18 research outputs found


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    The objective of the study: to evaluate the applicability of the automated system for detection of chest diseases during a regular mass screening of the population through assessment of universe parameters of diagnostic accuracy.Subjects and methods. A retrospective diagnostic study was conducted. The index-test (the method being studied) implied distinction and analysis of X-ray films using the software based on convolutional neural networks of U-NET type, which were modified and trained for specific purposes. The reference method used was the double revision of the previously classified X-ray films by two qualified roentgenologists with work experience of 8-10 years. Two depersonalized samplings of digital X-ray films were used: Sample 1 (n = 140), the ratio of the norm and pathology made 50 : 50; Sample 2 (n = 150), the ratio of the norm and pathology made 95 : 5.Results. The following parameters were set up for Samples 1 and 2 respectively: sensitivity ‒ 87.2 and 75.0%, specificity ‒ 60.0 and 53.5%, the prognostic value of the positive result ‒ 68.6 and 8.3%, the prognostic value of the negative result ‒ 82.4 and 97.5%, the area under characteristic curve ‒ 0.74 and 0.64.Conclusions. The index test can be used only for mass regular screening in the population with low pre-test chances of pathology, which is confirmed by the prognostic value of the negative result (97.5%). This technology was recommended for the semiautomatic formation of pulmonary tuberculosis risk groups for consequent verification of the results by a roentgenologist.Цель исследования: оценить применимость системы автоматизированного выявления заболеваний органов грудной клетки для массовых периодических осмотров населения путем вычисления совокупности параметров диагностической точности.Материалы и методы. Проведено ретроспективное диагностическое исследование. Индекс-тест (исследуемый метод) – распознавание и анализ рентгенограмм посредством программного продукта на основе сверточных нейронных сетей типа U-NET, модифицированных и обученных специальным образом. Референсный метод – двойной пересмотр ранее классифицированных рентгенограмм двумя квалифицированными врачами-рентгенологами со стажем работы 8-10 лет. Использованы две деперсонализированные выборки цифровых флюорограмм: 1 (n = 140), соотношение норма : патология ‒ 50 : 50; 2 (n = 150), соотношение норма : патология ‒ 95 : 5.Результаты. Установлены параметры для выборок 1 и 2 соответственно: чувствительность ‒ 87,2 и 75,0%, специфичность ‒ 60,0 и 53,5%, прогностическая ценность положительного результата ‒ 68,6 и 8,3%, отрицательного ‒ 82,4 и 97,5%, площадь под характеристической кривой ‒ 0,74 и 0,64.Выводы. Индекс-тест применим только для массовых периодических осмотров в популяциях с низкой претестовой вероятностью наличия патологии, что подтверждается значением прогностической ценности отрицательного результата (97,5%). Технология может быть рекомендована для полуавтоматизированного формирования групп риска по туберкулезу легких для последующей верификации результатов врачом-рентгенологом


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    The objective of the study: to evaluate the applicability of the automated system for detection of chest diseases during a regular mass screening of the population through assessment of universe parameters of diagnostic accuracy.Subjects and methods. A retrospective diagnostic study was conducted. The index-test (the method being studied) implied distinction and analysis of X-ray films using the software based on convolutional neural networks of U-NET type, which were modified and trained for specific purposes. The reference method used was the double revision of the previously classified X-ray films by two qualified roentgenologists with work experience of 8-10 years. Two depersonalized samplings of digital X-ray films were used: Sample 1 (n = 140), the ratio of the norm and pathology made 50 : 50; Sample 2 (n = 150), the ratio of the norm and pathology made 95 : 5.Results. The following parameters were set up for Samples 1 and 2 respectively: sensitivity ‒ 87.2 and 75.0%, specificity ‒ 60.0 and 53.5%, the prognostic value of the positive result ‒ 68.6 and 8.3%, the prognostic value of the negative result ‒ 82.4 and 97.5%, the area under characteristic curve ‒ 0.74 and 0.64.Conclusions. The index test can be used only for mass regular screening in the population with low pre-test chances of pathology, which is confirmed by the prognostic value of the negative result (97.5%). This technology was recommended for the semiautomatic formation of pulmonary tuberculosis risk groups for consequent verification of the results by a roentgenologist.Цель исследования: оценить применимость системы автоматизированного выявления заболеваний органов грудной клетки для массовых периодических осмотров населения путем вычисления совокупности параметров диагностической точности.Материалы и методы. Проведено ретроспективное диагностическое исследование. Индекс-тест (исследуемый метод) – распознавание и анализ рентгенограмм посредством программного продукта на основе сверточных нейронных сетей типа U-NET, модифицированных и обученных специальным образом. Референсный метод – двойной пересмотр ранее классифицированных рентгенограмм двумя квалифицированными врачами-рентгенологами со стажем работы 8-10 лет. Использованы две деперсонализированные выборки цифровых флюорограмм: 1 (n = 140), соотношение норма : патология ‒ 50 : 50; 2 (n = 150), соотношение норма : патология ‒ 95 : 5.Результаты. Установлены параметры для выборок 1 и 2 соответственно: чувствительность ‒ 87,2 и 75,0%, специфичность ‒ 60,0 и 53,5%, прогностическая ценность положительного результата ‒ 68,6 и 8,3%, отрицательного ‒ 82,4 и 97,5%, площадь под характеристической кривой ‒ 0,74 и 0,64.Выводы. Индекс-тест применим только для массовых периодических осмотров в популяциях с низкой претестовой вероятностью наличия патологии, что подтверждается значением прогностической ценности отрицательного результата (97,5%). Технология может быть рекомендована для полуавтоматизированного формирования групп риска по туберкулезу легких для последующей верификации результатов врачом-рентгенологом

