326 research outputs found

    A Recommendation System for Shared-Use Mobility Service through Data Extracted from Online Social Networks

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    In recent years, the shared mobility service hasincreased in many countries across the world because its low cost and several shared-use mobility applications on mobile devices. Commonly, if a ride is shared between people with similar preferences, users likely feel both more comfortable and safer.In this context, the main goal of this article is to classify userswith similar preferences, in automatic manner, to improve user’s quality of experience in ridesharing service. To obtain initial data, subjective tests are carried out using questionnaires and their results are used to determine ridesharing profiles. Then, some basic user profile information is extracted from Online Social Networks (OSN) to determine an user profile based on preferences in ridesharing service. The user profile classification is performed through different machine learning algorithms, which use as input the data extracted from OSN. Two case studies of shared-mobility are treated, (i) sharing a ride with a passenger with a similar hobby [2], and (ii) sharing a ride with people thatsupport an opposite football teams. In this work, a novel contribution is the use of Hybrid Discriminative Restricted Boltzmann Machines (HDRBM) technique for classification, which results overcomes other algorithms, such as Random Forest, SVM and DRBM. The experimental results presented a correctly classified instance of 96:9% and 97:3% for the cases of sharing a ride with people with similar hobby and support different football team, respectively. Finally, a Recommendation System (RS) is proposed, which efficiency is compared with a basic RS, obtaining a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0:97 and 0:79, respectively

    Data mining and predictive analytics application on cellular networks to monitor and optimize quality of service and customer experience

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    This research study focuses on the application models of Data Mining and Machine Learning covering cellular network traffic, in the objective to arm Mobile Network Operators with full view of performance branches (Services, Device, Subscribers). The purpose is to optimize and minimize the time to detect service and subscriber patterns behaviour. Different data mining techniques and predictive algorithms have been applied on real cellular network datasets to uncover different data usage patterns using specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Key Quality Indicators (KQI). The following tools will be used to develop the concept: RStudio for Machine Learning and process visualization, Apache Spark, SparkSQL for data and big data processing and clicData for service Visualization. Two use cases have been studied during this research. In the first study, the process of Data and predictive Analytics are fully applied in the field of Telecommunications to efficiently address users’ experience, in the goal of increasing customer loyalty and decreasing churn or customer attrition. Using real cellular network transactions, prediction analytics are used to predict customers who are likely to churn, which can result in revenue loss. Prediction algorithms and models including Classification Tree, Random Forest, Neural Networks and Gradient boosting have been used with an exploratory Data Analysis, determining relationship between predicting variables. The data is segmented in to two, a training set to train the model and a testing set to test the model. The evaluation of the best performing model is based on the prediction accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and the Confusion Matrix on the test set. The second use case analyses Service Quality Management using modern data mining techniques and the advantages of in-memory big data processing with Apache Spark and SparkSQL to save cost on tool investment; thus, a low-cost Service Quality Management model is proposed and analyzed. With increase in Smart phone adoption, access to mobile internet services, applications such as streaming, interactive chats require a certain service level to ensure customer satisfaction. As a result, an SQM framework is developed with Service Quality Index (SQI) and Key Performance Index (KPI). The research concludes with recommendations and future studies around modern technology applications in Telecommunications including Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud and recommender systems.Cellular networks have evolved and are still evolving, from traditional GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) Circuit switched which only supported voice services and extremely low data rate, to LTE all Packet networks accommodating high speed data used for various service applications such as video streaming, video conferencing, heavy torrent download; and for say in a near future the roll-out of the Fifth generation (5G) cellular networks, intended to support complex technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), High Definition video streaming and projected to cater massive amount of data. With high demand on network services and easy access to mobile phones, billions of transactions are performed by subscribers. The transactions appear in the form of SMSs, Handovers, voice calls, web browsing activities, video and audio streaming, heavy downloads and uploads. Nevertheless, the stormy growth in data traffic and the high requirements of new services introduce bigger challenges to Mobile Network Operators (NMOs) in analysing the big data traffic flowing in the network. Therefore, Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) turn in to a challenge. Inefficiency in mining, analysing data and applying predictive intelligence on network traffic can produce high rate of unhappy customers or subscribers, loss on revenue and negative services’ perspective. Researchers and Service Providers are investing in Data mining, Machine Learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence) methods to manage services and experience. This research study focuses on the application models of Data Mining and Machine Learning covering network traffic, in the objective to arm Mobile Network Operators with full view of performance branches (Services, Device, Subscribers). The purpose is to optimize and minimize the time to detect service and subscriber patterns behaviour. Different data mining techniques and predictive algorithms will be applied on cellular network datasets to uncover different data usage patterns using specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Key Quality Indicators (KQI). The following tools will be used to develop the concept: R-Studio for Machine Learning, Apache Spark, SparkSQL for data processing and clicData for Visualization.Electrical and Mining EngineeringM. Tech (Electrical Engineering

