14 research outputs found

    Strategies to parallelize a finite element mesh truncation technique on multi-core and many-core architectures

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    Achieving maximum parallel performance on multi-core CPUs and many-core GPUs is a challenging task depending on multiple factors. These include, for example, the number and granularity of the computations or the use of the memories of the devices. In this paper, we assess those factors by evaluating and comparing different parallelizations of the same problem on a multiprocessor containing a CPU with 40 cores and four P100 GPUs with Pascal architecture. We use, as study case, the convolutional operation behind a non-standard finite element mesh truncation technique in the context of open region electromagnetic wave propagation problems. A total of six parallel algorithms implemented using OpenMP and CUDA have been used to carry out the comparison by leveraging the same levels of parallelism on both types of platforms. Three of the algorithms are presented for the first time in this paper, including a multi-GPU method, and two others are improved versions of algorithms previously developed by some of the authors. This paper presents a thorough experimental evaluation of the parallel algorithms on a radar cross-sectional prediction problem. Results show that performance obtained on the GPU clearly overcomes those obtained in the CPU, much more so if we use multiple GPUs to distribute both data and computations. Accelerations close to 30 have been obtained on the CPU, while with the multi-GPU version accelerations larger than 250 have been achieved.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work has been supported by the Spanish Government PID2020-113656RB-C21, PID2019-106455GB-C21 and by the Valencian Regional Government through PROMETEO/2019/109, as well as the Regional Government of Madrid throughout the project MIMACUHSPACE-CM-UC3M

    Strategies to parallelize a finite element mesh truncation technique on multi-core and many-core architectures

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    Achieving maximum parallel performance on multi-core CPUs and many-core GPUs is a challenging task depending on multiple factors. These include, for example, the number and granularity of the computations or the use of the memories of the devices. In this paper, we assess those factors by evaluating and comparing different parallelizations of the same problem on a multiprocessor containing a CPU with 40 cores and four P100 GPUs with Pascal architecture. We use, as study case, the convolutional operation behind a non-standard finite element mesh truncation technique in the context of open region electromagnetic wave propagation problems. A total of six parallel algorithms implemented using OpenMP and CUDA have been used to carry out the comparison by leveraging the same levels of parallelism on both types of platforms. Three of the algorithms are presented for the first time in this paper, including a multi-GPU method, and two others are improved versions of algorithms previously developed by some of the authors. This paper presents a thorough experimental evaluation of the parallel algorithms on a radar cross-sectional prediction problem. Results show that performance obtained on the GPU clearly overcomes those obtained in the CPU, much more so if we use multiple GPUs to distribute both data and computations. Accelerations close to 30 have been obtained on the CPU, while with the multi-GPU version accelerations larger than 250 have been achieved.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    Boost.simd: generic programming for portable simdization

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    ABSTRACT SIMD extensions have been a feature of choice for processor manufacturers for a couple of decades. Designed to exploit data parallelism in applications at the instruction level, these extensions still require a high level of expertise or the use of potentially fragile compiler support or vendor-specific libraries. While a large fraction of their theoretical accelerations can be obtained using such tools, exploiting such hardware becomes tedious as soon as application portability across hardware is required. In this paper, we describe Boost.SIMD, a C++ template library that simplifies the exploitation of SIMD hardware within a standard C++ programming model. Boost.SIMD provides a portable way to vectorize computation on Altivec, SSE or AVX while providing a generic way to extend the set of supported functions and hardwares. We introduce a C++ standard compliant interface for the users which increases expressiveness by providing a high-level abstraction to handle SIMD operations, an extension-specific optimization pass and a set of SIMD aware standard compliant algorithms which allow to reuse classical C++ abstractions for SIMD computation. We assess Boost.SIMD performance and applicability by providing an implementation of BLAS and image processing algorithms


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    Mower is a micro-architecture technique which targets branch misprediction penalties in superscalar processors. It speeds-up the misprediction recovery process by dynamically evicting stale instructions and fixing the RAT (Register Alias Table) using explicit branch dependency tracking. Tracking branch dependencies is accomplished by using simple bit matrices. This low-overhead technique allows overlapping of the recovery process with instruction fetching, renaming and scheduling from the correct path. Our evaluation of the mechanism indicates that it yields performance very close to ideal recovery and provides up to 5% speed-up and 2% reduction in power consumption compared to a traditional recovery mechanism using a reorder buffer and a walker. The simplicity of the mechanism should permit easy implementation of Mower in an actual processor

    Portable Memory Consistency for Software Managed Distributed Memory in Many-Core SoC

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    Porting software to different platforms can require modifications of the application. One of the issues is that the targeted hardware supports another memory consistency model. As a consequence, the completion order of reads and writes in a multi-threaded application can change, which may result in improper synchronization. For example, a processor with out-of-order execution could break synchronization if proper fence instructions are missing. Such a bug can cause sporadic errors, which are hard to debug. This paper presents an approach that makes applications independent of the memory model of the hardware, hence they can be compiled to hardware with any memory architecture. The key is having a memory model that only guarantees the most fundamental orderings of reads and writes, and annotations to specify additional ordering constraints. As a result, tooling can transparently and properly implement fences, cache flushes, etc. when appropriate, without losing flexibility of the hardware design. In a case study, several SPLASH-2 applications are run on a 32-core software cache coherent MicroBlaze system in FPGA. Moreover, this approach also allows mapping to scratch-pad memories and a distributed shared memory architecture

    DarkCache: Energy-performance Optimization of Tiled Multi-cores by Adaptively Power Gating LLC Banks

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    The Last Level Cache (LLC) is a key element to improve application performance in multi-cores. To handle the worst case, the main design trend employs tiled architectures with a large LLC organized in banks, which goes underutilized in several realistic scenarios. Our proposal, named DarkCache, aims at properly powering off such unused banks to optimize the Energy-Delay Product (EDP) through an adaptive cache reconfiguration, thus aggressively reducing the leakage energy. The implemented solution is general and it can recognize and skip the activation of the DarkCache policy for the few strong memory intensive applications that actually require the use of the entire LLC. The validation has been carried out on 16- and 64-core architectures also accounting for two state-of-the-art methodologies. Compared to the baseline solution, DarkCache exhibits a performance overhead within 2% and an average EDP improvement of 32.58% and 36.41% considering 16 and 64 cores, respectively. Moreover, DarkCache shows an average EDP gain between 16.15% (16 cores) and 21.05% (64 cores) compared to the best state-of-the-art we evaluated, and it confirms a good scalability since the gain improves with the size of the architecture