37 research outputs found

    Design and calibration of a specialized polydioptric camera rig

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    The development of advanced computational machines does not necessarily provide solutions to all the scientific problems in the research. It has been observed in the nature that all creatures have evolved highly exclusive sensory organs depending on their habitat and the form of availability of the resources they utilize for their survival. In this project, a novel omnidirectional camera rig is proposed that is exclusively designed to operate for highly specified operations and tasks in the field of mobile robots. Navigation problems on uneven terrains and detection of the moving objects while the robot is itself in motion are the core problems that omnidirectional systems tackle. The proposed omnidirectional system is a compact and a rigid vision system with dioptric cameras that provide a 360° field-of-view in horizontal and vertical, with no blind spot in their site plus a high resolution stereo camera is mounted to monitor anterior field-of-view for precise results with depth information of the scene. Structure from motion algorithm is adapted and implemented to prove the validity of the design of the proposed camera rig and a toolbox is developed to calibrate similar systems

    Real-Time High-Resolution Multiple-Camera Depth Map Estimation Hardware and Its Applications

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    Depth information is used in a variety of 3D based signal processing applications such as autonomous navigation of robots and driving systems, object detection and tracking, computer games, 3D television, and free view-point synthesis. These applications require high accuracy and speed performances for depth estimation. Depth maps can be generated using disparity estimation methods, which are obtained from stereo matching between multiple images. The computational complexity of disparity estimation algorithms and the need of large size and bandwidth for the external and internal memory make the real-time processing of disparity estimation challenging, especially for high resolution images. This thesis proposes a high-resolution high-quality multiple-camera depth map estimation hardware. The proposed hardware is verified in real-time with a complete system from the initial image capture to the display and applications. The details of the complete system are presented. The proposed binocular and trinocular adaptive window size disparity estimation algorithms are carefully designed to be suitable to real-time hardware implementation by allowing efficient parallel and local processing while providing high-quality results. The proposed binocular and trinocular disparity estimation hardware implementations can process 55 frames per second on a Virtex-7 FPGA at a 1024 x 768 XGA video resolution for a 128 pixel disparity range. The proposed binocular disparity estimation hardware provides best quality compared to existing real-time high-resolution disparity estimation hardware implementations. A novel compressed-look up table based rectification algorithm and its real-time hardware implementation are presented. The low-complexity decompression process of the rectification hardware utilizes a negligible amount of LUT and DFF resources of the FPGA while it does not require the existence of external memory. The first real-time high-resolution free viewpoint synthesis hardware utilizing three-camera disparity estimation is presented. The proposed hardware generates high-quality free viewpoint video in real-time for any horizontally aligned arbitrary camera positioned between the leftmost and rightmost physical cameras. The full embedded system of the depth estimation is explained. The presented embedded system transfers disparity results together with synchronized RGB pixels to the PC for application development. Several real-time applications are developed on a PC using the obtained RGB+D results. The implemented depth estimation based real-time software applications are: depth based image thresholding, speed and distance measurement, head-hands-shoulders tracking, virtual mouse using hand tracking and face tracking integrated with free viewpoint synthesis. The proposed binocular disparity estimation hardware is implemented in an ASIC. The ASIC implementation of disparity estimation imposes additional constraints with respect to the FPGA implementation. These restrictions, their implemented efficient solutions and the ASIC implementation results are presented. In addition, a very high-resolution (82.3 MP) 360°x90° omnidirectional multiple camera system is proposed. The hemispherical camera system is able to view the target locations close to horizontal plane with more than two cameras. Therefore, it can be used in high-resolution 360° depth map estimation and its applications in the future

    Pedestrian detection and tracking using stereo vision techniques

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    Automated pedestrian detection, counting and tracking has received significant attention from the computer vision community of late. Many of the person detection techniques described so far in the literature work well in controlled environments, such as laboratory settings with a small number of people. This allows various assumptions to be made that simplify this complex problem. The performance of these techniques, however, tends to deteriorate when presented with unconstrained environments where pedestrian appearances, numbers, orientations, movements, occlusions and lighting conditions violate these convenient assumptions. Recently, 3D stereo information has been proposed as a technique to overcome some of these issues and to guide pedestrian detection. This thesis presents such an approach, whereby after obtaining robust 3D information via a novel disparity estimation technique, pedestrian detection is performed via a 3D point clustering process within a region-growing framework. This clustering process avoids using hard thresholds by using bio-metrically inspired constraints and a number of plan view statistics. This pedestrian detection technique requires no external training and is able to robustly handle challenging real-world unconstrained environments from various camera positions and orientations. In addition, this thesis presents a continuous detect-and-track approach, with additional kinematic constraints and explicit occlusion analysis, to obtain robust temporal tracking of pedestrians over time. These approaches are experimentally validated using challenging datasets consisting of both synthetic data and real-world sequences gathered from a number of environments. In each case, the techniques are evaluated using both 2D and 3D groundtruth methodologies

