34 research outputs found

    Prototype Model Agent-Based Search Engine for Researchers and Scientists

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    Now days, the Word Wide Web (WWW) covers most of the information channels across the world and is the cheapest resource to publish the corporate as well as individual information. The key advantage of WWW is that the published information instantly becomes available around the globe. Since the information load on the Internet is increasing day by day, therefore, it is causing serious troubles for the researchers and scientists to retrieve the targeted and relevant information from the huge bulk of data. While surfing the Internet, precious time of researchers and scientists is wasted due to browsing of the irrelevant and unnecessary material. Such an approach of information retrieval results in overlooking the important contents. In this paper, we look into the elementary components of a customized search engine in order to develop an agent-based search engine tool that may help researchers and scientists to find their desired information in an efficient manner and with minimal clicks of pointer. Through this tool, the researchers and scientists will be able to find a summarized report against their search phrase along with the search details, which will provide them a solid background to their research subject based on history available on the WWW. The important aspect of this search engine is that it retrieves the subject-specific material from the designated websites in accordance with the user-defined criteria

    Service Value Co-creation in Research & Innovation Practices in Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia

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    AbstractIn today's knowledge-based society, research and innovations play a critical role in social and economic transformation. However, the higher education institutions (HEIs), which are the main hubs for knowledge generation, usually produce basic research, yet innovations are mainly carried out by the industry. Therefore, this study explores the idea of value co-creation between HEIs and the Industry for purposes of increasing the volume and value of research. In this paper we propose a conceptual framework for service systems’ architecture which draws from the service dominant logic and work systems theories. The paper is conceptual however, it is hoped that if implemented can provide the participating entities with a platform to integrate and share resources for each ones benefit

    An Investigation into Ontology-Based Enhancement of Search Technologies for E-Government: Literature Review

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    Services provided by E-government are no longer considered as a new topic, there is a continuous evolution of the level of services provided by the E-government that matches the development of the techniques and technologies used. The success or failure of E-government builds mainly on providing different services to citizens in a suitable and effective manner. This research study aims at providing an empirical and evaluation study of the effects and the opportunities of implementing various techniques in the development of E-government. The research focuses on the impact of using ontology technique on the success or failure of the services provided by E-government. The services provided to citizens are expanded from information extraction to vote, tax, and other services. It becomes necessary to provide a detail description of the most appropriate technologies in order to reach to a successful E-government which provides effective services

    Exploring Low E-Participation in Policy Making in Ghana: A Case Study of Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly

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    The way people interact and collaborate with others in this modern society in terms of business and governance has seen drastic modification. Previously, demographic difference and distances of geographic locations always distance and separated citizen from the government. Fortunately, the emergence of Information Communication Technology (ICT) which has provided online platforms have helped bridged this gap. This study employed explanatory research design coupled with cross sectional and convenient sampling techniques to select a sample size of 219 respondents for the study. Primary and secondary data were used for the research. The study also employed the ordinary least squares multiple regression econometric model in estimating the impact of factors that influence E-participation in policy making of local government in Ghana Finally, the study concluded that trust factors have a negative influence on electronic participation in policy making of local government in Ghana and is not statistically significant whereas social factors such as culture and gender inequalities have a positive impact E-participation in policy making of local government in Ghana. Technical factors consisting of technological infrastructure and information technology literacy also has a positive impact on E-participation in policy making of local government in Ghana. Keywords: Electronic Participation (E-Participation), Policy Making, Local Government, Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-2-01 Publication date: January 31st 2020

    Citizen E-Participation: Bringing the “E” to Facilitated Workshops

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    Citizen participation initiatives enable public decision-makers to integrate the knowledge and preferences of citizens into municipal planning processes at an early stage. To this end, workshops are frequently and recurrently utilized instruments, which foster the collaboration of citizens with public authorities and with one another. With the rise of ICT, e-participation has evolved as a strategic pillar in digital governance, but has not fully reached participation workshops yet. Establishing an integrated e-participation approach that combines traditional and e-participation instruments poses a challenge in practice. Therefore, we apply Collaboration Engineering to design and evaluate an e-participation workshop process, which incorporates theoretical and practical requirements, allows the seamless transfer of digitally generated input across instruments and process steps, and sustains a workshop execution by domain-specific practitioners. Evaluation results suggest promising potentials of the developed process design for increased idea elaboration and more effective documentation of workshop-based participation


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    Citizens may not always be right, but governments are recognizing their right to exercise more control over their public service experience. As government agencies increasingly explore the use of digital capabilities to empower citizens and increase their engagement, Gov2.0 has emerged as an enabler and an enhancer of citizen engagement. Government agencies that adjust their engagement models to include one or more of these tools stand to gain engaged digital citizens who are more empowered with positive engagement experiences. However, little research has been done on citizen empowerment to realize public value via citizen participation and satisfaction. Our understanding about the drivers that encourage citizen to participate via Gov2.0 is limited due to the lack of rigorous research that covers issues beyond the e-government field. Therefore, this paper discusses a trans-disciplinary model that identifies the relevant empowerment dimensions that affect citizen participation and satisfaction. This paper extends prior literature by evaluating citizen empowerment as a precedent of citizen participation and satisfaction, which in turn is expected to enhance public value. Further, it proposes a validated research instrument that can be employed in citizen’s survey. It can also be used as an evaluation tool to identify, measure, and manage citizen participation via Gov2.0. Implications of the study suggest a need to consider citizen empowerment in understanding citizen participation and satisfaction

