenticação, que ganhou um grau de adoção assinalável. Neste método, o código secreto do utilizador e uma sucessão de traços desenhados sobre uma grelha de 3 por 3 pontos apresentada no ecrã táctil. Contudo, quer os códigos textuais/numéricos, quer os padrões Android, são suscetíveis a ataques rudimentares. Em ambos os casos, o canal de entrada e o toque no ecrã táctil; e o canal de saída e o visual. Tal permite que outras pessoas possam observar diretamente a introdução da chave; ou que mais tarde consigam distinguir as marcas deixadas pelos dedos na superfície de toque. Alem disso, estes métodos não são acessíveis a algumas classes de utilizadores, nomeadamente os cegos. Nesta dissertação propõe-se que os métodos de autenticação em smartphones podem ser melhor adaptados ao contexto móvel. Nomeadamente, que a possibilidade de interagir com o dispositivo de forma inconspícua poderá oferecer aos utilizadores um maior grau de controlo e a capacidade de se auto-protegerem contra a observação do seu código secreto. Nesse sentido, foi identificada uma modalidade de entrada que não requer o canal visual: sucessões de toques independentes de localização no ecrã táctil. Estes padrões podem assemelhar-se (mas não estão limitados) a ritmos ou código Morse. A primeira contribuição deste trabalho e uma técnica algorítmica para a deteção destas sucessões de toques, ou frases de toque, como chaves de autenticação. Este reconhecedor requer apenas uma demonstração para configuração, o que o distingue de outras abordagens que necessitam de vários exemplos para treinar o algoritmo. O reconhecedor foi avaliado e demonstrou ser preciso e computacionalmente eficiente. Esta contribuição foi enriquecida com o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação Android que demonstra o conceito. A segunda contribuição e uma exploração de fatores humanos envolvidos no uso de frases de toque para autenticação. E consubstanciada em três estudos com utilizadores, em que o método de autenticação proposto e comparado com as alternativas mais comuns: PIN e o padrão Android. O primeiro estudo (N=30) compara os três métodos no que que diz respeito a resistência a observação e à usabilidade, entendida num sentido lato, que inclui a experiencia de utilização (UX). Os resultados sugerem que a usabilidade das três abordagens e comparável, e que em condições de observação perfeitas, nos três casos existe grande viabilidade de sucesso para um atacante. O segundo estudo (N=19) compara novamente os três métodos mas, desta feita, num cenário de autenticação inconspícua. Com efeito, os participantes tentaram introduzir os códigos com o dispositivo situado por baixo de uma mesa, fora do alcance visual. Neste caso, demonstra-se que a autenticação com frases de toque continua a ser usável. Já com as restantes alternativas existe uma diminuição substancial das medidas de usabilidade. Tal sugere que a autenticação por frases de toque suporta a capacidade de interação inconspícua, criando assim a possibilidade de os utilizadores se protegerem contra possíveis atacantes. O terceiro estudo (N=16) e uma avaliação de usabilidade e aceitação do método de autenticação com utilizadores cegos. Neste estudo, são também elicitadas estratégias de ocultação suportadas pela autenticação por frases de toque. Os resultados sugerem que a técnica e também adequada a estes utilizadores.As our intimate lives become more tangled with the smartphones we carry, privacy has become an increasing concern. A widely available option to mitigate security risks is to set a device so that it locks after a period of inactivity, requiring users to authenticate for subsequent use. Current methods for establishing one's identity are known to be susceptible to even rudimentary observation attacks. The mobile context in which interactions with smartphones are prone to occur further facilitates shoulder-surfing. We submit that smartphone authentication methods can be better adapted to the mobile context. Namely, the ability to interact with the device in an inconspicuous manner could offer users more control and the ability to self-protect against observation. Tapping is a communication modality between a user and a device that can be appropriated for that purpose. This work presents a technique for employing sequences of taps, or tap phrases, as authentication codes. An efficient and accurate tap phrase recognizer, that does not require training, is presented. Three user studies were conducted to compare this approach to the current leading methods. Results indicate that the tapping method remains usable even under inconspicuous authentications scenarios. Furthermore, we found that it is appropriate for blind users, to whom usability barriers and security risks are of special concern

