8,847 research outputs found

    An Innovative, Multidisciplinary Educational Program in Interactive Information Storage and Retrieval

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    There exists a large number of large-scale bibliographic Information Storage and Retrieval Systems containing large amounts of valuable data of interest in a wide variety of research applications. These systems are not used to capacity because the end users, i.e., the researchers, have not been trained in the techniques of accessing such systems. This thesis describes the development of a transportable, university-level course in methods of querying on-line interactive Information Storage and Retrieval systems as a solution to this problem. This course was designed to instruct upper division science and engineering students to enable these end users to directly access such systems. The course is designed to be taught by instructors who are not specialists in either computer science or research skills. It is independent of any particular IS and R system or computer hardware. The project is sponsored by NASA and conducted by the University of Southwestern Louisiana and Southern University

    Gender equity in disaster early warning systems

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    Capacities of societies, communities and individuals or a social-ecological system to deal with adverse consequences and the impacts of hazard events define the resilience. New and innovative Emergency Communications, Warning Systems (ECWS) technologies and solutions improve resilience of the nations. Research shows that different types of systems (e.g. decision support, resource management, early warning, communications, and inter-agency) are highly valued in emergency and disaster events reducing live losses. As many individuals have online access today and young women have increased their online communication and young men tend to explore technology resources, the potential of using user friendly third revolution digital technology such as semantic features and devices (e.g. SMART phones) have the potential to improve the access to early warning/risk in-formation supporting community decision making saving lives. These personal and social relations that reflect gender dimensions can certainly be examined improving resilience making communities more prepared for disasters with proactive decision making for early warning. Fostering awareness about gender equity which is the recognition of women and men as active participants in development can tailor made within the context of resilience and more specifically within early warning systems saving lives of the people at immediate risk including the dependence of mother’s care (children and older people). In this context, this paper attempts to synthesis literature on the topic of gender equity within disaster early warning systems

    Development, Implementation And Evaluation Of An Individualized Microcomputer Training Program For The Center For Advancement Of Education

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    The purpose of this study was to develop, implement, and evaluate an individualized employee microcomputer utilization training program for the Center for Advancement of Education (CAE) at Nova University. CAE is currently experiencing a technology lag in its utilization and sharing of computer technology. The wide diversity of computer related tasks, the uneven skill levels, and lack of center-wide sequential training program has exacerbated CAE\u27s subpar computer utilization. The first stage of the study was to discover the extent of computer literacy within the center. A questionnaire was distributed to all CAE employees. The results of the questionaries showed a high level of computer illiteracy in areas of utilization skills. After a review of the literature coupled with the literacy results, a set of research questions were established. The data analyzed in this study were used to investigate the following questions: 1. What are CAE employees\u27 skill levels and training needs relative to accomplishing these functions on microcomputers? 2. How should a training program for CAE employees be designed and implemented? 3. How should such a program be evaluated? A program utilization/skills demonstration, using the computer package programs utilized in CAE was given for all CAE employees. After the demonstrations, a survey sheet was passed out asking the employees about areas of computer utilization in which they desired training, and the skill level desired. As was expected, there was a wide diversity of individual needs and skill levels. Employees with the same job titles, working within the same program, used different kinds of software and required varying levels of mastery of the same software. Program directors were shown the survey results for employees. The directors reviewed whether the types of training and the skill levels requested whether consistent with the needs of the program. Training sessions were then scheduled for each employee. The training sessions consisted of hands-on utilization of software consistent with the type used within the work area, use of the different self-contained utilities of the programs, the terminology of the computer programs, and demonstrations of the different levels of use within the programs. During the session, employees were also shown auxiliary programs that could be used with the program to increase the computer efficiency. Two weeks after the sessions, a survey was sent to each employee who attended a training sessions. A questionnaire was also sent to the program directors to obtain their response regarding the training that their employees received. The results of the evaluations showed that both surveyed groups, employees and program directors, felt that the training was effective, useful, and increased the skill and awareness level of the computer user. Comments from the employees, on the evaluation sheets, reinforced the decision to conduct the training project and also reinforced the method of training. After the evaluations were compiled, recommendations were made to CAE for the continuation of the training program. The recommendations also stressed the importance of involvement of the employees in future computer planning. It was recommended that CAE perform the following actions: 1. Request, fund, and implement a staff position within CAE to accomplish the following: a. provide full time, on site technical assistance for all staff members; b. custom program commercial computer packages for CAE\u27s sections; c. assist in the installation of computer hardware and software; d. work with Nova University\u27s computer personnel to develop computer procedures; e. maintain CAE\u27s utilization training; f. establish a doctrine of training newly-hired staff members; and g. be an advisor to CAE\u27s program directors on all aspects of computers. 2. Purchase newly introduced software to evaluate for. inclusion into CAE uses. 3. Install a Local Area Network (LAN). 4. Include UNIX as part of CAE used software utilities. 5. Establish a center-wide computer advisory board

