192 research outputs found

    Ara: A 1 GHz+ Scalable and Energy-Efficient RISC-V Vector Processor with Multi-Precision Floating Point Support in 22 nm FD-SOI

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    In this paper, we present Ara, a 64-bit vector processor based on the version 0.5 draft of RISC-V's vector extension, implemented in GlobalFoundries 22FDX FD-SOI technology. Ara's microarchitecture is scalable, as it is composed of a set of identical lanes, each containing part of the processor's vector register file and functional units. It achieves up to 97% FPU utilization when running a 256 x 256 double precision matrix multiplication on sixteen lanes. Ara runs at more than 1 GHz in the typical corner (TT/0.80V/25 oC) achieving a performance up to 33 DP-GFLOPS. In terms of energy efficiency, Ara achieves up to 41 DP-GFLOPS/W under the same conditions, which is slightly superior to similar vector processors found in literature. An analysis on several vectorizable linear algebra computation kernels for a range of different matrix and vector sizes gives insight into performance limitations and bottlenecks for vector processors and outlines directions to maintain high energy efficiency even for small matrix sizes where the vector architecture achieves suboptimal utilization of the available FPUs.Comment: 13 pages. Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration System

    Infrastructures and Compilation Strategies for the Performance of Computing Systems

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    This document presents our main contributions to the field of compilation, and more generally to the quest of performance ofcomputing systems.It is structured by type of execution environment, from static compilation (execution of native code), to JIT compilation, and purelydynamic optimization. We also consider interpreters. In each chapter, we give a focus on the most relevant contributions.Chapter 2 describes our work about static compilation. It covers a long time frame (from PhD work 1995--1998 to recent work on real-timesystems and worst-case execution times at Inria in 2015) and various positions, both in academia and in the industry.My research on JIT compilers started in the mid-2000s at STMicroelectronics, and is still ongoing. Chapter 3 covers the results we obtained on various aspects of JIT compilers: split-compilation, interaction with real-time systems, and obfuscation.Chapter 4 reports on dynamic binary optimization, a research effort started more recently, in 2012. This considers the optimization of a native binary (without source code), while it runs. It incurs significant challenges but also opportunities.Interpreters represent an alternative way to execute code. Instead of native code generation, an interpreter executes an infinite loop thatcontinuously reads a instruction, decodes it and executes its semantics. Interpreters are much easier to develop than compilers,they are also much more portable, often requiring a simple recompilation. The price to pay is the reduced performance. Chapter 5presents some of our work related to interpreters.All this research often required significant software infrastructures for validation, from early prototypes to robust quasi products, andfrom open-source to proprietary. We detail them in Chapter 6.The last chapter concludes and gives some perspectives

    Fast Linear Programming through Transprecision Computing on Small and Sparse Data

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    A plethora of program analysis and optimization techniques rely on linear programming at their heart. However, such techniques are often considered too slow for production use. While today’s best solvers are optimized for complex problems with thousands of dimensions, linear programming, as used in compilers, is typically applied to small and seemingly trivial problems, but to many instances in a single compilation run. As a result, compilers do not benefit from decades of research on optimizing large-scale linear programming. We design a simplex solver targeted at compilers. A novel theory of transprecision computation applied from individual elements to full data-structures provides the computational foundation. By carefully combining it with optimized representations for small and sparse matrices and specialized small-coefficient algorithms, we (1) reduce memory traffic, (2) exploit wide vectors, and (3) use low-precision arithmetic units effectively. We evaluate our work by embedding our solver into a state-of-the-art integer set library and implement one essential operation, coalescing, on top of our transprecision solver. Our evaluation shows more than an order-of-magnitude speedup on the core simplex pivot operation and a mean speedup of 3.2x (vs. GMP) and 4.6x (vs. IMath) for the optimized coalescing operation. Our results demonstrate that our optimizations exploit the wide SIMD instructions of modern microarchitectures effectively. We expect our work to provide foundations for a future integer set library that uses transprecision arithmetic to accelerate compiler analyses.ISSN:2475-142