    Using mobile personalisation to enhance the user experience at large sporting events

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    At large sporting events (LSEs), e.g. football matches and athletics events, the user experience has been shown to be highly variable (Nilsson, 2004; Nilsson et al. 2004). Reported problems include a lack of social interaction with fellow spectators, and insufficient relevant information on the events or the sporting action taking place (Nilsson, 2004; Nilsson et al. 2004; Esbjornsson et al. 2006; Jacucci et al. 2005). A possible solution is personalisation, making the mobile application adapt to the user, ensuring that only relevant information is retrieved and presented in a way that is suitable. This thesis is devoted to studying the user experience related to mobile personalization at LSEs. It aims to investigate how personalized mobile applications at LSEs can render the user experience more active and engaging in a contextually, socially and culturally relevant way. The thesis reviews different theoretical approaches to help to understand the concepts of interest e.g. personalization and user experience (Chapter 2). Research methods are also discussed including the challenge of adapting user-centred methods into the Chinese culture (Chapter 3). This thesis investigates the user experience of mobile personalization at LSEs by following the circle of user-centred research: It starts to consider user requirements and user experience at LSEs and derives the usage patterns that personalized mobile applications could usefully support (Chapter 4). Then it explores the relevant contextual factors at LSEs which could be used to prescribe the behaviour of a personalizable mobile application (Chapter 5). Next, it describes the user-centred process used to design personalizable interfaces for mobile applications used at LSEs. Four key elements of design are considered: content, conceptual, interaction and presentation design (Chapter 6). The final outputs of the design process were two personalized mobile prototypes for Chinese users at LSEs. These included versions based on either (1) user-initiated or (2) system-initiated personalisation. Finally it investigates the impact on user experience of mobile personalization at LSEs in two empirical studies (a field experiment and a lab-based experiment) with these prototypes (Chapters 7 and 8). Mobile personalization is shown to result in an enriched user experience across a range of activities that a spectator would undertake at a large sporting event. The thesis discusses primarily the effective design of mobile personalization, the design implications at LSEs, user experience design, and research methods for Chinese users (Chapter 9). In conclusion (Chapter 10), specific contributions and avenues for future work are highlighted.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Designing a Multimedia Intervention for Illiterate and Semi-Illiterate Pregnant Women in Developing Countries: A Case of Uganda

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    Die hohe Müttersterblichkeit in Entwicklungsländern ist zum Teil auf indirekte Faktoren wie Analphabetismus und eingeschränkten Zugang zu Gesundheitsinformationen für Mütter zurückzuführen. Während gebildete Frauen auf Gesundheitsinformationen über Online-Plattformen und mHealth-Apps zugreifen können, müssen Analphabetinnen diese in Gesundheitseinrichtungen abrufen, was aufgrund der Transportkosten oft nicht möglich ist. Mobilfunktechnologie hat in der Gesundheitsversorgung Chancen für ressourcenarme Gemeinschaften eröffnet, die sonst nicht von den digitalen Technologien profitiert hätten. Obwohl Mobilfunktechnologie in der Müttergesundheit eingesetzt wird, können die meisten Maßnahmen nicht von Analphabeten genutzt werden, verwenden Sicherheitsmodelle die nicht auf den Kontext von Entwicklungsländern zugeschnitten sind, und wurden nicht auf ihre Auswirkungen auf die Müttergesundheit hin evaluiert. In dieser Arbeit wurden zwei (Web und Mobile) Apps entwickelt, die die Übermittlung von multimedialen Nachrichten zur Müttergesundheit, Terminerinnerungen und Anrufe/Chats erleichtern. Um die Anforderungen der Nutzer zu erfassen, wurde eine Feldstudie mit halbstrukturierten Interviews und Fokusgruppendiskussionen mit schwangeren Analphabetinnen, Gesundheitsexperten und Entwicklern durchgeführt. Es folgte die Entwicklung eines Sicherheitsmodells (T2RoL) zur Sicherung der Gesundheitsinformationen in den Apps, die dann nach einem nutzerzentrierten Designansatz entwickelt wurden. Eine zweite Feldstudie in Form von halbstrukturierten Interviews und Umfragen wurde durchgeführt, um die mobile App in einer randomisierten kontrollierten Studie mit 80 schwangeren Analphabetinnen über 9 Monate zu evaluieren. Die Auswertung zeigte, dass die App akzeptiert wurde sowie einfach zu erlernen und zu benutzen war. Das Wissen über Müttergesundheit in der Interventionsgruppe verbesserte sich, was sich positiv auf gesundheitsbezogene Entscheidungen und Gesundheitsmaßnahmen auswirkte.Maternal mortality is high in developing countries partly due to indirect factors such as illiteracy and limited access to maternal health information. While literate women can access health information from online platforms, and mHealth apps, illiterate women must get it from health facilities which is often not possible due to lack of transport fees. Mobile technology has opened opportunities in maternal health care for low resource communities that would otherwise not have benefited from digital technologies. Although used in maternal health, most interventions are not usable by the illiterate, use security models that are not tailored to the developing countries’ context, and have not been evaluated to assess their impact on maternal health care. In this thesis, two (web and mobile) apps that facilitate delivery of multimedia-based maternal health messages, appointment reminders, and calls/ chats were developed. To gather user requirements, a field study in form of semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions was conducted with illiterate pregnant women, health practitioners and developers. Development of a security model (T2RoL) to secure the health information in the apps followed. The apps were then developed following a user-centered design approach. A second field study in form of semi-structured interviews and surveys was conducted to evaluate the mobile app through a randomized controlled trial with 80 illiterate pregnant women that were followed for 9 months. Overall, results show that the app was acceptable, easy to learn and use. There was improved maternal health knowledge among the intervention group which positively influenced health related decision making and health practices

