645,989 research outputs found

    Do No Harm

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    The mission of Congress and the Obama administration should be the same as a doctor treating a patient: do no harm.Bob Corker, health care reform, healthcare reform, healthcare, health care, SGR, Medicare, Oliver Wyman, Tennessee, insurance

    Oral Health Intervention: A Multifaceted Approach to Improve Oral Health Care during Pregnancy

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    Introduction: Early Childhood Caries (ECC) is the most common chronic disease of childhood Mothers’ oral health status is a strong predictor of the oral health status of their children 2009: Vermont spends 2.7milliontreatingchildrenages0−5withEarlyChildhoodCaries2012:Vermontliftsthe2.7 million treating children ages 0-5 with Early Childhood Caries 2012: Vermont lifts the 495 Medicaid cap on reimbursement for a woman’s dental care during pregnancy and up to 60 days after delivery American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) Guidelines on prenatal dental care are published 2013: 74% of surveyed Vermont providers treating pregnant women are unaware of the Medicaid change 82% of these providers are not using guidelines to assess oral health during pregnancy Objective: To improve prenatal dental referral rates from obstetric providers by facilitating Vermont-specific implementation of ACOG guidelineshttps://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1212/thumbnail.jp

    Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and European Cystic Fibrosis Society Survey of cystic fibrosis mental health care delivery

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    Background: Psychological morbidity in individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF) and their caregivers is common. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) and European Cystic Fibrosis Society (ECFS) Guidelines Committee on Mental Health sought the views of CF health care professionals concerning mental health care delivery. Methods: An online survey which focused on the current provision and barriers to mental health care was distributed to CF health care professionals. Results: Of the 1454 respondents, many did not have a colleague trained in mental health issues and 20% had no one on their team whose primary role was focused on assessing or treating these issues. Insufficient resources and a lack of competency were reported in relation to mental health referrals. Seventy-three percent of respondents had no experience with mental health screening. Of those who did, they utilized 48 different, validated scales. Conclusions: These data have informed the decision-making, dissemination and implementation strategies of the Mental Health Guidelines Committee sponsored by the CFF and ECFS

    Resource Re-Allocation During the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Suburban Hospital System: Implications for Outpatient Hip and Knee Arthroplasty

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    The COVID pandemic of 2020 has emerged as a global threat to patients, health care providers, and to the global economy. Owing to this particular novel and highly infectious strain of coronavirus, the rapid community spread and clinical severity of the subsequent respiratory syndrome created a substantial strain on hospitals and health care systems around the world. The rapid surge of patients presenting over a small period for emergent clinical care, admission to the hospital, and intensive care units with many requiring mechanically assisted ventilators for respiratory support demonstrated the potential to overwhelm health care workers, hospitals, and health care systems. The purpose of this article is to describe an effective system for redeployment of health care supplies, resources, and personnel to hospitals within a suburban academic hospital system to optimize the care of COVID patients, while treating orthopedic patients in an equally ideal setting to maximize their surgical and clinical care. This article will provide a particular focus on the current and future role of a specialty hip and knee hospital and its partnering ambulatory surgery center in the context of an outpatient arthroplasty program

    A bit more understanding: Young adults' views of mental health services in care in Ireland

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    Children and young people in the care system typically experience very high levels of mental health difficulties, yet their views of these difficulties and of mental health services have rarely been explored. For this qualitative study we spoke with eight young adults aged 18 to 27 years with experience of the care system in Ireland about mental health challenges, service experiences, and how they felt mental health services needed to improve. Themes from the interviews illuminated young adults' views of their emotional well-being while in care, and the double stigma of being in care and mental health difficulties. In terms of services, young adults wanted these to be flexible and sensitive to level of need; to offer choice and more congenial environments; to provide more creative routes to engaging young people; and to offer honest, reciprocal, caring communication — treating children in care as one would any child. Recommendations highlight three key needs: an ethic of care in services as well as an ethic of justice; mental health training for all professionals in contact with children in care; and the need to listen, hear and act on what children and young people sa

