239 research outputs found

    On Near Optimal Time and Dynamic Delay and Delay Variation Multicast Algorithms

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    Multicast is one of the most prevalent communication modes in computer networks. A plethora of systems and applications today rely on multicast communication to disseminate traffic including but not limited to teleconferencing, videoconferencing, stock exchanges, supercomputers, software update distribution, distributed database systems, and gaming. This dissertation elaborates and addresses key research challenges and problems related to the design and implementation of multicast algorithms. In particular, it investigates the problems of (1) Designing near optimal multicast time algorithms for mesh and torus connected systems and (2) Designing efficient algorithms for Delay and Delay Variation Bounded Multicast (DVBM). To achieve the first goal, improvements on four tree based multicast algorithms are made: Modified PAIR (MPAIR), Modified DIAG (MDIAG), Modified MIN (MMIN), and Modified DIST (MDIST). The proof that MDIAG generates optimal or optimal plus one multicast time in 2-Dimensional (2D) mesh networks is provided. The hybrid version of MDIAG (HMDIAG) is designed, that gives a 3-additive approximation algorithm on multicast time in 2D torus networks. To make HMDIAG applicable on systems using higher dimensional meshes and tori, it is extended and the proof that it gives a (2n-1)-additive approximation algorithm on multicast time in nD torus networks is given. To address the second goal, Directional Core Selection (DCS) algorithm for core selection and DVBM Tree generation is designed. To further reduce the delay variation of trees generated by DCS, a k-shortest-path based algorithm, Build Lower Variation Tree (BLVT) is designed. To tackle dynamic join/leave requests to the ongoing multicast session, the dynamic version of both algorithms is given that responds to requests by reorganizing the tree and avoiding session disruption. To solve cases where single-core based algorithms fail to construct a DVBM tree, a dynamic three-phase algorithm, Multi-core DVBM Trees (MCDVBMT) is designed, that semi-matches group members to core nodes

    Exploring Adaptive Implementation of On-Chip Networks

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    As technology geometries have shrunk to the deep submicron regime, the communication delay and power consumption of global interconnections in high performance Multi- Processor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoCs) are becoming a major bottleneck. The Network-on- Chip (NoC) architecture paradigm, based on a modular packet-switched mechanism, can address many of the on-chip communication issues such as performance limitations of long interconnects and integration of large number of Processing Elements (PEs) on a chip. The choice of routing protocol and NoC structure can have a significant impact on performance and power consumption in on-chip networks. In addition, building a high performance, area and energy efficient on-chip network for multicore architectures requires a novel on-chip router allowing a larger network to be integrated on a single die with reduced power consumption. On top of that, network interfaces are employed to decouple computation resources from communication resources, to provide the synchronization between them, and to achieve backward compatibility with existing IP cores. Three adaptive routing algorithms are presented as a part of this thesis. The first presented routing protocol is a congestion-aware adaptive routing algorithm for 2D mesh NoCs which does not support multicast (one-to-many) traffic while the other two protocols are adaptive routing models supporting both unicast (one-to-one) and multicast traffic. A streamlined on-chip router architecture is also presented for avoiding congested areas in 2D mesh NoCs via employing efficient input and output selection. The output selection utilizes an adaptive routing algorithm based on the congestion condition of neighboring routers while the input selection allows packets to be serviced from each input port according to its congestion level. Moreover, in order to increase memory parallelism and bring compatibility with existing IP cores in network-based multiprocessor architectures, adaptive network interface architectures are presented to use multiple SDRAMs which can be accessed simultaneously. In addition, a smart memory controller is integrated in the adaptive network interface to improve the memory utilization and reduce both memory and network latencies. Three Dimensional Integrated Circuits (3D ICs) have been emerging as a viable candidate to achieve better performance and package density as compared to traditional 2D ICs. In addition, combining the benefits of 3D IC and NoC schemes provides a significant performance gain for 3D architectures. In recent years, inter-layer communication across multiple stacked layers (vertical channel) has attracted a lot of interest. In this thesis, a novel adaptive pipeline bus structure is proposed for inter-layer communication to improve the performance by reducing the delay and complexity of traditional bus arbitration. In addition, two mesh-based topologies for 3D architectures are also introduced to mitigate the inter-layer footprint and power dissipation on each layer with a small performance penalty.Siirretty Doriast

