51 research outputs found

    Infodemiology and Infoveillance: Scoping Review

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    Background: Web-based sources are increasingly employed in the analysis, detection, and forecasting of diseases and epidemics, and in predicting human behavior toward several health topics. This use of the internet has come to be known as infodemiology, a concept introduced by Gunther Eysenbach. Infodemiology and infoveillance studies use web-based data and have become an integral part of health informatics research over the past decade. Objective: The aim of this paper is to provide a scoping review of the state-of-the-art in infodemiology along with the background and history of the concept, to identify sources and health categories and topics, to elaborate on the validity of the employed methods, and to discuss the gaps identified in current research. Methods: The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines were followed to extract the publications that fall under the umbrella of infodemiology and infoveillance from the JMIR, PubMed, and Scopus databases. A total of 338 documents were extracted for assessment. Results: Of the 338 studies, the vast majority (n=282, 83.4%) were published with JMIR Publications. The Journal of Medical Internet Research features almost half of the publications (n=168, 49.7%), and JMIR Public Health and Surveillance has more than one-fifth of the examined studies (n=74, 21.9%). The interest in the subject has been increasing every year, with 2018 featuring more than one-fourth of the total publications (n=89, 26.3%), and the publications in 2017 and 2018 combined accounted for more than half (n=171, 50.6%) of the total number of publications in the last decade. The most popular source was Twitter with 45.0% (n=152), followed by Google with 24.6% (n=83), websites and platforms with 13.9% (n=47), blogs and forums with 10.1% (n=34), Facebook with 8.9% (n=30), and other search engines with 5.6% (n=19). As for the subjects examined, conditions and diseases with 17.2% (n=58) and epidemics and outbreaks with 15.7% (n=53) were the most popular categories identified in this review, followed by health care (n=39, 11.5%), drugs (n=40, 10.4%), and smoking and alcohol (n=29, 8.6%). Conclusions: The field of infodemiology is becoming increasingly popular, employing innovative methods and approaches for health assessment. The use of web-based sources, which provide us with information that would not be accessible otherwise and tackles the issues arising from the time-consuming traditional methods, shows that infodemiology plays an important role in health informatics research

    Characterizing the Followers and Tweets of a Marijuana-Focused Twitter Handle

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    BACKGROUND: Twitter is a popular social media forum for sharing personal experiences, interests, and opinions. An improved understanding of the discourse on Twitter that encourages marijuana use can be helpful for tailoring and targeting online and offline prevention messages. OBJECTIVES: The intent of the study was to assess the content of “tweets” and the demographics of followers of a popular pro-marijuana Twitter handle (@stillblazingtho). METHODS: We assessed the sentiment and content of tweets (sent from May 1 to December 31, 2013), as well as the demographics of consumers that follow a popular pro-marijuana Twitter handle (approximately 1,000,000 followers) using Twitter analytics from Demographics Pro. This analytics company estimates demographic characteristics based on Twitter behavior/usage, relying on multiple data signals from networks, consumption, and language and requires confidence of 95% or above to make an estimate of a single demographic characteristic. RESULTS: A total of 2590 tweets were sent from @stillblazingtho during the 8-month period and 305 (11.78%) replies to another Twitter user were excluded for qualitative analysis. Of the remaining 2285 tweets, 1875 (82.06%) were positive about marijuana, 403 (17.64%) were neutral, and 7 (0.31%) appeared negative about marijuana. Approximately 1101 (58.72%) of the positive marijuana tweets were perceived as jokes or humorous, 340 (18.13%) implied that marijuana helps you to feel good or relax, 294 (15.68%) mentioned routine, frequent, or heavy use, 193 (10.29%) mentioned blunts, marijuana edibles, or paraphernalia (eg, bongs, vaporizers), and 186 (9.92%) mentioned other risky health behaviors (eg, tobacco, alcohol, other drugs, sex). The majority (699,103/959,143; 72.89%) of @stillblazingtho followers were 19 years old or younger. Among people ages 17 to 19 years, @stillblazingtho was in the top 10% of all Twitter handles followed. More followers of @stillblazingtho in the United States were African American (323,107/759,407; 42.55%) or Hispanic (90,732/759,407; 11.95%) than the Twitter median average (African American 22.4%, inter-quartile ratio [IQR] 5.1-62.5%; Hispanic 5.4%, IQR 3.0-10.8%) and among Hispanics, @stillblazingtho was in the top 30% of all Twitter handles followed. CONCLUSIONS: Young people are especially responsive to social media influences and often establish substance use patterns during this phase of development. Our findings underscore the need for surveillance efforts to monitor the pro-marijuana content reaching young people on Twitter

