996 research outputs found

    Separation of pulsar signals from noise with supervised machine learning algorithms

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    We evaluate the performance of four different machine learning (ML) algorithms: an Artificial Neural Network Multi-Layer Perceptron (ANN MLP ), Adaboost, Gradient Boosting Classifier (GBC), XGBoost, for the separation of pulsars from radio frequency interference (RFI) and other sources of noise, using a dataset obtained from the post-processing of a pulsar search pi peline. This dataset was previously used for cross-validation of the SPINN-based machine learning engine, used for the reprocessing of HTRU-S survey data arXiv:1406.3627. We have used Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) to deal with high class imbalance in the dataset. We report a variety of quality scores from all four of these algorithms on both the non-SMOTE and SMOTE datasets. For all the above ML methods, we report high accuracy and G-mean in both the non-SMOTE and SMOTE cases. We study the feature importances using Adaboost, GBC, and XGBoost and also from the minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance approach to report algorithm-agnostic feature ranking. From these methods, we find that the signal to noise of the folded profile to be the best feature. We find that all the ML algorithms report FPRs about an order of magnitude lower than the corresponding FPRs obtained in arXiv:1406.3627, for the same recall value.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Computin

    Local matching learning of large scale biomedical ontologies

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    Les larges ontologies biomédicales décrivent généralement le même domaine d'intérêt, mais en utilisant des modèles de modélisation et des vocabulaires différents. Aligner ces ontologies qui sont complexes et hétérogènes est une tâche fastidieuse. Les systèmes de matching doivent fournir des résultats de haute qualité en tenant compte de la grande taille de ces ressources. Les systèmes de matching d'ontologies doivent résoudre deux problèmes: (i) intégrer la grande taille d'ontologies, (ii) automatiser le processus d'alignement. Le matching d'ontologies est une tâche difficile en raison de la large taille des ontologies. Les systèmes de matching d'ontologies combinent différents types de matcher pour résoudre ces problèmes. Les principaux problèmes de l'alignement de larges ontologies biomédicales sont: l'hétérogénéité conceptuelle, l'espace de recherche élevé et la qualité réduite des alignements résultants. Les systèmes d'alignement d'ontologies combinent différents matchers afin de réduire l'hétérogénéité. Cette combinaison devrait définir le choix des matchers à combiner et le poids. Différents matchers traitent différents types d'hétérogénéité. Par conséquent, le paramétrage d'un matcher devrait être automatisé par les systèmes d'alignement d'ontologies afin d'obtenir une bonne qualité de correspondance. Nous avons proposé une approche appele "local matching learning" pour faire face à la fois à la grande taille des ontologies et au problème de l'automatisation. Nous divisons un gros problème d'alignement en un ensemble de problèmes d'alignement locaux plus petits. Chaque problème d'alignement local est indépendamment aligné par une approche d'apprentissage automatique. Nous réduisons l'énorme espace de recherche en un ensemble de taches de recherche de corresondances locales plus petites. Nous pouvons aligner efficacement chaque tache de recherche de corresondances locale pour obtenir une meilleure qualité de correspondance. Notre approche de partitionnement se base sur une nouvelle stratégie à découpes multiples générant des partitions non volumineuses et non isolées. Par conséquence, nous pouvons surmonter le problème de l'hétérogénéité conceptuelle. Le nouvel algorithme de partitionnement est basé sur le clustering hiérarchique par agglomération (CHA). Cette approche génère un ensemble de tâches de correspondance locale avec un taux de couverture suffisant avec aucune partition isolée. Chaque tâche d'alignement local est automatiquement alignée en se basant sur les techniques d'apprentissage automatique. Un classificateur local aligne une seule tâche d'alignement local. Les classificateurs locaux sont basés sur des features élémentaires et structurelles. L'attribut class de chaque set de donne d'apprentissage " training set" est automatiquement étiqueté à l'aide d'une base de connaissances externe. Nous avons appliqué une technique de sélection de features pour chaque classificateur local afin de sélectionner les matchers appropriés pour chaque tâche d'alignement local. Cette approche réduit la complexité d'alignement et augmente la précision globale par rapport aux méthodes d'apprentissage traditionnelles. Nous avons prouvé que l'approche de partitionnement est meilleure que les approches actuelles en terme de précision, de taux de couverture et d'absence de partitions isolées. Nous avons évalué l'approche d'apprentissage d'alignement local à l'aide de diverses expériences basées sur des jeux de données d'OAEI 2018. Nous avons déduit qu'il est avantageux de diviser une grande tâche d'alignement d'ontologies en un ensemble de tâches d'alignement locaux. L'espace de recherche est réduit, ce qui réduit le nombre de faux négatifs et de faux positifs. L'application de techniques de sélection de caractéristiques à chaque classificateur local augmente la valeur de rappel pour chaque tâche d'alignement local.Although a considerable body of research work has addressed the problem of ontology matching, few studies have tackled the large ontologies used in the biomedical domain. We introduce a fully automated local matching learning approach that breaks down a large ontology matching task into a set of independent local sub-matching tasks. This approach integrates a novel partitioning algorithm as well as a set of matching learning techniques. The partitioning method is based on hierarchical clustering and does not generate isolated partitions. The matching learning approach employs different techniques: (i) local matching tasks are independently and automatically aligned using their local classifiers, which are based on local training sets built from element level and structure level features, (ii) resampling techniques are used to balance each local training set, and (iii) feature selection techniques are used to automatically select the appropriate tuning parameters for each local matching context. Our local matching learning approach generates a set of combined alignments from each local matching task, and experiments show that a multiple local classifier approach outperforms conventional, state-of-the-art approaches: these use a single classifier for the whole ontology matching task. In addition, focusing on context-aware local training sets based on local feature selection and resampling techniques significantly enhances the obtained results

