145 research outputs found

    Lip Reading Sentences in the Wild

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    The goal of this work is to recognise phrases and sentences being spoken by a talking face, with or without the audio. Unlike previous works that have focussed on recognising a limited number of words or phrases, we tackle lip reading as an open-world problem - unconstrained natural language sentences, and in the wild videos. Our key contributions are: (1) a 'Watch, Listen, Attend and Spell' (WLAS) network that learns to transcribe videos of mouth motion to characters; (2) a curriculum learning strategy to accelerate training and to reduce overfitting; (3) a 'Lip Reading Sentences' (LRS) dataset for visual speech recognition, consisting of over 100,000 natural sentences from British television. The WLAS model trained on the LRS dataset surpasses the performance of all previous work on standard lip reading benchmark datasets, often by a significant margin. This lip reading performance beats a professional lip reader on videos from BBC television, and we also demonstrate that visual information helps to improve speech recognition performance even when the audio is available

    Speaker age estimation for elderly speech recognition in European Portuguese

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    Phone-like acoustic models (AMs) used in large-vocabulary automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems are usually trained with speech collected from young adult speakers. Using such models, ASR performance may decrease by about 10% absolute when transcribing elderly speech. Ageing is known to alter speech production in ways that require ASR systems to be adapted, in particular at the level of acoustic modeling. In this study, we investigated automatic age estimation in order to select age-specific adapted AMs. A large corpus of read speech from European Portuguese speakers aged 60 or over was used. Age estimation (AE) based on i-vectors and support vector regression achieved mean error rates of about 4.2 and 4.5 years for males and females, respectively. Compared with a baseline ASR system with AMs trained using young adult speech and a WER of 13.9%, the selection of five-year-range adapted AMs, based on the estimated age of the speakers, led to a decrease in WER of about 9.3% relative (1.3% absolute). Comparable gains in ASR performance were observed when considering two larger age ranges (60-75 and 76-90) instead of six five-year ranges, suggesting that it would be sufficient to use the two large ranges only.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Comparing Different Methods for Disfluency Structure Detection

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    This paper presents a number of experiments focusing on assessing the performance of different machine learning methods on the identification of disfluencies and their distinct structural regions over speech data. Several machine learning methods have been applied, namely Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Classification and Regression Trees (CARTs), J48 and Multilayer Perceptron. Our experiments show that CARTs outperform the other methods on the identification of the distinct structural disfluent regions. Reported experiments are based on audio segmentation and prosodic features, calculated from a corpus of university lectures in European Portuguese, containing about 32h of speech and about 7.7% of disfluencies. The set of features automatically extracted from the forced alignment corpus proved to be discriminant of the regions contained in the production of a disfluency. This work shows that using fully automatic prosodic features, disfluency structural regions can be reliably identified using CARTs, where the best results achieved correspond to 81.5% precision, 27.6% recall, and 41.2% F-measure. The best results concern the detection of the interregnum, followed by the detection of the interruption point

    The 2005 AMI system for the transcription of speech in meetings

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    In this paper we describe the 2005 AMI system for the transcription\ud of speech in meetings used for participation in the 2005 NIST\ud RT evaluations. The system was designed for participation in the speech\ud to text part of the evaluations, in particular for transcription of speech\ud recorded with multiple distant microphones and independent headset\ud microphones. System performance was tested on both conference room\ud and lecture style meetings. Although input sources are processed using\ud different front-ends, the recognition process is based on a unified system\ud architecture. The system operates in multiple passes and makes use\ud of state of the art technologies such as discriminative training, vocal\ud tract length normalisation, heteroscedastic linear discriminant analysis,\ud speaker adaptation with maximum likelihood linear regression and minimum\ud word error rate decoding. In this paper we describe the system performance\ud on the official development and test sets for the NIST RT05s\ud evaluations. The system was jointly developed in less than 10 months\ud by a multi-site team and was shown to achieve very competitive performance

    Hierarchical Tandem Features for ASR in Mandarin

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    We apply multilayer perceptron (MLP) based hierarchical Tandem features to large vocabulary continuous speech recognition in Mandarin. Hierarchical Tandem features are estimated using a cascade of two MLP classifiers which are trained independently. The first classifier is trained on perceptual linear predictive coefficients with a 90 ms temporal context. The second classifier is trained using the phonetic class conditional probabilities estimated by the first MLP, but with a relatively longer temporal context of about 150 ms. Experiments on the Mandarin DARPA GALE eval06 dataset show significant reduction (about 7.6% relative) in character error rates by using hierarchical Tandem features over conventional Tandem features

    Audio segmentation of broadcast news in the Albayzin-2010 evaluation: overview, results, and discussion

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    Recently, audio segmentation has attracted research interest because of its usefulness in several applications like audio indexing and retrieval, subtitling, monitoring of acoustic scenes, etc. Moreover, a previous audio segmentation stage may be useful to improve the robustness of speech technologies like automatic speech recognition and speaker diarization. In this article, we present the evaluation of broadcast news audio segmentation systems carried out in the context of the AlbayzĂ­n-2010 evaluation campaign. That evaluation consisted of segmenting audio from the 3/24 Catalan TV channel into five acoustic classes: music, speech, speech over music, speech over noise, and the other. The evaluation results displayed the difficulty of this segmentation task. In this article, after presenting the database and metric, as well as the feature extraction methods and segmentation techniques used by the submitted systems, the experimental results are analyzed and compared, with the aim of gaining an insight into the proposed solutions, and looking for directions which are promising.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    cmu gale speech-to-text system,”

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    Abstract This paper describes the latest Speech-to-Text system developed for the Global Autonomous Language Exploitation ("GALE") domain by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). This systems uses discriminative training, bottle-neck features and other techniques that were not used in previous versions of our system, and is trained on 1150 hours of data from a variety of Arabic speech sources. In this paper, we show how different lexica, pre-processing, and system combination techniques can be used to improve the final output, and provide analysis of the improvements achieved by the individual techniques

    The RWTH Aachen German and English LVCSR systems for IWSLT-2013

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    Abstract In this paper, German and English large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) systems developed by the RWTH Aachen University for the IWSLT-2013 evaluation campaign are presented. Good improvements are obtained with state-of-the-art monolingual and multilingual bottleneck features. In addition, an open vocabulary approach using morphemic sub-lexical units is investigated along with the language model adaptation for the German LVCSR. For both the languages, competitive WERs are achieved using system combination

    Current trends in multilingual speech processing

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    In this paper, we describe recent work at Idiap Research Institute in the domain of multilingual speech processing and provide some insights into emerging challenges for the research community. Multilingual speech processing has been a topic of ongoing interest to the research community for many years and the field is now receiving renewed interest owing to two strong driving forces. Firstly, technical advances in speech recognition and synthesis are posing new challenges and opportunities to researchers. For example, discriminative features are seeing wide application by the speech recognition community, but additional issues arise when using such features in a multilingual setting. Another example is the apparent convergence of speech recognition and speech synthesis technologies in the form of statistical parametric methodologies. This convergence enables the investigation of new approaches to unified modelling for automatic speech recognition and text-to-speech synthesis (TTS) as well as cross-lingual speaker adaptation for TTS. The second driving force is the impetus being provided by both government and industry for technologies to help break down domestic and international language barriers, these also being barriers to the expansion of policy and commerce. Speech-to-speech and speech-to-text translation are thus emerging as key technologies at the heart of which lies multilingual speech processin
