11,282 research outputs found

    A Survey on Wireless Sensor Network Security

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have recently attracted a lot of interest in the research community due their wide range of applications. Due to distributed nature of these networks and their deployment in remote areas, these networks are vulnerable to numerous security threats that can adversely affect their proper functioning. This problem is more critical if the network is deployed for some mission-critical applications such as in a tactical battlefield. Random failure of nodes is also very likely in real-life deployment scenarios. Due to resource constraints in the sensor nodes, traditional security mechanisms with large overhead of computation and communication are infeasible in WSNs. Security in sensor networks is, therefore, a particularly challenging task. This paper discusses the current state of the art in security mechanisms for WSNs. Various types of attacks are discussed and their countermeasures presented. A brief discussion on the future direction of research in WSN security is also included.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    AMISEC: Leveraging Redundancy and Adaptability to Secure AmI Applications

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    Security in Ambient Intelligence (AmI) poses too many challenges due to the inherently insecure nature of wireless sensor nodes. However, there are two characteristics of these environments that can be used effectively to prevent, detect, and confine attacks: redundancy and continuous adaptation. In this article we propose a global strategy and a system architecture to cope with security issues in AmI applications at different levels. Unlike in previous approaches, we assume an individual wireless node is vulnerable. We present an agent-based architecture with supporting services that is proven to be adequate to detect and confine common attacks. Decisions at different levels are supported by a trust-based framework with good and bad reputation feedback while maintaining resistance to bad-mouthing attacks. We also propose a set of services that can be used to handle identification, authentication, and authorization in intelligent ambients. The resulting approach takes into account practical issues, such as resource limitation, bandwidth optimization, and scalability