    Revision Of The Computer Technology Curriculum At Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College Based On Small Business Training Needs

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    Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College (O-C Tech) is one of sixteen two-year institutions comprising the statewide comprehensive technical education system in South Carolina. At O-C Tech, over sixty-three percent of the students register for computer technology courses. Many of these students discover that the series of computer courses they are taking may not qualify them for an entry-level position in local small businesses. This results in increased attrition and loss of money and time for students. The purpose of this major applied research project was to provide O-C Tech\u27s Computer Technology (CPT) department with a model microcomputer applications curriculum and a sense of direction for the 1990\u27s. The project was designed to bring resolution to the following research questions. 1. What will the Computer Technology needs of O-C Tech’s students be for the 1990\u27s, taking into account the projected societal changes? 2. What microcomputer business programs would most likely be supported by regional businesses to the extent they would be willing to employ students trained in these applications? 3. Will O-C Tech be able to respond to the needs identified in (1) and (2) above, in terms of curricula, faculty expertise, facilities, and equipment? a. If so, what action must be taken to revise and/or update curricula and programs in the CPT department? b. If not, what additional resources, facilities and/or equipment will be necessary to meet future requirements? The methodology utilized was systemically related to the research questions posed, the results of which were the operational framework for the curriculum model derived. The review of the literature and personal interviews were conducted to determine what others have done to resolve computer education problems. The review of the literature pointed to other studies utilizing the case study approach. Case records were established on three other regional colleges to analyze the characteristics of their CPT curriculum. A cross-case analysis was conducted on the case records to determine the commonality and differences in their offerings. This cross-case analysis was significant in reviewing similarities and differences in recently revised CPT courses. Elements of existing microcomputer applications programs and data findings from the survey questionnaire that were compatible with O-C Tech\u27s CPT framework were adapted for use in the model derived for this project. The model included two prerequisite courses, four core, and five elective courses. The model also has a common course numbering system that facilitates a clearer understanding of course sequence. The proposed microcomputer applications model was presented to the Academic Review Committee, consisting of a cross-section of college representatives, who reviewed the proposal and made appropriate comments. These comments, as well as the data findings from this study were used to formulate the following conclusions and recommendations. It was concluded that serious fragmentation does exist among the technical institutions with regard to uniform CPT articulation at both the two- and four-year colleges. It was also concluded that there is a need for a curriculum model to address this fragmentation, as well as address the perceived training needs of clients at the O-C Tech CPT Resource center. The following recommendations were formulated for O-C Tech as a result of this study: 1. Adopt the Microcomputer Applications Certificate curriculum in this study, including its common course numbering, and mandate its use. 2. Appoint a Task Force on Articulation, comprised of key personnel from selected two- and four-year colleges, to conduct further studies on the problem of articulation among institutions. 3. Continue studies similar to this one to assess the business applications software currently being used by small business owners. 4. Collect follow-up data from the clients who attend the CPT training classes to evaluate the effectiveness of the new applications curriculum. 5. Continue with procedures found in this study to follow-up on what sister institutions are doing to revise their courses to qualify them for transfer to another college. 6. Conduct future studies among regional small businesses to ascertain computer training needs. 7. Repeat this study in five years to determine if there is (a) a continued trend of two-year college to follow the Data Processing Management Curriculum guidelines, and (b) a trend of sister institutions to utilize system-wide guidelines on course development

