2,639 research outputs found

    Development of procedures for calculating stiffness and damping properties of elastomers. Part 3: The effects of temperature, dissipation level and geometry

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    Effects of temperature, dissipation level and geometry on the dynamic behavior of elastomer elements were investigated. Force displacement relationships in elastomer elements and the effects of frequency, geometry and temperature upon these relationships are reviewed. Based on this review, methods of reducing stiffness and damping data for shear and compression test elements to material properties (storage and loss moduli) and empirical geometric factors are developed and tested using previously generated experimental data. A prediction method which accounts for large amplitudes of deformation is developed on the assumption that their effect is to increase temperature through the elastomers, thereby modifying the local material properties. Various simple methods of predicting the radial stiffness of ring cartridge elements are developed and compared. Material properties were determined from the shear specimen tests as a function of frequency and temperature. Using these material properties, numerical predictions of stiffness and damping for cartridge and compression specimens were made and compared with corresponding measurements at different temperatures, with encouraging results

    Development of magnetostrictive active members for control of space structures

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    The goal of this Phase 2 Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) project was to determine the technical feasibility of developing magnetostrictive active members for use as truss elements in space structures. Active members control elastic vibrations of truss-based space structures and integrate the functions of truss structure element, actively controlled actuator, and sensor. The active members must control structural motion to the sub-micron level and, for many proposed space applications, work at cryogenic temperatures. Under this program both room temperature and cryogenic temperature magnetostrictive active members were designed, fabricated, and tested. The results of these performance tests indicated that room temperature magnetostrictive actuators feature higher strain, stiffness, and force capability with lower amplifier requirements than similarly sized piezoelectric or electrostrictive active members, at the cost of higher mass. Two different cryogenic temperature magnetostrictive materials were tested at liquid nitrogen temperatures, both with larger strain capability than the room temperature magnetostrictive materials. The cryogenic active member development included the design and fabrication of a cryostat that allows operation of the cryogenic active member in a space structure testbed

    Fatigue/fracture mechanics analysis of threaded tether connections

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    The use of threaded connections for joining tubes and pipes is widespread within the oil and gas drilling industry. Such connections have more recently been employed for the joining of tethering elements for a new generation of offshore platform, the Tension Leg Platform (TLP). The platform design depends totally on the integrity of the tethering system and the threaded connection between tether elements has been identified as a critical structural component. The hostile environment of the North Sea leads to severe cyclic loading on the tethering system and fatigue is the most likely in-service damage mechanism. This study involves an analysis of the fatigue behaviour of large threaded connections of the type proposed for tethering applications and considers the implications for subsequent in-service inspection and integrity assessment. A simplified model for the prediction of the non-uniform load distribution within the connection is proposed and this is validated using finite element (FE) modelling of a complete connection. A methodology for the use of this model, in conjunction with simple FE sub models, for the prediction of dynamic stresses in preloaded and unpreloaded connections is presented. Fatigue initiation and fracture mechanics based crack growth models are proposed for this application and large scale tests, to provide experimental data for validation of these models, have been conducted. An inspection system was developed to enable fatigue crack growth to be measured during the test. It is likely that this system will be suitable for integrity monitoring of large scale threaded connections removed from service. The requirements for integrity monitoring during service, based on a knowledge of the likely fatigue behaviour, are considered for a tethering system and a methodology for defining service inspection intervals as discussed

    Hybrid branch prediction for pipelined MIPS processor

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    In the modern microprocessors that designed with pipeline stages, the performance of these types of processors will be affected when executing branch instructions, because in this case there will be stalls in the pipeline. In turn this causes in reducing the Cycle Per Instruction (CPI) of the processor. In the case of executing a branch instruction, the processor needs an extra clocks to know if that branch will happen (Taken) or not (Not Taken) and also it requires calculating the new address in the case of the branch is Taken. The prediction that the branch is T / NT is an important stage in enhancing the processor performance. In this research more than one method of branch prediction (hybrid) is used and the designed circuit will choose different types of prediction algoritms depending on the type of the branch. Some of these methods were used are static while the other are dynamic. All circuits were built practically and examined by applying different programs on the designed predictor algorithm to compute the performance of the processor