    Security and privacy issues in some special-puropse networks

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    This thesis is about providing security and privacy to new emergent applications which are based on special-purpose networks. More precisely, we study different aspects regarding security and privacy issues related to sensor networks, mobile ad hoc networks, vehicular ad hoc networks and social networks.Sensor networks consist of resource-constrained wireless devices with sensor capabilities. This emerging technology has a wide variety of applications related to event surveillance like emergency response, habitat monitoring or defense-related networks.Ad hoc networks are suited for use in situations where deploying an infrastructure is not cost effective or is not possible for any other reason. When the nodes of an ad hoc network are small mobile devices (e.g. cell phones or PDAs), such a network is called mobile ad hoc network. One of many possible uses of MANETs is to provide crisis management services applications, such as in disaster recovery, where the entire communication infrastructure is destroyed and reestablishing communication quickly is crucial. Another useful situation for MANETs is a scenario without fixed communication systems where there is the need for any kind of collaborative computing. Such situation can occur in both business and military environments.When the mobile nodes of a MANET are embedded in cars, such a network is called Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET). This kind of networks can be very useful to increase the road traffic safety and they will be deployed for real use in the forthcoming years. As a proof of that, eight important European vehicle manufacturers have founded the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium. This non-profit organisation is dedicated to the objective of further increasing traffic safety and efficiency by means of inter-vehicle communications.Social networks differ from the special-purpose networks commented above in that they are not physical networks. Social networks are applications that work through classic networks. They can be defined as a community of web users where each user can publish and share information and services. Social networks have become an object of study both in computer and social sciences, with even dedicated journals and conferences.The special-purpose networks described above provide a wide range of new services and applications. Even though they are expected to improve the society in several ways, these innovative networks and their related applications bring also security and privacy issues that must be addressed.This thesis solves some security and privacy issues related to such new applications and services. More specifically, it focuses on:·Secure information transmission in many-to-one scenarios with resource-constrained devices such as sensor networks.·Secure and private information sharing in MANETs.·Secure and private information spread in VANETs.·Private resource access in social networks.Results presented in this thesis include four contributions published in ISI JCR journals (IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Computer Networks (2) and Computer Communications) and two contributions published in two international conferences (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).Esta tesis trata diversos problemas de seguridad y privacidad que surgen al implantar en escenarios reales novedosas aplicaciones basadas en nuevos y emergentes modelos de red. Estos nuevos modelos de red difieren significativamente de las redes de computadores clásicas y son catalogadas como redes de propósito especial. Específicamente, en este trabajo se estudian diferentes aspectos relacionados con la seguridad de la información y la privacidad de los usuarios en redes de sensores, redes ad hoc móviles (MANETs), redes ad hoc vehiculares (VANETs) y redes sociales.Las redes de sensores están formadas por dispositivos inalámbricos muy limitados a nivel de recursos (capacidad de computación y batería) que detectan eventos o condiciones del entorno donde se instalan. Esta tecnología tiene una amplia variedad de aplicaciones entre las que destacan la detección de emergencias o la creación de perímetros de seguridad. Una MANET esta formada por nodos móviles conectados entre ellos mediante conexiones inalámbricas y de forma auto-organizada. Este tipo de redes se constituye sin la ayuda de infraestructuras, por ello son especialmente útiles en situaciones donde implantar una infraestructura es inviable por ser su coste demasiado elevado o por cualquier otra razón. Una de las muchas aplicaciones de las MANETs es proporcionar servicio en situaciones críticas (por ejemplo desastres naturales) donde la infraestructura de comunicaciones ha sido destruida y proporcionar conectividad rápidamente es crucial. Otra aplicación directa aparece en escenarios sin sistemas de comunicación fijos donde existe la necesidad de realizar algún tipo de computación colaborativa entre diversas máquinas. Esta situación se da tanto en ámbitos empresariales como militares.Cuando los nodos móviles de una MANET se asocian a vehículos (coches, camiones.), dicha red se denomina red ad hoc vehicular o VANET. Este tipo de redes pueden ser muy útiles para incrementar la seguridad vial y se espera su implantación para uso real en los próximos años. Como prueba de la gran importancia que tiene esta tecnología, los ocho fabricantes europeos más importantes han fundado la CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium. Esta organización tiene como objetivo incrementar la seguridad y la eficiencia del tráfico mediante el uso de comunicaciones entre los vehículos.Las redes sociales se diferencian de las redes especiales descritas anteriormente en que éstas no son redes físicas. Las redes sociales son aplicaciones que funcionan a través de las redes de computadores clásicas. Una red de este tipo puede ser definida como una comunidad de usuarios web en donde dichos usuarios pueden publicar y compartir información y servicios. En la actualidad, las redes sociales han adquirido gran importancia ofreciendo un amplio abanico de posibilidades a sus usuarios: trabajar de forma colaborativa, compartir ficheros, búsqueda de nuevos amigos, etc.A continuación se resumen las aplicaciones en las que esta tesis se centra según el tipo de red asociada:·Transmisión segura de información en escenarios muchos-a-uno (múltiples emisores y un solo receptor) donde los dispositivos en uso poseen recursos muy limitados. Este escenario es el habitual en redes de sensores.·Distribución de información de forma segura y preservando la privacidad de los usuarios en redes ad hoc móviles.·Difusión de información (con el objeto de incrementar la seguridad vial) fidedigna preservando la privacidad de los usuarios en redes ad hoc vehiculares.·Acceso a recursos en redes sociales preservando la privacidad de los usuarios. Los resultados de la tesis incluyen cuatro publicaciones en revistas ISI JCR (IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Computer Networks (2) y Computer Communications) y dos publicaciones en congresos internacionales(Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

    A Survey on Secure and Private Federated Learning Using Blockchain: Theory and Application in Resource-constrained Computing

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    Federated Learning (FL) has gained widespread popularity in recent years due to the fast booming of advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence along with emerging security and privacy threats. FL enables efficient model generation from local data storage of the edge devices without revealing the sensitive data to any entities. While this paradigm partly mitigates the privacy issues of users' sensitive data, the performance of the FL process can be threatened and reached a bottleneck due to the growing cyber threats and privacy violation techniques. To expedite the proliferation of FL process, the integration of blockchain for FL environments has drawn prolific attention from the people of academia and industry. Blockchain has the potential to prevent security and privacy threats with its decentralization, immutability, consensus, and transparency characteristic. However, if the blockchain mechanism requires costly computational resources, then the resource-constrained FL clients cannot be involved in the training. Considering that, this survey focuses on reviewing the challenges, solutions, and future directions for the successful deployment of blockchain in resource-constrained FL environments. We comprehensively review variant blockchain mechanisms that are suitable for FL process and discuss their trade-offs for a limited resource budget. Further, we extensively analyze the cyber threats that could be observed in a resource-constrained FL environment, and how blockchain can play a key role to block those cyber attacks. To this end, we highlight some potential solutions towards the coupling of blockchain and federated learning that can offer high levels of reliability, data privacy, and distributed computing performance

