27 research outputs found

    The Effective Fragment Molecular Orbital Method for Fragments Connected by Covalent Bonds

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    We extend the effective fragment molecular orbital method (EFMO) into treating fragments connected by covalent bonds. The accuracy of EFMO is compared to FMO and conventional ab initio electronic structure methods for polypeptides including proteins. Errors in energy for RHF and MP2 are within 2 kcal/mol for neutral polypeptides and 6 kcal/mol for charged polypeptides similar to FMO but obtained two to five times faster. For proteins, the errors are also within a few kcal/mol of the FMO results. We developed both the RHF and MP2 gradient for EFMO. Compared to ab initio, the EFMO optimized structures had an RMSD of 0.40 and 0.44 {\AA} for RHF and MP2, respectively.Comment: Revised manuscrip

    Large-Scale MP2 Calculations on the Blue Gene Architecture Using the Fragment Molecular Orbital Method

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    Benchmark timings are presented for the fragment molecular orbital method on a Blue Gene/P computer. Algorithmic modifications that lead to enhanced performance on the Blue Gene/P architecture include strategies for the storage of fragment density matrices by process subgroups in the global address space. The computation of the atomic forces for a system with more than 3000 atoms and 44 000 basis functions, using second order perturbation theory and an augmented and polarized double-ζ basis set, takes ∼7 min on 131 072 cores

    Speed and accuracy: Having your cake and eating it too

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    Since the first ab initio methods were developed, the ultimate goal of quantum chemistry has been to provide insights, not readily accessible through experiment, into chemical phenomena. Over the years, two different paths to this end have been taken. The first path provides as accurate a description of relatively small systems as modern computer hardware will allow. The second path follows the desire to perform simulations on systems of physically relevant sizes while sacrificing a certain level of accuracy. The merging of these two paths has allowed for the accurate modeling of large molecular systems through the use of novel theoretical methods. The largest barrier to achieving the goal of accurate calculations on large systems has been the computational requirements of many modern theoretical methods. While these methods are capable of providing the desired level of accuracy, the prohibitive computational requirements can limit system sizes to tens of atoms. By decomposing large chemical systems into more computationally tractable pieces, fragmentation methods have the capability to reduce this barrier and allow for highly accurate descriptions of large molecular systems such as proteins, bulk phase solutions and polymers and nano-scale systems

    Kyodaikei no tatai setsudo keisan no tame no koritsuteki keisan shuho no kaihatsu

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号: 乙2324号 ; 学位の種類:博士 (理学) ; 授与年月日: 2011/7/28 ; 早大学位記番号:新574

    Multireference approaches for excited states of molecules

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    Understanding the properties of electronically excited states is a challenging task that becomes increasingly important for numerous applications in chemistry, molecular physics, molecular biology, and materials science. A substantial impact is exerted by the fascinating progress in time-resolved spectroscopy, which leads to a strongly growing demand for theoretical methods to describe the characteristic features of excited states accurately. Whereas for electronic ground state problems of stable molecules the quantum chemical methodology is now so well developed that informed nonexperts can use it efficiently, the situation is entirely different concerning the investigation of excited states. This review is devoted to a specific class of approaches, usually denoted as multireference (MR) methods, the generality of which is needed for solving many spectroscopic or photodynamical problems. However, the understanding and proper application of these MR methods is often found to be difficult due to their complexity and their computational cost. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the most important facts about the different theoretical approaches available and to present by means of a collection of characteristic examples useful information, which can guide the reader in performing their own applications

    Efficient Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Multiple Radical Center Systems Based on the Fragment Molecular Orbital Method