    Computers and the School Principal

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    The presence of the microcomputer in society and education is on the increase. This study compared the expertise and use of computers by elementary principals, to the availability and attitudes of its implementation by the teaching staff. A questionnaire elicited data from principals and revealed that they indirectly influenced the increase of computer use by teachers by providing inservice opportunities, workshops, and courses, and directly influenced them by providing personal encouragement. Several recommendations were made concerning administrative use of computers

    An investigation into the introduction of microcomputers into four primary schools

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    During 1982, the government supplied finance to primary schools for the purchase of one microcomputer system. This investigation focused on the organization and management of the computer system (and extra hardware purchased) in four primary schools. Also under investigation was the application of the computer in the classroom. The four schools were severely hampered by the minimal amount of hardware available to them. This limitation affected individual teacher choice of software for use with pupils. Also, the introduction of the computer did not occur in parallel with a central in-service initiative. county guidelines for the use of microcomputers in primary schools were introduced two years after the microcomputers were bought, illustrating the point that county were not aware of the potential use of the computer at the time of introduction. Ultimately, such guidelines from county bore little relation to what was actually happening in the classroom

    Requirement specifications for standardized Local Area Networks and applications for Naval Aviation squadrons.

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    This thesis will address unique characteristics and requirements for implementing a Local Area Network (LAN) and standard applications at the Naval Aviation squadron level. The introduction will present the history and basic concept of LAN's at squadrons as well as defining the problem that exists. Examples of Local Area Networks are presented to provide a basic understanding of the technology involved. The organization of Naval Aviation squadrons is discussed to illustrate the high level functional requirements. Areas to be covered in the requirements specifications are then discussed to ensure completeness and the overall success of this concept. Performance, documentation, training, support and security are a few of the issues that are addressed. Complete specifications, a coordinated and well thought out plan and designation of a project manager are critical elements that cannot be ignored if the project is to succeed.http://archive.org/details/requirementspeci00masoLieutenant, United States Navy ReserveApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    A Plan and Guide for the Implementation of a Computer Curriculum at Southeast Fountain Elementary School

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    This project was developed to provide an orderly plan for the introduction of microcomputers into the total curriculum. A computer curriculum was developed that became a vibrant part of the total experience at the elementary level. The uniqueness of an elementary curriculum has been the manner in which each subject area complemented the other. Science, for example, has not been taught as an independent content area. It has been taught as an extension of the reading program. Also computer instruction must be blended with the other disciplines. It was the purpose of this study (1) to show a plan for implementation of microcomputer instruction as one of the basics within the total elementary curriculum; (2) to provide a teaching guide for implementation of microcomputer instruction; (3) to indicate the appropriate areas of the established curriculum for microcomputers; and (4) to present the·goals and objectives for a microcomputer program. The completion of this project has resulted from a review of current research literature, an inspection of other existing computer curricula, and contacts with specialists within the computer field for assistance. Special assistance was given from representatives of the Indiana Department of Public Instruction, the Technical Assistance Center Region II, and Radio Shack Computer Center of Indianapolis, Indiana. The final result of this project was a method for the integration of microcomputers into the elementary curriculum. This study provided the vehicle for the accomplishment of goals and objectives in the areas of programming and computer literacy. This project was designed and implemented for the 1983-84 school year at the Southeast Fountain Elementary School
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