321 research outputs found

    Two Operands of Multipliers in Side-Channel Attack

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    The single-shot collision attack on RSA proposed by Hanley et al. is studied focusing on the difference between two operands of multipliers. There are two consequences. Firstly, designing order of operands can be a cost-effective countermeasure. We show a concrete example in which operand order determines success and failure of the attack. Secondly, countermeasures can be ineffective if the asymmetric leakage is considered. In addition to the main results, the attack by Hanley et al. is extended using the signal-processing technique of the big mac attack. An experimental result to successfully analyze an FPGA implementation of RSA with the multiply-always method is also presented

    Asymmetric Leakage from Multiplier and Collision-Based Single-Shot Side-Channel Attack

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    The single-shot collision attack on RSA proposed by Hanley et al. is studied focusing on the difference between two operands of multiplier. It is shown that how leakage from integer multiplier and long-integer multiplication algorithm can be asymmetric between two operands. The asymmetric leakage is verified with experiments on FPGA and micro-controller platforms. Moreover, we show an experimental result in which success and failure of the attack is determined by the order of operands. Therefore, designing operand order can be a cost-effective countermeasure. Meanwhile we also show a case in which a particular countermeasure becomes ineffective when the asymmetric leakage is considered. In addition to the above main contribution, an extension of the attack by Hanley et al. using the signal-processing technique of Big Mac Attack is presented

    Design and implementation of robust embedded processor for cryptographic applications

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    Practical implementations of cryptographic algorithms are vulnerable to side-channel analysis and fault attacks. Thus, some masking and fault detection algorithms must be incorporated into these implementations. These additions further increase the complexity of the cryptographic devices which already need to perform computationally-intensive operations. Therefore, the general-purpose processors are usually supported by coprocessors/hardware accelerators to protect as well as to accelerate cryptographic applications. Using a configurable processor is just another solution. This work designs and implements robust execution units as an extension to a configurable processor, which detect the data faults (adversarial or otherwise) while performing the arithmetic operations. Assuming a capable adversary who can injects faults to the cryptographic computation with high precision, a nonlinear error detection code with high error detection capability is used. The designed units are tightly integrated to the datapath of the configurable processor using its tool chain. For different configurations, we report the increase in the space and time complexities of the configurable processor. Also, we present performance evaluations of the software implementations using the robust execution units. Implementation results show that it is feasible to implement robust arithmetic units with relatively low overhead in an embedded processor

    Sequential Circuit Design for Embedded Cryptographic Applications Resilient to Adversarial Faults

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    In the relatively young field of fault-tolerant cryptography, the main research effort has focused exclusively on the protection of the data path of cryptographic circuits. To date, however, we have not found any work that aims at protecting the control logic of these circuits against fault attacks, which thus remains the proverbial Achilles’ heel. Motivated by a hypothetical yet realistic fault analysis attack that, in principle, could be mounted against any modular exponentiation engine, even one with appropriate data path protection, we set out to close this remaining gap. In this paper, we present guidelines for the design of multifault-resilient sequential control logic based on standard Error-Detecting Codes (EDCs) with large minimum distance. We introduce a metric that measures the effectiveness of the error detection technique in terms of the effort the attacker has to make in relation to the area overhead spent in implementing the EDC. Our comparison shows that the proposed EDC-based technique provides superior performance when compared against regular N-modular redundancy techniques. Furthermore, our technique scales well and does not affect the critical path delay