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    The fully analytic energy gradient has been developed and implemented for the restricted open-shell Hartree–Fock (ROHF) method based on the fragment molecular orbital (FMO) theory for systems that have multiple open-shell molecules. The accuracy of the analytic ROHF energy gradient is compared with the corresponding numerical gradient, illustrating the accuracy of the analytic gradient. The ROHF analytic gradient is used to perform molecular dynamics simulations of an unusual open-shell system, liquid oxygen, and mixtures of oxygen and nitrogen. These molecular dynamics simulations provide some insight about how triplet oxygen molecules interact with each other. Timings reveal that the method can calculate the energy gradient for a system containing 4000 atoms in only 6 h. Therefore, it is concluded that the FMO-ROHF method will be useful for investigating systems with multiple open shells

    Roadmap on electronic structure codes in the exascale era

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    Electronic structure calculations have been instrumental in providing many important insights into a range of physical and chemical properties of various molecular and solid-state systems. Their importance to various fields, including materials science, chemical sciences, computational chemistry, and device physics, is underscored by the large fraction of available public supercomputing resources devoted to these calculations. As we enter the exascale era, exciting new opportunities to increase simulation numbers, sizes, and accuracies present themselves. In order to realize these promises, the community of electronic structure software developers will however first have to tackle a number of challenges pertaining to the efficient use of new architectures that will rely heavily on massive parallelism and hardware accelerators. This roadmap provides a broad overview of the state-of-the-art in electronic structure calculations and of the various new directions being pursued by the community. It covers 14 electronic structure codes, presenting their current status, their development priorities over the next five years, and their plans towards tackling the challenges and leveraging the opportunities presented by the advent of exascale computing

    Distributed Memory, GPU Accelerated Fock Construction for Hybrid, Gaussian Basis Density Functional Theory

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    With the growing reliance of modern supercomputers on accelerator-based architectures such a GPUs, the development and optimization of electronic structure methods to exploit these massively parallel resources has become a recent priority. While significant strides have been made in the development of GPU accelerated, distributed memory algorithms for many-body (e.g. coupled-cluster) and spectral single-body (e.g. planewave, real-space and finite-element density functional theory [DFT]), the vast majority of GPU-accelerated Gaussian atomic orbital methods have focused on shared memory systems with only a handful of examples pursuing massive parallelism on distributed memory GPU architectures. In the present work, we present a set of distributed memory algorithms for the evaluation of the Coulomb and exact-exchange matrices for hybrid Kohn-Sham DFT with Gaussian basis sets via direct density-fitted (DF-J-Engine) and seminumerical (sn-K) methods, respectively. The absolute performance and strong scalability of the developed methods are demonstrated on systems ranging from a few hundred to over one thousand atoms using up to 128 NVIDIA A100 GPUs on the Perlmutter supercomputer.Comment: 45 pages, 9 figure

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationOver 40 years ago, the first computer simulation of a protein was reported: the atomic motions of a 58 amino acid protein were simulated for few picoseconds. With today's supercomputers, simulations of large biomolecular systems with hundreds of thousands of atoms can reach biologically significant timescales. Through dynamics information biomolecular simulations can provide new insights into molecular structure and function to support the development of new drugs or therapies. While the recent advances in high-performance computing hardware and computational methods have enabled scientists to run longer simulations, they also created new challenges for data management. Investigators need to use local and national resources to run these simulations and store their output, which can reach terabytes of data on disk. Because of the wide variety of computational methods and software packages available to the community, no standard data representation has been established to describe the computational protocol and the output of these simulations, preventing data sharing and collaboration. Data exchange is also limited due to the lack of repositories and tools to summarize, index, and search biomolecular simulation datasets. In this dissertation a common data model for biomolecular simulations is proposed to guide the design of future databases and APIs. The data model was then extended to a controlled vocabulary that can be used in the context of the semantic web. Two different approaches to data management are also proposed. The iBIOMES repository offers a distributed environment where input and output files are indexed via common data elements. The repository includes a dynamic web interface to summarize, visualize, search, and download published data. A simpler tool, iBIOMES Lite, was developed to generate summaries of datasets hosted at remote sites where user privileges and/or IT resources might be limited. These two informatics-based approaches to data management offer new means for the community to keep track of distributed and heterogeneous biomolecular simulation data and create collaborative networks