76,587 research outputs found

    Using supply chain databases in academic research: A methodological critique

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    This article outlines the main methodological implications of using Bloomberg SPLC, FactSet Supply Chain Relationships, and Mergent Supply Chain for academic purposes. These databases provide secondary data on buyer–supplier relationships that have been publicly disclosed. Despite the growing use of these databases in supply chain management (SCM) research, several potential validity and reliability issues have not been systematically and openly addressed. This article thus expounds on challenges of using these databases that are caused by (1) inconsistency between data, SCM constructs, and research questions (data fit); (2) errors caused by the databases' classifications and assumptions (data accuracy); and (3) limitations due to the inclusion of only publicly disclosed buyer–supplier relationships involving specific focal firms (data representativeness). The analysis is based on a review of previous studies using Bloomberg SPLC, FactSet Supply Chain Relationships, and Mergent Supply Chain, publicly available materials, interviews with information service providers, and the direct experience of the authors. Some solutions draw upon established methodological literature on the use of secondary data. The article concludes by providing summary guidelines and urging SCM researchers toward greater methodological transparency when using these databases

    The ethics of shared Covid-19 risks: an epistemological framework for ethical health technology assessment of risk in vaccine supply chain infrastructures

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    AbstractThis article addresses the topic of shared responsibilities in supply chains, with a specific focus on the application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in e-health environments, and Industry 4.0 issues—concerning data security, privacy, reliability and management, data mining and knowledge exchange as well as health prevention. In this article, we critically review methodologies and guidelines that have been proposed to approach these ethical aspects in digital supply chain settings. The emerging framework presents new findings on how digital technologies affect vaccine shared supply chain systems. Through epistemological analysis, the article derives new insights for transparency and accountability of supply chain cyber risk from Internet of Things systems. This research devises a framework for ethical awareness, assessment, transparency and accountability of the emerging cyber risk from integrating IoT technologies on shared Covid-19 healthcare supply chain infrastructure.</jats:p

    The impact of blockchain technology on the tea supply chain and its sustainable performance

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    Blockchain technology (BCT) has recently attracted interest from academics and practitioners. However, little is known about the benefits and impact of BCT on the tea supply chain and its sustainable performance. To bridge this gap, this study extends the resource-based view (RBV) and network theory (NT) by integrating BCT into the tea supply chain. We develop a conceptual model of a BCT-driven tea supply chain, which we analyse using a partial least squares regression-based structural equation modelling method with data collected from 305 experts in India. The findings show that the use of BCT has a significant positive effect on the tea supply chain; in particular, transparency and reliability are shown as the sustainable performance parameters. The implementation of BCT is a progressive paradigm shift that encourages actors to change their attitudes and become more competent in the tea sector. This study is the first report on integrating BCT into supply chains, contributing to the scant literature on this subject. Furthermore, our conceptual framework could help develop a more sustainable supply chain for the global tea industry

    Decentralizing Electric Vehicle Supply Chains: Value Proposition and System Design

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    Distributed ledger technologies are transforming existing business models and business relationships. In particular, blockchain allows non-trusting parties to manage a shared database in a decentralized way and improve the transparency, authenticity, and reliability of the exchanged data. Nonetheless, decentralized paradigms are not yet well established, resulting in only a fraction of blockchain-based applications being successful in the long term.In this paper, we present a blockchain-based solution for the electric vehicle supply chain that we designed in the context of the CONCORDIA project of the European Cybersecurity Competence Network. We describe the goals, the value proposition, the main design choices, and the architecture of our system. Moreover, we discuss the electric vehicle supply chain, analyzing the improvements and limitations introduced by our blockchain-based solution. We analyze our solution from the managerial and technical points of view through a lean business methodology for blockchain solutions. In particular, we developed an economic impact assessment to evaluate the potential costs and revenues of the application of blockchain technology in a supply chain context. Although the blockchain system is inspired by the supply chain of a multinational automotive company, it can be applied to any other multi-actor supply chain

    Sistem Rantai Pasok Dan Traceability Sayuran Hidroponik Di PT. Asabi

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    Supply chain and traceability are solutions for horticultural production, because supply chain can add value for product and traceability exists to ensure transparency, reduce the risks and costs. Asabi is one of the companies that runs horticultre business in Bogor with hydroponics systems. The presence of retail consumers needs higher quality, ensure integrity and safety. Therefore Asabi needs to implement a supply chain system and traceability for that consumer demand. This study uses primary data about business process, cycle time, and cost from observation and interviews with Asabi’s team. Secondary data: SCORmark by APICS and SCOR data by similar companies from internet and related research journal. Data were used to descriptive analysis using FSCN, calculating the SCOR, and analyzing the development of traceability. The data compare in two situations, before (H1) and after retail customers (H2). Asabi supply chain consists of upstream, processing and downstream. Supply chain SCOR performance shows that retail increases Asabi's sales, but lower reliability, and high cost. The traceability has not been built yet in Asabi, from the simulation application, Asabi needs to estimate the harvest, improve the sorting process and utilize the use of greenhouses to increase reliability and minimize costs

    Adoption of blockchain technology to improve Halal supply chain performance and competitiveness

