21 research outputs found

    Decoupled Learning of Environment Characteristics for Safe Exploration

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    Reinforcement learning is a proven technique for an agent to learn a task. However, when learning a task using reinforcement learning, the agent cannot distinguish the characteristics of the environment from those of the task. This makes it harder to transfer skills between tasks in the same environment. Furthermore, this does not reduce risk when training for a new task. In this paper, we introduce an approach to decouple the environment characteristics from the task-specific ones, allowing an agent to develop a sense of survival. We evaluate our approach in an environment where an agent must learn a sequence of collection tasks, and show that decoupled learning allows for a safer utilization of prior knowledge.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, ICML 2017 workshop on Reliable Machine Learning in the Wil

    Reuse of Neural Modules for General Video Game Playing

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    A general approach to knowledge transfer is introduced in which an agent controlled by a neural network adapts how it reuses existing networks as it learns in a new domain. Networks trained for a new domain can improve their performance by routing activation selectively through previously learned neural structure, regardless of how or for what it was learned. A neuroevolution implementation of this approach is presented with application to high-dimensional sequential decision-making domains. This approach is more general than previous approaches to neural transfer for reinforcement learning. It is domain-agnostic and requires no prior assumptions about the nature of task relatedness or mappings. The method is analyzed in a stochastic version of the Arcade Learning Environment, demonstrating that it improves performance in some of the more complex Atari 2600 games, and that the success of transfer can be predicted based on a high-level characterization of game dynamics.Comment: Accepted at AAAI 1

    Learning Generalized Reactive Policies using Deep Neural Networks

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    We present a new approach to learning for planning, where knowledge acquired while solving a given set of planning problems is used to plan faster in related, but new problem instances. We show that a deep neural network can be used to learn and represent a \emph{generalized reactive policy} (GRP) that maps a problem instance and a state to an action, and that the learned GRPs efficiently solve large classes of challenging problem instances. In contrast to prior efforts in this direction, our approach significantly reduces the dependence of learning on handcrafted domain knowledge or feature selection. Instead, the GRP is trained from scratch using a set of successful execution traces. We show that our approach can also be used to automatically learn a heuristic function that can be used in directed search algorithms. We evaluate our approach using an extensive suite of experiments on two challenging planning problem domains and show that our approach facilitates learning complex decision making policies and powerful heuristic functions with minimal human input. Videos of our results are available at goo.gl/Hpy4e3

    Grounding Language for Transfer in Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    In this paper, we explore the utilization of natural language to drive transfer for reinforcement learning (RL). Despite the wide-spread application of deep RL techniques, learning generalized policy representations that work across domains remains a challenging problem. We demonstrate that textual descriptions of environments provide a compact intermediate channel to facilitate effective policy transfer. Specifically, by learning to ground the meaning of text to the dynamics of the environment such as transitions and rewards, an autonomous agent can effectively bootstrap policy learning on a new domain given its description. We employ a model-based RL approach consisting of a differentiable planning module, a model-free component and a factorized state representation to effectively use entity descriptions. Our model outperforms prior work on both transfer and multi-task scenarios in a variety of different environments. For instance, we achieve up to 14% and 11.5% absolute improvement over previously existing models in terms of average and initial rewards, respectively.Comment: JAIR 201

    Reusing risk-aware stochastic abstract policies in robotic navigation learning

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    In this paper we improve learning performance of a risk-aware robot facing navigation tasks by employing transfer learning; that is, we use information from a previously solved task to accelerate learning in a new task. To do so, we transfer risk-aware memoryless stochastic abstract policies into a new task. We show how to incorporate risk-awareness into robotic navigation tasks, in particular when tasks are modeled as stochastic shortest path problems. We then show how to use a modified policy iteration algorithm, called AbsProb-PI, to obtain risk-neutral and risk-prone memoryless stochastic abstract policies. Finally, we propose a method that combines abstract policies, and show how to use the combined policy in a new navigation task. Experiments validate our proposals and show that one can find effective abstract policies that can improve robot behavior in navigation problem