442 research outputs found

    Limits on Counting Triangles using Bipartite Independent Set Queries

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    Beame et al. [ITCS 2018 & TALG 2021] introduced and used the Bipartite Independent Set (BIS) and Independent Set (IS) oracle access to an unknown, simple, unweighted and undirected graph and solved the edge estimation problem. The introduction of this oracle set forth a series of works in a short span of time that either solved open questions mentioned by Beame et al. or were generalizations of their work as in Dell and Lapinskas [STOC 2018], Dell, Lapinskas and Meeks [SODA 2020], Bhattacharya et al. [ISAAC 2019 & Theory Comput. Syst. 2021], and Chen et al. [SODA 2020]. Edge estimation using BIS can be done using polylogarithmic queries, while IS queries need sub-linear but more than polylogarithmic queries. Chen et al. improved Beame et al.'s upper bound result for edge estimation using IS and also showed an almost matching lower bound. Beame et al. in their introductory work asked a few open questions out of which one was on estimating structures of higher order than edges, like triangles and cliques, using BIS queries. Motivated by this question, we completely resolve the query complexity of estimating triangles using BIS oracle. While doing so, we prove a lower bound for an even stronger query oracle called Edge Emptiness (EE) oracle, recently introduced by Assadi, Chakrabarty and Khanna [ESA 2021] to test graph connectivity.Comment: 30 page

    The Geometry of Differential Privacy: the Sparse and Approximate Cases

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    In this work, we study trade-offs between accuracy and privacy in the context of linear queries over histograms. This is a rich class of queries that includes contingency tables and range queries, and has been a focus of a long line of work. For a set of dd linear queries over a database xRNx \in \R^N, we seek to find the differentially private mechanism that has the minimum mean squared error. For pure differential privacy, an O(log2d)O(\log^2 d) approximation to the optimal mechanism is known. Our first contribution is to give an O(log2d)O(\log^2 d) approximation guarantee for the case of (\eps,\delta)-differential privacy. Our mechanism is simple, efficient and adds correlated Gaussian noise to the answers. We prove its approximation guarantee relative to the hereditary discrepancy lower bound of Muthukrishnan and Nikolov, using tools from convex geometry. We next consider this question in the case when the number of queries exceeds the number of individuals in the database, i.e. when d>nx1d > n \triangleq \|x\|_1. It is known that better mechanisms exist in this setting. Our second main contribution is to give an (\eps,\delta)-differentially private mechanism which is optimal up to a \polylog(d,N) factor for any given query set AA and any given upper bound nn on x1\|x\|_1. This approximation is achieved by coupling the Gaussian noise addition approach with a linear regression step. We give an analogous result for the \eps-differential privacy setting. We also improve on the mean squared error upper bound for answering counting queries on a database of size nn by Blum, Ligett, and Roth, and match the lower bound implied by the work of Dinur and Nissim up to logarithmic factors. The connection between hereditary discrepancy and the privacy mechanism enables us to derive the first polylogarithmic approximation to the hereditary discrepancy of a matrix AA

    On the Complexity of Triangle Counting Using Emptiness Queries

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    Triangle Estimation Using Tripartite Independent Set Queries

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    Estimating the number of triangles in a graph is one of the most fundamental problems in sublinear algorithms. In this work, we provide an approximate triangle counting algorithm using only polylogarithmic queries when the number of triangles on any edge in the graph is polylogarithmically bounded. Our query oracle Tripartite Independent Set (TIS) takes three disjoint sets of vertices A, B and C as input, and answers whether there exists a triangle having one endpoint in each of these three sets. Our query model generally belongs to the class of group queries (Ron and Tsur, ACM ToCT, 2016; Dell and Lapinskas, STOC 2018) and in particular is inspired by the Bipartite Independent Set (BIS) query oracle of Beame et al. (ITCS 2018). We extend the algorithmic framework of Beame et al., with TIS replacing BIS, for triangle counting using ideas from color coding due to Alon et al. (J. ACM, 1995) and a concentration inequality for sums of random variables with bounded dependency (Janson, Rand. Struct. Alg., 2004)

    Quantum Recommendation Systems

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    A recommendation system uses the past purchases or ratings of nn products by a group of mm users, in order to provide personalized recommendations to individual users. The information is modeled as an m×nm \times n preference matrix which is assumed to have a good rank-kk approximation, for a small constant kk. In this work, we present a quantum algorithm for recommendation systems that has running time O(poly(k)polylog(mn))O(\text{poly}(k)\text{polylog}(mn)). All known classical algorithms for recommendation systems that work through reconstructing an approximation of the preference matrix run in time polynomial in the matrix dimension. Our algorithm provides good recommendations by sampling efficiently from an approximation of the preference matrix, without reconstructing the entire matrix. For this, we design an efficient quantum procedure to project a given vector onto the row space of a given matrix. This is the first algorithm for recommendation systems that runs in time polylogarithmic in the dimensions of the matrix and provides an example of a quantum machine learning algorithm for a real world application.Comment: 22 page

    Fine-Grained Reductions from Approximate Counting to Decision

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    In this paper, we introduce a general framework for fine-grained reductions of approximate counting problems to their decision versions. (Thus we use an oracle that decides whether any witness exists to multiplicatively approximate the number of witnesses with minimal overhead.) This mirrors a foundational result of Sipser (STOC 1983) and Stockmeyer (SICOMP 1985) in the polynomial-time setting, and a similar result of M\"uller (IWPEC 2006) in the FPT setting. Using our framework, we obtain such reductions for some of the most important problems in fine-grained complexity: the Orthogonal Vectors problem, 3SUM, and the Negative-Weight Triangle problem (which is closely related to All-Pairs Shortest Path). We also provide a fine-grained reduction from approximate #SAT to SAT. Suppose the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) is false, so that for some 1<c<21<c<2 and all kk there is an O(cn)O(c^n)-time algorithm for k-SAT. Then we prove that for all kk, there is an O((c+o(1))n)O((c+o(1))^n)-time algorithm for approximate #kk-SAT. In particular, our result implies that the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) is equivalent to the seemingly-weaker statement that there is no algorithm to approximate #3-SAT to within a factor of 1+ϵ1+\epsilon in time 2o(n)/ϵ22^{o(n)}/\epsilon^2 (taking ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 as part of the input).Comment: An extended abstract was presented at STOC 201