5 research outputs found


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    Heterogeneous many-core architectures that consist of big, fast cores and small, energy-efficient cores are very promising for future high-performance computing (HPC) systems. These architectures offer a good balance between single-threaded perfor- mance and multithreaded throughput. Such systems impose challenges on the design of programming model and runtime system. Specifically, these challenges include (a) how to fully utilize the chip’s performance, (b) how to manage heterogeneous, un- reliable hardware resources, and (c) how to generate and manage a large amount of parallel tasks. This dissertation proposes and evaluates a Python-based programming framework called PyDac. PyDac supports a two-level programming model. At the high level, a programmer creates a very large number of tasks, using the divide-and-conquer strategy. At the low level, tasks are written in imperative programming style. The runtime system seamlessly manages the parallel tasks, system resilience, and inter- task communication with architecture support. PyDac has been implemented on both an field-programmable gate array (FPGA) emulation of an unconventional het- erogeneous architecture and a conventional multicore microprocessor. To evaluate the performance, resilience, and programmability of the proposed system, several micro-benchmarks were developed. We found that (a) the PyDac abstracts away task communication and achieves programmability, (b) the micro-benchmarks are scalable on the hardware prototype, but (predictably) serial operation limits some micro-benchmarks, and (c) the degree of protection versus speed could be varied in redundant threading that is transparent to programmers

    UCHPC 2012: Fifth Workshop on UnConventional High Performance Computing

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    Untersuchung von Verarbeitungsalgorithmen zur automatischen Auswertung neuronaler Signale aus Multielektroden-Arrays

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    Mit Hilfe von Multielektroden-Arrays (MEAs) können viele Zellen gleichzeitig kontaktiert und deren elektrische Aktivität abgeleitet werden. Für die weitere Analyse müssen die abgeleiteten Signale in ihre Einzelbestandteile zerlegt werden. Dieser Vorgang wird als Spike Sorting bezeichnet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Ansätze für ein vollständig automatisiertes Spike Sorting vorgestellt und untersucht. Dabei werden Verfahren aufgezeigt, die mit Hilfe von adaptiven Verfahren die abgeleiteten Zellsignale optimal filtern und automatisch in deren Einzelkomponenten zerlegen