45 research outputs found

    Secure Clouds Through Reputation-Based Cloud Service Trust Management

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    Inadequate mechanisms for managing user trust in cloud services are a major roadblock to the broad adoption of this technology. Difficulties with privacy, security, and availability are inevitable in the cloud because of the service's intrinsic malleability, dispersion, and lack of transparency. Due to the sensitive nature of the information shared between customers and the trust management service, confidentiality must be maintained at all times. It's difficult to prevent malicious individuals from disrupting cloud services (for example, by providing false or misleading feedback to make a cloud service seem bad). Due to the dynamic nature of cloud infrastructure, it may be challenging to guarantee the constant availability of the trust management service in a cloud environment. We discuss the design and implementation of Cloud Armor, a reputation-based trust management framework that offers a collection of functions to provide Trust as a Service, with the goals of protecting cloud services from malicious users and comparing the trustworthiness of various cloud services. A unique protocol to verify the credibility of trust feedbacks while protecting users' anonymity; and (ii) an adaptive and resilient credibility model for gauging the veracity of trust feedbacks. Our approach's benefits and viability have been demonstrated through prototype development and experimentation with real-world trust feedback on cloud services


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    Pengembalian data yang disembunyikan pada enkripsi images telah banyak digunakan dan menjamin kerahasiaan untuk medical imagery, military imagery, dan law forensics. Dan banyak kemajuan penelitian mengenai hal ini. Namun penyembunyian data menggunakan image juga memiliki keterbatasan terhadap kualitas dan kapasitas, dimana kedua hal ini selalu berbanding terbalik. Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya hanya terfocus pada salah satu keterbatasan tersebut. Maka dari itu pada penelitian kali ini, kami menggunakan metode reserving room untuk menyembunyikan data sebelum cover image dienkripsi. Metode yang diajukan ialah dengan menambahkan kapasitas sehingga mampu memenuhi permintaan penyembunyian data atau message untuk ukuran yang lebih besar. Sedangkan metode LSB-plane untuk pemilihan blok yang menerima untuk penyembunyian message data dan menggunakan tradisional teknik RDH untuk mengenkripsi dan dekripsi images sehingga cover image maksimal. Hasil eksperiment menunjukkan bahwa metode yang diajukan memberikan kualitas yang unggul untuk menjaga nilai PSNR proses embedding diatas 0.5 bpp sehingga aplikasi ini mampu menyembunyikan data yang lebih besar

    Cloud Armor: A Conclusion Work on Trust Management System

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    Distributed computing gives Software as service (Saas) ,Platform as service(Paas) and Infrasrtucture as a service(Iaas).Cloud figuring condition having a few issues like protection and security. Trust administration is a standout amongst the most difficult issue. Shielding a specific cloud benefit from a few assaults like agreement attack(Such as client may give misdirecting criticism about specific cloud services)and Sybil attack(such as a solitary client can make numerous accounts..i.,e noxious user).In this paper we talk about cloudarmor that gives notoriety based trust administration to cloud administrations. A notoriety based trust administration system gives set of functionalities to convey Trust as a service(Taas) . Taas incorporates i)Zeroknowledge believability evidence convention to demonstrate validity of the consumers criticism and jam client security, ii)a validity show it will measures te validity of input to shield cloud administrations from malevolent client. what's more, iii)an accessibility model to deal with the accessibility of the trust administration

    A Fast Supportive and Trustworthy Cloud Services

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    Trust management is a standout amongst the most difficult issues for the selection and development of cloudcomputing. The profoundly unique, circulated, and non-straightforward nature of cloud management presents several challenging issues, for example, protection, security, and availability. Although a few arrangements have been proposed as of late in overseeing trust feedbacks in cloud situations, how to decide the validity of trust inputs is for the most part disregarded. In this project the framework proposed a notoriety based trust administration structure that gives an arrangement of functionalities to convey Trust as a Service (TaaS). "Trust as aService" (TaaS) structure to enhance routes on put stock in management in cloud situations. The approaches have been approved by the model framework and investigational comes about.