    FAST Mast Structural Response to Axial Loading: Modeling and Verification

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    The International Space Station s solar array wing mast shadowing problem is the focus of this paper. A building-block approach to modeling and analysis is pursued for the primary structural components of the solar array wing mast structure. Starting with an ANSYS (Registered Trademark) finite element model, a verified MSC.Nastran (Trademark) model is established for a single longeron. This finite element model translation requires the conversion of several modeling and analysis features for the two structural analysis tools to produce comparable results for the single-longeron configuration. The model is then reconciled using test data. The resulting MSC.Nastran (Trademark) model is then extended to a single-bay configuration and verified using single-bay test data. Conversion of the MSC. Nastran (Trademark) single-bay model to Abaqus (Trademark) is also performed to simulate the elastic-plastic longeron buckling response of the single bay prior to folding

    Confluence: Unified Instruction Supply for Scale-out Servers

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    Multi-megabyte instruction working sets of server workloads defy the capacities of latency-critical instruction-supply components of a core; the instruction cache (L1-I) and the branch target buffer (BTB). Recent work has proposed dedicated prefetching techniques aimed separately at L1-I and BTB, resulting in high metadata costs and/or only modest performance improvements due to the complex control-flow histories required to effectively fill the two components ahead of the core's fetch stream. This work makes the observation that the metadata for both the L1-I and BTB prefetchers require essentially identical information; the control-flow history. While the L1-I prefetcher necessitates the history at block granularity, the BTB requires knowledge of individual branches inside each block. To eliminate redundant metadata and multiple prefetchers, we introduce Confluence -- a frontend design with unified metadata for prefetching into both L1-I and BTB, whose contents are synchronized. Confluence leverages a stream-based prefetcher to proactively fill both components ahead of the core's fetch stream. The prefetcher maintains the control-flow history at block granularity and for each instruction block brought into the L1-I, eagerly inserts the set of branch targets contained in the block into the BTB. Confluence provides 85% of the performance improvement provided by an ideal frontend (with a perfect L1-I and BTB) with 1% area overhead per core, while the highest-performance alternative delivers only 62% of the ideal performance improvement with a per-core area overhead of 8%

    On-Orbit Compressor Technology Program

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    A synopsis of the On-Orbit Compressor Technology Program is presented. The objective is the exploration of compressor technology applicable for use by the Space Station Fluid Management System, Space Station Propulsion System, and related on-orbit fluid transfer systems. The approach is to extend the current state-of-the-art in natural gas compressor technology to the unique requirements of high-pressure, low-flow, small, light, and low-power devices for on-orbit applications. This technology is adapted to seven on-orbit conceptual designs and one prototype is developed and tested