    Tuberculosis Prediction by Machine Learning Techniques

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    Tuberculosis is one of the top reasons of death all over the planet. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, bacteria that infects the lungs, is what causes it. For professionals working in the medical field, accurately identifying and timely predicting tuberculosis are major challenges. The course of treatment also varies from patient to patient since occasionally a patient develops drug resistance. Doctors will be given algorithmic support while using machine learning to help them diagnose, treat patients appropriately, and make quicker and better judgments. This paper discusses the many tuberculosis causes and symptoms as well as how accurate and fast prediction and diagnostic investigations have been carried out in recent years with the aid of machine learning (ML) technique

    Artificial Neural Network and Mobile Applications in Medical Diagnosis

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    The aim of this paper is to present a pilot study regarding the application of an ANN to stroke recognition and diagnosis. Our system makes use of a (i) a neural network that can be trained to recognize normal limb movements (for individual patients), which may then be coupled to (ii) a physical grid mattress that can be used in the patient's home. Any changes in the patient's movement could potentially indicate that stroke has occurred are transmitted to a mobile phone app. The latter in turn alerts a relative or ambulance to render rapid assistance to the individual. When stroke has occurred it is essential to transfer the patient to hospital very quickly in order that treatment can be given promptly. In the case of strokes that have arisen due to a blood clot in the cerebral circulation of the brain, a drug called Alteplase (an anti-thrombolytic) must be given within 4.5 hours of the stroke occurring to be maximally effective. Therefore it is important to know the exact time on stroke onset. Our system would record the time of onset of the stroke, by recognizing and recording abnormal changes in the individual's limb movements. A Feed forward neural network was used in our modeling

    Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Pulmonary TB Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Logic

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    Abstrak Tuberkulosis paru merupakan salah satu penyakit menular kronis. Di Indonesia penyakit ini termasuk satu prioritas nasional untuk program pengendalian penyakit karena berdampak luas terhadap kualitas hidup dan ekonomi, serta sering mengakibatkan kematian. Untuk itu, dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan analisa terhadap penyakit tb paru menggunakan logika fuzzy (fuzzy logic). Dalam penelitian ini informasi tentang tb_paru didapat dari para pakar dengan melakukan wawancara dengan pakar. Berdasarkan uraian diatas maka dibuat sebuah aplikasi sistem pakar untuk mendiagnosa tb_paru menggunakan fuzzy logic. Aplikasi sistem pakar berbasis web untuk mendiagnosa penyakit tb paru merupakan kebutuhan dari asisten dokter dan masyarakat umum. Oleh karena itu agar mendapatkan nilai informasi yang tepat dan cepat aplikasi sistem pakar ini akan dalam bentuk website. Dari 7 gejala yang ditimbulkan oleh penyakit tb paru ini dalam perhitungan fuzzy logic di dapat sebanyak 128 rule dan untuk perhitungan persentase keakuratannya sendiri sebesar 70,33%. Pembuatan aplikasi ini akan sangat membantu dalam melakukan diagnosa terhadap penderita tb paru.  Kata Kunci: Sistem Pakar, Fuzzy Logic,  Penyakit TB Paru,  Aplikasi Web   Abstract Pulmonary Tuberculosis is one of an infectious disease chronic. In indonesia this disease including one national priorities to control program disease due affect widely to the quality of life and economic , and often resulting in death. For it , in this research will analysis to a disease pulmonary TB use fuzzy logic. Based on the description above will be made an application expert system to diagnose pulmonary TB use fuzzy logic. Expert system application with web based for disease diagnose is the needs of an assistant docter and the general public. Therefore To make gain the value of the most appropriate information and rapid application expert system this is going to in the form of websites .Of 7 symptoms that were brought about by disease pulmonary tuberculosis this in the calculation of fuzzy logic in be some 128 rule and for percentage accurate of 70,33%. The making of the application it would be very helpful in doing the diagnosis against patients pulmonary tuberculosis. Keywords : Expert System, Fuzzy Logic, Pulmonary Tb, Web Application

    Data Mining Techniques in the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis

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