    'Managing scarcity'- a qualitative study on volunteer-based healthcare for chronically ill, uninsured migrants in Berlin, Germany

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    OBJECTIVES: In Germany, healthcare for people lacking legal residency status and European Union citizens without health insurance is often provided by non-governmental organisations. Scientific studies assessing the situation of the patients with chronic diseases in this context are scarce. We aimed to characterise medical care for chronically ill migrants without health insurance and outline its possibilities and limitations from the treating physicians' perspective. DESIGN: Qualitative semi-structured interviews; qualitative content analysis. SETTING: Organisations and facilities providing healthcare for uninsured migrants: free clinics, medical practices and public health services. PARTICIPANTS: 14 physicians working regularly in healthcare for uninsured migrants. RESULTS: Delayed contact to the healthcare system was frequently addressed in the interviews. Care was described as constrained by a scarcity of resources that often impedes adequate treatment for many conditions, most pronounced in the case of oncological diseases or chronic viral infections (HIV, hepatitis). For other chronic conditions such as cardiovascular diseases or diabetes, some diagnostics and basic medications were described as partially available, while management of complications or rehabilitative measures are frequently unfeasible. For the patients with mental health problems, attainability of psychotherapeutic treatment is reported as severely limited. Care is predominantly described as fragmented with limitations to information flow and continuity. Which level of care a patient receives appears to depend markedly on the respective non-governmental organisation and the individual commitment, subjective decisions and personal connections of the treating physician. CONCLUSIONS: Restrictions in medical care for uninsured migrants have even more impact on chronically ill patients. Volunteer-based care often constitutes an inadequate compensation for regular access to the healthcare system, as it is strongly influenced by the limitation of its resources and its arbitrariness

    Confidence amongst multidisciplinary professionals in managing paediatric rheumatic disease in Australia

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    Objective. Interprofessional collaboration is a crucial component of care for children with rheumatic disease. Interprofessional care, when delivered appropriately, prevents disability and improves long-term prognosis in this vulnerable group. Methods. The aim of this survey was to explore allied health professionals’ and nurses’ confidence in treating paediatric rheumatology patients. Results. Overall, 117 participants were recruited, 77.9% of participants reported being “not confident at all,” “not confident,” or “neutral” in treating children with rheumatic diseases (RD) despite 65.1% of participants reporting having treated >1 paediatric rheumatology case in the past month. Furthermore, 67.2% of participants felt their undergraduate education in paediatric rheumatology was inadequate. “Journals” or “texts books” were used by 49.3% of participants as their primary source of continuing professional development (CPD) and 39.3% of participants indicated that they did not undertake any CPD related to paediatric rheumatology. Small group and online education were perceived to be potentially of “great benefit” for CPD. Conclusion. This paper highlights allied health professionals’ and nurses’ perceived inadequacy of their undergraduate education in paediatric RD and their low confidence in recognising and treating RD. Undergraduate and postgraduate education opportunities focusing on interprofessional collaboration should be developed to address this workforce deficiency


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    Over the last three decades, treating health economics as an independent scientific discipline and providing specific treatment to the topics related to the economics of the health care sector have become more and more common. Currently, the field is so well established that it has appeared in the ordinary curriculum of most universities, and even if health economists are mainly to be found in the medical departments, the connections to economics proper are being strengthened, and the methodologies applied are getting refined. In this connection the paper highlights about the concept of health, why does health matter, relationship between health and Health Economics, and the justification of health economics

    Optimizing the Allocation of Vaccines in the Presence of Multiple Strains of the Influenza Virus

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    During the annual flu season, multiple strains of the influenza virus are often present within a population. It is a significant challenge for health care administrators to determine the most effective allocation of two different vaccines to combat the various strains when treating the public. We employ a mathematical model, a system of differential equations, to find a strategy for vaccinating a population in order to minimize the number of infected individuals. We consider various strengths of transmission of the disease, availability of vaccine doses, vaccination rates, and other model parameters. This research may lead to more effective health care policies for vaccine administration