    Integration of Active Systems for a Global Chassis Control Design

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    Vehicle chassis control active systems (braking, suspension, steering and driveline), from the first ABS/ESC control unit to the current advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), are progressively revolutionizing the way of thinking and designing the vehicle, improving its interaction with the surrounding world (V2V and V2X) and have led to excellent results in terms of safety and performances (dynamic behavior and drivability). They are usually referred as intelligent vehicles due to a software/hardware architecture able to assist the driver for achieving specific safety margin and/or optimal vehicle dynamic behavior. Moreover, industrial and academic communities agree that these technologies will progress till the diffusion of the so called autonomous cars which are able to drive robustly in a wide range of traffic scenarios. Different autonomous vehicles are already available in Europe, Japan and United States and several solutions have been proposed for smart cities and/or small public area like university campus. In this context, the present research activity aims at improving safety, comfort and performances through the integration of global active chassis control: the purposes are to study, design and implement control strategies to support the driver for achieving one or more final target among safety, comfort and performance. Specifically, the vehicle subsystems that are involved in the present research for active systems development are the steering system, the propulsion system, the transmission and the braking system. The thesis is divided into three sections related to different applications of active systems that, starting from a robust theoretical design procedure, are strongly supported by objective experimental results obtained fromHardware In the Loop (HIL) test rigs and/or proving ground testing sessions. The first chapter is dedicated to one of the most discussed topic about autonomous driving due to its impact from the social point of view and in terms of human error mitigation when the driver is not prompt enough. In particular, it is here analyzed the automated steering control which is already implemented for automatic parking and that could represent also a key element for conventional passenger car in emergency situation where a braking intervention is not enough for avoiding an imminent collision. The activity is focused on different steering controllers design and their implementation for an autonomous vehicle; an obstacle collision avoidance adaptation is introduced for future implementations. Three different controllers, Proportional Derivative (PD), PD+Feedforward (FF) e PD+Integral Sliding Mode (ISM), are designed for tracking a reference trajectory that can be modified in real-time for obstacle avoidance purposes. Furthermore, PD+FF and PD+ISM logic are able to improve the tracking performances of automated steering during cornering maneuvers, relevant fromthe collision avoidance point of view. Path tracking control and its obstacle avoidance enhancement is also shown during experimental tests executed in a proving ground through its implementation for an autonomous vehicle demonstrator. Even if the activity is presented for an autonomous vehicle, the active control can be developed also for a conventional vehicle equipped with an Electronic Power Steering (EPS) or Steer-by-wire architectures. The second chapter describes a Torque Vectoring (TV) control strategy, applied to a Fully Electric Vehicle (FEV) with four independent electric motor (one for each wheel), that aims to optimize the lateral vehicle behavior by a proper electric motor torque regulation. A yaw rate controller is presented and designed in order to achieve a desired steady-state lateral behaviour of the car (handling task). Furthermore, a sideslip angle controller is also integrated to preserve vehicle stability during emergency situations (safety task). LQR, LQR+FF and ISM strategies are formulated and explained for yaw rate and concurrent yaw rate/sideslip angle control techniques also comparing their advantages and weakness points. The TV strategy is implemented and calibrated on a FEV demonstrator by executing experimental maneuvers (step steer, skid pad, lane change and sequence of step steers) thus proving the efficacy of the proposed controller and the safety contribution guaranteed by the sideslip control. The TV could be also applied for internal combustion engine driven vehicles by installing specific torque vectoring differentials, able to distribute the torque generated by the engine to each wheel independently. The TV strategy evaluated in the second chapter can be influenced by the presence of a transmission between themotor (or the engine) and wheels (where the torque control is supposed to be designed): in addition to the mechanical delay introduced by transmission components, the presence of gears backlashes can provoke undesired noises and vibrations in presence of torque sign inversion. The last chapter is thus related to a new method for noises and vibration attenuation for a Dual Clutch Transmission (DCT). This is achieved in a new way by integrating the powertrain control with the braking system control, which are historically and conventionally analyzed and designed separately. It is showed that a torsional preload effect can be obtained on transmission components by increasing the wheel torque and concurrently applying a braking wheel torque. For this reason, a pressure following controller is presented and validated through a Hardware In the Loop (HIL) test rig in order to track a reference value of braking torque thus ensuring the desired preload effect and noises reduction. Experimental results demonstrates the efficacy of the controller, also opening new scenario for global chassis control design. Finally, some general conclusions are drawn and possible future activities and recommendations are proposed for further investigations or improvements with respect to the results shown in the present work

    Seismic Performance of Earthquake-Resilient RC Frames Made with HSTC Beams and Friction Damper Devices

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    Seismic behavior of RC frames with hybrid steel-trussed concrete beams is affected by panel zone damage due to a large amount of longitudinal reinforcement. Here the seismic efficiency of innovative frames characterized by friction damper devices (FDDs) at beam-to-column connections is compared against traditional frame. Three configurations are investigated: FDDs alone; FDDs with column-to-foundation connections having preloaded threaded bars and disk springs; FDDs with self-centering friction devices. Non-linear analyses show that FDDs alone prevent plastic hinge formation at beam ends and beam–column joint damage. FDDs with self-centering friction devices effectively limit both peak and residual drifts, avoiding column base plasticization
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