148 research outputs found

    Elliptic Curve Cryptography Based Data Transmission against Blackhole Attack in MANET

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    Mobile nodes roaming around in the hostile environment of mobile adhoc network (MANET) play the role of router as well as terminal. While acting as a router, a node needs to choose a reliable routing protocol. Besides, an encryption algorithm is needed to secure data to be conveyed through the unfriendly atmosphere while acting as a terminal. We have implemented Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) along with Adhoc On Demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) routing protocol to secure data transmission against blackhole attack in a MANET. ECC, a public key cryptography that works on discrete logarithm problem with a much smaller key size, has been used to encrypt data packets at source node before transmission. We have used AOMDV, a reliable routing protocol compared to its parent protocol, Adhoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV), with a multipath extension, for routing. The encrypted packets transferring between nodes via AOMDV, has been proved secured against blackhole attack. The performance of the secured protocol has been analyzed in terms of different performance metrics and in terms of varying number of blackhole attacker nodes

    The Modified Secure AODV Routing Protocol for Black Hole Attack in Manet

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    Mobile Adhoc Network is gathering of portable nodes which are actively structuring a momentary network without utilizing any pre accessible network infrastructure or central management. Each node in MANET not only provides as a specific terminal but also performs as a router to form a route. While a source node plans to send data to an intended node, packets are moved from the middle nodes. An Adhoc routing protocol is a classical method that supervises how nodes opt any route and in which manner they have to route packets among computing devices in a MANET. Because of different factors with lack of infrastructure, deficiency of already established trust relationship among the various nodes and dynamic topology, the MANET routing protocols are weak to different routing attacks. In contrast to conventional wired networks, such type attacks are executed simply in MANET because of the unsupervised entrance to the wireless medium. The malicious exploitation of various routing information results in the diffusion of wrong routing information which could eventually guide to network failure. One of these attacks in the existing wireless routing protocol like Ad-hoc on demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing protocol is the Black Hole Attack against network truthfulness. In this attack, the data packets doesn’t arrive at the destination node, thus data loss happens. There is number of detection and protection methods to reduce the intruder that achieve the black hole attack. Therefore, this paper proposes Modified Secure AODV routing protocols (MSAODV) found on threshold evaluation and cryptographic verification. In this paper, the black hole attack and the proposed MSAODV protocols are simulated in the Network Simulator NS-2 under different MANET circumstances and their performances are evaluated on various parameters like Packet drop ratio, routing overload, throughput etc. Keywords: AODV, Black hole, gray hole, worm hole attack, MANET, AOMD

    A Study on Enhancement of the Security of the Routing Protocols in Adhoc Networks

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    An ad hoc wireless network is a set of wireless mobile nodes that self-configure to build a network without the requirement for any reputable infrastructure or backbone. Mobile nodes are utilized by the Ad hoc networks to facilitate effective communication beyond the wireless transmission range. As ad hoc networks do not impose any fixed infrastructure, it becomes very tough to handle network services with the available routing approaches, and this creates a number of problems in ensuring the security of the communication. Majority of the existing ad hoc protocols that deal with security issues depends on implicit trust relationships to route packets among participating nodes. The general security objectives like authentication, confidentiality, integrity,availability and nonrepudiation should not be compromised in any circumstances. Thus, security in ad hoc networks becomes an active area of research in the field of networking. There are various techniques available in the literature for providing security to the ad hoc networks. This paper focuses on analyzing the various routing protocols available in the literature for ad hoc network environment and its applications in security mechanisms

    Secure Routing Environment with Enhancing QoS in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    A mobile adhoc network is infrastructure-free and self configured network connected without wire. As it is infrastructure-free and no centralized control, such type of network are suitable only for conditional inter communication link. So initially maintaining Quality of Service and security aware routing is a difficult task. The main purpose of QoS aware routing is to find an optimal secure route from source to destination which will satisfy two or more QoS constrain. In this paper, we propose a net based multicasting routing scheme to discovery all possible secure path using Secure closest spot trust certification protocol (SCSTC) and the optimal link path is derived from Dolphin Echolocation algorithm (DEA). The numerical result and performance analysis clearly describe that our provided proposal routing protocol generates better packet delivery ratio, decreases packet delay reduces overhead in secured environment

    Performance Analysis of TS-AODV and MTS-AODV Routing Protocols in MANET

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    A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a group of wireless nodes that are communicating with each other within radio range without help of infrastructure based or any centralized administration.  As the nodes are mobile so topology changes frequently that leads to link failure and lack of infrastructure support and resource constraint is the key issue that causes dishonest and non co-operative nodes.  There are finding a route to destination, new route discovery is initiated.  The frequent discoveries lead to more network congestion.  To avoid this multipath routing protocols have been proposed to find multiple routes to destination and switch on to alternate secondary path in case of route broken and its provide better routing performance and security. In this technical research paper attempt to compare the performance of two reactive routing protocols for MANETs that is Trusted Secure Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (TS-AODV) and Modified Trusted Secure Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (MTS-AODV).  TS-AODV is on-demand gateway discovery protocol where a mobile device of MANET gets connected to gateway.  MTS-AODV is based on the node routing behaviour and identifying the attacks such as flooding, black hole, gray hole and denial of service attacks in MANET.  MTS-AODV using the Intrusion Detection system (IDS) and trust based routing, the performance results are analysed by varying simulation time.  Furthermore, all the above mentioned protocols are compared based on several important performance metrics which are packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay and average energy

