2,900 research outputs found

    Improving the Convergence of Vector Fitting for Equivalent Circuit Extraction From Noisy Frequency Responses

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    The vector fitting (VF) algorithm has become a common tool in electromagnetic compatibility and signal integrity studies. This algorithm allows the derivation of a rational approximation to the transfer matrix of a given linear structure starting from measured or simulated frequency responses. This paper addresses the convergence properties of a VF when the frequency samples are affected by noise.We show that small amounts of noise can seriously impair or destroy convergence. This is due to the presence of spurious poles that appear during the iterations. To overcome this problem we suggest a simple modification of the basic VF algorithm, based on the identification and removal of the spurious poles. Also, an incremental pole addition and relocation process is proposed in order to provide automatic order estimation even in the presence of significant noise.We denote the resulting algorithm as vector fitting with adding and skimming (VF-AS). A thorough validation of the VF-AS algorithm is presented using a Monte Carlo analysis on synthetic noisy frequency responses. The results show excellent convergence and significant improvements with respect to the basic VF iteration scheme. Finally, we apply the new VF-AS algorithm to measured scattering responses of interconnect structures and networks typical of high-speed digital systems

    Compressed Passive Macromodeling

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    This paper presents an approach for the extraction of passive macromodels of large-scale interconnects from their frequency-domain scattering responses. Here, large scale is intended both in terms of number of electrical ports and required dynamic model order. For such structures, standard approaches based on rational approximation via vector fitting and passivity enforcement via model perturbation may fail because of excessive computational requirements, both in terms of memory size and runtime. Our approach addresses this complexity by first reducing the redundancy in the raw scattering responses through a projection and approximation process based on a truncated singular value decomposition. Then we formulate a compressed rational fitting and passivity enforcement framework which is able to obtain speedup factors up to 2 and 3 orders of magnitude with respect to standard approaches, with full control over the approximation errors. Numerical results on a large set of benchmark cases demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed techniqu

    A Parameterization Scheme for Lossy Transmission Line Macromodels with Application to High Speed Interconnects in Mobile Devices

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    We introduce a novel parameterization scheme based on the generalized method of characteristics (MoC) formacromodels of transmission-line structures having a cross section depending on several free geometrical and material parameters. This situation is common in early design stages, when the physical structures still have to be finalized and optimized under signal integrity and electromagnetic compatibility constraints. The topology of the adopted line macromodels has been demonstrated to guarantee excellent accuracy and efficiency. The key factors are propagation delay extraction and rational approximations, which intrinsically lead to a SPICE-compatible macromodel stamp. We introduce a scheme that parameterizes this stamp as a function of geometrical and material parameters such as conductor-width and separation, dielectric thickness, and permettivity. The parameterization is performed via multidimensional interpolation of the residue matrices in the rational approximation of characteristic admittance and propagation operators. A significant advantage of this approach consists of the possibility of efficiently utilizing the MoC methodology in an optimization scheme and eventually helping the design of interconnects.We apply the proposed scheme to flexible printed interconnects that are typically found in portable devices having moving parts. Several validations demonstrate the effectiveness of the approac

    Parametric macromodeling of lossy and dispersive multiconductor transmission lines

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    We propose an innovative parametric macromodeling technique for lossy and dispersive multiconductor transmission lines (MTLs) that can be used for interconnect modeling. It is based on a recently developed method for the analysis of lossy and dispersive MTLs extended by using the multivariate orthonormal vector fitting (MOVF) technique to build parametric macromodels in a rational form. They take into account design parameters, such as geometrical layout or substrate features, in addition to frequency. The presented technique is suited to generate state-space models and synthesize equivalent circuits, which can be easily embedded into conventional SPICE-like solvers. Parametric macromodels allow to perform design space exploration, design optimization, and sensitivity analysis efficiently. Numerical examples validate the proposed approach in both frequency and time domain

