27 research outputs found

    Transversal theory and the study of abstract independence

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    Atomic Splittable Flow Over Time Games

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    In an atomic splittable flow over time game, finitely many players route flow dynamically through a network, in which edges are equipped with transit times, specifying the traversing time, and with capacities, restricting flow rates. Infinitesimally small flow particles controlled by the same player arrive at a constant rate at the player's origin and the player's goal is to maximize the flow volume that arrives at the player's destination within a given time horizon. Here, the flow dynamics are described by the deterministic queuing model, i.e., flow of different players merges perfectly, but excessive flow has to wait in a queue in front of the bottle-neck. In order to determine Nash equilibria in such games, the main challenge is to consider suitable definitions for the players' strategies, which depend on the level of information the players receive throughout the game. For the most restricted version, in which the players receive no information on the network state at all, we can show that there is no Nash equilibrium in general, not even for networks with only two edges. However, if the current edge congestions are provided over time, the players can adapt their route choices dynamically. We show that a profile of those strategies always lead to a unique feasible flow over time. Hence, those atomic splittable flow over time games are well-defined. For parallel-edge networks Nash equilibria exists and the total flow arriving in time equals the value of a maximum flow over time leading to a price of anarchy of 1.ISSN:1868-896

    A Mechanized Proof of the Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem for Countable Networks

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    Aharoni et al. [Ron Aharoni et al., 2010] proved the max-flow min-cut theorem for countable networks, namely that in every countable network with finite edge capacities, there exists a flow and a cut such that the flow saturates all outgoing edges of the cut and is zero on all incoming edges. In this paper, we formalize their proof in Isabelle/HOL and thereby identify and fix several problems with their proof. We also provide a simpler proof for networks where the total outgoing capacity of all vertices other than the source is finite. This proof is based on the max-flow min-cut theorem for finite networks

    The Lov\'asz-Cherkassky theorem in infinite graphs

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    Infinite generalizations of theorems in finite combinatorics were initiated by Erd\H{o}s due to his famous Erd\H{o}s-Menger conjecture (now known as the Aharoni-Berger theorem) that extends Menger's theorem to infinite graphs in a structural way. We prove a generalization of this manner of the classical result about packing edge-disjoint T T -paths in an ``inner Eulerian'' setting obtained by Lov\'asz and Cherkassky independently in the '70s

    An extensive English language bibliography on graph theory and its applications

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    Bibliography on graph theory and its application

    An extensive English language bibliography on graph theory and its applications, supplement 1

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    Graph theory and its applications - bibliography, supplement

    Matrices of zeros and ones with fixed row and column sum vectors

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    AbstractLet m and n be positive integers, and let R=(r1,…,rm) and S=(s1,…,sn) be nonnegative integral vectors. We survey the combinational properties of the set of all m × n matrices of 0's and 1's having ri1's in row i andsi 1's in column j. A number of new results are proved. The results can be also be formulated in terms of a set of bipartite graps with bipartition into m and n vertices having degree sequence R and S, respectively. They can also be formulated in terms of the set of hypergraphs with m vertices having degree sequence R and n edges whose cardinalities are given by S