    FER: A Benchmark for the Roofline Analysis of FPGA Based HPC Accelerators

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    Nowadays, the use of hardware accelerators to boost the performance of HPC applications is a consolidated practice, and among others, GPUs are by far the most widespread. More recently, some data centers have successfully deployed also FPGA accelerated systems, especially to boost machine learning inference algorithms. Given the growing use of machine learning methods in various computational fields, and the increasing interest towards reconfigurable architectures, we may expect that in the near future FPGA based accelerators will be more common in HPC systems, and that they could be exploited also to accelerate general purpose HPC workloads. In view of this, tools able to benchmark FPGAs in the context of HPC are necessary for code developers to estimate the performance of applications, as well as for computer architects to model that of systems at scale. To fulfill these needs, we have developed FER (FPGA Empirical Roofline), a benchmarking tool able to empirically measure the computing performance of FPGA based accelerators, as well as the bandwidth of their on-chip and off-chip memories. FER measurements enable to draw Roofline plots for FPGAs, allowing for performance comparisons with other processors, such as CPUs and GPUs, and to estimate at the same time the performance upper-bounds that applications could achieve on a target device. In this paper we describe the theoretical model on which FER relies, its implementation details, and the results measured on Xilinx Alveo accelerator cards

    Deployment of Deep Neural Networks on Dedicated Hardware Accelerators

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have established themselves as powerful tools for a wide range of complex tasks, for example computer vision or natural language processing. DNNs are notoriously demanding on compute resources and as a result, dedicated hardware accelerators for all use cases are developed. Different accelerators provide solutions from hyper scaling cloud environments for the training of DNNs to inference devices in embedded systems. They implement intrinsics for complex operations directly in hardware. A common example are intrinsics for matrix multiplication. However, there exists a gap between the ecosystems of applications for deep learning practitioners and hardware accelerators. HowDNNs can efficiently utilize the specialized hardware intrinsics is still mainly defined by human hardware and software experts. Methods to automatically utilize hardware intrinsics in DNN operators are a subject of active research. Existing literature often works with transformationdriven approaches, which aim to establish a sequence of program rewrites and data-layout transformations such that the hardware intrinsic can be used to compute the operator. However, the complexity this of task has not yet been explored, especially for less frequently used operators like Capsule Routing. And not only the implementation of DNN operators with intrinsics is challenging, also their optimization on the target device is difficult. Hardware-in-the-loop tools are often used for this problem. They use latency measurements of implementations candidates to find the fastest one. However, specialized accelerators can have memory and programming limitations, so that not every arithmetically correct implementation is a valid program for the accelerator. These invalid implementations can lead to unnecessary long the optimization time. This work investigates the complexity of transformation-driven processes to automatically embed hardware intrinsics into DNN operators. It is explored with a custom, graph-based intermediate representation (IR). While operators like Fully Connected Layers can be handled with reasonable effort, increasing operator complexity or advanced data-layout transformation can lead to scaling issues. Building on these insights, this work proposes a novel method to embed hardware intrinsics into DNN operators. It is based on a dataflow analysis. The dataflow embedding method allows the exploration of how intrinsics and operators match without explicit transformations. From the results it can derive the data layout and program structure necessary to compute the operator with the intrinsic. A prototype implementation for a dedicated hardware accelerator demonstrates state-of-the art performance for a wide range of convolutions, while being agnostic to the data layout. For some operators in the benchmark, the presented method can also generate alternative implementation strategies to improve hardware utilization, resulting in a geo-mean speed-up of ×2.813 while reducing the memory footprint. Lastly, by curating the initial set of possible implementations for the hardware-in-the-loop optimization, the median timeto- solution is reduced by a factor of ×2.40. At the same time, the possibility to have prolonged searches due a bad initial set of implementations is reduced, improving the optimization’s robustness by ×2.35
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