665 research outputs found

    DiffNodesets: An Efficient Structure for Fast Mining Frequent Itemsets

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    Mining frequent itemsets is an essential problem in data mining and plays an important role in many data mining applications. In recent years, some itemset representations based on node sets have been proposed, which have shown to be very efficient for mining frequent itemsets. In this paper, we propose DiffNodeset, a novel and more efficient itemset representation, for mining frequent itemsets. Based on the DiffNodeset structure, we present an efficient algorithm, named dFIN, to mining frequent itemsets. To achieve high efficiency, dFIN finds frequent itemsets using a set-enumeration tree with a hybrid search strategy and directly enumerates frequent itemsets without candidate generation under some case. For evaluating the performance of dFIN, we have conduct extensive experiments to compare it against with existing leading algorithms on a variety of real and synthetic datasets. The experimental results show that dFIN is significantly faster than these leading algorithms.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figure

    An Efficient Algorithm for Frequent Pattern Mining for Real-Time Business Intelligence Analytics in Dense Datasets

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    Finding frequent patterns from databases has been the most time consuming process in data mining tasks, like association rule mining. Frequent pattern mining in real-time is of increasing thrust in many business applications such as e-commerce, recommender systems, and supply-chain management and group decision support systems, to name a few. A plethora of efficient algorithms have been proposed till date, among which, vertical mining algorithms have been found to be very effective, usually outperforming the horizontal ones. However, with dense datasets, the performances of these algorithms significantly degrade. Moreover, these algorithms are not suited to respond to the real-time need. In this paper, we describe BDFS(b)-diff-sets, an algorithm to perform real-time frequent pattern mining using diff-sets and limited computing resources. Empirical evaluations show that our algorithm can make a fair estimation of the probable frequent patterns and reaches some of the longest frequent patterns much faster than the existing algorithms.

    Mining Frequent Item Sets Data Streams using "ÉclatAlgorithm"

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    Frequent pattern mining is the process of mining data in a set of items or some patterns from a largedatabase. The resulted frequent set data supports the minimum support threshold. A frequentpattern is a pattern that occurs frequently in a dataset. Association rule mining is defined as to findout association rules that satisfy the predefined minimum support and confidence from a given database. If an item set is said to be frequent, that item set supports the minimum support andconfidence. A Frequent item set should appear in all the transaction of that data base. Discoveringfrequent item sets play a very important role in mining association rules, sequence rules, web logmining and many other interesting patterns among complex data. Data stream is a real timecontinuous, ordered sequence of items. It is an uninterrupted flow of a long sequence of data. Somereal time examples of data stream data are sensor network data, telecommunication data,transactional data and scientific surveillances systems. These data produced trillions of updatesevery day. So it is very difficult to store the entire data. In that time some mining process is required.Data mining is the non-trivial process of identifying valid, original, potentially useful and ultimatelyunderstandable patterns in data. It is an extraction of the hidden predictive information from largedata base. There are lots of algorithms used to find out the frequent item set. In that Apriorialgorithm is the very first classical algorithm used to find the frequent item set. Apart from Apriori,lots of algorithms generated but they are similar to Apriori. They are based on prune and candidategeneration. It takes more memory and time to find out the frequent item set. In this paper, we havestudied about how the éclat algorithm is used in data streams to find out the frequent item sets.Éclat algorithm need not required candidate generation

    A Hash Based Frequent Item set Mining using Rehashing

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    Data mining is the use of automated data analysis techniques to uncover previously undetected relationships among data items. Mining frequent item sets is one of the most important concepts of data mining. Frequent item set mining has been a highly concerned field of data mining for researcher for over two decades. It plays an essential role in many data mining tasks that try to find interesting itemsets from databases, such as association rules, correlations, sequences, classifiers and clusters . In this paper, we propose a new association rule mining algorithm called Rehashing Based Frequent Item set (RBFI) in which hashing technology is used to store the database in vertical data format. To avoid hash collision and secondary clustering problem in hashing, rehashing technique is utilized here. The advantages of this new hashing technique are easy to compute the hash function, fast access of data and efficiency. This algorithm provides facilities to avoid unnecessary scans to the database

    Postdiffset Algorithm in Rare Pattern: An Implementation via Benchmark Case Study

