3,995 research outputs found

    Maintaining unlinkability in group based P2P environments

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    In the wake of the success of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networking, security has arisen as one of its main concerns, becoming a key issue when evaluating a P2P system. Unfortunately, some systems' design focus targeted issues such as scalabil-ity or overall performance, but not security. As a result, security mechanisms must be provided at a later stage, after the system has already been designed and partially (or even fully) implemented, which may prove a cumbersome proposition. This work exposes how a security layer was provided under such circumstances for a specic Java based P2P framework: JXTA-Overlay.Arran de l'èxit de (P2P) peer-to-peer, la seguretat ha sorgit com una de les seves principals preocupacions, esdevenint una qüestió clau en l'avaluació d'un sistema P2P. Malauradament, alguns sistemes de disseny apunten focus de problemes com l'escalabilitat o l'acompliment general, però no de seguretat. Com a resultat d'això, els mecanismes de seguretat s¿han de proporcionar en una etapa posterior, després que el sistema ja ha estat dissenyat i parcialment (o fins i tot totalment) implementat, la qual cosa pot ser una proposició incòmode. Aquest article exposa com es va proveir una capa de seguretat sota aquestes circumstàncies per un Java específic basat en un marc P2P: JXTA-superposició.A raíz del éxito de (P2P) peer-to-peer, la seguridad ha surgido como una de sus principales preocupaciones, convirtiéndose en una cuestión clave en la evaluación de un sistema P2P. Desgraciadamente, algunos sistemas de diseño apuntan un foco de problemas como la escalabilidad o el desempeño general, pero no de seguridad. Como resultado de ello, los mecanismos de seguridad se proporcionarán en una etapa posterior, después de que el sistema ya ha sido diseñado y parcialmente (o incluso totalmente) implementado, lo que puede ser una proposición incómodo. Este artículo expone cómo se proveyó una capa de seguridad bajo estas circunstancias por un Java específico basado en un marco P2P: JXTA-superposición

    Modelling trust in semantic web applications

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    This paper examines some of the barriers to the adoption of car-sharing, termed carpooling in the US, and develops a framework for trusted recommendations. The framework is established on a semantic modelling approach putting forward its suitability to resolving adoption barriers while also highlighting the characteristics of trust that can be exploited. Identification is made of potential vocabularies, ontologies and public social networks which can be used as the basis for deriving direct and indirect trust values in an implementation

    Dynamic Monopolies in Colored Tori

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    The {\em information diffusion} has been modeled as the spread of an information within a group through a process of social influence, where the diffusion is driven by the so called {\em influential network}. Such a process, which has been intensively studied under the name of {\em viral marketing}, has the goal to select an initial good set of individuals that will promote a new idea (or message) by spreading the "rumor" within the entire social network through the word-of-mouth. Several studies used the {\em linear threshold model} where the group is represented by a graph, nodes have two possible states (active, non-active), and the threshold triggering the adoption (activation) of a new idea to a node is given by the number of the active neighbors. The problem of detecting in a graph the presence of the minimal number of nodes that will be able to activate the entire network is called {\em target set selection} (TSS). In this paper we extend TSS by allowing nodes to have more than two colors. The multicolored version of the TSS can be described as follows: let GG be a torus where every node is assigned a color from a finite set of colors. At each local time step, each node can recolor itself, depending on the local configurations, with the color held by the majority of its neighbors. We study the initial distributions of colors leading the system to a monochromatic configuration of color kk, focusing on the minimum number of initial kk-colored nodes. We conclude the paper by providing the time complexity to achieve the monochromatic configuration

    Statistical relational learning with soft quantifiers

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    Quantification in statistical relational learning (SRL) is either existential or universal, however humans might be more inclined to express knowledge using soft quantifiers, such as ``most'' and ``a few''. In this paper, we define the syntax and semantics of PSL^Q, a new SRL framework that supports reasoning with soft quantifiers, and present its most probable explanation (MPE) inference algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, PSL^Q is the first SRL framework that combines soft quantifiers with first-order logic rules for modelling uncertain relational data. Our experimental results for link prediction in social trust networks demonstrate that the use of soft quantifiers not only allows for a natural and intuitive formulation of domain knowledge, but also improves the accuracy of inferred results