320 research outputs found

    Aural Multitasking in Personal Media Devices

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    Henkilökohtaisten medialaitteiden (personal media device, PMD) käyttö liikenteessä saattaa johtaa onnettomuuksiin. Tämä johtuu kyseisten laitteiden käytön aikana tapahtuvasta visuaalisen huomiokyvyn jakamisesta laitteen ja ympäristön välillä. Tämä diplomityö käsittelee äänenvaraista monikäyttöä (auditory multitasking) PMD-laitteissa käyttäen lähtökohtanaan äänikäyttöliittymiä. äänenvarainen monikäyttö viittaa useiden samanaikaisten tehtävien suorittamiseen käyttäen ääntä ensisijaisena modaliteettina. Jotta tähän tavoitteiseen päästäisiin, on ratkaistava useita perustavanlaatuisia ongelmia monilähteisen ääni-informaation esittämiseen ja interaktioon liittyen. Tämä diplomityö koostuu kolmesta aiheesta. Ensimmäinen aihe esittelee eleisiin perustuvan ohjaustavan äänikäyttöliittymille. Ohjain käyttää äänentunnistusta neljän haptisen eleen luokitteluun. Tästä johtuen ohjainta voidaan käyttää esimerkiksi taskun läpi. Toinen aihepiiri esittelee monikerroksisen äänikäyttöliittymän, joka hyödyntää ns. ympäristöön sulautuvien näyttöjen (ambient display) ideoita ja luo henkilökohtaisen, kerrostetun äänimaiseman. Tarkoituksena on luoda äänimaisema, jossa käyttäjä pystyy keskittämään huomiokykynsä haluamaansa äänivirtaan. Kyseisessä toteutuksessa äänilähteet jaotellaan etu- ja taustakerroksiin niiden prioriteettien perusteella. Viimeinen aihe esittelee nopean head-related transfer function -pohjaisen (HRTF) tilaäänijärjestelmän personalisointimetodin. Metodi voidaan toteuttaa äänipelinä ja se ei vaadi kuulokkeiden lisäksi erillisiä laitteita.The use of personal media devices (PMDs) in traffic can lead to safety critical situations. This is due to divided visual attention between the device and the interface. This thesis considers the use of auditory interfaces for multitasking in PMDs. Aural multitasking refers to performing several simultaneous tasks by using sound as the primary display modality. In order to create such an eyes-free multitasking interface, the problems of presenting information from various sound sources and issues regarding the interaction must be solved. This thesis consists of three distinct topics. The first topic presents a gesture controller for auditory interfaces. The controller uses acoustic classification to recognize four tactile gestures and it can be operated for example through a pocket. The second topic presents a multilayer auditory interface. The multilayer interface incorporates ideas from ambient displays and creates a personal, layered, soundscape that enables auditory attention managing. The method divides the information and tasks into foreground and background streams according to their priorities. The last topic presents a rapid head-related transfer function (HRTF) personalization method for PMD usage. The method is implemented as an auditory game and it does not require additional accessories besides the headphones

    Design, modeling and analysis of object localization through acoustical signals for cognitive electronic travel aid for blind people

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    El objetivo de la tesis consiste en el estudio y análisis de la localización de objetos en el entorno real mediante sonidos, así como la posterior integración y ensayo de un dispositivo real basado en tal técnica y destinado a personas con discapacidad visual. Con el propósito de poder comprender y analizar la localización de objetos se ha realizado un profundo estado de arte sobre los Sistemas de Navegación desarrollados durante las últimas décadas y orientados a personas con distintos grados de discapacidad visual. En el citado estado del arte, se han analizado y estructurado los dispositivos de navegación existentes, clasificándolos de acuerdo con los componentes de adquisición de datos del entorno utilizados. A este respecto, hay que señalar que, hasta el momento, se conocen tres clases de dispositivos de navegación: 'detectores de obstáculos', que se basan en dispositivos de ultrasonidos y sensores instalados en los dispositivos electrónicos de navegación con el objetivo de detectar los objetos que aparecen en el área de trabajo del sistema; 'sensores del entorno' - que tienen como objetivo la detección del objeto y del usuario. Esta clase de dispositivos se instalan en las estaciones de autobús, metro, tren, pasos de peatones etc., de forma que cuando el sensor del usuario penetra en el área de alcance de los sensores instalados en la estación, éstos informan al usuario sobre la presencia de la misma. Asimismo, el sensor del usuario detecta también los medios de transporte que tienen instalado el correspondiente dispositivo basado en láser o ultrasonidos, ofreciendo al usuario información relativa a número de autobús, ruta etc La tercera clase de sistemas electrónicos de navegación son los 'dispositivos de navegación'. Estos elementos se basan en dispositivos GPS, indicando al usuario tanto su locación, como la ruta que debe seguir para llegar a su punto de destino. Tras la primera etapa de elaboración del estaDunai ., L. (2010). Design, modeling and analysis of object localization through acoustical signals for cognitive electronic travel aid for blind people [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8441Palanci

