36 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Anomaly Detection in Industrial Networks

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    Since the conception of the first Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) in the 1960s, Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) have evolved vastly. From the primitive isolated setups, ICSs have become increasingly interconnected, slowly forming the complex networked environments, collectively known as Industrial Networks (INs), that we know today. Since ICSs are responsible for a wide range of physical processes, including those belonging to Critical Infrastructures (CIs), securing INs is vital for the well-being of modern societies. Out of the many research advances on the field, Anomaly Detection Systems (ADSs) play a prominent role. These systems monitor IN and/or ICS behavior to detect abnormal events, known or unknown. However, as the complexity of INs has increased, monitoring them in the search of anomalous trends has effectively become a Big Data problem. In other words, IN data has become too complex to process it by traditional means, due to its large scale, diversity and generation speeds. Nevertheless, ADSs designed for INs have not evolved at the same pace, and recent proposals are not designed to handle this data complexity, as they do not scale well or do not leverage the majority of the data types created in INs. This thesis aims to fill that gap, by presenting two main contributions: (i) a visual flow monitoring system and (ii) a multivariate ADS that is able to tackle data heterogeneity and to scale efficiently. For the flow monitor, we propose a system that, based on current flow data, builds security visualizations depicting network behavior while highlighting anomalies. For the multivariate ADS, we analyze the performance of Multivariate Statistical Process Control (MSPC) for detecting and diagnosing anomalies, and later we present a Big Data, MSPCinspired ADS that monitors field and network data to detect anomalies. The approaches are experimentally validated by building INs in test environments and analyzing the data created by them. Based on this necessity for conducting IN security research in a rigorous and reproducible environment, we also propose the design of a testbed that serves this purpose

    Efficient I/O for Computational Grid Applications

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    High-performance computing increasingly occurs on computational grids composed of heterogeneous and geographically distributed systems of computers, networks, and storage devices that collectively act as a single virtual computer. A key challenge in this environment is to provide efficient access to data distributed across remote data servers. This dissertation explores some of the issues associated with I/O for wide-area distributed computing and describes an I/O system, called Armada, with the following features: a framework to allow application and dataset providers to flexibly compose graphs of processing modules that describe the distribution, application interfaces, and processing required of the dataset before or after computation; an algorithm to restructure application graphs to increase parallelism and to improve network performance in a wide-area network; and a hierarchical graph-partitioning scheme that deploys components of the application graph in a way that is both beneficial to the application and sensitive to the administrative policies of the different administrative domains. Experiments show that applications using Armada perform well in both low- and high-bandwidth environments, and that our approach does an exceptional job of hiding the network latency inherent in grid computing

    Abstractions and Algorithms for Control of Extensible and Heterogeneous Virtualized Network Infrastructures

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    Virtualized network infrastructures are currently deployed in both research and commercial contexts. The complexity of the virtualization layer varies greatly in different deployments, ranging from cloud computing environments, to carrier Ethernet applications using stacked VLANs, to networking testbeds. In all of these cases, many users are sharing the resources of one provider and each user expects their resources to be isolated from all other users. There are many challenges associated with the control and management of these systems, including resource allocation and sharing, resource isolation, system security, and usability. Among the different types of virtualized infrastructures, network testbeds are of particular interest due to their widespread use in education and in the networking research community. Networking researchers rely extensively on testbeds when evaluating new protocols and ideas. Indeed, a substantial percentage of top research papers include results gathered from testbeds. Network emulation testbeds in particular are often used to conduct innovative research because they allow users to emulate diverse network topologies in a controlled environment. That is, researchers run experiments with a collection of resources that can be reconfigured to represent many different network scenarios. The user typically has control over most of the resources in their experiment which results in a high level of reproducibility. As such, these types of testbeds provide an excellent bridge between simulation and deployment of new ideas. Unfortunately, most testbeds suffer from a general lack of resource extensibility and diversity. This dissertation extends the current state of the art by designing a new, more general testbed infrastructure that expands and enhances the capabilities of modern testbeds. This includes pertinent abstractions, software design, and related algorithms. The design has also been prototyped in the form of the Open Network Laboratory network testbed, which has been successfully used in educational and research pursuits. While the focus is on network testbeds, the results of this research will also be applicable to the broader class of virtualized system infrastructures

