1,696 research outputs found

    Resonant power converters in contactless energy transfer: electric vehicle and renewable energy processing

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    Резонансные преобразователи стали популярны в начале 80-х а позже ими пренебрегали. Их достижения вспомнены сейчас, когда оказалось, что они незаменимы для беспроводной передачи энергии. Резонанс широко употребляется в радиосообщениях, но его новейшая цель, быть инструментом силовой электроники высокого КПД. В этой статье показаны базисные принципы, помогающие приложить идей зарядки батареи электрических/гибридных автомобилей, как в стационарном, так и в динамическом беспроводном режиме. Представлены и другие идеи, напр., замена постоянных магнитов (синхронных) ветреных генераторов. Идеализированный Резонансный Преобразователь Мощности использован для определения режимов с высшим КПД, также для трансформатора с слабой магнитной связью. Предлагается незамедленное управление резонансного преобразователя (с прогнозированием).The resonant converters became popular in the early 1980s, and were quite overlooked later on. Their achievements are remembered recently, when they turned to be irreplaceable for the wireless transfer of energy. The resonance is widely used in the radio-communications but its recent target is to be a high efficiency instrument for the power electronics. In this article, some basic principles are shown that help to implement the ideas of electric/hybrid cars battery charging at distance, both in static and in dynamic (on-line) mode. Other ideas are presented too, e.g. permanent magnets substitution for the (synchronous) wind generators. The idealized Resonant Power Converter is used to define the most efficient modes of operation, also for loosely coupled transformer. Аn instantaneous (predictive) control of the converter, is suggested

    Design and control of a bidirectional wireless charging system using GaN devices

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    Most of the existing wireless power transfer system works in unidirectional with one-direction control signals. This paper presents a bidirectional wireless charging system with duplex communication method, which is not only able to achieve the two-way wireless power transmission, but also transfer control signals bi-directionally. The power circuit operation mode is actively controlled by using the wireless transceiver module which can duplex communication to deliver measured signals remotely. The operational principle is analytically studied in details and is verified by simulation. Finally, a prototype of the bidirectional charging system using GaN devices has been successfully designed and tested. In addition, the measured feedback signals are effectively transmitted to validate the control algorithm

    Inductive Wireless Power Transfer Charging for Electric vehicles - A Review

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    Considering a future scenario in which a driverless Electric Vehicle (EV) needs an automatic charging system without human intervention. In this regard, there is a requirement for a fully automatable, fast, safe, cost-effective, and reliable charging infrastructure that provides a profitable business model and fast adoption in the electrified transportation systems. These qualities can be comprehended through wireless charging systems. Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) is a futuristic technology with the advantage of flexibility, convenience, safety, and the capability of becoming fully automated. In WPT methods resonant inductive wireless charging has to gain more attention compared to other wireless power transfer methods due to high efficiency and easy maintenance. This literature presents a review of the status of Resonant Inductive Wireless Power Transfer Charging technology also highlighting the present status and its future of the wireless EV market. First, the paper delivers a brief history throw lights on wireless charging methods, highlighting the pros and cons. Then, the paper aids a comparative review of different type’s inductive pads, rails, and compensations technologies done so far. The static and dynamic charging techniques and their characteristics are also illustrated. The role and importance of power electronics and converter types used in various applications are discussed. The batteries and their management systems as well as various problems involved in WPT are also addressed. Different trades like cyber security economic effects, health and safety, foreign object detection, and the effect and impact on the distribution grid are explored. Prospects and challenges involved in wireless charging systems are also highlighting in this work. We believe that this work could help further the research and development of WPT systems.publishedVersio

