5,702 research outputs found

    Travelling on Graphs with Small Highway Dimension

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    We study the Travelling Salesperson (TSP) and the Steiner Tree problem (STP) in graphs of low highway dimension. This graph parameter was introduced by Abraham et al. [SODA 2010] as a model for transportation networks, on which TSP and STP naturally occur for various applications in logistics. It was previously shown [Feldmann et al. ICALP 2015] that these problems admit a quasi-polynomial time approximation scheme (QPTAS) on graphs of constant highway dimension. We demonstrate that a significant improvement is possible in the special case when the highway dimension is 1, for which we present a fully-polynomial time approximation scheme (FPTAS). We also prove that STP is weakly NP-hard for these restricted graphs. For TSP we show NP-hardness for graphs of highway dimension 6, which answers an open problem posed in [Feldmann et al. ICALP 2015]

    A PTAS for Bounded-Capacity Vehicle Routing in Planar Graphs

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    The Capacitated Vehicle Routing problem is to find a minimum-cost set of tours that collectively cover clients in a graph, such that each tour starts and ends at a specified depot and is subject to a capacity bound on the number of clients it can serve. In this paper, we present a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) for instances in which the input graph is planar and the capacity is bounded. Previously, only a quasipolynomial-time approximation scheme was known for these instances. To obtain this result, we show how to embed planar graphs into bounded-treewidth graphs while preserving, in expectation, the client-to-client distances up to a small additive error proportional to client distances to the depot

    The parameterized hardness of the k-center problem in transportation networks

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    In this paper we study the hardness of the k-Center problem on inputs that model transportation networks. For the problem, an edge-weighted graph G=(V,E) and an integer k are given and a center set C subseteq V needs to be chosen such that |C|<= k. The aim is to minimize the maximum distance of any vertex in the graph to the closest center. This problem arises in many applications of logistics, and thus it is natural to consider inputs that model transportation networks. Such inputs are often assumed to be planar graphs, low doubling metrics, or bounded highway dimension graphs. For each of these models, parameterized approximation algorithms have been shown to exist. We complement these results by proving that the k-Center problem is W[1]-hard on planar graphs of constant doubling dimension, where the parameter is the combination of the number of centers k, the highway dimension h, and even the treewidth t. Moreover, under the Exponential Time Hypothesis there is no f(k,t,h)* n^{o(t+sqrt{k+h})} time algorithm for any computable function f. Thus it is unlikely that the optimum solution to k-Center can be found efficiently, even when assuming that the input graph abides to all of the above models for transportation networks at once! Additionally we give a simple parameterized (1+{epsilon})-approximation algorithm for inputs of doubling dimension d with runtime (k^k/{epsilon}^{O(kd)})* n^{O(1)}. This generalizes a previous result, which considered inputs in D-dimensional L_q metrics

    A survey of approximation algorithms for capacitated vehicle routing problems

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    Finding the shortest travelling tour of vehicles with capacity k from the depot to the customers is called the Capacity vehicle routing problem (CVRP). CVRP plays an essential position in logistics systems, and it is the most intensively studied problem in combinatorial optimization. In complexity, CVRP with k \ge 3 is an NP-hard problem, and it is APX-hard as well. We already knew that it could not be approximated in metric space. Moreover, it is the first problem resisting Arora's famous approximation framework. So, whether there is, a polynomial-time (1+ϵ\epsilon)-approximation for the Euclidean CVRP for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0 is still an open problem. This paper will summarize the research progress from history to up-to-date developments. The survey will be updated periodically.Comment: First submissio

    Hierarchy of Transportation Network Parameters and Hardness Results

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    The graph parameters highway dimension and skeleton dimension were introduced to capture the properties of transportation networks. As many important optimization problems like Travelling Salesperson, Steiner Tree or k-Center arise in such networks, it is worthwhile to study them on graphs of bounded highway or skeleton dimension. We investigate the relationships between mentioned parameters and how they are related to other important graph parameters that have been applied successfully to various optimization problems. We show that the skeleton dimension is incomparable to any of the parameters distance to linear forest, bandwidth, treewidth and highway dimension and hence, it is worthwhile to study mentioned problems also on graphs of bounded skeleton dimension. Moreover, we prove that the skeleton dimension is upper bounded by the max leaf number and that for any graph on at least three vertices there are edge weights such that both parameters are equal. Then we show that computing the highway dimension according to most recent definition is NP-hard, which answers an open question stated by Feldmann et al. [Andreas Emil Feldmann et al., 2015]. Finally we prove that on graphs G=(V,E) of skeleton dimension O(log^2 |V|) it is NP-hard to approximate the k-Center problem within a factor less than 2

    Distances and shortest paths on graphs of bounded highway dimension: simple, fast, dynamic

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    Dijkstra's algorithm is the standard method for computing shortest paths on arbitrary graphs. However, it is slow for large graphs, taking at least linear time. It has been long known that for real world road networks, creating a hierarchy of well-chosen shortcuts allows fast distance and path computation, with exact distance queries seemingly being answered in logarithmic time. However, these methods were but heuristics until the work of Abraham et al.~[JACM 2016], where they defined a graph parameter called highway dimension which is constant for real-world road networks, and showed that in graphs of constant highway dimension, a shortcut hierarchy exists that guarantees shortest distance computation takes O(log(U+V))O(\log (U+V)) time and O(Vlog(U+V))O(V \log (U+V)) space, where UU is the ratio of the smallest to largest edge, and VV is the number of vertices. The problem is that they were unable to efficiently compute the hierarchy of shortcuts. Here we present a simple and efficient algorithm to compute the needed hierarchy of shortcuts in time and space O(Vlog(U+V))O(V \log (U+V)), as well as supporting updates in time O(log(U+V))O( \log (U+V))

    A (1+ε)-embedding of low highway dimension graphs into bounded treewidth graphs

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    Graphs with bounded highway dimension were introduced by Abraham et al. [Proceedings of SODA 2010, pp. 782–793] as a model of transportation networks. We show that any such graph can be embedded into a distribution over bounded treewidth graphs with arbitrarily small distortion. More concretely, given a weighted graph G = (V, E) of constant highway dimension, we show how to randomly compute a weighted graph H = (V, E) that distorts shortest path distances of G by at most a 1 + ε factor in expectation, and whose treewidth is polylogarithmic in the aspect ratio of G. Our probabilistic embedding implies quasi-polynomial time approximation schemes for a number of optimization problems that naturally arise in transportation networks, including Travelling Salesman, Steiner Tree, and Facility Location. To construct our embedding for low highway dimension graphs we extend Talwar’s [Proceedings of STOC 2004, pp. 281–290] embedding of low doubling dimension metrics into bounded treewidth graphs, which generalizes known results for Euclidean metrics. We add several nontrivial ingredients to Talwar’s techniques, and in particular thoroughly analyze the structure of low highway dimension graphs. Thus we demonstrate that the geometric toolkit used for Euclidean metrics extends beyond the class of low doubling metrics