    A secure method to detect wormhole attack in mobile adhoc network

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    According to recent advances in wireless telecommunications, the performance and use of wireless technologies has increased extremely. In this study concerned on the Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of self-configuring mobile node without any infrastructure. There are different security flaws and attacks on the routing protocols in the MANET. One of the critical threats is the wormhole attacks, which have attracted a great deal of attention over the years. The wormhole attack can affect the performance of different routing protocols. During this attack, a malicious node captures packets from one location in the network, and “tunnels” them to another malicious node at a distant point, which replays them locally. This study presents a review of the most important solutions for counteracting wormhole attacks, as well as presents proposed method on DSR routing protocol for detecting them. The performance of the proposed method was examined through ns-2 simulations. Hence, the results show that proposed method can detect this serious attack in a Mobile Adhoc Network

    Performance Analysis of Routing Protocol Using Trust-Based Hybrid FCRO-AEPO Optimization Techniques

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    Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) offer numerous benefits and have been used in different applications. MANETs are dynamic peer-to-peer networks that use multi-hop data transfer without the need for-existing infrastructure. Due to their nature, for secure communication of mobile nodes, they need unique security requirements in MANET. In this work, a Hybrid Firefly Cyclic Rider Optimization (FCRO) algorithm is proposed for Cluster Head (CH) selection, it efficiently selects the CH and improves the network efficiency. The Ridge Regression Classification algorithm is presented in this work to sense the malicious nodes in the network and the data is transmitted using trusted Mobile nodes for the QoS enactment metric improvement. A trust-based routing protocol (TBRP) is introduced utilizing the Atom Emperor Penguin Optimization (AEPO) algorithm, it identifies the best-forwarded path to moderate the routing overhead problem in MANET. The planned method is implemented using Matlab software and the presentation metrics are packet delivers ratio, packet loss ratio (PLR), routing overhead, throughput, end-to-end delay (E2ED), transmission delay, energy consumption and network lifetime. The suggested AEPO algorithm is compared with the prevailing PSO-GA, TID-CMGR, and MFFA. The AEPO algorithm’s performance is approximately 1.5%, 3.2%, 2%, 3%, and 4% higher than the existing methods for PLR, packet delivers ratio, throughput, and E2ED and network lifetime. The sender nodes can increase their information transmission rates and reduce delays in appreciation of this evaluation. Additionally, the suggested technique has a perfect benefit in terms of demonstrating the genuine contribution of distinct nodes to trust evaluation (TE)

    Investigating Open Issues in Swarm Intelligence for Mitigating Security Threats in MANET

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    The area of Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) has being a demanded topic of research for more than a decade because of its attractive communication features associated with various issues. This paper primarily discusses on the security issues, which has been still unsolved after abundant research work. The paper basically stresses on the potential features of Swarm Intelligence (SI) and its associated techniques to mitigate the security issues. Majority of the previous researches based on SI has used Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) or Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) extensively. Elaborated discussion on SI with respect to trust management, authentication, and attack models are made with support of some of the recent studies done in same area. The paper finally concludes by discussing the open issues and problem identification of the review

    Secure Energy Aware Optimal Routing using Reinforcement Learning-based Decision-Making with a Hybrid Optimization Algorithm in MANET

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are wireless networks that are perfect for applications such as special outdoor events, communications in areas without wireless infrastructure, crises and natural disasters, and military activities because they do not require any preexisting network infrastructure and can be deployed quickly. Mobile ad hoc networks can be made to last longer through the use of clustering, which is one of the most effective uses of energy. Security is a key issue in the development of ad hoc networks. Many studies have been conducted on how to reduce the energy expenditure of the nodes in this network. The majority of these approaches might conserve energy and extend the life of the nodes. The major goal of this research is to develop an energy-aware, secure mechanism for MANETs. Secure Energy Aware Reinforcement Learning based Decision Making with Hybrid Optimization Algorithm (RL-DMHOA) is proposed for detecting the malicious node in the network. With the assistance of the optimization algorithm, data can be transferred more efficiently by choosing aggregation points that allow individual nodes to conserve power The optimum path is chosen by combining the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and the Bat Algorithm (BA) to create a fitness function that maximizes across-cluster distance, delay, and node energy. Three state-of-the-art methods are compared to the suggested method on a variety of metrics. Throughput of 94.8 percent, average latency of 28.1 percent, malicious detection rate of 91.4 percent, packet delivery ratio of 92.4 percent, and network lifetime of 85.2 percent are all attained with the suggested RL-DMHOA approach