    Deep Learning for Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (NTMA): A Survey

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    Modern communication systems and networks, e.g., Internet of Things (IoT) and cellular networks, generate a massive and heterogeneous amount of traffic data. In such networks, the traditional network management techniques for monitoring and data analytics face some challenges and issues, e.g., accuracy, and effective processing of big data in a real-time fashion. Moreover, the pattern of network traffic, especially in cellular networks, shows very complex behavior because of various factors, such as device mobility and network heterogeneity. Deep learning has been efficiently employed to facilitate analytics and knowledge discovery in big data systems to recognize hidden and complex patterns. Motivated by these successes, researchers in the field of networking apply deep learning models for Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (NTMA) applications, e.g., traffic classification and prediction. This paper provides a comprehensive review on applications of deep learning in NTMA. We first provide fundamental background relevant to our review. Then, we give an insight into the confluence of deep learning and NTMA, and review deep learning techniques proposed for NTMA applications. Finally, we discuss key challenges, open issues, and future research directions for using deep learning in NTMA applications.publishedVersio

    Quadri-dimensional approach for data analytics in mobile networks

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    The telecommunication market is growing at a very fast pace with the evolution of new technologies to support high speed throughput and the availability of a wide range of services and applications in the mobile networks. This has led to a need for communication service providers (CSPs) to shift their focus from network elements monitoring towards services monitoring and subscribers’ satisfaction by introducing the service quality management (SQM) and the customer experience management (CEM) that require fast responses to reduce the time to find and solve network problems, to ensure efficiency and proactive maintenance, to improve the quality of service (QoS) and the quality of experience (QoE) of the subscribers. While both the SQM and the CEM demand multiple information from different interfaces, managing multiple data sources adds an extra layer of complexity with the collection of data. While several studies and researches have been conducted for data analytics in mobile networks, most of them did not consider analytics based on the four dimensions involved in the mobile networks environment which are the subscriber, the handset, the service and the network element with multiple interface correlation. The main objective of this research was to develop mobile network analytics models applied to the 3G packet-switched domain by analysing data from the radio network with the Iub interface and the core network with the Gn interface to provide a fast root cause analysis (RCA) approach considering the four dimensions involved in the mobile networks. This was achieved by using the latest computer engineering advancements which are Big Data platforms and data mining techniques through machine learning algorithms.Electrical and Mining EngineeringM. Tech. (Electrical Engineering

    A Speech Quality Classifier based on Tree-CNN Algorithm that Considers Network Degradations

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    Many factors can affect the users’ quality of experience (QoE) in speech communication services. The impairment factors appear due to physical phenomena that occur in the transmission channel of wireless and wired networks. The monitoring of users’ QoE is important for service providers. In this context, a non-intrusive speech quality classifier based on the Tree Convolutional Neural Network (Tree-CNN) is proposed. The Tree-CNN is an adaptive network structure composed of hierarchical CNNs models, and its main advantage is to decrease the training time that is very relevant on speech quality assessment methods. In the training phase of the proposed classifier model, impaired speech signals caused by wired and wireless network degradation are used as input. Also, in the network scenario, different modulation schemes and channel degradation intensities, such as packet loss rate, signal-to-noise ratio, and maximum Doppler shift frequencies are implemented. Experimental results demonstrated that the proposed model achieves significant reduction of training time, reaching 25% of reduction in relation to another implementation based on DRBM. The accuracy reached by the Tree-CNN model is almost 95% for each quality class. Performance assessment results show that the proposed classifier based on the Tree-CNN overcomes both the current standardized algorithm described in ITU-T Rec. P.563 and the speech quality assessment method called ViSQOL

    Learning workload behaviour models from monitored time-series for resource estimation towards data center optimization