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWe propose a collective approach for harnessing the idle resources (cpu, storage, and bandwidth) of nodes (e.g., home desktops) distributed across the Internet. Instead of a purely peer-to-peer (P2P) approach, we organize participating nodes to act collectively using collective managers (CMs). Participating nodes provide idle resources to CMs, which unify these resources to run meaningful distributed services for external clients. We do not assume altruistic users or employ a barter-based incentive model; instead, participating nodes provide resources to CMs for long durations and are compensated in proportion to their contribution. In this dissertation we discuss the challenges faced by collective systems, present a design that addresses these challenges, and study the effect of selfish nodes. We believe that the collective service model is a useful alternative to the dominant pure P2P and centralized work queue models. It provides more effective utilization of idle resources, has a more meaningful economic model, and is better suited for building legal and commercial distributed services. We demonstrate the value of our work by building two distributed services using the collective approach. These services are a collective content distribution service and a collective data backup service

    Market driven elastic secure infrastructure

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    In todayā€™s Data Centers, a combination of factors leads to the static allocation of physical servers and switches into dedicated clusters such that it is difficult to add or remove hardware from these clusters for short periods of time. This silofication of the hardware leads to inefficient use of clusters. This dissertation proposes a novel architecture for improving the efficiency of clusters by enabling them to add or remove bare-metal servers for short periods of time. We demonstrate by implementing a working prototype of the architecture that such silos can be broken and it is possible to share servers between clusters that are managed by different tools, have different security requirements, and are operated by tenants of the Data Center, which may not trust each other. Physical servers and switches in a Data Center are grouped for a combination of reasons. They are used for different purposes (staging, production, research, etc); host applications required for servicing specific workloads (HPC, Cloud, Big Data, etc); and/or configured to meet stringent security and compliance requirements. Additionally, different provisioning systems and tools such as Openstack-Ironic, MaaS, Foreman, etc that are used to manage these clusters take control of the servers making it difficult to add or remove the hardware from their control. Moreover, these clusters are typically stood up with sufficient capacity to meet anticipated peak workload. This leads to inefficient usage of the clusters. They are under-utilized during off-peak hours and in the cases where the demand exceeds capacity the clusters suffer from degraded quality of service (QoS) or may violate service level objectives (SLOs). Although todayā€™s clouds offer huge benefits in terms of on-demand elasticity, economies of scale, and a pay-as-you-go model yet many organizations are reluctant to move their workloads to the cloud. Organizations that (i) needs total control of their hardware (ii) has custom deployment practices (iii) needs to match stringent security and compliance requirements or (iv) do not want to pay high costs incurred from running workloads in the cloud prefers to own its hardware and host it in a data center. This includes a large section of the economy including financial companies, medical institutions, and government agencies that continue to host their own clusters outside of the public cloud. Considering that all the clusters may not undergo peak demand at the same time provides an opportunity to improve the efficiency of clusters by sharing resources between them. The dissertation describes the design and implementation of the Market Driven Elastic Secure Infrastructure (MESI) as an alternative to the public cloud and as an architecture for the lowest layer of the public cloud to improve its efficiency. It allows mutually non-trusting physically deployed services to share the physical servers of a data center efficiently. The approach proposed here is to build a system composed of a set of services each fulfilling a specific functionality. A tenant of the MESI has to trust only a minimal functionality of the tenant that offers the hardware resources. The rest of the services can be deployed by each tenant themselves MESI is based on the idea of enabling tenants to share hardware they own with tenants they may not trust and between clusters with different security requirements. The architecture provides control and freedom of choice to the tenants whether they wish to deploy and manage these services themselves or use them from a trusted third party. MESI services fit into three layers that build on each other to provide: 1) Elastic Infrastructure, 2) Elastic Secure Infrastructure, and 3) Market-driven Elastic Secure Infrastructure. 1) Hardware Isolation Layer (HIL) ā€“ the bottommost layer of MESI is designed for moving nodes between multiple tools and schedulers used for managing the clusters. It defines HIL to control the layer 2 switches and bare-metal servers such that tenants can elastically adjust the size of the clusters in response to the changing demand of the workload. It enables the movement of nodes between clusters with minimal to no modifications required to the tools and workflow used for managing these clusters. (2) Elastic Secure Infrastructure (ESI) builds on HIL to enable sharing of servers between clusters with different security requirements and mutually non-trusting tenants of the Data Center. ESI enables the borrowing tenant to minimize its trust in the node provider and take control of trade-offs between cost, performance, and security. This enables sharing of nodes between tenants that are not only part of the same organization by can be organization tenants in a co-located Data Center. (3) The Bare-metal Marketplace is an incentive-based system that uses economic principles of the marketplace to encourage the tenants to share their servers with others not just when they do not need them but also when others need them more. It provides tenants the ability to define their own cluster objectives and sharing constraints and the freedom to decide the number of nodes they wish to share with others. MESI is evaluated using prototype implementations at each layer of the architecture. (i) The HIL prototype implemented with only 3000 Lines of Code (LOC) is able to support many provisioning tools and schedulers with little to no modification; adds no overhead to the performance of the clusters and is in active production use at MOC managing over 150 servers and 11 switches. (ii) The ESI prototype builds on the HIL prototype and adds to it an attestation service, a provisioning service, and a deterministically built open-source firmware. Results demonstrate that it is possible to build a cluster that is secure, elastic, and fairly quick to set up. The tenant requires only minimum trust in the provider for the availability of the node. (iii) The MESI prototype demonstrates the feasibility of having a one-of-kind multi-provider marketplace for trading bare-metal servers where providers also use the nodes. The evaluation of the MESI prototype shows that all the clusters benefit from participating in the marketplace. It uses agents to trade bare-metal servers in a marketplace to meet the requirements of their clusters. Results show that compared to operating as silos individual clusters see a 50% improvement in the total work done; up to 75% improvement (reduction) in waiting for queues and up to 60% improvement in the aggregate utilization of the test bed. This dissertation makes the following contributions: (i) It defines the architecture of MESI allows mutually non-trusting tenants of the data center to share resources between clusters with different security requirements. (ii) Demonstrates that it is possible to design a service that breaks the silos of static allocation of clusters yet has a small Trusted Computing Base (TCB) and no overhead to the performance of the clusters. (iii) Provides a unique architecture that puts the tenant in control of its own security and minimizes the trust needed in the provider for sharing nodes. (iv) A working prototype of a multi-provider marketplace for bare-metal servers which is a first proof-of-concept that demonstrates that it is possible to trade real bare-metal nodes at practical time scales such that moving nodes between clusters is sufficiently fast to be able to get some useful work done. (v) Finally results show that it is possible to encourage even mutually non-trusting tenants to share their nodes with each other without any central authority making allocation decisions. Many smart, dedicated engineers and researchers have contributed to this work over the years. I have jointly led the efforts to design the HIL and the ESI layer; led the design and implementation of the bare-metal marketplace and the overall MESI architecture