    Spherical Image Processing for Immersive Visualisation and View Generation

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    This research presents the study of processing panoramic spherical images for immersive visualisation of real environments and generation of in-between views based on two views acquired. For visualisation based on one spherical image, the surrounding environment is modelled by a unit sphere mapped with the spherical image and the user is then allowed to navigate within the modelled scene. For visualisation based on two spherical images, a view generation algorithm is developed for modelling an indoor manmade environment and new views can be generated at an arbitrary position with respect to the existing two. This allows the scene to be modelled using multiple spherical images and the user to move smoothly from one sphere mapped image to another one by going through in-between sphere mapped images generated

    Video based vehicle detection for advance warning Intelligent Transportation System

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    Video based vehicle detection and surveillance technologies are an integral part of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), due to its non-intrusiveness and capability or capturing global and specific vehicle behavior data. The initial goal of this thesis is to develop an efficient advance warning ITS system for detection of congestion at work zones and special events based on video detection. The goals accomplished by this thesis are: (1) successfully developed the advance warning ITS system using off-the-shelf components and, (2) Develop and evaluate an improved vehicle detection and tracking algorithm. The advance warning ITS system developed includes many off-the-shelf equipments like Autoscope (video based vehicle detector), Digital Video Recorders, RF transceivers, high gain Yagi antennas, variable message signs and interface processors. The video based detection system used requires calibration and fine tuning of configuration parameters for accurate results. Therefore, an in-house video based vehicle detection system was developed using the Corner Harris algorithm to eliminate the need of complex calibration and contrasts modifications. The algorithm was implemented using OpenCV library on a Arcom\u27s Olympus Windows XP Embedded development kit running WinXPE operating system. The algorithm performance is for accuracy in vehicle speed and count is evaluated. The performance of the proposed algorithm is equivalent or better to the Autoscope system without any modifications to calibration and lamination adjustments

    Modeling the environment with egocentric vision systems

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    Cada vez más sistemas autónomos, ya sean robots o sistemas de asistencia, están presentes en nuestro día a día. Este tipo de sistemas interactúan y se relacionan con su entorno y para ello necesitan un modelo de dicho entorno. En función de las tareas que deben realizar, la información o el detalle necesario del modelo varía. Desde detallados modelos 3D para sistemas de navegación autónomos, a modelos semánticos que incluyen información importante para el usuario como el tipo de área o qué objetos están presentes. La creación de estos modelos se realiza a través de las lecturas de los distintos sensores disponibles en el sistema. Actualmente, gracias a su pequeño tamaño, bajo precio y la gran información que son capaces de capturar, las cámaras son sensores incluidos en todos los sistemas autónomos. El objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollar y estudiar nuevos métodos para la creación de modelos del entorno a distintos niveles semánticos y con distintos niveles de precisión. Dos puntos importantes caracterizan el trabajo desarrollado en esta tesis: - El uso de cámaras con punto de vista egocéntrico o en primera persona ya sea en un robot o en un sistema portado por el usuario (wearable). En este tipo de sistemas, las cámaras son solidarias al sistema móvil sobre el que van montadas. En los últimos años han aparecido muchos sistemas de visión wearables, utilizados para multitud de aplicaciones, desde ocio hasta asistencia de personas. - El uso de sistemas de visión omnidireccional, que se distinguen por su gran campo de visión, incluyendo mucha más información en cada imagen que las cámara convencionales. Sin embargo plantean nuevas dificultades debido a distorsiones y modelos de proyección más complejos. Esta tesis estudia distintos tipos de modelos del entorno: - Modelos métricos: el objetivo de estos modelos es crear representaciones detalladas del entorno en las que localizar con precisión el sistema autónomo. Ésta tesis se centra en la adaptación de estos modelos al uso de visión omnidireccional, lo que permite capturar más información en cada imagen y mejorar los resultados en la localización. - Modelos topológicos: estos modelos estructuran el entorno en nodos conectados por arcos. Esta representación tiene menos precisión que la métrica, sin embargo, presenta un nivel de abstracción mayor y puede modelar el entorno con más riqueza. %, por ejemplo incluyendo el tipo de área de cada nodo, la localización de objetos importantes o el tipo de conexión entre los distintos nodos. Esta tesis se centra en la creación de modelos topológicos con información adicional sobre el tipo de área de cada nodo y conexión (pasillo, habitación, puertas, escaleras...). - Modelos semánticos: este trabajo también contribuye en la creación de nuevos modelos semánticos, más enfocados a la creación de modelos para aplicaciones en las que el sistema interactúa o asiste a una persona. Este tipo de modelos representan el entorno a través de conceptos cercanos a los usados por las personas. En particular, esta tesis desarrolla técnicas para obtener y propagar información semántica del entorno en secuencias de imágen