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    In recent years there has been an extraordinary growth of the demand of Cloud Computing resources executed in Data Centers. Modern Data Centers are complex systems that need management. As distributed computing systems grow, and workloads benefit from such computing environments, the management of such systems increases in complexity. The complexity of resource usage and power consumption on cloud-based applications makes the understanding of application behavior through expert examination difficult. The difficulty increases when applications are seen as "black boxes", where only external monitoring can be retrieved. Furthermore, given the different amount of scenarios and applications, automation is required. To deal with such complexity, Machine Learning methods become crucial to facilitate tasks that can be automatically learned from data. Firstly, this thesis proposes an unsupervised learning technique to learn high level representations from workload traces. Such technique provides a fast methodology to characterize workloads as sequences of abstract phases. The learned phase representation is validated on a variety of datasets and used in an auto-scaling task where we show that it can be applied in a production environment, achieving better performance than other state-of-the-art techniques. Secondly, this thesis proposes a neural architecture, based on Sequence-to-Sequence models, that provides the expected resource usage of applications sharing hardware resources. The proposed technique provides resource managers the ability to predict resource usage over time as well as the completion time of the running applications. The technique provides lower error predicting usage when compared with other popular Machine Learning methods. Thirdly, this thesis proposes a technique for auto-tuning Big Data workloads from the available tunable parameters. The proposed technique gathers information from the logs of an application generating a feature descriptor that captures relevant information from the application to be tuned. Using this information we demonstrate that performance models can generalize up to a 34% better when compared with other state-of-the-art solutions. Moreover, the search time to find a suitable solution can be drastically reduced, with up to a 12x speedup and almost equal quality results as modern solutions. These results prove that modern learning algorithms, with the right feature information, provide powerful techniques to manage resource allocation for applications running in cloud environments. This thesis demonstrates that learning algorithms allow relevant optimizations in Data Center environments, where applications are externally monitored and careful resource management is paramount to efficiently use computing resources. We propose to demonstrate this thesis in three areas that orbit around resource management in server environmentsEls Centres de Dades (Data Centers) moderns són sistemes complexos que necessiten ser gestionats. A mesura que creixen els sistemes de computació distribuïda i les aplicacions es beneficien d’aquestes infraestructures, també n’augmenta la seva complexitat. La complexitat que implica gestionar recursos de còmput i d’energia en sistemes de computació al núvol fa difícil entendre el comportament de les aplicacions que s'executen de manera manual. Aquesta dificultat s’incrementa quan les aplicacions s'observen com a "caixes negres", on només es poden monitoritzar algunes mètriques de les caixes de manera externa. A més, degut a la gran varietat d’escenaris i aplicacions, és necessari automatitzar la gestió d'aquests recursos. Per afrontar-ne el repte, l'aprenentatge automàtic juga un paper cabdal que facilita aquestes tasques, que poden ser apreses automàticament en base a dades prèvies del sistema que es monitoritza. Aquesta tesi demostra que els algorismes d'aprenentatge poden aportar optimitzacions molt rellevants en la gestió de Centres de Dades, on les aplicacions són monitoritzades externament i la gestió dels recursos és de vital importància per a fer un ús eficient de la capacitat de còmput d'aquests sistemes. En primer lloc, aquesta tesi proposa emprar aprenentatge no supervisat per tal d’aprendre representacions d'alt nivell a partir de traces d'aplicacions. Aquesta tècnica ens proporciona una metodologia ràpida per a caracteritzar aplicacions vistes com a seqüències de fases abstractes. La representació apresa de fases és validada en diferents “datasets” i s'aplica a la gestió de tasques d'”auto-scaling”, on es conclou que pot ser aplicable en un medi de producció, aconseguint un millor rendiment que altres mètodes de vanguardia. En segon lloc, aquesta tesi proposa l'ús de xarxes neuronals, basades en arquitectures “Sequence-to-Sequence”, que proporcionen una estimació dels recursos usats per aplicacions que comparteixen recursos de hardware. La tècnica proposada facilita als gestors de recursos l’habilitat de predir l'ús de recursos a través del temps, així com també una estimació del temps de còmput de les aplicacions. Tanmateix, redueix l’error en l’estimació de recursos en comparació amb d’altres tècniques populars d'aprenentatge automàtic. Per acabar, aquesta tesi introdueix una tècnica per a fer “auto-tuning” dels “hyper-paràmetres” d'aplicacions de Big Data. Consisteix així en obtenir informació dels “logs” de les aplicacions, generant un vector de característiques que captura informació rellevant de les aplicacions que s'han de “tunejar”. Emprant doncs aquesta informació es valida que els ”Regresors” entrenats en la predicció del rendiment de les aplicacions són capaços de generalitzar fins a un 34% millor que d’altres “Regresors” de vanguàrdia. A més, el temps de cerca per a trobar una bona solució es pot reduir dràsticament, aconseguint un increment de millora de fins a 12 vegades més dels resultats de qualitat en contraposició a alternatives modernes. Aquests resultats posen de manifest que els algorismes moderns d'aprenentatge automàtic esdevenen tècniques molt potents per tal de gestionar l'assignació de recursos en aplicacions que s'executen al núvol.Arquitectura de computador

    A Recommendation System for Shared-Use Mobility Service through Data Extracted from Online Social Networks

