1,968 research outputs found

    Spectrum Sharing in mmWave Cellular Networks via Cell Association, Coordination, and Beamforming

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    This paper investigates the extent to which spectrum sharing in mmWave networks with multiple cellular operators is a viable alternative to traditional dedicated spectrum allocation. Specifically, we develop a general mathematical framework by which to characterize the performance gain that can be obtained when spectrum sharing is used, as a function of the underlying beamforming, operator coordination, bandwidth, and infrastructure sharing scenarios. The framework is based on joint beamforming and cell association optimization, with the objective of maximizing the long-term throughput of the users. Our asymptotic and non-asymptotic performance analyses reveal five key points: (1) spectrum sharing with light on-demand intra- and inter-operator coordination is feasible, especially at higher mmWave frequencies (for example, 73 GHz), (2) directional communications at the user equipment substantially alleviate the potential disadvantages of spectrum sharing (such as higher multiuser interference), (3) large numbers of antenna elements can reduce the need for coordination and simplify the implementation of spectrum sharing, (4) while inter-operator coordination can be neglected in the large-antenna regime, intra-operator coordination can still bring gains by balancing the network load, and (5) critical control signals among base stations, operators, and user equipment should be protected from the adverse effects of spectrum sharing, for example by means of exclusive resource allocation. The results of this paper, and their extensions obtained by relaxing some ideal assumptions, can provide important insights for future standardization and spectrum policy.Comment: 15 pages. To appear in IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Spectrum Sharing and Aggregation for Future Wireless Network

    Hybrid analog-digital transmit beamforming for spectrum sharing backhaul networks

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper deals with the problem of analog-digital transmit beamforming under spectrum sharing constraints for backhaul systems. In contrast to fully digital designs, where the spatial processing is done at baseband unit with all the flexible computational resources of digital processors, analog-digital beamforming schemes require that certain processing is done through analog components, such as phase-shifters or switches. These analog components do not have the same processing flexibility as the digital processor, but on the other hand, they can substantially reduce the cost and complexity of the beamforming solution. This paper presents the joint optimization of the analog and digital parts, which results in a nonconvex, NP-hard, and coupled problem. In order to solve it, an alternating optimization with a penalized convex-concave method is proposed. According to the simulation results, this novel iterative procedure is able to find a solution that behaves close to the fully digital beamforming upper bound scheme.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Survey of Spectrum Sharing for Inter-Technology Coexistence

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    Increasing capacity demands in emerging wireless technologies are expected to be met by network densification and spectrum bands open to multiple technologies. These will, in turn, increase the level of interference and also result in more complex inter-technology interactions, which will need to be managed through spectrum sharing mechanisms. Consequently, novel spectrum sharing mechanisms should be designed to allow spectrum access for multiple technologies, while efficiently utilizing the spectrum resources overall. Importantly, it is not trivial to design such efficient mechanisms, not only due to technical aspects, but also due to regulatory and business model constraints. In this survey we address spectrum sharing mechanisms for wireless inter-technology coexistence by means of a technology circle that incorporates in a unified, system-level view the technical and non-technical aspects. We thus systematically explore the spectrum sharing design space consisting of parameters at different layers. Using this framework, we present a literature review on inter-technology coexistence with a focus on wireless technologies with equal spectrum access rights, i.e. (i) primary/primary, (ii) secondary/secondary, and (iii) technologies operating in a spectrum commons. Moreover, we reflect on our literature review to identify possible spectrum sharing design solutions and performance evaluation approaches useful for future coexistence cases. Finally, we discuss spectrum sharing design challenges and suggest future research directions

    Cognitive Orthogonal Precoder for Two-tiered Networks Deployment

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    In this work, the problem of cross-tier interference in a two-tiered (macro-cell and cognitive small-cells) network, under the complete spectrum sharing paradigm, is studied. A new orthogonal precoder transmit scheme for the small base stations, called multi-user Vandermonde-subspace frequency division multiplexing (MU-VFDM), is proposed. MU-VFDM allows several cognitive small base stations to coexist with legacy macro-cell receivers, by nulling the small- to macro-cell cross-tier interference, without any cooperation between the two tiers. This cleverly designed cascaded precoder structure, not only cancels the cross-tier interference, but avoids the co-tier interference for the small-cell network. The achievable sum-rate of the small-cell network, satisfying the interference cancelation requirements, is evaluated for perfect and imperfect channel state information at the transmitter. Simulation results for the cascaded MU-VFDM precoder show a comparable performance to that of state-of-the-art dirty paper coding technique, for the case of a dense cellular layout. Finally, a comparison between MU-VFDM and a standard complete spectrum separation strategy is proposed. Promising gains in terms of achievable sum-rate are shown for the two-tiered network w.r.t. the traditional bandwidth management approach.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted and to appear in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications: Cognitive Radio Series, 2013. Copyright transferred to IEE

    Spectrum Sharing in Wireless Networks via QoS-Aware Secondary Multicast Beamforming

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    Secondary spectrum usage has the potential to considerably increase spectrum utilization. In this paper, quality-of-service (QoS)-aware spectrum underlay of a secondary multicast network is considered. A multiantenna secondary access point (AP) is used for multicast (common information) transmission to a number of secondary single-antenna receivers. The idea is that beamforming can be used to steer power towards the secondary receivers while limiting sidelobes that cause interference to primary receivers. Various optimal formulations of beamforming are proposed, motivated by different ldquocohabitationrdquo scenarios, including robust designs that are applicable with inaccurate or limited channel state information at the secondary AP. These formulations are NP-hard computational problems; yet it is shown how convex approximation-based multicast beamforming tools (originally developed without regard to primary interference constraints) can be adapted to work in a spectrum underlay context. Extensive simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches and provide insights on the tradeoffs between different design criteria