    NASA Tech Briefs, October 1990

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    Topics: New Product Ideas; NASA TU Services; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical' Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences

    Computational and Numerical Simulations

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    Computational and Numerical Simulations is an edited book including 20 chapters. Book handles the recent research devoted to numerical simulations of physical and engineering systems. It presents both new theories and their applications, showing bridge between theoretical investigations and possibility to apply them by engineers of different branches of science. Numerical simulations play a key role in both theoretical and application oriented research

    NASA Tech Briefs, November 1993

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    Topics covered: Advanced Manufacturing; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences

    Langley Aerospace Research Summer Scholars

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    The Langley Aerospace Research Summer Scholars (LARSS) Program was established by Dr. Samuel E. Massenberg in 1986. The program has increased from 20 participants in 1986 to 114 participants in 1995. The program is LaRC-unique and is administered by Hampton University. The program was established for the benefit of undergraduate juniors and seniors and first-year graduate students who are pursuing degrees in aeronautical engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, material science, computer science, atmospheric science, astrophysics, physics, and chemistry. Two primary elements of the LARSS Program are: (1) a research project to be completed by each participant under the supervision of a researcher who will assume the role of a mentor for the summer, and (2) technical lectures by prominent engineers and scientists. Additional elements of this program include tours of LARC wind tunnels, computational facilities, and laboratories. Library and computer facilities will be available for use by the participants

    Space Mechanisms Lessons Learned Study. Volume 2: Literature Review

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    Hundreds of satellites have been launched to date. Some have operated extremely well and others have not. In order to learn from past operating experiences, a study was conducted to determine the conditions under which space mechanisms (mechanically moving components) have previously worked or failed. The study consisted of an extensive literature review that included both government contractor reports and technical journals, communication and visits (when necessary) to the various NASA and DOD centers and their designated contractors (this included contact with project managers of current and prior NASA satellite programs as well as their industry counterparts), requests for unpublished information to NASA and industry, and a mail survey designed to acquire specific mechanism experience. The information obtained has been organized into two volumes. Volume 1 provides a summary of the lesson learned, the results of a needs analysis, responses to the mail survey, a listing of experts, a description of some available facilities, and a compilation of references. Volume 2 contains a compilation of the literature review synopsis

    NASA Tech Briefs, April 1994

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    Topics covered: Advanced Composites and Plastics; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery/Automation; Manufacturing/Fabrication; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences; Books and Reports

    An electromagnetic imaging system for metallic object detection and classification

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    PhD ThesisElectromagnetic imaging currently plays a vital role in various disciplines, from engineering to medical applications and is based upon the characteristics of electromagnetic fields and their interaction with the properties of materials. The detection and characterisation of metallic objects which pose a threat to safety is of great interest in relation to public and homeland security worldwide. Inspections are conducted under the prerequisite that is divested of all metallic objects. These inspection conditions are problematic in terms of the disruption of the movement of people and produce a soft target for terrorist attack. Thus, there is a need for a new generation of detection systems and information technologies which can provide an enhanced characterisation and discrimination capabilities. This thesis proposes an automatic metallic object detection and classification system. Two related topics have been addressed: to design and implement a new metallic object detection system; and to develop an appropriate signal processing algorithm to classify the targeted signatures. The new detection system uses an array of sensors in conjunction with pulsed excitation. The contributions of this research can be summarised as follows: (1) investigating the possibility of using magneto-resistance sensors for metallic object detection; (2) evaluating the proposed system by generating a database consisting of 12 real handguns with more than 20 objects used in daily life; (3) extracted features from the system outcomes using four feature categories referring to the objects’ shape, material composition, time-frequency signal analysis and transient pulse response; and (4) applying two classification methods to classify the objects into threats and non-threats, giving a successful classification rate of more than 92% using the feature combination and classification framework of the new system. The study concludes that novel magnetic field imaging system and their signal outputs can be used to detect, identify and classify metallic objects. In comparison with conventional induction-based walk-through metal detectors, the magneto-resistance sensor array-based system shows great potential for object identification and discrimination. This novel system design and signal processing achievement may be able to produce significant improvements in automatic threat object detection and classification applications.Iraqi Cultural Attaché, Londo

    Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference - June 5-12, 2022 - Saint-Étienne (France). https://smc22.grame.f