    3D panoramic imaging for virtual environment construction

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    The project is concerned with the development of algorithms for the creation of photo-realistic 3D virtual environments, overcoming problems in mosaicing, colour and lighting changes, correspondence search speed and correspondence errors due to lack of surface texture. A number of related new algorithms have been investigated for image stitching, content based colour correction and efficient 3D surface reconstruction. All of the investigations were undertaken by using multiple views from normal digital cameras, web cameras and a ”one-shot” panoramic system. In the process of 3D reconstruction a new interest points based mosaicing method, a new interest points based colour correction method, a new hybrid feature and area based correspondence constraint and a new structured light based 3D reconstruction method have been investigated. The major contributions and results can be summarised as follows: • A new interest point based image stitching method has been proposed and investigated. The robustness of interest points has been tested and evaluated. Interest points have been proved robust to changes in lighting, viewpoint, rotation and scale. • A new interest point based method for colour correction has been proposed and investigated. The results of linear and linear plus affine colour transforms have proved more accurate than traditional diagonal transforms in accurately matching colours in panoramic images. • A new structured light based method for correspondence point based 3D reconstruction has been proposed and investigated. The method has been proved to increase the accuracy of the correspondence search for areas with low texture. Correspondence speed has also been increased with a new hybrid feature and area based correspondence search constraint. • Based on the investigation, a software framework has been developed for image based 3D virtual environment construction. The GUI includes abilities for importing images, colour correction, mosaicing, 3D surface reconstruction, texture recovery and visualisation. • 11 research papers have been published.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Videos in Context for Telecommunication and Spatial Browsing

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    The research presented in this thesis explores the use of videos embedded in panoramic imagery to transmit spatial and temporal information describing remote environments and their dynamics. Virtual environments (VEs) through which users can explore remote locations are rapidly emerging as a popular medium of presence and remote collaboration. However, capturing visual representation of locations to be used in VEs is usually a tedious process that requires either manual modelling of environments or the employment of specific hardware. Capturing environment dynamics is not straightforward either, and it is usually performed through specific tracking hardware. Similarly, browsing large unstructured video-collections with available tools is difficult, as the abundance of spatial and temporal information makes them hard to comprehend. At the same time, on a spectrum between 3D VEs and 2D images, panoramas lie in between, as they offer the same 2D images accessibility while preserving 3D virtual environments surrounding representation. For this reason, panoramas are an attractive basis for videoconferencing and browsing tools as they can relate several videos temporally and spatially. This research explores methods to acquire, fuse, render and stream data coming from heterogeneous cameras, with the help of panoramic imagery. Three distinct but interrelated questions are addressed. First, the thesis considers how spatially localised video can be used to increase the spatial information transmitted during video mediated communication, and if this improves quality of communication. Second, the research asks whether videos in panoramic context can be used to convey spatial and temporal information of a remote place and the dynamics within, and if this improves users' performance in tasks that require spatio-temporal thinking. Finally, the thesis considers whether there is an impact of display type on reasoning about events within videos in panoramic context. These research questions were investigated over three experiments, covering scenarios common to computer-supported cooperative work and video browsing. To support the investigation, two distinct video+context systems were developed. The first telecommunication experiment compared our videos in context interface with fully-panoramic video and conventional webcam video conferencing in an object placement scenario. The second experiment investigated the impact of videos in panoramic context on quality of spatio-temporal thinking during localization tasks. To support the experiment, a novel interface to video-collection in panoramic context was developed and compared with common video-browsing tools. The final experimental study investigated the impact of display type on reasoning about events. The study explored three adaptations of our video-collection interface to three display types. The overall conclusion is that videos in panoramic context offer a valid solution to spatio-temporal exploration of remote locations. Our approach presents a richer visual representation in terms of space and time than standard tools, showing that providing panoramic contexts to video collections makes spatio-temporal tasks easier. To this end, videos in context are suitable alternative to more difficult, and often expensive solutions. These findings are beneficial to many applications, including teleconferencing, virtual tourism and remote assistance