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    In recent years, the shared mobility service hasincreased in many countries across the world because its low cost and several shared-use mobility applications on mobile devices. Commonly, if a ride is shared between people with similar preferences, users likely feel both more comfortable and safer.In this context, the main goal of this article is to classify userswith similar preferences, in automatic manner, to improve user’s quality of experience in ridesharing service. To obtain initial data, subjective tests are carried out using questionnaires and their results are used to determine ridesharing profiles. Then, some basic user profile information is extracted from Online Social Networks (OSN) to determine an user profile based on preferences in ridesharing service. The user profile classification is performed through different machine learning algorithms, which use as input the data extracted from OSN. Two case studies of shared-mobility are treated, (i) sharing a ride with a passenger with a similar hobby [2], and (ii) sharing a ride with people thatsupport an opposite football teams. In this work, a novel contribution is the use of Hybrid Discriminative Restricted Boltzmann Machines (HDRBM) technique for classification, which results overcomes other algorithms, such as Random Forest, SVM and DRBM. The experimental results presented a correctly classified instance of 96:9% and 97:3% for the cases of sharing a ride with people with similar hobby and support different football team, respectively. Finally, a Recommendation System (RS) is proposed, which efficiency is compared with a basic RS, obtaining a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0:97 and 0:79, respectively

    Cognition-Based Networks: A New Perspective on Network Optimization Using Learning and Distributed Intelligence

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    IEEE Access Volume 3, 2015, Article number 7217798, Pages 1512-1530 Open Access Cognition-based networks: A new perspective on network optimization using learning and distributed intelligence (Article) Zorzi, M.a , Zanella, A.a, Testolin, A.b, De Filippo De Grazia, M.b, Zorzi, M.bc a Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua, Padua, Italy b Department of General Psychology, University of Padua, Padua, Italy c IRCCS San Camillo Foundation, Venice-Lido, Italy View additional affiliations View references (107) Abstract In response to the new challenges in the design and operation of communication networks, and taking inspiration from how living beings deal with complexity and scalability, in this paper we introduce an innovative system concept called COgnition-BAsed NETworkS (COBANETS). The proposed approach develops around the systematic application of advanced machine learning techniques and, in particular, unsupervised deep learning and probabilistic generative models for system-wide learning, modeling, optimization, and data representation. Moreover, in COBANETS, we propose to combine this learning architecture with the emerging network virtualization paradigms, which make it possible to actuate automatic optimization and reconfiguration strategies at the system level, thus fully unleashing the potential of the learning approach. Compared with the past and current research efforts in this area, the technical approach outlined in this paper is deeply interdisciplinary and more comprehensive, calling for the synergic combination of expertise of computer scientists, communications and networking engineers, and cognitive scientists, with the ultimate aim of breaking new ground through a profound rethinking of how the modern understanding of cognition can be used in the management and optimization of telecommunication network

    Unsupervised Machine Learning for Networking:Techniques, Applications and Research Challenges

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    While machine learning and artificial intelligence have long been applied in networking research, the bulk of such works has focused on supervised learning. Recently, there has been a rising trend of employing unsupervised machine learning using unstructured raw network data to improve network performance and provide services such as traffic engineering, anomaly detection, Internet traffic classification, and quality of service optimization. The interest in applying unsupervised learning techniques in networking emerges from their great success in other fields such as computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition, and optimal control (e.g., for developing autonomous self-driving cars). Unsupervised learning is interesting since it can unconstrain us from the need of labeled data and manual handcrafted feature engineering thereby facilitating flexible, general, and automated methods of machine learning. The focus of this survey paper is to provide an overview of the applications of unsupervised learning in the domain of networking. We provide a comprehensive survey highlighting the recent advancements in unsupervised learning techniques and describe their applications in various learning tasks in the context of networking. We also provide a discussion on future directions and open research issues, while also identifying potential pitfalls. While a few survey papers focusing on the applications of machine learning in networking have previously been published, a survey of similar scope and breadth is missing in literature. Through this paper, we advance the state of knowledge by carefully synthesizing the insights from these survey papers while also providing contemporary coverage of recent advances

    Unsupervised Machine Learning for Networking:Techniques, Applications and Research Challenges

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    While machine learning and artificial intelligence have long been applied in networking research, the bulk of such works has focused on supervised learning. Recently there has been a rising trend of employing unsupervised machine learning using unstructured raw network data to improve network performance and provide services such as traffic engineering, anomaly detection, Internet traffic classification, and quality of service optimization. The interest in applying unsupervised learning techniques in networking emerges from their great success in other fields such as computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition, and optimal control (e.g., for developing autonomous self-driving cars). Unsupervised learning is interesting since it can unconstrain us from the need of labeled data and manual handcrafted feature engineering thereby facilitating flexible, general, and automated methods of machine learning. The focus of this survey paper is to provide an overview of the applications of unsupervised learning in the domain of networking. We provide a comprehensive survey highlighting the recent advancements in unsupervised learning techniques and describe their applications for various learning tasks in the context of networking. We also provide a discussion on future directions and open research issues, while also identifying potential pitfalls. While a few survey papers focusing on the applications of machine learning in networking have previously been published, a survey of similar scope and breadth is missing in literature. Through this paper, we advance the state of knowledge by carefully synthesizing the insights from these survey papers while also providing contemporary coverage of recent advances