5,007 research outputs found

    Collective decision-making on triadic graphs

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    Many real-world networks exhibit community structures and non-trivial clustering associated with the occurrence of a considerable number of triangular subgraphs known as triadic motifs. Triads are a set of distinct triangles that do not share an edge with any other triangle in the network. Network motifs are subgraphs that occur significantly more often compared to random topologies. Two prominent examples, the feedforward loop and the feedback loop, occur in various real-world networks such as gene-regulatory networks, food webs or neuronal networks. However, as triangular connections are also prevalent in communication topologies of complex collective systems, it is worthwhile investigating the influence of triadic motifs on the collective decision-making dynamics. To this end, we generate networks called Triadic Graphs (TGs) exclusively from distinct triadic motifs. We then apply TGs as underlying topologies of systems with collective dynamics inspired from locust marching bands. We demonstrate that the motif type constituting the networks can have a paramount influence on group decision-making that cannot be explained solely in terms of the degree distribution. We find that, in contrast to the feedback loop, when the feedforward loop is the dominant subgraph, the resulting network is hierarchical and inhibits coherent behavior

    Reconstructing a Graph from Path Traces

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    This paper considers the problem of inferring the structure of a network from indirect observations. Each observation (a "trace") is the unordered set of nodes which are activated along a path through the network. Since a trace does not convey information about the order of nodes within the path, there are many feasible orders for each trace observed, and thus the problem of inferring the network from traces is, in general, illposed. We propose and analyze an algorithm which inserts edges by ordering each trace into a path according to which pairs of nodes in the path co-occur most frequently in the observations. When all traces involve exactly 3 nodes, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the reconstruction algorithm to exactly recover the graph. Finally, for a family of random graphs, we present expressions for reconstruction error probabilities (false discoveries and missed detections)

    Quantifying Triadic Closure in Multi-Edge Social Networks

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    Multi-edge networks capture repeated interactions between individuals. In social networks, such edges often form closed triangles, or triads. Standard approaches to measure this triadic closure, however, fail for multi-edge networks, because they do not consider that triads can be formed by edges of different multiplicity. We propose a novel measure of triadic closure for multi-edge networks of social interactions based on a shared partner statistic. We demonstrate that our operalization is able to detect meaningful closure in synthetic and empirical multi-edge networks, where common approaches fail. This is a cornerstone in driving inferential network analyses from the analysis of binary networks towards the analyses of multi-edge and weighted networks, which offer a more realistic representation of social interactions and relations.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, 6 table

    The Problem of Action at a Distance in Networks and the Emergence of Preferential Attachment from Triadic Closure

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    In this paper, we characterise the notion of preferential attachment in networks as action at a distance, and argue that it can only be an emergent phenomenon -- the actual mechanism by which networks grow always being the closing of triangles. After a review of the concepts of triangle closing and preferential attachment, we present our argument, as well as a simplified model in which preferential attachment can be derived mathematically from triangle closing. Additionally, we perform experiments on synthetic graphs to demonstrate the emergence of preferential attachment in graph growth models based only on triangle closing.Comment: 13 pages, three figure

    Mathematical evolution in discrete networks

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    This paper provides a mathematical explanation for the phenomenon of \triadic closure" so often seen in social networks. It appears to be a natural consequence when network change is constrained to be continuous. The concept of chordless cycles in the network's \irreducible spine" is used in the analysis of the network's dynamic behavior. A surprising result is that as networks undergo random, but continuous, perturbations they tend to become more structured and less chaotic