    OpenEPC Integration within 5GTN as an NFV proof of concept

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    Abstract. Gone are the days, when a hardware is changed on every malfunctioning and the whole operation either stays down or load on the replacing hardware becomes too much which ultimately compromises the QoS. The IT industry is mature enough to tackle problems regarding scalability, space utilization, energy consumption, cost, agility and low availability. The expected throughput and network latency with 5G in the cellular Telecommunication Networks seems to be unachievable with the existing architecture and resources. Network Function Virtualization promises to merge IT and Telecommunications in such an efficient way that the expected results could be achieved no longer but sooner. The thesis work examines the compatibility and flexibility of a 3GPP virtual core network in a virtualization platform. The testbed is established on an LTE (Long Term Evolution) based network being already deployed and OpenEPC is added as virtual core network on it. The integration of OpenEPC in 5GTN (5TH Generation Test Network) is discussed in details in the thesis which will give an account of the possibility of implementing such a simulated vEPC (Virtual Evolved Packet Core) in a real network platform. The deployed setup is tested to check its feasibility and flexibility for a platform which could be used for NFV deployment in future. The monitoring of OpenEPCā€™s individual components while utilizing the major resources within them, forms the primary performance test. The CPU Load and Memory Utilization is tested on different CPU stress levels having a constant data traffic from actual UEs. At the completion of the thesis work, a consensus is built up based on the test results that the test setup can hold number of subscribers to a certain amount without any performance degradation. Moreover, the virtual core network throughput and network latency is also compared to the commercial LTE networks and theoretical maximum values on similar resources to check performance consistency OpenEPC must offer

