8 research outputs found

    Modelo informático de integración AmI-IoT para el cuidado de adultos mayores CARE_HOME16

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    Las personas de la tercera edad sufren deterioro físico y mental, que les impiden y/o dificultan el control de las tareas del hogar, la pérdida de su independencia y autonomía, afectando su calidad de vida y bienestar. En este proyecto se diseña un modelo integrado AmI-IoT en capas que integra funcionalidades de Internet de las Cosas (IoT) e Inteligencia Ambiental (AmI), y brinda una referencia para el monitoreo y asistencia de las personas de la tercera edad que viven solas. El modelo plantea tres segmentos encargados de automatizar la vivienda, supervisar al usuario, tomar decisiones, supervisar eventos, identificar hábitos, y acceder a servicios AmI e IoT.Elderly people suffer physical and mental deterioration, which halt and/or difficult the control of the homework, loss of independency and autonomy, affecting their quality of life and well-ness. In this project, an integrated AmI-IoT layered model is designed that integrates functio-nalities of Internet of Thinks (IoT) and Environmental Intelligence (AmI) and provides a refe-rence from monitoring and assistance of elderly people living alone. The model involves three segments responsible for automating housing, supervising the user, making decisions, monito-ring events, identifying habits and accessing AmI and IoT services.Magíster en Ingeniería de Sistemas y ComputaciónMaestrí

    Integración de herramienta de analítica en el modelo AMI-IOT Quysqua

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    El problema central del presente trabajo de grado se basa en el desarrollo de un modelo ex-tendido que integre los modelos de solución AmI-IoT y SICOBIO. Esta integración está dividida en dos dimensiones; la primera dimensión se enfoca no solo en el cuidado y bienestar de personas de la tercera edad, sino también adultos mayores enfermos que necesitan cuidado médico en casa. Con lo que se pretende tener un marco común, que de la posibilidad a tener un impacto mayor en la calidad de vida, bienestar y cuidado médico remoto de la persona de la tercera edad en su hogar; la segunda dimensión se enfoca en el ámbito informático, incorporando y profundizando el componente de herramientas genéricas para analítica.The central problem of the present degree work is based on the development of an extended model that integrates the AmI-IoT and SICOBIO solution models. This integration is divided into two dimensions; The first dimension focuses not only on the care and well-being of the elderly, but also on parents who need medical care at home. Which means that it has a com-mon framework, which can have a major impact on the quality of life, well-being and remote medical care of the elderly person in their home; the second dimension focuses on the com-puter field, incorporating and deepening the component of generic tools for analysis.Magíster en Ingeniería de Sistemas y ComputaciónMaestrí

    The Internet of Things: The Language and Practice of Early IoT Adopters 2011-2013

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    PhD thesisThis thesis examines the discourse and practice surrounding the technological development of the Internet of Things, and its expansion at the start of the second decade of the 21st century. The initial motivation for the Internet of Things was a fusion of the physical and digital worlds, enabled by pervasive network connectivity: “anything, anytime, anywhere”. Grounded in a rhetoric of a connected world, future sustainability, and improvements brought by the deployment of innovative technosocio- economic-environmental systems, claims were made that the IoT would not only deliver solutions to humanity’s ever-growing needs, but would also lead to a shift in the very principles governing such systems. This thesis argues for the need to readdress the dominant IoT discourse, not only by an analysis of discourse, but also by an analysis of the practices that fostered the development of this phenomenon. The study at the centre of this thesis is focused on a community of open source developers, artists, architects and computer enthusiasts who were curious about the possibilities opened up by this next stage of technological development, and who went on to test and re-imagine the use and deployment of the IoT. This ethnographic study follows the development of the first IoT platform, the creation of a communityled air quality network, and the emergence of the Open IoT framework. Through an analysis of practice, and an examination of its conceptual content and organisation in language, this thesis reveals how the space of the IoT was imagined, experienced and lived in. The thesis argues that investigations led by these early adopters and the reimagining of what Lefebvre called the “dominant space” pioneered the IoT discussion and its development during 2011-2013 in London, Europe, and America. Connecting with the social theorists in the fields of critical theory, phenomenology and social geography, this thesis provides a new viewpoint on technological development, and in consequence, it expands the currently rather technological discourse of the IoT.EPSRCAHRCMedia and Arts Technology Centre for Doctoral Training at Queen Mary University of London

    Sustainable Smart Cities and Smart Villages Research

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    ca. 200 words; this text will present the book in all promotional forms (e.g. flyers). Please describe the book in straightforward and consumer-friendly terms. [There is ever more research on smart cities and new interdisciplinary approaches proposed on the study of smart cities. At the same time, problems pertinent to communities inhabiting rural areas are being addressed, as part of discussions in contigious fields of research, be it environmental studies, sociology, or agriculture. Even if rural areas and countryside communities have previously been a subject of concern for robust policy frameworks, such as the European Union’s Cohesion Policy and Common Agricultural Policy Arguably, the concept of ‘the village’ has been largely absent in the debate. As a result, when advances in sophisticated information and communication technology (ICT) led to the emergence of a rich body of research on smart cities, the application and usability of ICT in the context of a village has remained underdiscussed in the literature. Against this backdrop, this volume delivers on four objectives. It delineates the conceptual boundaries of the concept of ‘smart village’. It highlights in which ways ‘smart village’ is distinct from ‘smart city’. It examines in which ways smart cities research can enrich smart villages research. It sheds light on the smart village research agenda as it unfolds in European and global contexts.

    Cinema at the Crossroads: Bruce Conner’s Atomic Sublime, 1958 - 2008

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    This dissertation examines the films of Kansas-born, San Francisco-based artist Bruce Conner (1933-2008) over a period of fifty years, and contextualizes these works against the backdrop of Cold War American culture, politics, and history.It offers close readings of Conner’s films and related activities, from his pioneering work with found footage, to the visionary works he shot with his own camera, as well as his involvement in psychedelic light shows and in the Bay Area counterculture. Throughout, I explore how Conner’s films, situated at the historical “crossroads” of the Cold War, negotiated the cultural politics of race, nation, gender, and sexuality during this fraught period, with particular attention to their complex, and often ambivalent, engagement with popular culture. The dissertation is loosely chronological, with each chapter focusing on a specific cross-section of Conner’s filmmaking practice. It begins with Conner’s first film, A MOVIE (1958), a densely packed montage of found footage fragments that is widely celebrated as an incisive critique of both Cold War ideology and the cinematic medium itself. A MOVIE is the first instance in which Conner used the iconic image that would reappear in his films over the following two decades: the atomic mushroom cloud. Footage of atomic explosions resurfaces in many later films, culminating with CROSSROADS (1976), an extended motion study comprised of archival footage of the Bikini Atoll underwater atomic tests. CROSSROADS supplies the title of this dissertation, as well as its central metaphor—“cinema at the crossroads”— and its primary hermeneutic, the “atomic sublime.” Throughout, I argue that Conner’s films visualize the tense oscillation between dystopian anxieties and utopian aspirations that epitomized the atomic age. These tensions, I propose, are encapsulated in the aesthetic category of the “atomic sublime,” which describes the paradoxical experience of “terrible beauty,” prompted by the visual spectacle of an atomic explosion. By providing an in-depth examination of Conner’s distinctive body of films, this study ultimately aims to expand the narrative of postwar American art to account for the pivotal roles played by both avant-garde cinema and West Coast artists in that history

    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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