7 research outputs found

    Mental health and wayfinding

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    Wayfinding uses a range of skills including recalling information from memory, interpreting information from the environment, and taking decisions based on this information. Mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression can adversely affect these skills. A significant proportion of the population has one or more mental health conditions. This paper discusses the issues that these people face when wayfinding. It is based on a descriptive study which uses the results from an on-line survey of domestic travel by people with mental health conditions. The anxieties associated with wayfinding such as feeling disorientated and becoming lost are examined. The roles that mobile phone apps and information play in wayfinding are discussed. Many of the respondents indicated that initiatives such as clearer information about bus and train services, the provision of information on board buses and trains and travel training would encourage them to travel more

    Application of information-communication technology in order to improve the quality of life of people with speech-voice communication disabilities

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    U svijetu postoji velik broj osoba s poteškoćama govorno-glasovne komunikacije. Za tu skupinu korisnika provedena su mnoga istraživanja iz područja pomoćnih tehnologija. Također razvijena su mnoga rješenja koja toj skupini predstavljaju pomoćnu tehnologiju. U ovom radu analizirana su neka od tih istraživanja i neka od komercijalno dostupnihpomoćnih tehnologija. Provedenim anketnim upitnikom,istraženi su problemi prilikom upravljanja vozilom s kojima se ciljana skupina korisnika susreće.Neki od tihproblema su kvar na vozilu, sudjelovanje u prometnoj nesreći, nepristupačnost putnog i predputnog informiranja.Anketnim upitnikom prikupljeni su i korisnički zahtjevi na temelju kojih su definirane funkcionalnosti usluge informiranja zatu ciljanu skupinu. Prema definiranim funkcionalnostima i analizom dosadašnjih istraživanja u radu su daniprijedlozi arhitekture sustava za isporuku usluge informiranja, dizajna aplikacije i ekosustava. Svrha tih prijedloga je da se prikaže mogućnost primjene ICT-a za poboljšanje kvalitete života osoba s poteškoćama govorno-glasovne komunikacije te da se postave temelji za buduća istraživanja u ovom području.There is a large number of people in the world with speech-voice communication difficulties. For this group of users, many researches have been conducted in the field of assistive technology. Also, many solutions have been developed that represents assistive technology for this group of users. This paper analyzes available researches and some of the commercially available assistive technologies. The conducted survey questionnaire explored the problemswhich this targeted group of users is facing while driving. Some of these problems are vehicle failure, involvement in traffic accidents, inaccessibility of pre-trip informing and on-trip informing. User requests were also collected through this questionnaire. Based on them, the functionalities of the informing service for the targeted group of userswere defined. According to the defined functionalities and analysis of previous researches,this paper shows the proposals of informing system architecture, application design and ecosystem. The purposes of these proposals are to show the possibility of application of ICT to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities a voice-voice communication and to lay the foundation for future research in this area

    Application of information-communication technology in order to improve the quality of life of people with speech-voice communication disabilities

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    U svijetu postoji velik broj osoba s poteškoćama govorno-glasovne komunikacije. Za tu skupinu korisnika provedena su mnoga istraživanja iz područja pomoćnih tehnologija. Također razvijena su mnoga rješenja koja toj skupini predstavljaju pomoćnu tehnologiju. U ovom radu analizirana su neka od tih istraživanja i neka od komercijalno dostupnihpomoćnih tehnologija. Provedenim anketnim upitnikom,istraženi su problemi prilikom upravljanja vozilom s kojima se ciljana skupina korisnika susreće.Neki od tihproblema su kvar na vozilu, sudjelovanje u prometnoj nesreći, nepristupačnost putnog i predputnog informiranja.Anketnim upitnikom prikupljeni su i korisnički zahtjevi na temelju kojih su definirane funkcionalnosti usluge informiranja zatu ciljanu skupinu. Prema definiranim funkcionalnostima i analizom dosadašnjih istraživanja u radu su daniprijedlozi arhitekture sustava za isporuku usluge informiranja, dizajna aplikacije i ekosustava. Svrha tih prijedloga je da se prikaže mogućnost primjene ICT-a za poboljšanje kvalitete života osoba s poteškoćama govorno-glasovne komunikacije te da se postave temelji za buduća istraživanja u ovom području.There is a large number of people in the world with speech-voice communication difficulties. For this group of users, many researches have been conducted in the field of assistive technology. Also, many solutions have been developed that represents assistive technology for this group of users. This paper analyzes available researches and some of the commercially available assistive technologies. The conducted survey questionnaire explored the problemswhich this targeted group of users is facing while driving. Some of these problems are vehicle failure, involvement in traffic accidents, inaccessibility of pre-trip informing and on-trip informing. User requests were also collected through this questionnaire. Based on them, the functionalities of the informing service for the targeted group of userswere defined. According to the defined functionalities and analysis of previous researches,this paper shows the proposals of informing system architecture, application design and ecosystem. The purposes of these proposals are to show the possibility of application of ICT to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities a voice-voice communication and to lay the foundation for future research in this area

    Application of information-communication technology in order to improve the quality of life of people with speech-voice communication disabilities

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    U svijetu postoji velik broj osoba s poteškoćama govorno-glasovne komunikacije. Za tu skupinu korisnika provedena su mnoga istraživanja iz područja pomoćnih tehnologija. Također razvijena su mnoga rješenja koja toj skupini predstavljaju pomoćnu tehnologiju. U ovom radu analizirana su neka od tih istraživanja i neka od komercijalno dostupnihpomoćnih tehnologija. Provedenim anketnim upitnikom,istraženi su problemi prilikom upravljanja vozilom s kojima se ciljana skupina korisnika susreće.Neki od tihproblema su kvar na vozilu, sudjelovanje u prometnoj nesreći, nepristupačnost putnog i predputnog informiranja.Anketnim upitnikom prikupljeni su i korisnički zahtjevi na temelju kojih su definirane funkcionalnosti usluge informiranja zatu ciljanu skupinu. Prema definiranim funkcionalnostima i analizom dosadašnjih istraživanja u radu su daniprijedlozi arhitekture sustava za isporuku usluge informiranja, dizajna aplikacije i ekosustava. Svrha tih prijedloga je da se prikaže mogućnost primjene ICT-a za poboljšanje kvalitete života osoba s poteškoćama govorno-glasovne komunikacije te da se postave temelji za buduća istraživanja u ovom području.There is a large number of people in the world with speech-voice communication difficulties. For this group of users, many researches have been conducted in the field of assistive technology. Also, many solutions have been developed that represents assistive technology for this group of users. This paper analyzes available researches and some of the commercially available assistive technologies. The conducted survey questionnaire explored the problemswhich this targeted group of users is facing while driving. Some of these problems are vehicle failure, involvement in traffic accidents, inaccessibility of pre-trip informing and on-trip informing. User requests were also collected through this questionnaire. Based on them, the functionalities of the informing service for the targeted group of userswere defined. According to the defined functionalities and analysis of previous researches,this paper shows the proposals of informing system architecture, application design and ecosystem. The purposes of these proposals are to show the possibility of application of ICT to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities a voice-voice communication and to lay the foundation for future research in this area

    Transit Information Access for Persons with Visual or Cognitive Impairments

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