    Sistema para gestĆ£o remota de redes experimentais

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemĆ”ticaA Internet e as redes no seu geral estĆ£o cada vez mais presentes no nosso quotidiano. No entanto, o seu crescente uso destaca tambĆ©m algumas das suas limitaƧƵes, levando os investigadores de redes a criarem novas soluƧƵes, numa tentativa de preverem e resolverem problemas que daĆ­ possam advir. O desenvolvimento destas soluƧƵes implica que sejam realizados testes exaustivos antes que estas se tornem aptas para o uso das massas. Podem ser adoptadas diversas abordagens para a realizaĆ§Ć£o destes testes. SimulaƧƵes sĆ£o importantes como uma primeira aproximaĆ§Ć£o, contudo, nĆ£o conseguem captar a dinĆ¢mica e a imprevisibilidade de um ambiente real. A emulaĆ§Ć£o surge como alternativa, tentando colmatar essa falha, no entanto, nĆ£o Ć© eficaz na reproduĆ§Ć£o de cenĆ”rios mais complexos. A soluĆ§Ć£o poderĆ” passar pela criaĆ§Ć£o de infra-estruturas dedicadas ao teste destas soluƧƵes, denominadas de redes experimentais, permitindo realizar uma avaliaĆ§Ć£o mais profunda e fiĆ”vel das mesmas. Contudo a sua construĆ§Ć£o envolve grandes custos e as infra-estruturas caem em desuso assim que Ć© alcanƧado o produto final. Ɖ necessĆ”rio desenvolver maneiras de instrumentalizar estas infra-estruturas, de forma a optimizar estes recursos para futuros testes. Esta dissertaĆ§Ć£o centra-se nos problema evidenciados na criaĆ§Ć£o destas redes de teste, estudando as existentes formas de gestĆ£o destas redes experimentais, bem como o seu uso optimizado com vista Ć  criaĆ§Ć£o de experiencias. Pretende-se assim desenvolver no Ć¢mbito desta tese, uma ferramenta que permita aos utilizadores criarem e usarem facilmente e de forma eficiente uma rede experimental.The Internet, as with networks in general, is increasingly present in our everyday lives. However, its use also highlights some of their limitations, leading researchers to create new network solutions in an attempt to anticipate and solve problems that may arise. These solutions require exhaustive tests before they become eligible for production. Several approaches can be taken to conduct such tests. Simulations are important as first approximations; however, they fail to capture the dynamics and unpredictability of a real environment. Emulations present an alternative, but fail to reproduce more complex scenarios. Experimentation facilities must therefore be deployed, to achieve a higher level of realism. These facilities, also referred as testbeds, involve high-complexity deployment and operation, falling into disuse once they arrive at a final product. Methods of managing these infrastructures must be developed in order to avoid this waste of resources for future tests. This dissertation focuses on the problems inherent to the management of these facilities, with a focus on their users. Different approaches in network testing must be studied and the different methodologies on experimentation must be collected. An application is developed to address this problem, enabling users to create their experiments and collect results in both an organized and effective manner

    Challenges in the Design and Implementation of IoT Testbeds in Smart-Cities : A Systematic Review

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    Advancements in wireless communication and the increased accessibility to low-cost sensing and data processing IoT technologies have increased the research and development of urban monitoring systems. Most smart city research projects rely on deploying proprietary IoT testbeds for indoor and outdoor data collection. Such testbeds typically rely on a three-tier architecture composed of the Endpoint, the Edge, and the Cloud. Managing the system's operation whilst considering the security and privacy challenges that emerge, such as data privacy controls, network security, and security updates on the devices, is challenging. This work presents a systematic study of the challenges of developing, deploying and managing urban monitoring testbeds, as experienced in a series of urban monitoring research projects, followed by an analysis of the relevant literature. By identifying the challenges in the various projects and organising them under the V-model development lifecycle levels, we provide a reference guide for future projects. Understanding the challenges early on will facilitate current and future smart-cities IoT research projects to reduce implementation time and deliver secure and resilient testbeds