1,917 research outputs found

    Tree-depth and vertex-minors

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    Abstract In a recent paper Kwon and Oum (2014), Kwon and Oum claim that every graph of bounded rank-width is a pivot-minor of a graph of bounded tree-width (while the converse has been known true already before). We study the analogous questions for “depth” parameters of graphs, namely for the tree-depth and related new shrub-depth. We show how a suitable adaptation of known results implies that shrub-depth is monotone under taking vertex-minors, and we prove that every graph class of bounded shrub-depth can be obtained via vertex-minors of graphs of bounded tree-depth. While we exhibit an example that pivot-minors are generally not sufficient (unlike Kwon and Oum (2014)) in the latter statement, we then prove that the bipartite graphs in every class of bounded shrub-depth can be obtained as pivot-minors of graphs of bounded tree-depth

    Obstructions for bounded shrub-depth and rank-depth

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    Shrub-depth and rank-depth are dense analogues of the tree-depth of a graph. It is well known that a graph has large tree-depth if and only if it has a long path as a subgraph. We prove an analogous statement for shrub-depth and rank-depth, which was conjectured by Hlin\v{e}n\'y, Kwon, Obdr\v{z}\'alek, and Ordyniak [Tree-depth and vertex-minors, European J.~Combin. 2016]. Namely, we prove that a graph has large rank-depth if and only if it has a vertex-minor isomorphic to a long path. This implies that for every integer tt, the class of graphs with no vertex-minor isomorphic to the path on tt vertices has bounded shrub-depth.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures; accepted to Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser.

    Grad and classes with bounded expansion I. decompositions

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    We introduce classes of graphs with bounded expansion as a generalization of both proper minor closed classes and degree bounded classes. Such classes are based on a new invariant, the greatest reduced average density (grad) of G with rank r, grad r(G). For these classes we prove the existence of several partition results such as the existence of low tree-width and low tree-depth colorings. This generalizes and simplifies several earlier results (obtained for minor closed classes)

    Grad and Classes with Bounded Expansion II. Algorithmic Aspects

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    Classes of graphs with bounded expansion are a generalization of both proper minor closed classes and degree bounded classes. Such classes are based on a new invariant, the greatest reduced average density (grad) of G with rank r, ∇r(G). These classes are also characterized by the existence of several partition results such as the existence of low tree-width and low tree-depth colorings. These results lead to several new linear time algorithms, such as an algorithm for counting all the isomorphs of a fixed graph in an input graph or an algorithm for checking whether there exists a subset of vertices of a priori bounded size such that the subgraph induced by this subset satisfies some arbirtrary but fixed first order sentence. We also show that for fixed p, computing the distances between two vertices up to distance p may be performed in constant time per query after a linear time preprocessing. We also show, extending several earlier results, that a class of graphs has sublinear separators if it has sub-exponential expansion. This result result is best possible in general

    Finding Cycles and Trees in Sublinear Time

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    We present sublinear-time (randomized) algorithms for finding simple cycles of length at least k≥3k\geq 3 and tree-minors in bounded-degree graphs. The complexity of these algorithms is related to the distance of the graph from being CkC_k-minor-free (resp., free from having the corresponding tree-minor). In particular, if the graph is far (i.e., Ω(1)\Omega(1)-far) {from} being cycle-free, i.e. if one has to delete a constant fraction of edges to make it cycle-free, then the algorithm finds a cycle of polylogarithmic length in time \tildeO(\sqrt{N}), where NN denotes the number of vertices. This time complexity is optimal up to polylogarithmic factors. The foregoing results are the outcome of our study of the complexity of {\em one-sided error} property testing algorithms in the bounded-degree graphs model. For example, we show that cycle-freeness of NN-vertex graphs can be tested with one-sided error within time complexity \tildeO(\poly(1/\e)\cdot\sqrt{N}). This matches the known Ω(N)\Omega(\sqrt{N}) query lower bound, and contrasts with the fact that any minor-free property admits a {\em two-sided error} tester of query complexity that only depends on the proximity parameter \e. For any constant k≥3k\geq3, we extend this result to testing whether the input graph has a simple cycle of length at least kk. On the other hand, for any fixed tree TT, we show that TT-minor-freeness has a one-sided error tester of query complexity that only depends on the proximity parameter \e. Our algorithm for finding cycles in bounded-degree graphs extends to general graphs, where distances are measured with respect to the actual number of edges. Such an extension is not possible with respect to finding tree-minors in o(N)o(\sqrt{N}) complexity.Comment: Keywords: Sublinear-Time Algorithms, Property Testing, Bounded-Degree Graphs, One-Sided vs Two-Sided Error Probability Updated versio
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