6 research outputs found

    Design and Analysis of a Multi-Agent E-Learning System Using Prometheus Design Tool

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    Agent unified modeling languages (AUML) are agent-oriented approaches that supports the specification, design, visualization and documentation of an agent-based system. This paper presents the use of Prometheus AUML approach for the modeling of a Pre-assessment System of five interactive agents. The Pre-assessment System, as previously reported, is a multi-agent based e-learning system that is developed to support the assessment of prior learning skills in students so as to classify their skills and make recommendation for their learning. This paper discusses the detailed design approach of the system in a step-by-step manner; and domain knowledge abstraction and organization in the system. In addition, the analysis of the data collated and models of prediction for future pre-assessment results are also presented.Comment: 17 figures, 3 table

    JAMDER: JADE to MULTI-Agent Systems Development Resource

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    The semantic gap is distinguished by the difference between two descriptions generated using different representations. This difference has a negative impact on the developer productivity and probably, the quality of the written code. In software development context, the coding phase aims at coding the system consistent with the detailed project developed with a group of designed models. This paper presents an endeavor to consolidate different agent type definitions and implementation concepts for Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) involving the adaptation of the JADE framework regarding the theoretical concepts in MAS. Additionally, it contains a standardization of code generation. The main benefit of the proposed extension is to include the agent internal architectures, entities and relationships in an implementation framework and increase the productivity by code generation, ensuring the consistency between design and code. The applicability of the extension is illustrated by developing a multi-agent system for Moodle

    Ontological analysis of means-end links

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    The i* community has raised several main dialects and dozens of variations in the definition of the i* language. Differences may be found related not just to the representation of new concepts but to the very core of the i* language. In previous work we have tackled this issue mainly from a syntactic point of view, using metamodels and syntactic-based model interoperability frameworks. In this paper, we go one step beyond and consider the use of foundational ontologies in general, and UFO in particular, as a way to clarify the meaning of core i* constructs and as the basis to propose a normative definition. We focus here on one of the most characteristics i* constructs, namely means-end links.Postprint (published version

    A model-driven framework for engineering multiagent systems

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    This dissertation presents the Bochica framework for Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE). The framework’s task in the software development process is (i) to capture the design decisions for a system under consideration on a platform-independent level of abstraction and (ii) to project this design to a target platform. Bochica goes beyond the state-of-the-art in AOSE as it combines the beneïŹts of a platform-independent approach with the possibility to address concepts of custom application domains and execution environments. Several extension interfaces are speciïŹed to enable the customization of the underlying modeling language to the engineer’s needs. Bochica is accompanied by an iterative adaptation process to gradually incorporate extensions. Conceptual mappings for projecting Bochica models to executable code are speciïŹed. In order to enable Bochica for modeling agents that inhabit semantically-enhanced virtual worlds, an according extension model is proposed. Finally, a model-driven reverse engineering approach for lifting the underlying design of already implemented Multiagent System (MAS) to the platform-independent layer is introduced. The framework has been successfully evaluated for designing intelligent agents that operate a virtual production line as well as for extracting the underlying design of an already implemented MAS. The evaluation results show that the Bochica approach to AOSE contributes to overcome the gap between design and code.Diese Arbeit prĂ€sentiert das Bochica Rahmenwerk fĂŒr agentenorientierte Softwareentwicklung. Die Aufgabe des Rahmenwerks ist es, die Designentscheidungen fĂŒr ein IT-System auf einer plattformunabhĂ€ngigen Ebene festzuhalten und auf eine Zielplattform abzubilden. Bochica erweitert den Stand der Wissenschaft der agentenorientierten Softwareentwicklung durch die Kombination von plattformunabhĂ€ngigen und plattformspeziïŹschen Eigenschaften. Zu diesem Zweck werden konzeptionelle Schnittstellen fĂŒr die Anpassung an benutzerspeziïŹsche AnwendungsdomĂ€nen und AusfĂŒhrungsumgebungen speziïŹziert. Ein iterativer Adaptionsprozess ermöglicht die schrittweise Integration von neuen Konzepten. FĂŒr die Projektion von Bochica-Modellen auf eine Agentenplattform werden entsprechende Abbildungsregeln speziïŹziert. Um das Bochica Rahmenwerk fĂŒr die Modellierung von Agenten in semantisch annotierten virtuellen Welten anzupassen wird eine entsprechende Erweiterung eingefĂŒhrt. Abschließend wird ein modellgetriebener Ansatz fĂŒr die Extraktion des zugrundeliegenden Designs eines bereits implementierten Agentensystems auf die platformunabhĂ€ngige Ebene vorgestellt. Bochica wurde in zwei Fallstudien fĂŒr die Modellierung von Agenten in einer virtuelle Fabrikumgebung und die Extraktion des Designs eines bereits implementierten Agentensystems evaluiert. Die Evaluierungsergebnisse zeigen, daß das Rahmenwerk die LĂŒcke zwischen einem plattformunabhĂ€ngigen agentenorientiertem Design und der Zielplattform effektiv verringert

    A multi-agent approach to adaptive learning using a structured ontology classification system

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    Diagnostic assessment is an important part of human learning. Tutors in face-to-face classroom environment evaluate students’ prior knowledge before the start of a relatively new learning. In that perspective, this thesis investigates the development of an-agent based Pre-assessment System in the identification of knowledge gaps in students’ learning between a student’s desired concept and some prerequisites concepts. The aim is to test a student's prior skill before the start of the student’s higher and desired concept of learning. This thesis thus presents the use of Prometheus agent based software engineering methodology for the Pre-assessment System requirement specification and design. Knowledge representation using a description logic TBox and ABox for defining a domain of learning. As well as the formal modelling of classification rules using rule-based approach as a reasoning process for accurate categorisation of students’ skills and appropriate recommendation of learning materials. On implementation, an agent oriented programming language whose facts and rule structure are prolog-like was employed in the development of agents’ actions and behaviour. Evaluation results showed that students have skill gaps in their learning while they desire to study a higher-level concept at a given time