    Attitudes of Crohn's Disease Patients: Infodemiology Case Study and Sentiment Analysis of Facebook and Twitter Posts

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    Background: Data concerning patients originates from a variety of sources on social media. Objective: The aim of this study was to show how methodologies borrowed from different areas including computer science, econometrics, statistics, data mining, and sociology may be used to analyze Facebook data to investigate the patients’ perspectives on a given medical prescription. Methods: To shed light on patients’ behavior and concerns, we focused on Crohn’s disease, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, and the specific therapy with the biological drug Infliximab. To gain information from the basin of big data, we analyzed Facebook posts in the time frame from October 2011 to August 2015. We selected posts from patients affected by Crohn’s disease who were experiencing or had previously been treated with the monoclonal antibody drug Infliximab. The selected posts underwent further characterization and sentiment analysis. Finally, an ethnographic review was carried out by experts from different scientific research fields (eg, computer science vs gastroenterology) and by a software system running a sentiment analysis tool. The patient feeling toward the Infliximab treatment was classified as positive, neutral, or negative, and the results from computer science, gastroenterologist, and software tool were compared using the square weighted Cohen’s kappa coefficient method. Results: The first automatic selection process returned 56,000 Facebook posts, 261 of which exhibited a patient opinion concerning Infliximab. The ethnographic analysis of these 261 selected posts gave similar results, with an interrater agreement between the computer science and gastroenterology experts amounting to 87.3% (228/261), a substantial agreement according to the square weighted Cohen’s kappa coefficient method (w2K=0.6470). A positive, neutral, and negative feeling was attributed to 36%, 27%, and 37% of posts by the computer science expert and 38%, 30%, and 32% by the gastroenterologist, respectively. Only a slight agreement was found between the experts’ opinion and the software tool. Conclusions: We show how data posted on Facebook by Crohn’s disease patients are a useful dataset to understand the patient’s perspective on the specific treatment with Infliximab. The genuine, nonmedically influenced patients’ opinion obtained from Facebook pages can be easily reviewed by experts from different research backgrounds, with a substantial agreement on the classification of patients’ sentiment. The described method allows a fast collection of big amounts of data, which can be easily analyzed to gain insight into the patients’ perspective on a specific medical therapy

    Finding the Patient’s Voice Using Big Data: Analysis of Users’ Health-Related Concerns in the ChaCha Question-and-Answer Service (2009–2012)

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    Background: The development of effective health care and public health interventions requires a comprehensive understanding of the perceptions, concerns, and stated needs of health care consumers and the public at large. Big datasets from social media and question-and-answer services provide insight into the public’s health concerns and priorities without the financial, temporal, and spatial encumbrances of more traditional community-engagement methods and may prove a useful starting point for public-engagement health research (infodemiology). Objective: The objective of our study was to describe user characteristics and health-related queries of the ChaCha question-and-answer platform, and discuss how these data may be used to better understand the perceptions, concerns, and stated needs of health care consumers and the public at large. Methods: We conducted a retrospective automated textual analysis of anonymous user-generated queries submitted to ChaCha between January 2009 and November 2012. A total of 2.004 billion queries were read, of which 3.50% (70,083,796/2,004,243,249) were missing 1 or more data fields, leaving 1.934 billion complete lines of data for these analyses. Results: Males and females submitted roughly equal numbers of health queries, but content differed by sex. Questions from females predominantly focused on pregnancy, menstruation, and vaginal health. Questions from males predominantly focused on body image, drug use, and sexuality. Adolescents aged 12–19 years submitted more queries than any other age group. Their queries were largely centered on sexual and reproductive health, and pregnancy in particular. Conclusions: The private nature of the ChaCha service provided a perfect environment for maximum frankness among users, especially among adolescents posing sensitive health questions. Adolescents’ sexual health queries reveal knowledge gaps with serious, lifelong consequences. The nature of questions to the service provides opportunities for rapid understanding of health concerns and may lead to development of more effective tailored interventions. [J Med Internet Res 2016;18(3):e44

