12 research outputs found

    Invariance of Spooky Action at a Distance in Quantum Entanglement under Lorentz Transformation

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    We study the mechanism by which the particle-antiparticle entangled state collapses instantaneously at a distance. By making two key assumptions, we are able to show not only that instantaneous collapse of a wave function at a distance is possible but also that it is an invariant quantity under Lorentz transformation and compatible with relativity. In addition, we will be able to detect in which situation a many-body entangled system exhibits the maximum collapse speed among its entangled particles. Finally we suggest that every force in nature acts via entanglement

    Explanation of Superluminal Phenomena Based on Wave-Particle Duality and Proposed Optical Experiments

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    We suggest an explanation for superluminal phenomena based on wave-particle duality of photons. A single photon may be regarded as a wave packet, whose spatial extension is its coherence volume. As photon propagates as a wave train, its velocity is just the speed of light in vacuum. When it tunnels through a barrier as a particle, its wave function collapses and it travels faster than light. But superluminal propagation can only occur within the coherence length, and the duration is constrained by uncertainty principle. On the other hand, a particle with non-vanishing mass cannot travel faster than light. So superluminal phenomena do not violate causality. We explain the principles of existing superluminal experiments and propose three types of experiments to further verify superluminal phenomena. The first is to show that a single photon is equivalent to a wave packet, which occupies certain spatial volume. The second demonstrates that superluminal phenomena can only occur within the coherence length. The third indicates that negative and superluminal group velocity in anomalous dispersion medium is merely a reshaping phenomenon of the pulse, and it will become subluminal at large distances.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, experiments perfecte

    Speed-up and slow-down of a quantum particle

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    [EN] We study non-relativistic propagation of Gaussian wave packets in one-dimensional Eckart potential, a barrier, or a well. In the picture used, the transmitted wave packet results from interference between the copies of the freely propagating state with different spatial shifts (delays), x′, induced by the scattering potential. The Uncertainty Principle precludes relating the particle’s final position to the delay experienced in the potential, except in the classical limit. Beyond this limit, even defining an effective range of the delay is shown to be an impracticable task, owing to the oscillatory nature of the corresponding amplitude distribution. Our examples include the classically allowed case, semiclassical tunnelling, delays induced in the presence of a virtual state, and scattering by a low barrier. The properties of the amplitude distribution of the delays, and its pole representation are studied in detail.Financial support through the grants PGC2018-101355-B-100 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, PID2019-107609GB-I00 by MCIN, and the Basque Government Grant No IT986-16, is acknowledged by MP and DS

    Explanation of Photon Navigation in the Mach-Zehnder Interferometer

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    Photons in interferometers manifest the functional ability to simultaneously navigate both paths through the device, but eventually appear at only one outlet. How this relates to the physical behaviour of the particle is still ambiguous, even though mathematical representation of the problem is adequate. This paper applies a non-local hidden-variable (NLHV) solution, in the form of the Cordus theory, to explain photon path dilemmas in the Mach–Zehnder (MZ) interferometer. The findings suggest that the partial mirrors direct the two reactive ends of the Cordus photon structures to different legs of the apparatus, depending on the energisation state of the photon. Explanations are provided for a single photon in the interferometer in the default, open-path, and sample modes. The apparent intelligence in the system is not because the photon knows which path to take, but rather because the MZ interferometer is a finely-tuned photon-sorting device that auto-corrects for randomness in the frequency phase to direct the photon to a specific detector. The principles also explain other tunnelling phenomena involving barriers. Thus, navigation dilemmas in the MZ interferometer may be explained in terms of physical realism after all

    Delta rhythms as a substrate for holographic processing in sleep and wakefulness

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    PhD ThesisWe initially considered the theoretical properties and benefits of so-called holographic processing in a specific type of computational problem implied by the theories of synaptic rescaling processes in the biological wake-sleep cycle. This raised two fundamental questions that we attempted to answer by an experimental in vitro electrophysiological approach. We developed a comprehensive experimental paradigm based on a pharmacological model of the wake-sleep-associated delta rhythm measured with a Utah micro-electrode array at the interface between primary and associational areas in the rodent neocortex. We first verified that our in vitro delta rhythm model possessed two key features found in both in vivo rodent and human studies of synaptic rescaling processes in sleep: The first property being that prior local synaptic potentiation in wake leads to increased local delta power in subsequent sleep. The second property is the reactivation in sleep of neural firing patterns observed prior to sleep. By reproducing these findings we confirmed that our model is arguably an adequate medium for further study of the putative sleep-related synaptic rescaling process. In addition we found important differences between neural units that reactivated or deactivated during delta; these were differences in cell types based on unit spike shapes, in prior firing rates and in prior spike-train-to-local-field-potential coherence. Taken together these results suggested a mechanistic chain of explanation of the two observed properties, and set the neurobiological framework for further, more computationally driven analysis. Using the above experimental and theoretical substrate we developed a new method of analysis of micro-electrode array data. The method is a generalization to the electromagnetic case of a well-known technique for processing acoustic microphone array data. This allowed calculation of: The instantaneous spatial energy flow and dissipation in the neocortical areas under the array; The spatial energy source density in analogy to well-known current source density analysis. We then refocused our investigation on the two theoretical questions that we hoped to achieve experimental answers for: Whether the state of the neocortex during a delta rhythm could be described by ergodic statistics, which we determined by analyzing the spectral properties of energy dissipation as a signature of the state of the dynamical system; A more explorative approach prompting an investigation of the spatiotemporal interactions across and along neocortical layers and areas during a delta rhythm, as implied by energy flow patterns. We found that the in vitro rodent neocortex does not conform to ergodic statistics during a pharmacologically driven delta or gamma rhythm. We also found a delta period locked pattern of energy flow across and along layers and areas, which doubled the processing cycle relative to the fundamental delta rhythm, tentatively suggesting a reciprocal, two-stage information processing hierarchy similar to a stochastic Helmholtz machine with a wake-sleep training algorithm. Further, the complex valued energy flow might suggest an improvement to the Helmholtz machine concept by generalizing the complex valued weights of the stochastic network to higher dimensional multi-vectors of a geometric algebra with a metric particularity suited for holographic processes. Finally, preliminary attempts were made to implement and characterize the above network dynamics in silico. We found that a qubit valued network does not allow fully holographic processes, but tentatively suggest that an ebit valued network may display two key properties of general holographic processing