    Gov2.0: A Service Science Perspective

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    Recent e-Government literature has highlighted Government 2.0 (Gov 2.0) as a vehicle for greater citizen engagement. Despite previous high expectations, citizens’ involvement in Gov 2.0 has been relatively low. Theoretical lens from service science and value co-creation are adapted from the literature and integrated with findings from prior e-Government research to develop a conceptual framework for Gov 2.0 citizens’ participation. The framework suggests that citizens’ participation in Gov 2.0 is boosted by their satisfaction with the engagement process of public value co-creation. We propose that service science and value co-creation approaches are more relevant to Gov 2.0 research as a two-way interaction between citizens and governments rather than the current one-way focus. The benefit of this service science framework is that it enables understanding of citizens’ participation in Gov 2.0. Equally, this framework will benefit policymakers by informing them of the factors that influence and promote interaction with citizens. This paper aims to (1) formulate an initial framework that engage citizens to co-create public value in Gov 2.0 via the theoretical lens of service science; and (2) improve our understanding of Gov 2.0 tools and applications

    Argument schemes for two-phase democratic deliberation

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    A formal two-phase model of democratic policy deliberation is presented, in which in the first phase sufficient and necessary criteria for proposals to be accepted are determined (the ‘acceptable’ criteria) and in the second phase proposals are made and evaluated in light of the acceptable criteria resulting from the first phase. Such a separation gives the discussion a clear structure and prevents time and resources from being wasted on evaluating arguments for proposals based on unacceptable criteria. Argument schemes for both phases are defined and formalised in a logical framework for structured argumentation. The process of deliberation is abstracted from and it is assumed that both deliberation phases result in a set of arguments and attack and defeat relations between them. The acceptability status of criteria and proposals within the resulting argumentation framework is then evaluated using preferred semantics. For cases where preferences are required to choose between proposals, inference rules for deriving preferences between sets from an ordering of their elements are given.MediamaticsElectrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Sähköinen palvelusetelijärjestelmä – keskitetty vai hajautettu?

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    Laki sosiaali‐ ja terveydenhuoltopalveluiden palveluseteleistä astui Suomessa voimaan vuonna 2009. Eri puolilla Suomea on meneillään palvelusetelijärjestelmän sähköistämishankkeita. Julkishallinnon järjestelmien suunnittelussa lähdetään usein liikkeelle keskittämisestä ja julkishallinnon järjestelmät ovat tämän vuoksi usein keskitettyjä portaaliratkaisuja. Palvelusetelin tarkoituksena sen sijaan on mahdollistaa sosiaali‐ ja terveydenhuollon palveluiden ostaminen yksityisiltä palveluntuottajilta. Palveluseteli voidaan siis nähdä maksutapana, joten sen lisäksi, että sähköinen palvelusetelijärjestelmä on julkisen hallinnon järjestelmä, sitä voidaan pitää myös sähköisen kaupankäynnin palvelujärjestelmänä. Tässä artikkelissa tutkimuskysymykseksi muodostuu, voiko sähköistä palveluseteliä toteuttaa osana hajautettua sähköisen kaupankäynnin järjestelmää ja tarjoaisiko hajautettu palvelusetelijärjestelmä keskitettyä portaalia paremmat valinnanmahdollisuudet kuluttajalle. Tutkimus oli konstruktiivinen tutkimus ja siinä arvioitiin palvelusetelin soveltuvuutta hajautettuun sähköisen kaupankäynnin järjestelmään. Tutkimustuloksena saatiin viitekehys keskitetystä ja hajautetusta sähköisestä palvelusetelijärjestelmästä. Johtopäätöksenä voitiin todeta, että ratkaisujen soveltuvuus sähköiseksi palvelusetelijärjestelmäksi on katsottava tapauskohtaisesti kunnan tarpeiden ja käytettävissä olevien resurssien mukaan

    Evaluating the quality of e-democracy processes: an empirical study in the Greek context

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    Διπλωματική εργασία--Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2011.Public Authorities and Government use Infor-mation and Communication Technologies(ICTs) as tools to improve interaction and communi-cation with citizens, design new ways to access and participate in Public Authority processes or public decision-making processes and share the responsibility of political decision processes, heading for a new democratic model, better than the actual i.e. the model of e-democracy. This paper analyzes e-democracy and presents the quality model to evaluate e-democracy using the framework for the quality of e-democracy i.e. a four dimensional quality framework for the delivery of e-services adjusted to the e-democracy models, and is comprised by the following dimensions: coordination, control, sharing, and transparency. The framework is validated through an empirical research conducted among Greek citizens. Additionally, the benefits of e-democracy and the obstacles to enhance its quality are identified and analyzed