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    Frequent and infrequent itemset mining are trending in data mining techniques. The pattern of Association Rule (AR) generated will help decision maker or business policy maker to project for the next intended items across a wide variety of applications. While frequent itemsets are dealing with items that are most purchased or used, infrequent items are those items that are infrequently occur or also called rare items. The AR mining still remains as one of the most prominent areas in data mining that aims to extract interesting correlations, patterns, association or casual structures among set of items in the transaction databases or other data repositories. The design of database structure in association rules mining algorithms are based upon horizontal or vertical data formats. These two data formats have been widely discussed by showing few examples of algorithm of each data formats. The efforts on horizontal format suffers in huge candidate generation and multiple database scans which resulting in higher memory consumptions. To overcome the issue, the solutions on vertical approaches are proposed. One of the established algorithms in vertical data format is Eclat.ECLAT or Equivalence Class Transformation algorithm is one example solution that lies in vertical database format. Because of its, fast intersection‟, in this paper, we analyze the fundamental Eclat and Eclatvariants such asdiffsetand sortdiffset. In response to vertical data format and as a continuity to Eclat extension, we propose a postdiffset algorithm as a new member in Eclat variants that use tidset format in the first looping and diffset in the later looping. In this paper, we present the performance of Postdiffset algorithm prior to implementation in mining of infrequent or rare itemset.Postdiffset algorithm outperforms 23% and 84% to diffset and sortdiffset in mushroom and 94% and 99% to diffset and sortdiffset in retail dataset

    i-Eclat: performance enhancement of eclat via incremental approach in frequent itemset mining

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    One example of the state-of-the-art vertical rule mining technique is called equivalence class transformation (Eclat) algorithm. Neither horizontal nor vertical data format, both are still suffering from the huge memory consumption. In response to the promising results of mining in a higher volume of data from a vertical format, and taking consideration of dynamic transaction of data in a database, the research proposes a performance enhancement of Eclat algorithm that relies on incremental approach called an Incremental-Eclat (i-Eclat) algorithm. Motivated from the fast intersection in Eclat, this algorithm of performance enhancement adopts via my structured query language (MySQL) database management system (DBMS) as its platform. It serves as the association rule mining database engine in testing benchmark frequent itemset mining (FIMI) datasets from online repository. The MySQL DBMS is chosen in order to reduce the preprocessing stages of datasets. The experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm outperforms the traditional Eclat with 17% both in chess and T10I4D100K, 69% in mushroom, 5% and 8% in pumsb_star and retail datasets. Thus, among five (5) dense and sparse datasets, the average performance of i-Eclat is concluded to be 23% better than Eclat

    Efficiently Using Prime-Encoding for Mining Frequent Itemsets in Sparse Data

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    In the data mining field, data representation turns out to be one of the major factors affecting mining algorithm scalability. Mining Frequent Itemsets (MFI) is a data mining problem that is heavily affected by this fact. The vertical approach is one of the successful data representations adopted for MFI problem. The main advantage of this approach is support for fast frequency counting via joining operations. Recently, an encoding method called prime-encoding is proposed as an enhancement for the vertical approach [10]. The performance study introduced in [10] confirmed the high quality of prime-encoding based vertical mining of frequent sequence over other vertical and horizontal ones in terms of space and time. Though sequence mining is more general than itemset mining, this paper presents a prime-encoding based vertical mining of frequent itemsets with new optimizations and a new re-encoding method that further enhance memory and speed. The experimental results show that prime encoding based vertical itemset mining is suitable for high-dimensional sparse data

    Discovery of Frequent Itemsets: Frequent Item Tree-Based Approach

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    Mining frequent patterns in large transactional databases is a highly researched area in the field of data mining. Existing frequent pattern discovering algorithms suffer from many problems regarding the high memory dependency when mining large amount of data, computational and I/O cost. Additionally, the recursive mining process to mine these structures is also too voracious in memory resources. In this paper, we describe a more efficient algorithm for mining complete frequent itemsets from transactional databases. The suggested algorithm is partially based on FP-tree hypothesis and extracts the frequent itemsets directly from the tree. Its memory requirement, which is independent from the number of processed transactions, is another benefit of the new method. We present performance comparisons for our algorithm against the Apriori algorithm and FP-growth

    Discovery of Frequent Itemsets: Frequent Item Tree-Based Approach

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    Mining frequent patterns in large transactional databases is a highly researched area in the field of data mining. Existing frequent pattern discovering algorithms suffer from many problems regarding the high memory dependency when mining large amount of data, computational and I/O cost. Additionally, the recursive mining process to mine these structures is also too voracious in memory resources. In this paper, we describe a more efficient algorithm for mining complete frequent itemsets from transactional databases. The suggested algorithm is partially based on FP-tree hypothesis and extracts the frequent itemsets directly from the tree. Its memory requirement, which is independent from the number of processed transactions, is another benefit of the new method. We present performance comparisons for our algorithm against the Apriori algorithm and FP-growth
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