    Smokers' Likelihood to Engage With Information and Misinformation on Twitter About the Relative Harms of e-Cigarette Use:Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Information and misinformation on the internet about e-cigarette harms may increase smokers’ misperceptions of e-cigarettes. There is limited research on smokers’ engagement with information and misinformation about e-cigarettes on social media. OBJECTIVE: This study assessed smokers’ likelihood to engage with—defined as replying, retweeting, liking, and sharing—tweets that contain information and misinformation and uncertainty about the harms of e-cigarettes. METHODS: We conducted a web-based randomized controlled trial among 2400 UK and US adult smokers who did not vape in the past 30 days. Participants were randomly assigned to view four tweets in one of four conditions: (1) e-cigarettes are as harmful or more harmful than smoking, (2) e-cigarettes are completely harmless, (3) uncertainty about e-cigarette harms, or (4) control (physical activity). The outcome measure was participants’ likelihood of engaging with tweets, which comprised the sum of whether they would reply, retweet, like, and share each tweet. We fitted Poisson regression models to predict the likelihood of engagement with tweets among 974 Twitter users and 1287 non-Twitter social media users, adjusting for covariates and stratified by UK and US participants. RESULTS: Among Twitter users, participants were more likely to engage with tweets in condition 1 (e-cigarettes are as harmful or more harmful than smoking) than in condition 2 (e-cigarettes are completely harmless). Among other social media users, participants were more likely to likely to engage with tweets in condition 1 than in conditions 2 and 3 (e-cigarettes are completely harmless and uncertainty about e-cigarette harms). CONCLUSIONS: Tweets stating information and misinformation that e-cigarettes were as harmful or more harmful than smoking regular cigarettes may receive higher engagement than tweets indicating e-cigarettes were completely harmless. TRIAL REGISTRATION: International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN) 16082420; https://doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN1608242

    Public Discourse Against Masks in the COVID-19 Era: Infodemiology Study of Twitter Data

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    Background: Despite scientific evidence supporting the importance of wearing masks to curtail the spread of COVID-19, wearing masks has stirred up a significant debate particularly on social media. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the topics associated with the public discourse against wearing masks in the United States. We also studied the relationship between the anti-mask discourse on social media and the number of new COVID-19 cases. Methods: We collected a total of 51,170 English tweets between January 1, 2020, and October 27, 2020, by searching for hashtags against wearing masks. We used machine learning techniques to analyze the data collected. We investigated the relationship between the volume of tweets against mask-wearing and the daily volume of new COVID-19 cases using a Pearson correlation analysis between the two-time series. Results: The results and analysis showed that social media could help identify important insights related to wearing masks. The results of topic mining identified 10 categories or themes of user concerns dominated by (1) constitutional rights and freedom of choice; (2) conspiracy theory, population control, and big pharma; and (3) fake news, fake numbers, and fake pandemic. Altogether, these three categories represent almost 65% of the volume of tweets against wearing masks. The relationship between the volume of tweets against wearing masks and newly reported COVID-19 cases depicted a strong correlation wherein the rise in the volume of negative tweets led the rise in the number of new cases by 9 days. Conclusions: These findings demonstrated the potential of mining social media for understanding the public discourse about public health issues such as wearing masks during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results emphasized the relationship between the discourse on social media and the potential impact on real events such as changing the course of the pandemic. Policy makers are advised to proactively address public perception and work on shaping this perception through raising awareness, debunking negative sentiments, and prioritizing early policy intervention toward the most prevalent topics

    Insights from the Twittersphere: a cross-sectional study of public perceptions, usage patterns, and geographical differences of tweets discussing cocaine

