6 research outputs found

    Two-layer scheduling scheme for pump stations

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    Trabajo presentado a la IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA) celebrada en Juan-les-Pins, Antibes (Francia) del 8 al 10 de octubre de 2014.In this paper, a two-layer scheduling scheme for pump stations in a water distribution network has been proposed. The upper layer, which works in one-hour sampling time, uses Model Predictive Control (MPC) to produce continuous flow set-points for the lower layer. While in the lower layer, a scheduling algorithm has been used to translate the continuous flow set-points to a discrete (ON-OFF) control operation sequence of the pump stations with the constraints that pump stations should draw the same amount of water as the continuous flow set-points provided by the upper layer. The tuning parameters of such algorithm are the lower layer control sampling period and the number of parallel pumps in the pump station. The proposed method has been tested in the Richmond case study.This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through the project CYCYT WATMAN DPI2009-13744 and also funded by EFFINET grant FP7-ICT-2012-318556 of the European Commission.Peer Reviewe

    Two-layer scheduling scheme for pump stations

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    In this paper, a two-layer scheduling scheme for pump stations in a water distribution network has been proposed. The upper layer, which works in one-hour sampling time, uses Model Predictive Control (MPC) to produce continuous flow set-points for the lower layer. While in the lower layer, a scheduling algorithm has been used to translate the continuous flow set-points to a discrete (ON-OFF) control operation sequence of the pump stations with the constraints that pump stations should draw the same amount of water as the continuous flow set-points provided by the upper layer. The tuning parameters of such algorithm are the lower layer control sampling period and the number of parallel pumps in the pump station. The proposed method has been tested in the Richmond case study.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Quasi-dynamic Load and Battery Sizing and Scheduling for Stand-Alone Solar System Using Mixed-integer Linear Programming

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    Considering the intermittency of renewable energy systems, a sizing and scheduling model is proposed for a finite number of static electric loads. The model objective is to maximize solar energy utilization with and without storage. For the application of optimal load size selection, the energy production of a solar photovoltaic is assumed to be consumed by a finite number of discrete loads in an off-grid system using mixed-integer linear programming. Additional constraints are battery charge and discharge limitations and minimum uptime and downtime for each unit. For a certain solar power profile the model outputs optimal unit size as well as the optimal scheduling for both units and battery charge and discharge (if applicable). The impact of different solar power profiles and minimum up and down time constraints on the optimal unit and battery sizes are studied. The battery size required to achieve full solar energy utilization decreases with the number of units and with increased flexibility of the units (shorter on and off-time). A novel formulation is introduced to model quasi-dynamic units that gradually start and stop and the quasi-dynamic units increase solar energy utilization. The model can also be applied to search for the optimal number of units for a given cost function.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted at The IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA

    Two-layer scheduling scheme for pump stations

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    In this paper, a two-layer scheduling scheme for pump stations in a water distribution network has been proposed. The upper layer, which works in one-hour sampling time, uses Model Predictive Control (MPC) to produce continuous flow set-points for the lower layer. While in the lower layer, a scheduling algorithm has been used to translate the continuous flow set-points to a discrete (ON-OFF) control operation sequence of the pump stations with the constraints that pump stations should draw the same amount of water as the continuous flow set-points provided by the upper layer. The tuning parameters of such algorithm are the lower layer control sampling period and the number of parallel pumps in the pump station. The proposed method has been tested in the Richmond case study.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Two-layer scheduling scheme for pump stations

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    In this paper, a two-layer scheduling scheme for pump stations in a water distribution network has been proposed. The upper layer, which works in one-hour sampling time, uses Model Predictive Control (MPC) to produce continuous flow set-points for the lower layer. While in the lower layer, a scheduling algorithm has been used to translate the continuous flow set-points to a discrete (ON-OFF) control operation sequence of the pump stations with the constraints that pump stations should draw the same amount of water as the continuous flow set-points provided by the upper layer. The tuning parameters of such algorithm are the lower layer control sampling period and the number of parallel pumps in the pump station. The proposed method has been tested in the Richmond case study.Peer Reviewe

    Multi-layer model predictive control of complex water systems

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    This thesis is devoted to design a multi-layer MPC controller applied to the complex water network taking into account that the different layers with different time scales and control objectives have their own controller. A two-layer temporal hierarchy coordinating scheme has been applied to coordinate the MPC controllers for the supply and transportation layers. An integrated real-time simulation-optimization approach which contributes to consider the effect of more complex dynamics, better represented by the simulation model, has been developed for regional water networks. The use of the combined approach of optimization and simulation coordination between simulator and optimizer allows to test the proposed multi-layer MPC in a feedback scheme using a realistic simulator of the regional network. The second part of this thesis is focused on the design of a control scheme which uses the combination of linear MPC with a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) to optimize the non-linear operational control of DWNs. The network aggregation method (NAM) is used to simplify a complex water network into an equivalent conceptual one for the bidirectional network before the use of CSP. The proposed approach is simulated using Epanet to represent the real DWN. Non-linear MPC is used for validation using a generic operational tool for controlling water networks named PLIO. A two-layer scheduling scheme for pump stations in a water distribution network has also been designed in the second part of this thesis. The tuning parameters of such algorithm are the lower layer control sampling period and the number of parallel pumps in the pump station.Aquesta tesi està dedicada a dissenyar un controlador MPC multicapa que s'aplica a una complexa xarxa regional emprant com a principal idea el fet de què les diferents capes treballen amb diferents escales de temps i objectius de control s'aconseguiran amb el seu propi controlador. Un esquema jeràrquic de coordinació temporal de dues capes s'ha aplicat per a coordinar als controladors MPC per a les xarxes de captació i transport. Un enfocament integrat de simulació-optimizació que contribueix a asegurar que l'efecte de les dinàmiques complexes, millor representades pel model de simulació s'hagin tingut en compte, s'ha propostat per la gestió operacional temps real de les xarxes regionals. La segona part d'aquesta tesi es centra en el disseny d'un esquema de control que utilitza la combinació del control MPC lineal amb una problema de satisfacció de restriccions (CSP) per optimitzar el control operacional no-lineal de les xarxes d'aigua potable. El mètode d'agregació de xarxes (NAM) s'utilitza per simplificar una xarxa d'aigua complexa en una xarxa conceptual bidireccional equivalent abans d'utilitzar el CSP. L'enfocament proposat es simula utilitzant Epanet per representar el comportament hidràulic de la xarxa d'aigua potable. Finalment, el MPC no lineal s'utilitza per a la validació fent ús de l'eina PLIO per a la seva implementació. I també, un esquema de planificació de dues capes per a estacions de bombament en una aigua xarxa de distribució ha estat proposat en la segona part d'aquesta tesi. Els paràmetres d'ajust d'aquest algorisme són el período de mostreig de control de la capa inferior i el número de bombes en paral·lel en la estació de bombament.Postprint (published version