266,161 research outputs found

    Two triangulations methods based on edge refinement

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    In this paper two curvature adaptive methods of surface triangulation are presented. Both methods are based on edge refinement to obtain a triangulation compatible with the curvature requirements. The first method applies an incremental and constrained Delaunay triangulation and uses curvature bounds to determine if an edge of the triangulation is admissible. The second method uses this function also in the edge refinement process, i.e. in the computation of the location of a refining point, and in the re-triangulation needed after the insertion of this refining point. Results are presented, comparing both approachesPostprint (published version

    Research Methods: Triangulation

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    A triangulation approach for design research

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    Triangulation has been adopted in social science in the study of the same phenomenon through applying and combining several data sources, research methods, investigators, and theoretical schemes. From a post-positivism view point, this paper presents a triangulation approach in design research from two perspectives, data sources and research methods. Data triangulation was achieved through collecting data from multiple sources including company design documents, student design projects, and company design projects. Different research methods, e.g. interview, content analysis, protocol analysis, and questionnaire, were used to conduct data collection and analysis into a particular aspect of design, the nature of coupling design artefact and process knowledge. It was found that triangulation can provide an effective means for design research

    Methodological Triangulation at the Bank of England:An Investigation

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    This paper investigates the extent to which triangulation takes place within the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) process at the Bank of England. Triangulation is at its most basic, the mixing of two or more methods, investigators, theories, methodologies or data in a single investigation. More specifically, we argue for triangulation as a commitment in research design to the mixing of methods in the act of inference. The paper argues that there are many motivations for triangulation as well as types of triangulation. It is argued that there is evidence of extensive triangulation of different types within the MPC process. However, there is very little theoretical triangulation present; raising concerns about pluralism. Also, it is argued that the triangulation which occurs is mainly undertaken for pragmatic reasons and does not reflect other, coherent ontological and epistemological positions.

    Triangulation methods for automated docking

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    An automated docking system must have a reliable method for determining range and orientation of the passive (target) vehicle with respect to the active vehicle. This method must also provide accurate information on the rates of change of range to and orientation of the passive vehicle. The method must be accurate within required tolerances and capable of operating in real time. The method being developed at Marshall Space Flight Center employs a single TV camera, a laser illumination system and a target consisting, in its minimal configuration, of three retro-reflectors. Two of the retro-reflectors are mounted flush to the same surface, with the third retro-reflector mounted to a post fixed midway between the other two and jutting at a right angle from the surface. For redundancy, two additional retroreflectors are mounted on the surface on a line at right angles to the line containing the first two retro-reflectors, and equally spaced on either side of the post. The target vehicle will contain a large target for initial acquisition and several smaller targets for close range

    Methodological Triangulation: An Approach to Understanding Data

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    Aim: To (describe the use of methodological triangulation in a study of how people who had moved to retirement communities were adjusting. Background: Methodological triangulation involves using more than one kind of method to study a phenomenon. It has been found to be beneficial in providing confirmation of findings, more comprehensive data, increased validity and enhanced understanding of studied phenomena. While many researchers have used this well-established technique, there are few published examples of its use. Data sources: The authors used methodological triangulation in their study of people who had moved to retirement communities in Ohio, US. Review methods A blended qualitative and quantitative approach was used. Discussion The collected qualitative data, complemented and clarified the quantitative findings, by helping to Identify common themes. Qualitative data also helped in understanding interventions for promoting \u27pulling\u27 factors and for overcoming \u27pushing\u27 factors of participants. The authors used focused research questions to reflect the research\u27s purpose and four evaluative criteria - \u27truth value\u27, \u27applicability\u27, \u27consistency\u27 and \u27neutrality\u27 – to ensure rigour. Conclusion: This paper provides an example of how methodological triangulation can be used in nursing research. It identifies challenges associated with methodological triangulation, recommends strategies for overcoming them, provides a rationale for using triangulation and explains how to maintain rigour. Implications for research/practice: Methodological triangulation can be used to enhance the analysis and the interpretation of findings. As data are drawn from multiple sources, it broadens the researcher\u27s insight into the different issues underlying the phenomena being studied

    Some Error Analysis on Virtual Element Methods

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    Some error analysis on virtual element methods including inverse inequalities, norm equivalence, and interpolation error estimates are presented for polygonal meshes which admits a virtual quasi-uniform triangulation
