195 research outputs found

    Automating software design system DESTA

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    'DESTA' is the acronym for the Dialogue Evolutionary Synthesizer of Turnkey Algorithms by means of a natural language (Russian or English) functional specification of algorithms or software being developed. DESTA represents the computer-aided and/or automatic artificial intelligence 'forgiving' system which provides users with software tools support for algorithm and/or structured program development. The DESTA system is intended to provide support for the higher levels and earlier stages of engineering design of software in contrast to conventional Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems which provide low level tools for use at a stage when the major planning and structuring decisions have already been taken. DESTA is a knowledge-intensive system. The main features of the knowledge are procedures, functions, modules, operating system commands, batch files, their natural language specifications, and their interlinks. The specific domain for the DESTA system is a high level programming language like Turbo Pascal 6.0. The DESTA system is operational and runs on an IBM PC computer

    A Generalized Data Conversion System

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    To assist in the processing of data files collected by the Space Dynamics Laboratory at Utah State University, the software project GENDACS has been completed. GENDACS, acronym for A Generalized Data Conversion System, will contribute to its research program. Data are collected from various sensory instruments by the Computer Data Acquisition System. The instrument readings are brought in, tagged with the time they were taken, and stored on an optical disk in a compact, binary (non-ASCII) format. GENDACS is designed so that the program can read in such files, sort out the data, and convert them into a new ASCII configuration . The converted data are written to a separate file. GENDACS provides considerable versatility in reading and writing different file configurations. This versatility is necessary because different data collecting software packages may organize and store data in varying styles. GENDACS makes it possible for an engineer to extract and manipulate data from different types of files, enabling other commercial graphing programs to analyze and display the results . When the program is first operating , the user must define how the input data file is configured. Different input files may have different sequences of various data types . These data sequences need to be described to enable GENDACS to read in the data. Next, the user may give the program instructions to manipulate the data in various ways. Data values may be added or subtracted from each other, or constant numerical scaling factors may be applied to the data . Finally, the user must also define how the resultant data should be written out. Once this configuration information is given, GENDACS can proceed to process the file. Preliminary testing of GENDACS has confirmed its success in correctly processing data. This software was written using object-oriented Pascal (programming language) . The code is designed for use on a PC-based computer system. Although primarily written to facilitate data analysis being accomplished at the Space Dynamics Laboratory, this program could easily be adapted for other users as well

    Numerical Analysis in Econom(etr)ic Softwares: the Data-Memory Shortage Management

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    The econometricians and the economic modelers have to know and use numerical analysis not only to have a good understanding of their results, but sometimes to built their own tools. The increasing tendency to the use of large-scale models leads the softwares to reach the limit of the saturation of the Data-Memory. In this paper, we present an intuitive procedure DMT - i.e. Disk-Matrix Technique - which could help econom(etr)ic software developers to correct the problem of the data-memory shortage during the building of their own software.Algorithms ; Numerical Analysis ; Econom(etr)ic Softwares ; Operating System ; Data-Memory ; Data Storage

    Навчальна програма дисципліни "Числові методи в інформатиці"

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    Навчальна програма дисципліни "Числові методи в інформатиці" присвячена вивченню сучасних методів, які застосовуються для розробки програмних продуктів, а також під час побудови математичних моделей різноманітних об’єктів техніки. Метою вивчення дисципліни є надання студентам знань з основ обчислювальної математики, а також сучасного програмного забезпечення, а саме: методи чисельного диференціювання, інтегрування, інтерполяції, рішення лінійних та нелінійних рівнянь та систем, диференційних рівнянь та систем; методи оптимізації

    Навчальна програма дисципліни "Числові методи в інформатиці"

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    Навчальна програма дисципліни "Числові методи в інформатиці" присвячена вивченню сучасних методів, які застосовуються для розробки програмних продуктів, а також під час побудови математичних моделей різноманітних об’єктів техніки. Метою вивчення дисципліни є надання студентам знань з основ обчислювальної математики, а також сучасного програмного забезпечення, а саме: методи чисельного диференціювання, інтегрування, інтерполяції, рішення лінійних та нелінійних рівнянь та систем, диференційних рівнянь та систем; методи оптимізації

    Aplikasi Metode Elemen Hingga Untuk Perhitungan Perambatan Panas Pada Kondisi Tunak

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    Jika suatu benda terdapat gradient suhu, maka akan terjadi perpindahan energi dari bagian bersuhutinggi ke bagian bersuhu rendah (proses perambatan panas). Proses perhitungan Perubahan panas tidak hanyadapat dilakukan melalui pengamatan langsung, tetapi dapat juga melalui perhitungan numeris. Bentuk modelmatematika perambatan panas adalah bentuk persamaan diferensial parsiil. Untuk menyelesaikan persamaandiferensial parsiil bentuk parabola, para peneliti maupun praktisi saat ini banyak yang masih menggunakanmetode beda hingga (Finite Difference Method). Ada kelemahan penggunaan metode beda hingga, yaitudiskritisasi domain yang akan dihitung perambatan panasnya hanya berbentuk segi empat. Sehingga untukdomain yang tidak berbentuk segi empat akan banyak menimbulkan galat. Salah satu metode penyelesaian yangsaat ini sedang dikembangkan adalah penggunaan metode elemen hingga (Finite Element Method). Adapunkelebihan metode elemen hingga adalah proses diskretisasi elemennya dapat berbentuk segi tiga, segi empat,segi lima, dsb. Sehingga untuk domain yang tidak berbentuk segi empat, bentuk elemennya dapat menyesuaikanbentuk domainnya. Akibatnya tingkat galatnya menjadi rendah. Perhitungan dengan metode elemen hingga,komputasinya banyak yang berbentuk matriks dan banyak menggunakan iterasi, sehingga diperlukan teknikpemrograman yang efektif dan efisien. Dalam Penelitian ini dibatasi untuk domain yang berkondisi tunak danbentuk elemennya adalah elemen segitiga. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan metodeelemen hingga perhitungan Perubahan panas galatnya lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan menggunakan metodebeda hingga. Perangkat lunak yang dibangun juga dapat untuk menghitung perambatan panas untuk banyakelemen seberapapun

    Idempotent I/O for safe time travel

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    Debuggers for logic programming languages have traditionally had a capability most other debuggers did not: the ability to jump back to a previous state of the program, effectively travelling back in time in the history of the computation. This ``retry'' capability is very useful, allowing programmers to examine in detail a part of the computation that they previously stepped over. Unfortunately, it also creates a problem: while the debugger may be able to restore the previous values of variables, it cannot restore the part of the program's state that is affected by I/O operations. If the part of the computation being jumped back over performs I/O, then the program will perform these I/O operations twice, which will result in unwanted effects ranging from the benign (e.g. output appearing twice) to the fatal (e.g. trying to close an already closed file). We present a simple mechanism for ensuring that every I/O action called for by the program is executed at most once, even if the programmer asks the debugger to travel back in time from after the action to before the action. The overhead of this mechanism is low enough and can be controlled well enough to make it practical to use it to debug computations that do significant amounts of I/O.Comment: In M. Ronsse, K. De Bosschere (eds), proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Automated Debugging (AADEBUG 2003), September 2003, Ghent. cs.SE/030902

    Ontwikkeling van een beheersysteem voor de MAHO 700S freesmachine : handleiding

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