    Implementation of RDH in Encrypted Image

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    The vast majority of the consideration in the field of encrypted pictures is captured by Reversible Data Hiding(RDH), having capacity to keep up the solid property that the first cover can be effortlessly be recouped after installed information is separated while securing the picture substance's privacy. Accessible techniques insert information by reversibly vacant room from the encrypted pictures that prompts a few mistakes on data recovery or potentially picture diversion. In this paper, we propose a novel strategy by holding picture space before encryption using traditional RDH algorithm , and accordingly it is simple for the data hider to reversibly insert information in the encrypted picture.The proposed technique can accomplish genuine reversibility, that is, information recovery and picture entertainment are free of any mistake. Security and performance analysis shows the proposed schemes are provably secure and highly efficient

    Erasure Code Based Cloud Storage System

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    Cloud Computing is the technology that provides on demand services and resources like storage space, networks, programming language execution environment on the top of Internet pay per use model. Cloud computing is globalized concept and there are no borders within the Cloud. Because of attractive features of Cloud computing, many organizations are using Cloud storage for storing their critical information. The data can be stored remotely in the Cloud by user and can be accessed using thin clients as and when required. One of the major issue in Cloud today is data security. Storage of data in the Cloud can be risky because storage is done on Cloud service providers� servers which mean less control over the stored data. One of the major concern in Cloud is how do we grab all the benefits of Cloud while maintaining security controls over the data. In this paper reliable storage system is proposed which can be robust in case of errors or erasures in data to be stored. Proposed system provides reliable storage while maintaining the integrity of the data. The files are split into parts to get an extra layer of security

    Erasure Code Based Cloud Storage System

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    Cloud Computing is the technology that provides on demand services and resources like storage space, networks, programming language execution environment on the top of Internet pay per use model. Cloud computing is globalized concept and there are no borders within the Cloud. Because of attractive features of Cloud computing, many organizations are using Cloud storage for storing their critical information. The data can be stored remotely in the Cloud by user and can be accessed using thin clients as and when required. One of the major issue in Cloud today is data security. Storage of data in the Cloud can be risky because storage is done on Cloud service providers’ servers which mean less control over the stored data. One of the major concern in Cloud is how do we grab all the benefits of Cloud while maintaining security controls over the data. In this paper reliable storage system is proposed which can be robust in case of errors or erasures in data to be stored. Proposed system provides reliable storage while maintaining the integrity of the data. The files are split into parts to get an extra layer of securit

    A Framework, Secure and Trustworthy Assessment for Credibility Based Trust Management for Cloud Services.

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    Cloud Framework Supporting Automate Rank supported Trust Organization benefit of cloud describes the design and implementation of Cloud Framework, The framework provides a automate rank about executive trust system which hand over service with events to produce TaaS, whichever incorporates i) to preserving user seclusion and trust feedbacks for providing credibility’s using trending innovative protocol, ii) to protect cloud services from awful consumers for finding the details of users trust feedbacks also map the dependability of cloud administrations, and iii) a trust management service is managed by the availability context system. model describe the additional functionalities provided to Cloud Framework by increasing security, trustworthy assessment for Data Owner and Cloud Consumer. Extending the SLA period of each owner and consumer based on their request, the studies held from a collection of a real world users trust feedbacks are been verified, established on cloud services. This increases the transparency between user, consumer and cloud on TaaS

    Cost Effective Information Dispersal and Retrieval Framework for Cloud Storage

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    Cloud data storage applications widely demand security of data with minimum cost. Various cloud computing security threats supposed to be addressed in Cloud data service include Data Access Controllability, Data Confidentiality, and Data Integrity. In this paper, we propose a cost effective Information Dispersal and Retrieval framework for Cloud storage. Our proposed framework is different from existing approaches of replication. In our approach, multiple datacenters are considered as virtual independent disks for storing redundant data encoded with erasure codes and hence the proposed framework enables to retrieve user file even when failure of certain number of Cloud services occur . Besides security related benefits of our approach, the application provides user the cost-availability pattern of datacenters and allows cost effective storage on Cloud within user�s budget limit