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    IntroductionCocaine abuse represents a major public health concern. The social perception of cocaine has been changing over the decades, a phenomenon closely tied to its patterns of use and abuse. Twitter is a valuable tool to understand the status of drug use and abuse globally. However, no specific studies discussing cocaine have been conducted on this platform.Methods111,508 English and Spanish tweets containing “cocaine” from 2018 to 2022 were analyzed. 550 were manually studied, and the largest subset underwent automated classification. Then, tweets related to cocaine were analyzed to examine their content, types of Twitter users, usage patterns, health effects, and personal experiences. Geolocation data was also considered to understand regional differences.ResultsA total of 71,844 classifiable tweets were obtained. Among these, 15.95% of users discussed the harm of cocaine consumption to health. Media outlets had the highest number of tweets (35.11%) and the most frequent theme was social/political denunciation (67.88%). Regarding the experience related to consumption, there are more tweets with a negative sentiment. The 9.03% of tweets explicitly mention frequent use of the drug. The continent with the highest number of tweets was America (55.44% of the total).DiscussionThe findings underscore the significance of cocaine as a current social and political issue, with a predominant focus on political and social denunciation in the majority of tweets. Notably, the study reveals a concentration of tweets from the United States and South American countries, reflecting the high prevalence of cocaine-related disorders and overdose cases in these regions. Alarmingly, the study highlights the trivialization of cocaine consumption on Twitter, accompanied by a misleading promotion of its health benefits, emphasizing the urgent need for targeted interventions and antidrug content on social media platforms. Finally, the unexpected advocacy for cocaine by healthcare professionals raises concerns about potential drug abuse within this demographic, warranting further investigation

    Medical research with Google Trends and Google Shopping

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    Mithilfe von Nowcasting-Tools wurde im öffentlichen Interesse die Verwendung von Online-Suchbegriffen im Zusammenhang mit medizinischer Versorgung vor-, innerhalb- und nach- der COVID-19-Pandemie im zeitlichen Trend untersucht. Ziel war es einen möglichen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Suchverhalten der Nutzer und epidemiologischen Trends bei bestimmten Erkrankungen zu erkennen. Daten von Google Trends wurden entsprechend aktuellen und saisonalen Trends nach spezifischen Suchbegriffen in Bezug auf medizinisch relevantes Verhalten oder klinische Versorgung, einschließlich klinisch-diagnostischer und therapeutischer Begriffe, ausgewertet. Darüber hinaus wurden Daten von Google Shopping Insights gesammelt mit dem Ziel, das Verbraucherverhalten zu untersuchen. Die Daten für Suchergebnisse in den USA und weltweit wurden anhand des relativen Suchvolumens (RSV) nach Monaten tabellarisch verglichen. In der Auswertung zeigte sich ab März 2020 ein steigendes Suchinteresse an einem insgesamt gesünderen Lebensstil, dass sich auch im Online-Einkaufsverhalten widerspiegelte. Zweitens zeigten Google Trends-Daten in den USA im Frühjahr 2020 eine Zunahme der Suchanfragen nach Symptomen von Brustschmerz, bei gleichzeitigem Rückgang des Suchinteresses nach Myokardinfarkten. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass akutes Koronarsyndrom und Brustschmerzen (als dessen Hauptsymptom) weniger Beachtung finden und könnte erklären, warum die kardiovaskuläre Mortalität trotz geringerer Krankenhauseinweisungsraten aufgrund von akutem Koronarsyndrom während der Pandemie gestiegen ist. Außerdem weisen Onlinesuchanfragen auf Google darauf hin, dass in den letzten Jahren das allgemeine Interesse an medizinischen Verfahren wie Calcium-Scans gestiegen ist, die reale Nutzungsdaten widerspiegeln. Diese Ergebnisse sind von Bedeutung: Zum einen unterstreichen sie, dass eine Sensibilisierung der Gesamtbevölkerung für potenziell lebensbedrohliche Symptome mit dem Ziel der umgehenden notfallmedizinischen Versorgung auch während der Pandemie unverzichtbar ist. Zum anderen stellen sie die Grundlage für weitere Analysen dar und ermöglichen es, Trends in virtuellen Daten vorherzusagen sowie das Verhältnis zwischen Onlinesuchanfragen und realen, epidemiologischen Daten zu beurteilen.Using nowcasting tools, we sought to explore temporal trends in public interest by studying use of online search terms related to medical care pre-, intra- and post-COVID-19 pandemic. We queried Google Trends for recent, transient and seasonal trends of search terms pertaining to medicine-related behaviors or clinical care including clinical diagnostic and therapeutic-related terms. Additionally, we acquired data from Google Shopping Insights to explore consumer behavior. Data for search results in the US and worldwide were compared using mean relative search volumes (RSV), tabulated by month. First, we report an increase in search interest for an overall healthier lifestyle starting in March 2020, supported by online consumer shopping behavior. Second, Google Trends data in the United States showed an increase in search query frequency for chest pain symptoms during spring 2020, despite a concurrent decrease in search interest for myocardial infarction. This suggests a reduced attention to acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and chest pain as its main symptom and could help explain why cardiovascular mortality has risen despite fewer hospitalization rates for ACS. Finally, Google Trends suggests increased overall interest in medical procedures like coronary artery calcium (CAC) scans over the last years that mirrors real-world usage data. These observations have important implications as 1) they underline the importance of raising awareness in the general population that potentially life-threatening symptom should always be evaluated by a medical professional, even during the pandemic and 2) future research is needed to understand how these virtual data will behave in future and how they potentially translate into real-world events