    Exploring and Evaluating the Scalability and Efficiency of Apache Spark using Educational Datasets

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    Research into the combination of data mining and machine learning technology with web-based education systems (known as education data mining, or EDM) is becoming imperative in order to enhance the quality of education by moving beyond traditional methods. With the worldwide growth of the Information Communication Technology (ICT), data are becoming available at a significantly large volume, with high velocity and extensive variety. In this thesis, four popular data mining methods are applied to Apache Spark, using large volumes of datasets from Online Cognitive Learning Systems to explore the scalability and efficiency of Spark. Various volumes of datasets are tested on Spark MLlib with different running configurations and parameter tunings. The thesis convincingly presents useful strategies for allocating computing resources and tuning to take full advantage of the in-memory system of Apache Spark to conduct the tasks of data mining and machine learning. Moreover, it offers insights that education experts and data scientists can use to manage and improve the quality of education, as well as to analyze and discover hidden knowledge in the era of big data

    Tree Genera Classification by Ensemble Classification of Small-Footprint Airborne LiDAR

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    Tree genera information is useful in environmental applications such as forest management, forestry, urban planning, and the maintenance of utility transmission line infrastructure. The ability of small foot print airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) to acquire 3D information provides a promising way of studying vertical forest structures. This provides an extra dimension of information compared to the traditional 2D remote sensing data. However, the techniques for processing this type of data are relatively recent and have becoming an innovative research direction. The existing perspective for processing LiDAR data for tree species classification involve calculating the statistics attributes of the vertical point profile for individual trees. This method however does not explicitly utilize the geometric information of the tree form such as shapes of the tree crown and geometric features that are derivable inside of the tree crown. Therefore, the aim of this dissertation research is to derive geometric features from individual tree crowns and use these features for genera classification. The second goal of this research is to improve classification results by combining the newly developed features with the conventional vertical point profile features through ensemble classification system. Final goal of this research is to design a classification system to cope with the situation where the number of classes in the validation data exceeds the number of classes in the training data. 24 geometric features were initially derived and six of them are selected for the classification of pine, poplar and maple. Average classification accuracy of 88.3% is achieved by using this method. When the geometric features are combined with vertical profile features by ensemble classification system, the average classification accuracy increased to 91.2%. While the individual performance of geometric classifier and vertical classifier is 88.0% and 88.8% respectively for the classification of pine, poplar and maple. Lastly, when samples that do not belong to pine, poplar and maple are added to the validation data, the classification accuracy dropped to 72.8% by using randomly selected samples for training. However, through diversified sampling technique, the classification accuracy increased to 93.8%

    Classic and Bayesian Tree-Based Methods

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    Tree-based methods are nonparametric techniques and machine-learning methods for data prediction and exploratory modeling. These models are one of valuable and powerful tools among data mining methods and can be used for predicting different types of outcome (dependent) variable: (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, and time until an event occurs (survival data)). Tree model is called classification tree/regression tree/survival tree based on the type of outcome variable. These methods have some advantages over against traditional statistical methods such as generalized linear models (GLMs), discriminant analysis, and survival analysis. Some of these advantages are: without requiring to determine assumptions about the functional form between outcome variable and predictor (independent) variables, invariant to monotone transformations of predictor variables, useful for dealing with nonlinear relationships and high-order interactions, deal with different types of predictor variable, ease of interpretation and understanding results without requiring to have statistical experience, robust to missing values, outliers, and multicollinearity. Several classic and Bayesian tree algorithms are proposed for classification and regression trees, and in this chapter, we provide a review of these algorithms and appropriate criteria for determining the predictive performance of them