    Implementação eficiente da Curve25519 para microcontroladores ARM

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    Orientador: Diego de Freitas AranhaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Com o advento da computação ubíqua, o fenômeno da Internet das Coisas (de Internet of Things) fará que com inúmeros dispositivos conectem-se um com os outros, enquanto trocam dados muitas vezes sensíveis pela sua natureza. Danos irreparáveis podem ser causados caso o sigilo destes seja quebrado. Isso causa preocupações acerca da segurança da comunicação e dos próprios dispositivos, que geralmente têm carência de mecanismos de proteção contra interferências físicas e pouca ou nenhuma medida de segurança. Enquanto desenvolver criptografia segura e eficiente como um meio de prover segurança à informação não é inédito, esse novo ambiente, com uma grande superfície de ataque, tem imposto novos desafios para a engenharia criptográfica. Uma abordagem segura para resolver este problema é utilizar blocos bem conhecidos e profundamente analisados, tal como o protocolo Segurança da Camada de Transporte (de Transport Layer Security, TLS). Na última versão desse padrão, as opções para Criptografia de Curvas Elípticas (de Elliptic Curve Cryptography - ECC) são expandidas para além de parâmetros estabelecidos por governos, tal como a proposta Curve25519 e protocolos criptográficos relacionados. Esse trabalho pesquisa implementações seguras e eficientes de Curve25519 para construir um esquema de troca de chaves em um microcontrolador ARM Cortex-M4, além do esquema de assinatura digital Ed25519 e a proposta de esquema de assinaturas digitais qDSA. Como resultado, operações de desempenho crítico, tal como o multiplicador de 256 bits, foram otimizadas; em particular, aceleração de 50% foi alcançada, impactando o desempenho de protocolos em alto nívelAbstract: With the advent of ubiquitous computing, the Internet of Things will undertake numerous devices connected to each other, while exchanging data often sensitive by nature. Breaching the secrecy of this data may cause irreparable damage. This raises concerns about the security of their communication and the devices themselves, which usually lack tamper resistance mechanisms or physical protection and even low to no security mesures. While developing efficient and secure cryptography as a mean to provide information security services is not a new problem, this new environment, with a wide attack surface, imposes new challenges to cryptographic engineering. A safe approach to solve this problem is reusing well-known and thoroughly analyzed blocks, such as the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. In the last version of this standard, Elliptic Curve Cryptography options were expanded beyond government-backed parameters, such as the Curve25519 proposal and related cryptographic protocols. This work investigates efficient and secure implementations of Curve25519 to build a key exchange protocol on an ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller, along the related signature scheme Ed25519 and a digital signature scheme proposal called qDSA. As result, performance-critical operations, such as a 256-bit multiplier, are greatly optimized; in this particular case, a 50% speedup is achieved, impacting the performance of higher-level protocolsMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da ComputaçãoCAPESFuncam

    Algorithmic Security is Insufficient: A Comprehensive Survey on Implementation Attacks Haunting Post-Quantum Security

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    This survey is on forward-looking, emerging security concerns in post-quantum era, i.e., the implementation attacks for 2022 winners of NIST post-quantum cryptography (PQC) competition and thus the visions, insights, and discussions can be used as a step forward towards scrutinizing the new standards for applications ranging from Metaverse, Web 3.0 to deeply-embedded systems. The rapid advances in quantum computing have brought immense opportunities for scientific discovery and technological progress; however, it poses a major risk to today's security since advanced quantum computers are believed to break all traditional public-key cryptographic algorithms. This has led to active research on PQC algorithms that are believed to be secure against classical and powerful quantum computers. However, algorithmic security is unfortunately insufficient, and many cryptographic algorithms are vulnerable to side-channel attacks (SCA), where an attacker passively or actively gets side-channel data to compromise the security properties that are assumed to be safe theoretically. In this survey, we explore such imminent threats and their countermeasures with respect to PQC. We provide the respective, latest advancements in PQC research, as well as assessments and providing visions on the different types of SCAs

    Proposing Individualization of the design of cryptographic hardware accelerators as countermeasure against structure and side channel analysis

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    Side channel and fault attacks take advantage from the fact that the behavior of crypto implementations can be observed and provide hints that simplify revealing keys. These attacks are normally prepared by analyzing devices that are identical to the real target. Here we propose to individualize the design of cryptographic devices in order to prevent attacks that use identical devices. We implemented three different designs that provide exactly the same cryptographic function, i.e. an ECC kP multiplication. The synthesis and power simulation results show clear differences in the area consumed as well as in the power traces. We envision that this type of protection mechanism is relevant e.g. for wireless sensor networks from which devices can easily be stolen for further analysis in the lab