    Cannabidiol tweet miner: a framework for identifying misinformation In CBD tweets.

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    As regulations surrounding cannabis continue to develop, the demand for cannabis-based products is on the rise. Despite not producing the psychoactive effects commonly associated with THC, products containing cannabidiol (CBD) have gained immense popularity in recent years as a potential treatment option for a range of conditions, particularly those associated with pain or sleep disorders. However, due to current federal policies, these products have yet to undergo comprehensive safety and efficacy testing. Fortunately, utilizing advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques, data harvested from social networks have been employed to investigate various social trends within healthcare, such as disease tracking and drug surveillance. By leveraging Twitter data, NLP can offer invaluable insights into public perceptions around CBD, as well as the marketing tactics employed by those marketing such loosely-regulated substances to the general public. Given the lack of comprehensive clinical CBD testing, the various health claims made by CBD sellers regarding their products are highly dubious and potentially perilous, as is evident from the ongoing COVID-19 misinformation. It is therefore critically important to efficiently identify unsupportable claims to guide public health policy and action. To this end, we present our proposed framework, the Cannabidiol Tweet Miner (CBD-TM), which utilizes advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques, including text mining and sentiment analysis, to analyze the similarities and differences between commercial and personal tweets that mention CBD. CBD-TM enables us to identify conditions typically associated with commercial CBD advertising, or conditions not associated with positive sentiment, that are also absent from personal conversations. Through our technical contributions, including NLP, text mining, and sentiment analysis, we can effectively uncover areas where the public may be misled by CBD sellers. Since the rise in popularity of CBD, advertisements making bold claims about its benefits have become increasingly prevalent. The COVID-19 pandemic created a new opportunity for sellers to promote and sell products that purportedly treat and/or prevent the virus, with CBD being one of them. Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued multiple warnings to CBD sellers, this type of misinformation still persists. In response, we have extended the CBD-TM framework with an additional layer of tweet classification designed to identify tweets that make potentially misleading claims about CBD\u27s efficacy in treating and/or preventing COVID-19. Our approach harnesses modern NLP algorithms, utilizing a transformer-based language model to establish the semantic relationship between statements extracted from the FDA\u27s website that contain false information and tweets conveying similar false claims. Our technical contributions build upon the impressive performance of deep language models in various natural language processing and understanding tasks. Specifically, we employ transfer learning via pre-trained deep language models, enabling us to achieve improved misinformation identification in tweets, even with relatively small training sets. Furthermore, this extension of CBD-TM can be easily adapted to detect other forms of misinformation. Through our innovative use of NLP techniques and algorithms, we can more effectively identify and combat false and potentially harmful claims related to CBD and COVID-19, as well as other forms of misinformation. As the conversations surrounding CBD on Twitter evolve over time, concept drift can occur, leading to changes in the topics being discussed. We observed significant changes within the CBD Twitter data stream with the emergence of COVID-19, introducing a new medical condition associated with CBD that would not have been discussed in conversations prior to the pandemic. These shifts in conversation introduce concept drift into CBD-TM, which has the potential to negatively impact our tweet classification models. Therefore, it is crucial to identify when such concept drift occurs to maintain the accuracy of our models. To this end, we propose an innovative approach for identifying potential changes within social network streams, allowing us to determine how and when these conversations evolve over time. Our approach leverages a BERT-based topic model, which can effectively capture how conversations related to CBD change over time. By incorporating advanced NLP techniques and algorithms, we are able to better understand the changes in topic that occur within the CBD Twitter data stream, allowing us to more effectively manage concept drift in CBD-TM. Our technical contributions enable us to maintain the accuracy and effectiveness of our tweet classification models, ensuring that we can continue to identify and address potentially harmful misinformation related to CBD
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