51,916 research outputs found

    Type systems for modular programs and specifications

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    A Practical Type Analysis for Verification of Modular Prolog Programs

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    Regular types are a powerful tool for computing very precise descriptive types for logic programs. However, in the context of real life, modular Prolog programs, the accurate results obtained by regular types often come at the price of efficiency. In this paper we propose a combination of techniques aimed at improving analysis efficiency in this context. As a first technique we allow optionally reducing the accuracy of inferred types by using only the types defined by the user or present in the libraries. We claim that, for the purpose of verifying type signatures given in the form of assertions the precision obtained using this approach is sufficient, and show that analysis times can be reduced significantly. Our second technique is aimed at dealing with situations where we would like to limit the amount of reanalysis performed, especially for library modules. Borrowing some ideas from polymorphic type systems, we show how to solve the problem by admitting parameters in type specifications. This allows us to compose new call patterns with some pre computed analysis info without losing any information. We argue that together these two techniques contribute to the practical and scalable analysis and verification of types in Prolog programs

    Automated Approaches for Program Verification and Repair

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    Formal methods techniques, such as verification, analysis, and synthesis,allow programmers to prove properties of their programs, or automatically derive programs from specifications. Making such techniques usable requires care: they must provide useful debugging information, be scalable, and enable automation. This dissertation presents automated analysis and synthesis techniques to ease the debugging of modular verification systems and allow easy access to constraint solvers from functional code. Further, it introduces machine learning based techniques to improve the scalability of off-the-shelf syntax-guided synthesis solvers and techniques to reduce the burden of network administrators writing and analyzing firewalls. We describe the design and implementationof a symbolic execution engine, G2, for non-strict functional languages such as Haskell. We extend G2 to both debug and automate the process of modular verification, and give Haskell programmers easy access to constraints solvers via a library named G2Q. Modular verifiers, such as LiquidHaskell, Dafny, and ESC/Java,allow programmers to write and prove specifications of their code. When a modular verifier fails to verify a program, it is not necessarily because of an actual bug in the program. This is because when verifying a function f, modular verifiers consider only the specification of a called function g, not the actual definition of g. Thus, a modular verifier may fail to prove a true specification of f if the specification of g is too weak. We present a technique, counterfactual symbolic execution, to aid in the debugging of modular verification failures. The approach uses symbolic execution to find concrete counterexamples, in the case of an actual inconsistency between a program and a specification; and abstract counterexamples, in the case that a function specification is too weak. Further, a counterexample-guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS) loop based technique is introduced to fully automate the process of modular verification, by using found counterexamples to automatically infer needed function specifications. The counterfactual symbolic execution and automated specification inference techniques are implemented in G2, and evaluated on existing LiquidHaskell errors and programs. We also leveraged G2 to build a library, G2Q, which allows writing constraint solving problemsdirectly as Haskell code. Users of G2Q can embed specially marked Haskell constraints (Boolean expressions) into their normal Haskell code, while marking some of the variables in the constraint as symbolic. Then, at runtime, G2Q automatically derives values for the symbolic variables that satisfy the constraint, and returns those values to the outside code. Unlike other constraint solving solutions, such as directly calling an SMT solver, G2Q uses symbolic execution to unroll recursive function definitions, and guarantees that the use of G2Q constraints will preserve type correctness. We further consider the problem of synthesizing functions viaa class of tools known as syntax-guided synthesis (SyGuS) solvers. We introduce a machine learning based technique to preprocess SyGuS problems, and reduce the space that the solver must search for a solution in. We demonstrate that the technique speeds up an existing SyGuS solver, CVC4, on a set of SyGuS solver benchmarks. Finally, we describe techniques to ease analysis and repair of firewalls.Firewalls are widely deployed to manage network security. However, firewall systems provide only a primitive interface, in which the specification is given as an ordered list of rules. This makes it hard to manually track and maintain the behavior of a firewall. We introduce a formal semantics for iptables firewall rules via a translation to first-order logic with uninterpreted functions and linear integer arithmetic, which allows encoding of firewalls into a decidable logic. We then describe techniques to automate the analysis and repair of firewalls using SMT solvers, based on user provided specifications of the desired behavior. We evaluate this approach with real world case studies collected from StackOverflow users

