73 research outputs found

    Approximate Message Passing with Restricted Boltzmann Machine Priors

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    Approximate Message Passing (AMP) has been shown to be an excellent statistical approach to signal inference and compressed sensing problem. The AMP framework provides modularity in the choice of signal prior; here we propose a hierarchical form of the Gauss-Bernouilli prior which utilizes a Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) trained on the signal support to push reconstruction performance beyond that of simple iid priors for signals whose support can be well represented by a trained binary RBM. We present and analyze two methods of RBM factorization and demonstrate how these affect signal reconstruction performance within our proposed algorithm. Finally, using the MNIST handwritten digit dataset, we show experimentally that using an RBM allows AMP to approach oracle-support performance

    A Deterministic and Generalized Framework for Unsupervised Learning with Restricted Boltzmann Machines

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    Restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) are energy-based neural-networks which are commonly used as the building blocks for deep architectures neural architectures. In this work, we derive a deterministic framework for the training, evaluation, and use of RBMs based upon the Thouless-Anderson-Palmer (TAP) mean-field approximation of widely-connected systems with weak interactions coming from spin-glass theory. While the TAP approach has been extensively studied for fully-visible binary spin systems, our construction is generalized to latent-variable models, as well as to arbitrarily distributed real-valued spin systems with bounded support. In our numerical experiments, we demonstrate the effective deterministic training of our proposed models and are able to show interesting features of unsupervised learning which could not be directly observed with sampling. Additionally, we demonstrate how to utilize our TAP-based framework for leveraging trained RBMs as joint priors in denoising problems

    Inferring Sparsity: Compressed Sensing using Generalized Restricted Boltzmann Machines

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    In this work, we consider compressed sensing reconstruction from MM measurements of KK-sparse structured signals which do not possess a writable correlation model. Assuming that a generative statistical model, such as a Boltzmann machine, can be trained in an unsupervised manner on example signals, we demonstrate how this signal model can be used within a Bayesian framework of signal reconstruction. By deriving a message-passing inference for general distribution restricted Boltzmann machines, we are able to integrate these inferred signal models into approximate message passing for compressed sensing reconstruction. Finally, we show for the MNIST dataset that this approach can be very effective, even for M<KM < K.Comment: IEEE Information Theory Workshop, 201

    Unsupervised Generative Modeling Using Matrix Product States

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    Generative modeling, which learns joint probability distribution from data and generates samples according to it, is an important task in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Inspired by probabilistic interpretation of quantum physics, we propose a generative model using matrix product states, which is a tensor network originally proposed for describing (particularly one-dimensional) entangled quantum states. Our model enjoys efficient learning analogous to the density matrix renormalization group method, which allows dynamically adjusting dimensions of the tensors and offers an efficient direct sampling approach for generative tasks. We apply our method to generative modeling of several standard datasets including the Bars and Stripes, random binary patterns and the MNIST handwritten digits to illustrate the abilities, features and drawbacks of our model over popular generative models such as Hopfield model, Boltzmann machines and generative adversarial networks. Our work sheds light on many interesting directions of future exploration on the development of quantum-inspired algorithms for unsupervised machine learning, which are promisingly possible to be realized on quantum devices.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures (not including the TNs) GitHub Page: https://congzlwag.github.io/UnsupGenModbyMPS

    Mean-field message-passing equations in the Hopfield model and its generalizations

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    International audienceMotivated by recent progress in using restricted Boltzmann machines as preprocess-ing algorithms for deep neural network, we revisit the mean-field equations (belief-propagation and TAP equations) in the best understood such machine, namely the Hopfield model of neural networks, and we explicit how they can be used as iterative message-passing algorithms, providing a fast method to compute the local polariza-tions of neurons. In the "retrieval phase" where neurons polarize in the direction of one memorized pattern, we point out a major difference between the belief propagation and TAP equations : the set of belief propagation equations depends on the pattern which is retrieved, while one can use a unique set of TAP equations. This makes the latter method much better suited for applications in the learning process of restricted Boltzmann machines. In the case where the patterns memorized in the Hopfield model are not independent, but are correlated through a combinatorial structure, we show that the TAP equations have to be modified. This modification can be seen either as an alteration of the reaction term in TAP equations, or, more interestingly, as the consequence of message passing on a graphical model with several hidden layers, where the number of hidden layers depends on the depth of the correlations in the memorized patterns. This layered structure is actually necessary when one deals with more general restricted Boltzmann machines

