14 research outputs found

    Trust in social machines: the challenges

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    The World Wide Web has ushered in a new generation of applications constructively linking people and computers to create what have been called ‘social machines.’ The ‘components’ of these machines are people and technologies. It has long been recognised that for people to participate in social machines, they have to trust the processes. However, the notions of trust often used tend to be imported from agent-based computing, and may be too formal, objective and selective to describe human trust accurately. This paper applies a theory of human trust to social machines research, and sets out some of the challenges to system designers

    Fairness Emergence in Reputation Systems

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    Reputation systems have been used to support users in making decisions under uncertainty or risk that is due to the autonomous behavior of others. Research results support the conclusion that reputation systems can protect against exploitation by unfair users, and that they have an impact on the prices and income of users. This observation leads to another question: can reputation systems be used to assure or increase the fairness of resource distribution? This question has a high relevance in social situations where, due to the absence of established authorities or institutions, agents need to rely on mutual trust relations in order to increase fairness of distribution. This question can be formulated as a hypothesis: in reputation (or trust management) systems, fairness should be an emergent property. The notion of fairness can be precisely defined and investigated based on the theory of equity. In this paper, we investigate the Fairness Emergence hypothesis in reputation systems and prove that , under certain conditions, the hypothesis is valid for open and closed systems, even in unstable system states and in the presence of adversaries. Moreover, we investigate the sensitivity of Fairness Emergence and show that an improvement of the reputation system strengthens the emergence of fairness. Our results are confirmed using a trace-driven simulation from a large Internet auction site.Trust, Simulation, Fairness, Equity, Emergence, Reputation System

    Trust and Distrust Aggregation Enhanced with Path Length Incorporation

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    Trust networks are social networks in which users can assign trust scores to each other. In order to estimate these scores for agents that are indirectly connected through the network, a range of trust score aggregators has been proposed. Currently, none of them takes into account the length of the paths that connect users; however, this appears to be a critical factor since longer paths generally contain less reliable information. In this paper, we introduce and evaluate several path length incorporating aggregation strategies in order to strike the right balance between generating more predictions on the one hand and maintaining a high prediction accuracy on the other hand.European Union (EU) TIN2010-17876; TIC-5299; TIC-05991FW

    Sharing Personal Health and Fitness Data with Health Insurance Providers: An Empirical Study Considering Trust and Risk

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    Digital self-tracking with wearable devices and mobile applications is exceedingly popular. The arising data is not only crucial for individual use but also for parties of the healthcare segment. This paper focuses on German health insurance providers and their expanding call for clients’ personal health and fitness data in a highly complex and regulated environment. As clients need to be willing to share health-related information, an experimental study was conducted, consisting of different modes of reward-based insurance offerings. Trust and perceived risk were assessed as prominent psychological constructs, assessing participants’ willingness to share their personal information. Results show that examined factors such as company prominence or monetary incentives are scarcely influential. However, trust and perceived risk affect an individual’s willingness to share. Taking up the health insurance provider’s perspective, alternative aspects need to be considered to successfully gain consumer trust to collect the clients’ health and fitness information

    Dynamical trust and reputation computation model for B2C E-Commerce

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    Trust is one of the most important factors that influence the successful application of network service environments, such as e-commerce, wireless sensor networks, and online social networks. Computation models associated with trust and reputation have been paid special attention in both computer societies and service science in recent years. In this paper, a dynamical computation model of reputation for B2C e-commerce is proposed. Firstly, conceptions associated with trust and reputation are introduced, and the mathematical formula of trust for B2C e-commerce is given. Then a dynamical computation model of reputation is further proposed based on the conception of trust and the relationship between trust and reputation. In the proposed model, classical varying processes of reputation of B2C e-commerce are discussed. Furthermore, the iterative trust and reputation computation models are formulated via a set of difference equations based on the closed-loop feedback mechanism. Finally, a group of numerical simulation experiments are performed to illustrate the proposed model of trust and reputation. Experimental results show that the proposed model is effective in simulating the dynamical processes of trust and reputation for B2C e-commerce

    Tit-for-Token: fair rewards for moving data in decentralized storage networks

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    Centralized data silos are not only becoming prohibitively expensive but also raise issues of data ownership and data availability. These developments are affecting the industry, researchers, and ultimately society in general. Decentralized storage solutions present a promising alternative. Furthermore, such systems can become a crucial layer for new paradigms of edge-centric computing and web3 applications. Decentralized storage solutions based on p2p networks can enable scalable and self-sustaining open-source infrastructures. However, like other p2p systems, they require well-designed incentive mechanisms for participating peers. These mechanisms should be not only effective but also fair in regard to individual participants. Even though several such systems have been studied in deployment, there is still a lack of systematic understanding regarding these issues. We investigate the interplay between incentive mechanisms, network characteristics, and fairness of peer rewards. In particular, we identify and evaluate three core and up-to-date reward mechanisms for moving data in p2p networks: distance-based payments, reciprocity, and time-limited free service. Distance-based payments are relevant since libp2p Kademlia, which enables distance-based algorithms for content lookup and retrieval, is part of various modern p2p systems. We base our model on the Swarm network that uses a combination of the three mechanisms and serves as inspiration for our Tit-for-Token model. We present our Tit-for-Token model and develop a tool to explore the behaviors of these payment mechanisms. Our evaluation provides novel insights into the functioning and interplay of these mechanisms and helps. Based on these insights, we propose modifications to these mechanisms that better address fairness concerns and outline improvement proposals for the Swarm network

    The need of fairness in group consensus reaching process in a fuzzy environment

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    W niniejszym artykule wyjaśniono potrzebę „sprawiedliwości” w systemie obliczeniowym wspomagającym proces osiągania konsensusu w grupie decydentów. Autorki zaproponowały model łączący podejście matematyczne oparte na środowisku rozmytym oraz czynniki społeczno-psychologiczne wyjaśniające opisywaną koncepcję. Pojęcie „sprawiedliwości” rozpatrywane jest tu w dwóch kategoriach: rozkładu zasobów oraz decyzji ostatecznej. Założenia poparte są wnioskami na podstawie obserwacji grup studentó

    Clima institucional y desempeño docente en la I.E. 3071, durante el aislamiento social. Puente Piedra-2020

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre el clima institucional y el desempeño docente en la I.E. 3071, durante el aislamiento social. Puente Piedra-2020. La metodología de investigación empleada fue; de enfoque cuantitativo, con un diseño no experimental correlacional, de corte transversal y de método hipotético-deductivo. Para la recolección de datos se utilizaron: el cuestionario Clima institucional y el cuestionario de desempeño docente, fueron validados a través del juicio de expertos (4 jueces) y luego sometidos a la prueba de alfa de Cronbach, así el clima institucional arrojo el valor 0,904 y de desempeño docente fue 0,869. La población censal fue 118 docentes, los datos fueron procesados mediante el software estadístico SPSS versión 22. Los resultados indicaron que existe evidencia de una correlación significativa moderada (Rho Spearman es ,565) entre clima institucional y desempeño docente, además que el valor de p hallado es menor que 0,005

    Trusted community : a novel multiagent organisation for open distributed systems

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