469,943 research outputs found

    Two special cases of the assignment problem

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    AbstractThe assignment problem may be stated as follows: Given finite sets of points S and T, with|S| â©Ÿ |T|, and given a “metric” which assigns a distance d(x, y) to each pair (x, y) such that x ∈ T and y ∈ S find a 1−1 function Q: T→ S which minimizes ÎŁx∈Td(x, Q(x)) We consider the two special cases in which the points lie (1) on a line segment and (2) on a circle, and the metric is the distance along the line segment or circle, respectively. In each case, we show that the optimal assignment Q can be computed in a number of steps (additions and comparisons) proportional to the number of points. The problem arose in connection with the efficient rearrangement of desks located in offices along a corridor which encircles one floor of a building

    Optimal processor assignment for pipeline computations

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    The availability of large scale multitasked parallel architectures introduces the following processor assignment problem for pipelined computations. Given a set of tasks and their precedence constraints, along with their experimentally determined individual responses times for different processor sizes, find an assignment of processor to tasks. Two objectives are of interest: minimal response given a throughput requirement, and maximal throughput given a response time requirement. These assignment problems differ considerably from the classical mapping problem in which several tasks share a processor; instead, it is assumed that a large number of processors are to be assigned to a relatively small number of tasks. Efficient assignment algorithms were developed for different classes of task structures. For a p processor system and a series parallel precedence graph with n constituent tasks, an O(np2) algorithm is provided that finds the optimal assignment for the response time optimization problem; it was found that the assignment optimizing the constrained throughput in O(np2log p) time. Special cases of linear, independent, and tree graphs are also considered

    New special cases of the quadratic assignment problem with diagonally structured coefficient matrices

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    We consider new polynomially solvable cases of the well-known Quadratic Assignment Problem involving coefficient matrices with a special diagonal structure. By combining the new special cases with polynomially solvable special cases known in the literature we obtain a new and larger class of polynomially solvable special cases of the QAP where one of the two coefficient matrices involved is a Robinson matrix with an additional structural property: this matrix can be represented as a conic combination of cut matrices in a certain normal form. The other matrix is a conic combination of a monotone anti-Monge matrix and a down-benevolent Toeplitz matrix. We consider the recognition problem for the special class of Robinson matrices mentioned above and show that it can be solved in polynomial time

    Happy Family of Stable Marriages

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    In this chapter, we study some aspects of the problem of stable marriage. There are two distinguished marriage plans: the fully transferable case, where money can be transferred between the participants, and the fully nontransferable case where each participant has its own rigid preference list regarding the other gender. We continue to discuss intermediate partial transferable cases. Partial transferable plans can be approached as either special cases of cooperative games using the notion of a core or as a generalization of the cyclical monotonicity property of the fully transferable case (fake promises). We introduce these two approaches and prove the existence of stable marriage for the fully transferable and nontransferable plans. The marriage problem is a special case of more general assignment problems, which has many application in mathematical economy and logistics, in particular, the assignment of employees to hiring firms. The fully cooperative marriage plan is also a special case of the celebrated problem of optimal mass transport, which is also known as Monge-Kantorovich theory. Optimal transport problem has countless applications in many fields of mathematics, physics, computer science and, of course, economy, transportation and traffic control

    Quantum Computation by Adiabatic Evolution

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    We give a quantum algorithm for solving instances of the satisfiability problem, based on adiabatic evolution. The evolution of the quantum state is governed by a time-dependent Hamiltonian that interpolates between an initial Hamiltonian, whose ground state is easy to construct, and a final Hamiltonian, whose ground state encodes the satisfying assignment. To ensure that the system evolves to the desired final ground state, the evolution time must be big enough. The time required depends on the minimum energy difference between the two lowest states of the interpolating Hamiltonian. We are unable to estimate this gap in general. We give some special symmetric cases of the satisfiability problem where the symmetry allows us to estimate the gap and we show that, in these cases, our algorithm runs in polynomial time.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, LaTeX, amssymb,amsmath, BoxedEPS packages; email to [email protected]

    Inapproximability Results for Scheduling with Interval and Resource Restrictions

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    In the restricted assignment problem, the input consists of a set of machines and a set of jobs each with a processing time and a subset of eligible machines. The goal is to find an assignment of the jobs to the machines minimizing the makespan, that is, the maximum summed up processing time any machine receives. Herein, jobs should only be assigned to those machines on which they are eligible. It is well-known that there is no polynomial time approximation algorithm with an approximation guarantee of less than 1.5 for the restricted assignment problem unless P=NP. In this work, we show hardness results for variants of the restricted assignment problem with particular types of restrictions. For the case of interval restrictions - where the machines can be totally ordered such that jobs are eligible on consecutive machines - we show that there is no polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS) unless P=NP. The question of whether a PTAS for this variant exists was stated as an open problem before, and PTAS results for special cases of this variant are known. Furthermore, we consider a variant with resource restriction where the sets of eligible machines are of the following form: There is a fixed number of (renewable) resources, each machine has a capacity, and each job a demand for each resource. A job is eligible on a machine if its demand is at most as big as the capacity of the machine for each resource. For one resource, this problem has been intensively studied under several different names and is known to admit a PTAS, and for two resources the variant with interval restrictions is contained as a special case. Moreover, the version with multiple resources is closely related to makespan minimization on parallel machines with a low rank processing time matrix. We show that there is no polynomial time approximation algorithm with a rate smaller than 48/47 ? 1.02 or 1.5 for scheduling with resource restrictions with 2 or 4 resources, respectively, unless P=NP. All our results can be extended to the so called Santa Claus variants of the problems where the goal is to maximize the minimal processing time any machine receives

    The Robust Pole Assignment Problem for Second-Order Systems

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    Pole assignment problems are special algebraic inverse eigenvalue problems. In this paper, we research numerical methods of the robust pole assignment problem for second-order systems. The problem is formulated as an optimization problem. Depending upon whether the prescribed eigenvalues are real or complex, we separate the discussion into two cases and propose two algorithms for solving this problem. Numerical examples show that the problem of the robust eigenvalue assignment for the quadratic pencil can be solved effectively

    The complexity of multidimensional periodic scheduling

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    AbstractWe discuss the computational complexity of the multidimensional periodic scheduling problem. This problem originates from the assignment of periodic tasks to processing units over time and it is related to the design of high-performance video signal processors. We present a model of multidimensional periodic operations and introduce the multidimensional periodic scheduling problem. Next, we show that this problem and two related sub-problems are NP-hard. Further-more, we identify several special cases induced by practical situations, of which some are proven to be polynomially solvable