    REISCH: incorporating lightweight and reliable algorithms into healthcare applications of WSNs

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    Healthcare institutions require advanced technology to collect patients' data accurately and continuously. The tradition technologies still suffer from two problems: performance and security efficiency. The existing research has serious drawbacks when using public-key mechanisms such as digital signature algorithms. In this paper, we propose Reliable and Efficient Integrity Scheme for Data Collection in HWSN (REISCH) to alleviate these problems by using secure and lightweight signature algorithms. The results of the performance analysis indicate that our scheme provides high efficiency in data integration between sensors and server (saves more than 24% of alive sensors compared to traditional algorithms). Additionally, we use Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AVISPA) to validate the security procedures in our scheme. Security analysis results confirm that REISCH is safe against some well-known attacks

    Trustworthy Federated Learning: A Survey

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    Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a significant advancement in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), enabling collaborative model training across distributed devices while maintaining data privacy. As the importance of FL increases, addressing trustworthiness issues in its various aspects becomes crucial. In this survey, we provide an extensive overview of the current state of Trustworthy FL, exploring existing solutions and well-defined pillars relevant to Trustworthy . Despite the growth in literature on trustworthy centralized Machine Learning (ML)/Deep Learning (DL), further efforts are necessary to identify trustworthiness pillars and evaluation metrics specific to FL models, as well as to develop solutions for computing trustworthiness levels. We propose a taxonomy that encompasses three main pillars: Interpretability, Fairness, and Security & Privacy. Each pillar represents a dimension of trust, further broken down into different notions. Our survey covers trustworthiness challenges at every level in FL settings. We present a comprehensive architecture of Trustworthy FL, addressing the fundamental principles underlying the concept, and offer an in-depth analysis of trust assessment mechanisms. In conclusion, we identify key research challenges related to every aspect of Trustworthy FL and suggest future research directions. This comprehensive survey serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners working on the development and implementation of Trustworthy FL systems, contributing to a more secure and reliable AI landscape.Comment: 45 Pages, 8 Figures, 9 Table

    Efficient Security Protocols for Constrained Devices

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    During the last decades, more and more devices have been connected to the Internet.Today, there are more devices connected to the Internet than humans.An increasingly more common type of devices are cyber-physical devices.A device that interacts with its environment is called a cyber-physical device.Sensors that measure their environment and actuators that alter the physical environment are both cyber-physical devices.Devices connected to the Internet risk being compromised by threat actors such as hackers.Cyber-physical devices have become a preferred target for threat actors since the consequence of an intrusion disrupting or destroying a cyber-physical system can be severe.Cyber attacks against power and energy infrastructure have caused significant disruptions in recent years.Many cyber-physical devices are categorized as constrained devices.A constrained device is characterized by one or more of the following limitations: limited memory, a less powerful CPU, or a limited communication interface.Many constrained devices are also powered by a battery or energy harvesting, which limits the available energy budget.Devices must be efficient to make the most of the limited resources.Mitigating cyber attacks is a complex task, requiring technical and organizational measures.Constrained cyber-physical devices require efficient security mechanisms to avoid overloading the systems limited resources.In this thesis, we present research on efficient security protocols for constrained cyber-physical devices.We have implemented and evaluated two state-of-the-art protocols, OSCORE and Group OSCORE.These protocols allow end-to-end protection of CoAP messages in the presence of untrusted proxies.Next, we have performed a formal protocol verification of WirelessHART, a protocol for communications in an industrial control systems setting.In our work, we present a novel attack against the protocol.We have developed a novel architecture for industrial control systems utilizing the Digital Twin concept.Using a state synchronization protocol, we propagate state changes between the digital and physical twins.The Digital Twin can then monitor and manage devices.We have also designed a protocol for secure ownership transfer of constrained wireless devices. Our protocol allows the owner of a wireless sensor network to transfer control of the devices to a new owner.With a formal protocol verification, we can guarantee the security of both the old and new owners.Lastly, we have developed an efficient Private Stream Aggregation (PSA) protocol.PSA allows devices to send encrypted measurements to an aggregator.The aggregator can combine the encrypted measurements and calculate the decrypted sum of the measurements.No party will learn the measurement except the device that generated it