    Abstract State Machines 1988-1998: Commented ASM Bibliography

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    An annotated bibliography of papers which deal with or use Abstract State Machines (ASMs), as of January 1998.Comment: Also maintained as a BibTeX file at http://www.eecs.umich.edu/gasm

    Procedure-modular specification and verification of temporal safety properties

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    This paper describes ProMoVer, a tool for fully automated procedure-modular verification of Java programs equipped with method-local and global assertions that specify safety properties of sequences of method invocations. Modularity at the procedure-level is a natural instantiation of the modular verification paradigm, where correctness of global properties is relativized on the local properties of the methods rather than on their implementations. Here, it is based on the construction of maximal models for a program model that abstracts away from program data. This approach allows global properties to be verified in the presence of code evolution, multiple method implementations (as arising from software product lines), or even unknown method implementations (as in mobile code for open platforms). ProMoVer automates a typical verification scenario for a previously developed tool set for compositional verification of control flow safety properties, and provides appropriate pre- and post-processing. Both linear-time temporal logic and finite automata are supported as formalisms for expressing local and global safety properties, allowing the user to choose a suitable format for the property at hand. Modularity is exploited by a mechanism for proof reuse that detects and minimizes the verification tasks resulting from changes in the code and the specifications. The verification task is relatively light-weight due to support for abstraction from private methods and automatic extraction of candidate specifications from method implementations. We evaluate the tool on a number of applications from the domains of Java Card and web-based application

    Visibly Pushdown Modular Games

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    Games on recursive game graphs can be used to reason about the control flow of sequential programs with recursion. In games over recursive game graphs, the most natural notion of strategy is the modular strategy, i.e., a strategy that is local to a module and is oblivious to previous module invocations, and thus does not depend on the context of invocation. In this work, we study for the first time modular strategies with respect to winning conditions that can be expressed by a pushdown automaton. We show that such games are undecidable in general, and become decidable for visibly pushdown automata specifications. Our solution relies on a reduction to modular games with finite-state automata winning conditions, which are known in the literature. We carefully characterize the computational complexity of the considered decision problem. In particular, we show that modular games with a universal Buchi or co Buchi visibly pushdown winning condition are EXPTIME-complete, and when the winning condition is given by a CARET or NWTL temporal logic formula the problem is 2EXPTIME-complete, and it remains 2EXPTIME-hard even for simple fragments of these logics. As a further contribution, we present a different solution for modular games with finite-state automata winning condition that runs faster than known solutions for large specifications and many exits.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2014, arXiv:1408.556

    An object-oriented approach to application generation

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    The TUBA system consists of a set of integrated tools for the generation of business-oriented applications. Tools and applications have a modular structure, represented by class objects. The article describes the architecture of the environments for file processing, screen handling and report writing

    Modular termination verification for non-blocking concurrency

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    Ā© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016.We present Total-TaDA, a program logic for verifying the total correctness of concurrent programs: that such programs both terminate and produce the correct result. With Total-TaDA, we can specify constraints on a threadā€™s concurrent environment that are necessary to guarantee termination. This allows us to verify total correctness for nonblocking algorithms, e.g. a counter and a stack. Our specifications can express lock- and wait-freedom. More generally, they can express that one operation cannot impede the progress of another, a new non-blocking property we call non-impedance. Moreover, our approach is modular. We can verify the operations of a module independently, and build up modules on top of each other

    OpenJML: Software verification for Java 7 using JML, OpenJDK, and Eclipse

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    OpenJML is a tool for checking code and specifications of Java programs. We describe our experience building the tool on the foundation of JML, OpenJDK and Eclipse, as well as on many advances in specification-based software verification. The implementation demonstrates the value of integrating specification tools directly in the software development IDE and in automating as many tasks as possible. The tool, though still in progress, has now been used for several college-level courses on software specification and verification and for small-scale studies on existing Java programs.Comment: In Proceedings F-IDE 2014, arXiv:1404.578
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