6,243 research outputs found

    Automatic generation of simplified weakest preconditions for integrity constraint verification

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    Given a constraint cc assumed to hold on a database BB and an update uu to be performed on BB, we address the following question: will cc still hold after uu is performed? When BB is a relational database, we define a confluent terminating rewriting system which, starting from cc and uu, automatically derives a simplified weakest precondition wp(c,u)wp(c,u) such that, whenever BB satisfies wp(c,u)wp(c,u), then the updated database u(B)u(B) will satisfy cc, and moreover wp(c,u)wp(c,u) is simplified in the sense that its computation depends only upon the instances of cc that may be modified by the update. We then extend the definition of a simplified wp(c,u)wp(c,u) to the case of deductive databases; we prove it using fixpoint induction

    A theorem prover-based analysis tool for object-oriented databases

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    We present a theorem-prover based analysis tool for object-oriented database systems with integrity constraints. Object-oriented database specifications are mapped to higher-order logic (HOL). This allows us to reason about the semantics of database operations using a mechanical theorem prover such as Isabelle or PVS. The tool can be used to verify various semantics requirements of the schema (such as transaction safety, compensation, and commutativity) to support the advanced transaction models used in workflow and cooperative work. We give an example of method safety analysis for the generic structure editing operations of a cooperative authoring system

    Compensation methods to support cooperative applications: A case study in automated verification of schema requirements for an advanced transaction model

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    Compensation plays an important role in advanced transaction models, cooperative work and workflow systems. A schema designer is typically required to supply for each transaction another transaction to semantically undo the effects of . Little attention has been paid to the verification of the desirable properties of such operations, however. This paper demonstrates the use of a higher-order logic theorem prover for verifying that compensating transactions return a database to its original state. It is shown how an OODB schema is translated to the language of the theorem prover so that proofs can be performed on the compensating transactions

    LCM and MCM: specification of a control system using dynamic logic and process algebra

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    LCM 3.0 is a specification language based on dynamic logic and process algebra, and can be used to specify systems of dynamic objects that communicate synchronously. LCM 3.0 was developed for the specification of object-oriented information systems, but contains sufficient facilities for the specification of control to apply it to the specification of control-intensive systems as well. In this paper, the results of such an application are reported. The paper concludes with a discussion of the need for theorem-proving support and of the extensions that would be needed to be able to specify real-time properties

    Introducing Dynamic Behavior in Amalgamated Knowledge Bases

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    The problem of integrating knowledge from multiple and heterogeneous sources is a fundamental issue in current information systems. In order to cope with this problem, the concept of mediator has been introduced as a software component providing intermediate services, linking data resources and application programs, and making transparent the heterogeneity of the underlying systems. In designing a mediator architecture, we believe that an important aspect is the definition of a formal framework by which one is able to model integration according to a declarative style. To this purpose, the use of a logical approach seems very promising. Another important aspect is the ability to model both static integration aspects, concerning query execution, and dynamic ones, concerning data updates and their propagation among the various data sources. Unfortunately, as far as we know, no formal proposals for logically modeling mediator architectures both from a static and dynamic point of view have already been developed. In this paper, we extend the framework for amalgamated knowledge bases, presented by Subrahmanian, to deal with dynamic aspects. The language we propose is based on the Active U-Datalog language, and extends it with annotated logic and amalgamation concepts. We model the sources of information and the mediator (also called supervisor) as Active U-Datalog deductive databases, thus modeling queries, transactions, and active rules, interpreted according to the PARK semantics. By using active rules, the system can efficiently perform update propagation among different databases. The result is a logical environment, integrating active and deductive rules, to perform queries and update propagation in an heterogeneous mediated framework.Comment: Other Keywords: Deductive databases; Heterogeneous databases; Active rules; Update

    Automatic Verification of Transactions on an Object-Oriented Database

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    In the context of the object-oriented data model, a compiletime approach is given that provides for a significant reduction of the amount of run-time transaction overhead due to integrity constraint checking. The higher-order logic Isabelle theorem prover is used to automatically prove which constraints might, or might not be violated by a given transaction in a manner analogous to the one used by Sheard and Stemple (1989) for the relational data model. A prototype transaction verification tool has been implemented, which automates the semantic mappings and generates proof goals for Isabelle. Test results are discussed to illustrate the effectiveness of our approach

    A Logical Approach to Cooperative Information Systems

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    ``Cooperative information system management'' refers to the capacity of several computing systems to communicate and cooperate in order to acquire, store, manage, query data and knowledge. Current solutions to the problem of cooperative information management are still far from being satisfactory. In particular, they lack the ability to fully model cooperation among heterogeneous systems according to a declarative style. The use of a logical approach to model all aspects of cooperation seems very promising. In this paper, we de®ne a logical language able to support cooperative queries, updates and update propagation. We model the sources of information as deductive databases, sharing the same logical language to ex- press queries and updates, but containing independent, even if possibly related, data. We use the Obj-U-Datalog (E. Bertino, G. Guerrini, D. Montesi, Toward deductive object data- bases, Theory and Practice of Object Systems 1 (1) (1995) 19±39) language to model queries and transactions in each source of data. Such language is then extended to deal with active rules in the style of Active-U-Datalog (E. Bertino, B. Catania, V. Gervasi, A. Ra aet a, Ac- tive-U-Datalog: Integrating active rules in a logical update language, in: B. Freitag, H. Decker, M. Kifer, A. Voronkov (Eds.), LBCS 1472: Transactions and Change in Login Databases, 1998, pp. 106±132), interpreted according to the PARK semantics proposed in G. Gottlob, G. Moerkotte, V.S. Subrahmanian (The PARK semantics for active rules, in: P.M.G. Apers, M. Bouzeghoub, G. Gardarin (Eds.), LNCS 1057: Proceedings of the Fifth International Con- ference on Extending Database Technology, 1996, pp. 35±55). By using active rules, a system can e ciently perform update propagation among di erent databases. The result is a logical environment, integrating active and deductive rules, to perform update propagation in a cooperative framework

    State-of-the-art on evolution and reactivity

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    This report starts by, in Chapter 1, outlining aspects of querying and updating resources on the Web and on the Semantic Web, including the development of query and update languages to be carried out within the Rewerse project. From this outline, it becomes clear that several existing research areas and topics are of interest for this work in Rewerse. In the remainder of this report we further present state of the art surveys in a selection of such areas and topics. More precisely: in Chapter 2 we give an overview of logics for reasoning about state change and updates; Chapter 3 is devoted to briefly describing existing update languages for the Web, and also for updating logic programs; in Chapter 4 event-condition-action rules, both in the context of active database systems and in the context of semistructured data, are surveyed; in Chapter 5 we give an overview of some relevant rule-based agents frameworks

    Data Structures and Data Types in Object-Oriented Databases

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    The possibility of finding a static type system for object-oriented programming languages was initiated by Cardelli [Car88, CW85] who showed that it is possible to express the polymorphic nature of functions such a