4 research outputs found

    Random walk in random environment in a two-dimensional stratified medium with orientations

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    We consider a model of random walk in Z2{\mathbb Z}^2 with (fixed or random) orientation of the horizontal lines (layers) and with non constant iid probability to stay on these lines. We prove the transience of the walk for any fixed orientations under general hypotheses. This contrasts with the model of Campanino and Petritis, in which probabilities to stay on these lines are all equal. We also establish a result of convergence in distribution for this walk with suitable normalizations under more precise assumptions. In particular, our model proves to be, in many cases, even more superdiffusive than the random walks introduced by Campanino and Petritis.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur


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    Simple random walks on a partially directed version of Z2 are considered. More precisely, vertical edges between neighbouring vertices of Z2 can be traversed in both directions (they are undirected) while horizontal edges are one-way. The horizontal orientation is prescribed by a random perturbation of a periodic function; the perturbation probability decays according to a power law in the absolute value of the ordinate. We study the type of simple random walk that is recurrent or transient, and show that there exists a criticalvalue of the decay power, above which it is almost surely recurrent and below which it is almost surely transient