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    This study aims to investigate the relationship between blockchain technology adoption and firm competitiveness through Halal supply chain performance as a mediating variable. This paper has used the explanatory approach and multivariate data analysis using partial least squares with structural equation modelling. The data were collected from 178 Indonesian manufacturing firms producing Halal-certified foods and beverages. The findings reveal that adopting blockchain technology positively and significantly affects Halal supply chain performance and firm competitiveness. The total indirect effect shows that the availability of blockchain technology indirectly affects the firm’s competitiveness through Halal supply chain performance. This study has provided a novel theoretical framework showing that adopting blockchain technology can improve the Halal supply chain performance and the firm’s competitiveness. The transparency and integrity features of blockchain technology have strengthened consumers’ confidence in the reliability of Halal-certified food and beverage products

    Sustainable B2B E-Commerce and Blockchain-Based Supply Chain Finance

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    Information technology advancements integrated with the e-commerce supply chain allow participants in the business process to effectively work with large volumes of data and control transactions. To improve the profitability and competitiveness of e-commerce companies, a blockchain solution was incorporated into the global B2B (Business-to-Business) supply chain. This technology simplified the transaction process by providing all participants in the sustainable B2B buying process with the same data about the trade. Overall, the use of blockchain improved the efficiency of logistics and digital documentation which reached 74% and 75%, respectively. The main advantage of using blockchain is that it creates a decentralized database that is secure. In addition, it increases the speed of payment and the reliability and transparency of data transfer. Further research may focus on the use of blockchain in green logistics to improve environmental sustainability in the e-commerce supply chain

    ALIGNMENT OF BUSINESS STRATEGY AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: a study of medium-to-large-sized internationalized German companies from an international business student perspective

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    In an increasingly globalized world, effective supply chain management and its alignment with a company’s business strategy is seen as a firm’s competitive advantage. Existing studies, which were conducted in internationally known companies, suggest three main strategies: Lean, agile and leagile supply chain strategies. Lean supply chain strategies in markets with a stable demand follow a cost-minimizing approach. Agile supply chain strategies in markets with an unpredictable demand focus on differentiation, innovation and flexibility in order to fulfill customer-specific demand. Finally, leagile supply chain strategies try to combine lean aspects for a base demand and agile aspects for more customer specification. This study researches internationalized medium-to-large-sized German companies with the purpose of understanding how companies can improve their supply chain management from an international business perspective. Results are based on the analysis of qualitative data collected through 14 semi-structured interviews with employees from the SC or business department. Findings suggest that lean, agile and leagile supply chains exist as described in the literature. Furthermore, the supply chain strategies called ‘project’ SC and ‘capable’ SC were found. Project SCs are used for a fixed period of time in order to conduct customer-specific ventures. They are a specialized version of agile SCs with the difference that they are constructed from scratch. Capable SCs are characterized by delivery reliability and speed and customer closeness in markets with predictable demand. They can be considered an advancement of leagile SCs. Furthermore risk- hedging SC management was researched. Moreover, the changes in strategies over the years were examined and the meaning of increased automation and usage of computerized systems in the context of industry 4.0 were questioned. The results show that changes and technology play different roles according to industry. In conclusion the findings cannot be generalized due to the small sample size. However, the results give an insight into current supply chain management strategies that can lead to the practical implication of integrating the customer more in the SC. In the future SCs could have increased transparency, flexibility, and simultaneity. Further quantitative research is recommended.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    MARTSIA: Enabling Data Confidentiality for Blockchain-based Process Execution

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    Multi-party business processes rely on the collaboration of various players in a decentralized setting. Blockchain technology can facilitate the automation of these processes, even in cases where trust among participants is limited. Transactions are stored in a ledger, a replica of which is retained by every node of the blockchain network. The operations saved thereby are thus publicly accessible. While this enhances transparency, reliability, and persistence, it hinders the utilization of public blockchains for process automation as it violates typical confidentiality requirements in corporate settings. In this paper, we propose MARTSIA: A Multi-Authority Approach to Transaction Systems for Interoperating Applications. MARTSIA enables precise control over process data at the level of message parts. Based on Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption (MA-ABE), MARTSIA realizes a number of desirable properties, including confidentiality, transparency, and auditability. We implemented our approach in proof-of-concept prototypes, with which we conduct a case study in the area of supply chain management. Also, we show the integration of MARTSIA with a state-of-the-art blockchain-based process execution engine to secure the data flow

    The impact of blockchain technology on the tea supply chain and its sustainable performance

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordBlockchain technology (BCT) has recently attracted interest from academics and practitioners. However, little is known about the benefits and impact of BCT on the tea supply chain and its sustainable performance. To bridge this gap, this study extends the resource-based view (RBV) and network theory (NT) by integrating BCT into the tea supply chain. We develop a conceptual model of a BCT-driven tea supply chain, which we analyse using a partial least squares regression-based structural equation modelling method with data collected from 305 experts in India. The findings show that the use of BCT has a significant positive effect on the tea supply chain; in particular, transparency and reliability are shown as the sustainable performance parameters. The implementation of BCT is a progressive paradigm shift that encourages actors to change their attitudes and become more competent in the tea sector. This study is the first report on integrating BCT into supply chains, contributing to the scant literature on this subject. Furthermore, our conceptual framework could help develop a more sustainable supply chain for the global tea industry