    High performance communication on reconfigurable clusters

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) has matured to where it is an essential third pillar, along with theory and experiment, in most domains of science and engineering. Communication latency is a key factor that is limiting the performance of HPC, but can be addressed by integrating communication into accelerators. This integration allows accelerators to communicate with each other without CPU interactions, and even bypassing the network stack. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are the accelerators that currently best integrate communication with computation. The large number of Multi-gigabit Transceivers (MGTs) on most high-end FPGAs can provide high-bandwidth and low-latency inter-FPGA connections. Additionally, the reconfigurable FPGA fabric enables tight coupling between computation kernel and network interface. Our thesis is that an application-aware communication infrastructure for a multi-FPGA system makes substantial progress in solving the HPC communication bottleneck. This dissertation aims to provide an application-aware solution for communication infrastructure for FPGA-centric clusters. Specifically, our solution demonstrates application-awareness across multiple levels in the network stack, including low-level link protocols, router microarchitectures, routing algorithms, and applications. We start by investigating the low-level link protocol and the impact of its latency variance on performance. Our results demonstrate that, although some link jitter is always present, we can still assume near-synchronous communication on an FPGA-cluster. This provides the necessary condition for statically-scheduled routing. We then propose two novel router microarchitectures for two different kinds of workloads: a wormhole Virtual Channel (VC)-based router for workloads with dynamic communication, and a statically-scheduled Virtual Output Queueing (VOQ)-based router for workloads with static communication. For the first (VC-based) router, we propose a framework that generates application-aware router configurations. Our results show that, by adding application-awareness into router configuration, the network performance of FPGA clusters can be substantially improved. For the second (VOQ-based) router, we propose a novel offline collective routing algorithm. This shows a significant advantage over a state-of-the-art collective routing algorithm. We apply our communication infrastructure to a critical strong-scaling HPC kernel, the 3D FFT. The experimental results demonstrate that the performance of our design is faster than that on CPUs and GPUs by at least one order of magnitude (achieving strong scaling for the target applications). Surprisingly, the FPGA cluster performance is similar to that of an ASIC-cluster. We also implement the 3D FFT on another multi-FPGA platform: the Microsoft Catapult II cloud. Its performance is also comparable or superior to CPU and GPU HPC clusters. The second application we investigate is Molecular Dynamics Simulation (MD). We model MD on both FPGA clouds and clusters. We find that combining processing and general communication in the same device leads to extremely promising performance and the prospect of MD simulations well into the us/day range with a commodity cloud

    Efficient Multicast Algorithms for Mesh and Torus Networks

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    With the increasing popularity of multicomputers, efficient way of communication within its processors has become a popular area of research. Multicomputers refer to a computer system that has multiple processors, they have high computational power and they can perform multiple tasks concurrently. Mesh and Torus are some of the commonly used network topologies in building multicomputer systems. Their performance highly depends on the underlying network communication such as multicast. Multicast is a communication method in which a message is sent from a source node to a certain number of destinations. Two major parameters used to evaluate multicast are time that a multicast process takes to deliver the message to all destinations and traffic that indicates the number of links used for this process. Research indicates that in general, it is NP- complete to find an optimal multicasting algorithm which is efficient on both time and traffic. This thesis suggests two new algorithms to achieve multicast in mesh and torus networks. Extensive simulations of these algorithms show that in practice they perform better than existing ones

    Scheduling and reconfiguration of interconnection network switches

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    Interconnection networks are important parts of modern computing systems, facilitating communication between a system\u27s components. Switches connecting various nodes of an interconnection network serve to move data in the network. The switch\u27s delay and throughput impact the overall performance of the network and thus the system. Scheduling efficient movement of data through a switch and configuring the switch to realize a schedule are the main themes of this research. We consider various interconnection network switches including (i) crossbar-based switches, (ii) circuit-switched tree switches, and (iii) fat-tree switches. For crossbar-based input-queued switches, a recent result established that logarithmic packet delay is possible. However, this result assumes that packet transmission time through the switch is no less than schedule-generation time. We prove that without this assumption (as is the case in practice) packet delay becomes linear. We also report results of simulations that bear out our result for practical switch sizes and indicate that a fast scheduling algorithm reduces not only packet delay but also buffer size. We also propose a fast mesh-of-trees based distributed switch scheduling (maximal-matching based) algorithm that has polylog complexity. A circuit-switched tree (CST) can serve as an interconnect structure for various computing architectures and models such as the self-reconfigurable gate array and the reconfigurable mesh. A CST is a tree structure with source and destination processing elements as leaves and switches as internal nodes. We design several scheduling and configuration algorithms that distributedly partition a given set of communications into non-conflicting subsets and then establish switch settings and paths on the CST corresponding to the communications. A fat-tree is another widely used interconnection structure in many of today\u27s high-performance clusters. We embed a reconfigurable mesh inside a fat-tree switch to generate efficient connections. We present an R-Mesh-based algorithm for a fat-tree switch that creates buses connecting input and output ports corresponding to various communications using that switch