    Improving spam email classification accuracy using ensemble techniques: a stacking approach

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    Spam emails pose a substantial cybersecurity danger, necessitating accurate classification to reduce unwanted messages and mitigate risks. This study focuses on enhancing spam email classification accuracy using stacking ensemble machine learning techniques.We trained and tested five classifiers: logistic regression, decision tree, K-nearest neighbors (KNN), Gaussian naive Bayes and AdaBoost. To address overfitting, two distinct datasets of spam emails were aggregated and balanced. Evaluating individual classifiers based on recall, precision and F1 score metrics revealed AdaBoost as the top performer. Considering evolving spam technology and new message types challenging traditional approaches, we propose a stacking method. By combining predictions from multiple base models, the stacking method aims to improve classification accuracy. The results demonstrate superior performance of the stacking method with the highest accuracy (98.8%), recall (98.8%) and F1 score (98.9%) among tested methods. Additional experiments validated our approach by varying dataset sizes and testing different classifier combinations. Our study presents an innovative combination of classifiers that significantly improves accuracy, contributing to the growing body of research on stacking techniques. Moreover, we compare classifier performances using a unique combination of two datasets, highlighting the potential of ensemble techniques, specifically stacking, in enhancing spam email classification accuracy. The implications extend beyond spam classification systems, offering insights applicable to other classification tasks. Continued research on emerging spam techniques is vital to ensure long-term effectiveness

    A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Banking News Extraction by Multiclass Classification With Imbalanced Datasets of Financial News: Challenges and Solutions

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    Online portals provide an enormous amount of news articles every day. Over the years, numerous studies have concluded that news events have a significant impact on forecasting and interpreting the movement of stock prices. The creation of a framework for storing news-articles and collecting information for specific domains is an important and untested problem for the Indian stock market. When online news portals produce financial news articles about many subjects simultaneously, finding news articles that are important to the specific domain is nontrivial. A critical component of the aforementioned system should, therefore, include one module for extracting and storing news articles, and another module for classifying these text documents into a specific domain(s). In the current study, we have performed extensive experiments to classify the financial news articles into the predefined four classes Banking, Non-Banking, Governmental, and Global. The idea of multi-class classification was to extract the Banking news and its most correlated news articles from the pool of financial news articles scraped from various web news portals. The news articles divided into the mentioned classes were imbalanced. Imbalance data is a big difficulty with most classifier learning algorithms. However, as recent works suggest, class imbalances are not in themselves a problem, and degradation in performance is often correlated with certain variables relevant to data distribution, such as the existence in noisy and ambiguous instances in the adjacent class boundaries. A variety of solutions to addressing data imbalances have been proposed recently, over-sampling, down-sampling, and ensemble approach. We have presented the various challenges that occur with data imbalances in multiclass classification and solutions in dealing with these challenges. The paper has also shown a comparison of the performances of various machine learning models with imbalanced data and data balances using sampling and ensemble techniques. From the result, it’s clear that the performance of Random Forest classifier with data balances using the over-sampling technique SMOTE is best in terms of precision, recall, F-1, and accuracy. From the ensemble classifiers, the Balanced Bagging classifier has shown similar results as of the Random Forest classifier with SMOTE. Random forest classifier's accuracy, however, was 100% and it was 99% with the Balanced Bagging classifier

    Evolving interval-based representation for multiple classifier fusion.

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    Designing an ensemble of classifiers is one of the popular research topics in machine learning since it can give better results than using each constituent member. Furthermore, the performance of ensemble can be improved using selection or adaptation. In the former, the optimal set of base classifiers, meta-classifier, original features, or meta-data is selected to obtain a better ensemble than using the entire classifiers and features. In the latter, the base classifiers or combining algorithms working on the outputs of the base classifiers are made to adapt to a particular problem. The adaptation here means that the parameters of these algorithms are trained to be optimal for each problem. In this study, we propose a novel evolving combining algorithm using the adaptation approach for the ensemble systems. Instead of using numerical value when computing the representation for each class, we propose to use the interval-based representation for the class. The optimal value of the representation is found through Particle Swarm Optimization. During classification, a test instance is assigned to the class with the interval-based representation that is closest to the base classifiers’ prediction. Experiments conducted on a number of popular dataset confirmed that the proposed method is better than the well-known ensemble systems using Decision Template and Sum Rule as combiner, L2-loss Linear Support Vector Machine, Multiple Layer Neural Network, and the ensemble selection methods based on GA-Meta-data, META-DES, and ACO