17 research outputs found

    A Survey on Blood Storage and Distribution Systems

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    This paper presents a review of the literature on inventory and supply chain management of blood distribution system. First, we identify different perspectives on approaches to classifying theexisting material. Each perspective is presented as a table in which the classification is displayed. The classification choices are exemplified through the citation of key references or by expounding the features of the perspective. The main contribution of this review is to facilitate the tracing of published work in relevant fields of interest, as well as identifying trends and indicating which areas should be subject to future research

    Way for reducing drug supply chain cost for a hospital district: a case study

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    Purpose: This work aims at providing insights to optimise healthcare logistic of the drug management, in order to deal with the healthcare expenditure cut. In this paper the effects of different drug supply chain configurations, on the resulting average stock, service level and Bullwhip effect, of the studied supply chain, is quantitatively assessed. Design/methodology/approach: A case study of an Italian district has been studied, taking into account three echelons: suppliers, central stock, and hospitals. A model of the various supply chain configurations has been created with the use of the simulation. Specifically, 24 supply chain configurations have been examined, stemming from the combination of several supply chain design parameters, namely: transshipment policies (Emergency Lateral Transshipment or Total Inventory Equalization); re-order and inventory management policies (Economic Order Quantity or Economic Order Interval); required service levels (90% or 95%); the number of available vans (one or two). For each configuration, hospital average stock, service level and a “Bullwhip effect” analysis are computed. To know which input variables are statistically significant, a DoE (Design of Experiments) analysis has been executed. Findings: The output of this paper provides useful insights and suggestions to optimize the healthcare logistic and drug supply chain. According to the developed DoE analysis, it can be stated that the introduction of transshipment policies provides important improvement in terms of service and stock levels. To reduce the Bullwhip effect, which results in a service level decreasing, and in a managing stock costs increasing, it is worth to adopt an EOQ re-order policy. Practical implications: This research gives practical recommendations to the studied system, in order to reduce costs and maintain a very satisfactory service level. Originality/value: This paper fulfils an identified need to study which combination of transshipment policies, re-order/inventory management policies and required service levels, can be the best one to reduce costs and maintain a very satisfactory service level, in the specific logistic system.Peer Reviewe

    Supply chain management of blood products: a literature review.

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    This paper presents a review of the literature on inventory and supply chain management of blood products. First, we identify different perspectives on approaches to classifying the existing material. Each perspective is presented as a table in which the classification is displayed. The classification choices are exemplified through the citation of key references or by expounding the features of the perspective. The main contribution of this review is to facilitate the tracing of published work in relevant fields of interest, as well as identifying trends and indicating which areas should be subject to future research.OR in health services; Supply chain management; Inventory; Blood products; Literature review;

    Development of a discrete event simulation model for evaluating strategies of red blood cell provision following mass casualty events

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    Timely and adequate provision of blood following mass casualty events (MCEs) is critical to reducing mortality rates amongst casualties transported to hospital following an event. Developing planning strategies to ensure the blood transfusion demands of casualties are met is challenging. Discrete event simulation (DES) offers a novel solution to this problem which is financially efficient, less disruptive to services and allows for rich experimentation compared to the current industry standards of live exercises, round-table discussion or tabletop planning. There are currently no published models of this type for investigating blood provision in MCEs. The objective of this study was to develop a working model which could be used to target the in-hospital 'levers' and 'supply levels' of the transfusion system and improve outcomes during the response to future events. This was achieved through the robust design of a DES model using exclusive access to qualitative and quantitative data as well as a panel of experts from the field of transfusion and MCE management. The completed model was extensively and formally evaluated with secondary data from the 7th of July 2005 London bombings, the largest UK based civilian MCE in over 50 years. A subsequent sensitivity analysis revealed the five factors displaying the greatest influence on casualty outcomes. Experimental themes based on these findings have generated new solutions for managing future events which have since been presented to MCE stakeholders and policy makers


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    Background: In four years from now, Qatar will host the 2022 World Cup competition which requires high level of preparedness and readiness in different sectors including health care. Among different sub-sections of health, the blood bank and the Blood Donor Center will have a major role in this event especially in case of unforeseen incidences. Accordingly, a proper assessment of the current blood resource availability and a prediction of future blood needs helps in overcoming any obstacle that could be faced during the event. Objectives: (1) Highlight the process of the blood supply chain, with a detailed delineation of the needed amount of blood components for both routine and emergency situations services, and outline the proper measures taken to deliver the safest and most appropriate blood units and reduce wastage of blood component. (2) Assess the current standing of the Blood Donor Center and corresponding units in Qatar. (3) Develop a forecast model that predicts the number of blood donors in the next four years as a method to evaluate the readiness of the Blood Donor facility to host the world cup event. (4) Explore the potential challenges that could be faced when meeting the benchmark of donation and established an action plan to overcome these anticipated challenges. Materials and Methods: Both qualitative (interviews) and a quantitative (data collection and analysis) approaches have been implemented in our study. We also established a time series forecast model using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA). Results: The number of donors in the next four years, which is predicted to increase by 26%, will not be able to get accommodated in the current Blood Donor Center facility. Therefore, the established blood stock benchmark will not be met despite that the Center and its corresponding units are fully equipped with high standard equipment and follow international guidelines in the process of blood withdrawal. Conclusion: Infrastructure improvements and logistics support for Hamad Medical Corporation Blood Donor Center are required to support the continuously increasing numbers of blood donors for daily demand and during mega events