    Adaptive Routing Approaches for Networked Many-Core Systems

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    Through advances in technology, System-on-Chip design is moving towards integrating tens to hundreds of intellectual property blocks into a single chip. In such a many-core system, on-chip communication becomes a performance bottleneck for high performance designs. Network-on-Chip (NoC) has emerged as a viable solution for the communication challenges in highly complex chips. The NoC architecture paradigm, based on a modular packet-switched mechanism, can address many of the on-chip communication challenges such as wiring complexity, communication latency, and bandwidth. Furthermore, the combined benefits of 3D IC and NoC schemes provide the possibility of designing a high performance system in a limited chip area. The major advantages of 3D NoCs are the considerable reductions in average latency and power consumption. There are several factors degrading the performance of NoCs. In this thesis, we investigate three main performance-limiting factors: network congestion, faults, and the lack of efficient multicast support. We address these issues by the means of routing algorithms. Congestion of data packets may lead to increased network latency and power consumption. Thus, we propose three different approaches for alleviating such congestion in the network. The first approach is based on measuring the congestion information in different regions of the network, distributing the information over the network, and utilizing this information when making a routing decision. The second approach employs a learning method to dynamically find the less congested routes according to the underlying traffic. The third approach is based on a fuzzy-logic technique to perform better routing decisions when traffic information of different routes is available. Faults affect performance significantly, as then packets should take longer paths in order to be routed around the faults, which in turn increases congestion around the faulty regions. We propose four methods to tolerate faults at the link and switch level by using only the shortest paths as long as such path exists. The unique characteristic among these methods is the toleration of faults while also maintaining the performance of NoCs. To the best of our knowledge, these algorithms are the first approaches to bypassing faults prior to reaching them while avoiding unnecessary misrouting of packets. Current implementations of multicast communication result in a significant performance loss for unicast traffic. This is due to the fact that the routing rules of multicast packets limit the adaptivity of unicast packets. We present an approach in which both unicast and multicast packets can be efficiently routed within the network. While suggesting a more efficient multicast support, the proposed approach does not affect the performance of unicast routing at all. In addition, in order to reduce the overall path length of multicast packets, we present several partitioning methods along with their analytical models for latency measurement. This approach is discussed in the context of 3D mesh networks.Siirretty Doriast

    Cost Effective Routing Implementations for On-chip Networks

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    Arquitecturas de múltiples núcleos como multiprocesadores (CMP) y soluciones multiprocesador para sistemas dentro del chip (MPSoCs) actuales se basan en la eficacia de las redes dentro del chip (NoC) para la comunicación entre los diversos núcleos. Un diseño eficiente de red dentro del chip debe ser escalable y al mismo tiempo obtener valores ajustados de área, latencia y consumo de energía. Para diseños de red dentro del chip de propósito general se suele usar topologías de malla 2D ya que se ajustan a la distribución del chip. Sin embargo, la aparición de nuevos retos debe ser abordada por los diseñadores. Una mayor probabilidad de defectos de fabricación, la necesidad de un uso optimizado de los recursos para aumentar el paralelismo a nivel de aplicación o la necesidad de técnicas eficaces de ahorro de energía, puede ocasionar patrones de irregularidad en las topologías. Además, el soporte para comunicación colectiva es una característica buscada para abordar con eficacia las necesidades de comunicación de los protocolos de coherencia de caché. En estas condiciones, un encaminamiento eficiente de los mensajes se convierte en un reto a superar. El objetivo de esta tesis es establecer las bases de una nueva arquitectura para encaminamiento distribuido basado en lógica que es capaz de adaptarse a cualquier topología irregular derivada de una estructura de malla 2D, proporcionando así una cobertura total para cualquier caso resultado de soportar los retos mencionados anteriormente. Para conseguirlo, en primer lugar, se parte desde una base, para luego analizar una evolución de varios mecanismos, y finalmente llegar a una implementación, que abarca varios módulos para alcanzar el objetivo mencionado anteriormente. De hecho, esta última implementación tiene por nombre eLBDR (effective Logic-Based Distributed Routing). Este trabajo cubre desde el primer mecanismo, LBDR, hasta el resto de mecanismos que han surgido progresivamente.Rodrigo Mocholí, S. (2010). Cost Effective Routing Implementations for On-chip Networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8962Palanci

    Design of a communications interface for a very high performance computer

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    PetaFLOPS computing power is the newest goal of Federal Government agencies, in the increasingly active supercomputer field. To obtain this performance goal by the year 2007, sophisticated parallel processing designs are required. To effectively create network interfaces/routers for interprocessor communications in such computer systems, it requires optimal hardware and software codesigns. An interface is presented for the NJIT New Millennium Computing Point Design, a system that targets 100 TeraFLOPS performance by the year 2005. The router handles store-and-forward switching and wormhole routing for the system