    Variational Cumulant Expansions for Intractable Distributions

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    Intractable distributions present a common difficulty in inference within the probabilistic knowledge representation framework and variational methods have recently been popular in providing an approximate solution. In this article, we describe a perturbational approach in the form of a cumulant expansion which, to lowest order, recovers the standard Kullback-Leibler variational bound. Higher-order terms describe corrections on the variational approach without incurring much further computational cost. The relationship to other perturbational approaches such as TAP is also elucidated. We demonstrate the method on a particular class of undirected graphical models, Boltzmann machines, for which our simulation results confirm improved accuracy and enhanced stability during learning

    Neural Networks retrieving Boolean patterns in a sea of Gaussian ones

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    Restricted Boltzmann Machines are key tools in Machine Learning and are described by the energy function of bipartite spin-glasses. From a statistical mechanical perspective, they share the same Gibbs measure of Hopfield networks for associative memory. In this equivalence, weights in the former play as patterns in the latter. As Boltzmann machines usually require real weights to be trained with gradient descent like methods, while Hopfield networks typically store binary patterns to be able to retrieve, the investigation of a mixed Hebbian network, equipped with both real (e.g., Gaussian) and discrete (e.g., Boolean) patterns naturally arises. We prove that, in the challenging regime of a high storage of real patterns, where retrieval is forbidden, an extra load of Boolean patterns can still be retrieved, as long as the ratio among the overall load and the network size does not exceed a critical threshold, that turns out to be the same of the standard Amit-Gutfreund-Sompolinsky theory. Assuming replica symmetry, we study the case of a low load of Boolean patterns combining the stochastic stability and Hamilton-Jacobi interpolating techniques. The result can be extended to the high load by a non rigorous but standard replica computation argument.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Unsupervised hierarchical clustering using the learning dynamics of RBMs

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    Datasets in the real world are often complex and to some degree hierarchical, with groups and sub-groups of data sharing common characteristics at different levels of abstraction. Understanding and uncovering the hidden structure of these datasets is an important task that has many practical applications. To address this challenge, we present a new and general method for building relational data trees by exploiting the learning dynamics of the Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM). Our method is based on the mean-field approach, derived from the Plefka expansion, and developed in the context of disordered systems. It is designed to be easily interpretable. We tested our method in an artificially created hierarchical dataset and on three different real-world datasets (images of digits, mutations in the human genome, and a homologous family of proteins). The method is able to automatically identify the hierarchical structure of the data. This could be useful in the study of homologous protein sequences, where the relationships between proteins are critical for understanding their function and evolution.Comment: Version accepted in Physical Review

    Fast and Functional Structured Data Generators Rooted in Out-of-Equilibrium Physics

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    In this study, we address the challenge of using energy-based models to produce high-quality, label-specific data in complex structured datasets, such as population genetics, RNA or protein sequences data. Traditional training methods encounter difficulties due to inefficient Markov chain Monte Carlo mixing, which affects the diversity of synthetic data and increases generation times. To address these issues, we use a novel training algorithm that exploits non-equilibrium effects. This approach, applied on the Restricted Boltzmann Machine, improves the model's ability to correctly classify samples and generate high-quality synthetic data in only a few sampling steps. The effectiveness of this method is demonstrated by its successful application to four different types of data: handwritten digits, mutations of human genomes classified by continental origin, functionally characterized sequences of an enzyme protein family, and homologous RNA sequences from specific taxonomies.Comment: 15 page