    Designing out-of-box experiences for older adults: exploring the boundaries of inclusive design

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    This thesis investigates the Out-of-Box Experience (OoBE) of interactive consumer products for older adults, with a view to improve the User Experience (UX) of a product by manipulating factors of the OoBE. This research emerges in the context of current demographic trends, which see people living longer and in better health, and the increasing ubiquity of technology in modern life. The OoBE describes the very first stages of interaction with a new product, including acquisition, unpacking and setup. This crucial initial experience has the potential to influence product acceptance and therefore determine its future use. Creating a positive OoBE requires an empathic understanding of the intended users, as well as contextual knowledge about current practices. A review of the literature revealed that many of the difficulties older adults experience with technology concern elements of the OoBE, such as complicated documentation, technical jargon and inadequate support for inexperienced users. However, the absence of research on how to engage older adults during the OoBE of new technology reinforced the need for further research. To this end, two user studies were conducted with older people, followed by a design study with designers. The first study explored older adults relationship with technology and their current practices of the OoBE, using the Technology Biography method. The second study used cultural probes to investigate the social side of UX and its effect on personal feelings of independence. Data from these two studies were used to create four personas, which were used in the design study. This third and final study focused on whether the construct of social benefits could be operationalised within the OoBE of new technology. Collectively, the findings indicated that the involvement of other people during the OoBE can be a strong motivator for older people to take up and use technology. Far from impinging on individual perceptions of independence, some older people actively manipulate the OoBE in order to derive social benefits. This research thus contributes to the discussion of how Inclusive Design can evolve through the incorporation of social benefits, in order to generate desirable and successful future products

    Framing in Sustainability Science

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    This open access book offers both conceptual and empirical descriptions of how to “frame” sustainability challenges. It defines “framing” in the context of sustainability science as the process of identifying subjects, setting boundaries, and defining problems. The chapters are grouped into two sections: a conceptual section and a case section. The conceptual section introduces readers to theories and concepts that can be used to achieve multiple understandings of sustainability; in turn, the case section highlights different ways of comprehending sustainability for researchers, practitioners, and other stakeholders. The book offers diverse illustrations of what sustainability concepts entail, both conceptually and empirically, and will help readers become aware of the implicit framings in sustainability-related discourses. In the extant literature, sustainability challenges such as climate change, sustainable development, and rapid urbanization have largely been treated as “pre-set,” fixed topics, while possible solutions have been discussed intensively. In contrast, this book examines the framings applied to the sustainability challenges themselves, and illustrates the road that led us to the current sustainability discourse