    Time-Domain Macromodeling of High Speed Distributed Networks

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    With the rapid growth in density, operating speeds and complexity of modern very-large-scale integration (VLSI) circuits, there is a growing demand on efficient and accurate modeling and simulation of high speed interconnects and packages in order to ensure the signal integrity, reliability and performance of electronic systems. Such models can be derived from the knowledge of the physical characteristics of the structure or based on the measured port-to-port response.In the first part of this thesis, a passive macromodeling technique based on Method of Characteristics (referred as Passive Method of Characteristics or PMoC) is described which is applicable for modeling of electrically long high-speed interconnect networks. This algorithm is based on extracting the propagation delay of the interconnect followed by a low order rational approximation to capture the attenuation effects. The key advantage of the algorithm is that the curve fitting to realize the macromodel depends only on per-unit-length (p.u.l.) parameters and not on the length of the transmission line. In this work, the PMoC is developed to model multiconductor transmission lines.Next, an efficient approach for time domain sensitivity analysis of lossy high speed interconnects in the presence of nonlinear terminations is presented based on PMoC. An important feature of the proposed method is that the sensitivities are obtained from the solution of the original network, leading to significant computational advantages. The sensitivity analysis is also used to optimize the physical parameters of the network to satisfy the required design constraints. A time-domain macromodel for lossy multiconductor transmission lines exposed to electromag¬netic interference is also described in this thesis based on PMoC. The algorithm provides an efficient mechanism to ensure the passivity of the macromodel for different line lengths. Numerical examples illustrate that when compared to other passive incident field coupling algorithms, the proposed method is efficient in modeling electrically long interconnects since delay extraction without segmentation is used to capture the frequency response.In addition, this thesis discusses macromodeling techniques for complex packaging structures based on the frequency-domain behavior of the system obtained from measurements or electromagnetic simulators. Such techniques approximate the transfer function of the interconnect network as a rational function which can be embedded with modern circuit simulators with integrated circuit emphasis (SPICE). One of the most popular tools for rational approximations of measured or simulated data is based on vector fitting (VF) algorithms. Nonetheless, the vector fitting algorithms usually suffer convergence issues and lack of accuracy when dealing with noisy measured data. As a part of this thesis, a methodology is presented to improve the convergence and accuracy issues of vector fitting algorithm based on instrumental variable technique. This methodology is based on obtaining the “instruments” in an iterative manner and do not increase the complexity of vector fitting to capture the frequency response and minimize the biasing

    Transient Analysis of Lossy Transmission Lines: an Efficient Approach Based on the Method of Characteristics

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    This paper is devoted to transient analysis of lossy transmission lines characterized by frequency-dependent parameters. A public dataset of parameters for three line examples (a module, a board, and a cable) is used, and a new example of on-chip interconnect is introduced. This dataset provides a well established and realistic benchmark for accuracy and timing analysis of interconnect analysis tools. Particular attention is devoted to the intrinsic consistency and causality of these parameters. Several implementations based on generalizations of the well-known method-of-characteristics are presented. The key feature of such techniques is the extraction of the line modal delays. Therefore, the method is highly optimized for long interconnects characterized by significant propagation delay. Nonetheless, the method is also successfully applied here to a short high/loss on-chip line, for which other approaches based on lumped matrix rational approximations can also be used with high efficiency. This paper shows that the efficiency of delay extraction techniques is strongly dependent on the particular circuit implementation and several practical issues including generation of rational approximations and time step control are discussed in detail

    Signal Integrity verification of complex high-speed interconnects via Waveform Relaxation

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    Printed circuit board power distribution network modeling, analysis and design, and, statistical crosstalk analysis for high speed digital links

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    High-speed digital systems are moving to higher data rates and smaller supply voltages as the scale of integration goes smaller. With the smaller bit periods and the smaller operating voltages, the tolerable timing and noise margins are reducing. There are many sources of disturbances contributing to the tolerance margins. These margins have to account for inter symbol interference (ISI), reflections, jitter, noise from power distribution networks (PDN) and crosstalk. An important task during the design phase of the system is to find and mitigate the noise from such sources. This thesis proposes modeling and analysis methodology to resolve some of the problems while proposing relevant design methodologies to reduce the system design cycles. PDN design forms a critical part of a high-speed digital design to provide a low-noise power supply to the integrated circuits (ICs) within some peak voltage ripple for normal functioning. Switching of transistors in the IC leads to a high-frequency current draw and generates the simultaneous switching noise (SSN), which propagates along the PDN from the chip to the PCB and causes several EMI and SI problems. A physics-based modeling approach for PCB PDN is proposed which is used for analysis and design guideline development. A design methodology is developed which guides the designer to make better design decisions, knowing the impact on PDN performance without the use of full-wave tools. Crosstalk forms a critical part of the budget, and if ignored, can lead to design failures. A statistical method to find the distribution of crosstalk at the victim using the single bit response principle is proposed. The methodology is extended to multiple-aggressor system, and, can be used to identify worst case crosstalk and find dominant crosstalk contributors in a system. --Abstract, page iii