    Optimisation and control of the supply of blood bags in hemotherapic centres via Markov Decision Process with discounted arrival rate

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    Running a cost-effective human blood transfusion supply chain challenges decision makers in blood services world-wide. In this paper, we develop a Markov decision process with the objective of minimising the overall costs of internal and external collections, storing, producing and disposing of blood bags, whilst explicitly considering the probability that a donated blog bag will perish before demanded. The model finds an optimal policy to collect additional bags based on the number of bags in stock rather than using information about the age of the oldest item. Using data from the literature, we validate our model and carry out a case study based on data from a large blood supplier in South America. The study helped achieve an overall increase of 4.5% in blood donations in one year

    Avaliação da política ótima de gerenciamento de estoque de sangue do HEMORIO via processo de decisão de markov

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    This work develops a Markovian decision model in order to dimension the external collection in HEMORIO, a Brazilian blood institute, focusing on minimizing costs and considering aspects inherent to the problem of blood storage, such as the perishability of the items. In addition to dealing with blood stock management, our mathematical modeling handles waiting queues with variable rates, focusing on controlling the demand one. Although there are several models in the literature dealing with that, the way we apply Markov’s decision-making process to find switchovers to manage the blood stock is a new approach to optimization in this topic. The model is validated based on the literature and we show how the results could be used to improve the institution’s policy and its data. The text concludes the number of external collection teams to be sent according to the number of blood bags in stock, parameterized to guarantee 7 days of self-sufficiency in bloodEste trabalho propõe o estudo de um problema de gerenciamento de estoque de sangue através de técnicas de Processos Estocásticos, em especial focando na abordagem por Processos de decisão de Markov como alternativa às demais encontradas na literatura como por filas com taxas de chegada e/ou serviço variáveis. O estudo de caso que inspira o trabalho é a do principal instituto de sangue do estado do Rio de Janeiro, o HEMORIO, que deseja saber qual a política ótima de envio de equipes de coleta externa que complementam as doações dessa instituição. O texto conclui o número de equipes de coleta externa a serem enviadas em função do número de bolsas de sangue em estoque, parametrizados para garantir 7 dias de autossuficiência em sangue

    Platelet inventory management in blood supply chain under demand and supply uncertainty

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    Supply chain management of blood and its products are of paramount importance in medical treatment due to its perishable nature, uncertain demand, and lack of auxiliary substitutes. For example, the Red Blood Cells (RBC's) have a life span of approximately 40 days, whereas platelets have a shelf life of up to five days after extraction from the human body. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 112 million blood units are collected worldwide annually. However, nearly 20 percent of units are discarded in developed nations due to being expired before the final use. A similar trend is noticed in developing countries as well. On the other hand, blood shortage could lead to elective surgeries cancellations. Therefore, managing blood distribution and developing an efficient blood inventory management is considered a critical issue in the supply chain domain. A standard blood supply chain (BSC) achieves the movement of blood products (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets) from initial collection to final patients in several echelons. The first step comprises of donation of blood by donors at the donation or mobile centers. The donation sites transport the blood units to blood centers where several tests for infections are carried out. The blood centers then store either the whole blood units or segregate them into their individual products. Finally, they are distributed to the healthcare facilities when required. In this dissertation, an efficient forecasting model is developed to forecast the supply of blood. We leverage five years' worth of historical blood supply data from the Taiwan Blood Services Foundation (TBSF) to conduct our forecasting study. With the generated supply and demand distributioins from historial supply and demand data as inputs, a single objective stochastic model is developed to determine the number of platelet units to order and the time between orders at the hospitals. To reduce platelet shortage and outdating, a collaborative network between the blood centers and hospitals is proposed; the model is extended to determine the optimal ordering policy for a divergent network consisting of multiple blood centers and hospitals. It has been shown that a collaborative system of blood centers and hospitals is better than a decentralized system in which each hospital is supplied with blood only by its corresponding blood center. Furthermore, a mathematical model is proposed based on multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques, in which different conflicting objective functions are satisfied to generate an efficient and satisfactory solution for a blood supply chain comprising of two hospitals and one blood center. This study also conducted a sensitivity analysis to examine the impacts of the coefficient of demand and supply variation and the settings of cost parameters on the average total cost and the performance measures (units of shortage, outdated units, inventory holding units, and purchased units) for both the blood center and hospitals. The proposed models can also be applied to determine ordering policies for other supply chain of perishable products, such as perishable food or drug supply chains.Includes bibliographical references