    Challenges and Barriers of Wireless Charging Technologies for Electric Vehicles

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    Electric vehicles could be a significant aid in lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Even though extensive study has been done on the features and traits of electric vehicles and the nature of their charging infrastructure, network modeling for electric vehicle manufacturing has been limited and unchanging. The necessity of wireless electric vehicle charging, based on magnetic resonance coupling, drove the primary aims for this review work. Herein, we examined the basic theoretical framework for wireless power transmission systems for EV charging and performed a software-in-the-loop analysis, in addition to carrying out a performance analysis of an EV charging system based on magnetic resonance. This study also covered power pad designs and created workable remedies for the following issues: (i) how power pad positioning affected the function of wireless charging systems and (ii) how to develop strategies to keep power efficiency at its highest level. Moreover, safety features of wireless charging systems, owing to interruption from foreign objects and/or living objects, were analyzed, and solutions were proposed to ensure such systems would operate as safely and optimally as possible

    Design of Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) for Low-Power Application

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    Inductive power transfer (IPT) is preferred for numerous applications nowadays, ranging from microwatt bio-engineering devices to high power battery charging system. IPT system is based on the basic concept of electromagnetics induction which able to transfer the power from a source of electrical to the load without using any type of physical interconnection. This paper present a low-cost designed and implementation of IPT system via magnetic resonant coupling. NI Multisim 14.0 software was used to simulate the circuit diagram and the hardware prototype was developed for testing

    USV charging based on WPT system

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    With the increasing demand of water and underwater exploration, more and more electric unmanned surface vehicles (USV) are put into use in recent years. However, because of the present battery technology limits, these devices require to be recharged frequently that is a challenging problem taking into account the complex water environment where these equipments are acting. To improve safety and convenience of USV charging a wireless power transfer (WPT) system is proposed in this dissertation. In this case, the boat can be controlled to go to the charging facilities. During charging by the implemented WPT system, the state of charging can be remotely monitored by host computer. The moving control is based on embedded system. The relative position between transmitting coil and receiving coil is supposed to be sensed by magnetic sensor, since the relative position has great impact on transmission efficiency. The remote monitoring software was implemented in the host computer and was developed in LABVIEW. A graphical user interface was developed to control the boat moving and collect the data from the WPT and the boat sensors. The effectiveness of the proposed system was tested for instance in the laboratory environment and in-field tests are also planned in the near future.Com a crescente procura da exploração em ambientes aquáticos e subaquáticos , os veículos elétricos de superfície não tripulados ("electric unmanned surface vehicle" -USV) têm sido cada vez mais utilizados nestes últimos anos. No entanto, devido aos limites atuais relacionados com a tecnologia utilizada nas baterias, os dispositivos precisam de ser recarregados com frequência para poderem operar num ambiente aquático complexo. Para melhorar a segurança e a conveniência do carregamento da bateria de um USV, um sistema para recarregamento da bateria de um barco não tripulado através de transferência de energia sem fios("wireless power transfer" - WPT) é proposto nesta dissertação. Neste caso de estudo, o barco tem a capacidade de ser controlado para chegar a um ponto de recarregamento da bateria, que se encontra fixado por uma doca mecânica. Enquanto o sistema WPT érecarregado, os dados associados ao processo de recarregamento da bateria podem ser monitorizados por um computador host. O controlo da movimentação do barco é baseado num sistema embebido. A posição relativa entre a bobina transmissora e a bobina receptora deve ser detectada pelo sensor magnético, uma vez que a posição relativa tem um grande impacto na eficiência da transmissão. Em termos do computador host, foi utilizado o software LABVIEW para programar a interface que permite controlar o movimento do barco e recolher os dados. Finalmente, a eficácia do sistema proposto foi experimentada e testada num ambiente de laboratório

    Front-End Monitoring of Multiple Loads in Wireless Power Transfer Systems Without Wireless Communication Systems

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    5siThis paper describes a method for monitoring multiple loads from the front end of a wireless power transfer system without using any wireless communication systems. A mathematical approach based on scanning the frequency around the resonant frequency has been developed for deriving the load conditions. The proposal requires only information of the input voltage and current, thereby eliminating the requirements of using wireless communication systems for feedback control. The proposal has been practically confirmed in hardware prototype with good results.reservedmixedYin, J.; Lin, D.; Lee, C. K.; Parisini, T.; Hui, S. Y. R.Yin, J.; Lin, D.; Lee, C. K.; Parisini, Thomas; Hui, S. Y. R